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 Set the cursor shape
 C Prototype

     #include "gt.api"
     ERRCODE _gtSetCursor(
                           USHORT uiCursorShape


     uiCursorShape is a number indicating the shape of the cursor.


     _gtSetCursor() returns zero if successful.  Any other value indicates an


     _gtSetCursor() changes the current cursor shape.  Before using this
     function, you may want to save the current cursor shape with
     _gtGetCursor(), so that you can restore the cursor to its prior shape.

     CA-Clipper supplies constants in the Setcurs.ch header file (shown in
     the table below) that assign descriptive names to various cursor shapes.
     Using the constants in Setcurs.ch will simplify setting the cursor shape
     in your programs.

     Cursor Shapes
     Shape               Value     Setcurs.ch
     None                0         SC_NONE
     Underline           1         SC_NORMAL
     Lower half block    2         SC_INSERT
     Full block          3         SC_SPECIAL1
     Upper half block    4         SC_SPECIAL2


     .  This example uses _gtGetCursor() and _gtSetCursor() to save
        the current cursor shape, change it, and restore it to its original

        #include "gt.api"

           USHORT uiSavCursor;

           _gtGetCursor( &uiSavCursor );     // Save cursor shape
           _gtSetCursor( SC_SPECIAL1 );      // Change cursor to a block
           _gtSetCursor( uiSavCursor );      // Restore cursor shape

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is are Gt.api.

See Also: _gtGetCursor()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson