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 List of relational information

     typedef struct _DBRELINFO
        ITEM itmCobExpr;
        ITEM abKey;
        struct _AREA far * lpaParent;
        struct _AREA far * lpaChild;
        struct _DBRELINFO far * lpdbriNext;
     typedef DBRELINFO far * LPDBRELINFO;


     itmCobExpr / abKey

        Contain a code block and a character expression, respectively, used
        to reposition the cursor of the child database when this relation is


        Contains a pointer to the parent work area of this relation.  When you
        move the cursor of a parent work area to a new position, you must move
        the cursor of each of its children to corresponding positions
        (usually with forceRel()).  Find the corresponding position by
        performing a seek() for the result of the abKey.


        Contains a pointer to the work area containing the child in this


        Contains a pointer identifying the next field in the field list.
        Note that a null pointer in this field indicates the end of the list.
        By convention, this list is not circular.

     Warning!  You should perform code block evaluations with great
     caution.  Save any states that are likely to change as a result of
     re-entrance, so you can restore them after the code evaluation.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

 Used By    AREA, childEnd(), childStart(), relEval(), setRel()

See Also: AREA childEnd() childStart() relEval() setRel()
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