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 Information needed to define a column to the work area

     typedef struct
        BYTEP  atomName;
        USHORT uiType;
        USHORT typeExtended;
        USHORT uiLen;
        USHORT uiDec;



        Contains a pointer to the null-terminated symbol name to assign to
        the column.  When the CA-Clipper runtime encounters this symbol, it
        assumes a reference to the column defined by this structure.  The
        format of this column must conform to the symbolic representation
        rules of CA-Clipper.


        Contains a literal constant indicating the column's CA-Clipper data
        type.  The numeric constants used to indicate the data types are
        defined in Extend.api and have the following meanings:

        DBFIELDINFO Field Data Types
        Constant       Meaning
        CHARACTER      A CA-Clipper character value
        DATE           A CA-Clipper date value
        DOUBLE         A CA-Clipper numeric value stored as an XDOUBLE by the
                       Extend System
        LOGICAL        A CA-Clipper logical value
        MEMO           A CA-Clipper memo value
        NUMERIC        A CA-Clipper numeric value stored as a LONG by the
                       Extend System
        UNDEF          The CA-Clipper NIL value


        Contains a numeric value indicating a user-defined column type.  This
        member is used to provide support for column types not supported by
        CA-Clipper's default database (.dbf) file format.  The intrinsically
        supported column types are Character, Numeric, Date, Logical, and


        Contains a numeric value representing the overall length of the
        column.  RDDs supporting floating point column types should include
        the decimal point in this value.  By convention, variable length
        columns should store a zero (0) in this element.


        Contains a numeric value indicating the number of places to the right
        of the decimal point.  This element is only meaningful when the
        column is a floating point value.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

 Used By    addField()

See Also: addField()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson