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 Toggle asterisk (*) interpretation in color strings between blinking and
 background intensity
 C Prototype

     #include "gt.api"
     ERRCODE _gtSetBlink(
                          BOOL bBlink


     bBlink toggles the meaning of the asterisk (*) character in a color
     string.  Specifying TRUE causes the asterisk to mean blinking and FALSE
     causes it to mean high intensity background.  The default is TRUE.


     _gtSetBlink() returns zero if successful.  Any other value indicates an


     _gtSetBlink() toggles the blinking/background intensity attribute.  When
     you call _gtSetBlink() with bBlink equal to TRUE, you can make
     characters written to the screen blink by including an asterisk (*) in
     the color string passed to _gtSetColorStr().  When you call
     _gtSetBlink() with bBlink equal to FALSE, the asterisk (*) causes the
     background color to be intensified instead.  Thus, blinking and
     background intensity attributes are not available at the same time.

     Note:  This function is meaningful only on IBM PC or compatible
     computers with CGA, EGA, or VGA display hardware.


     .  This example enables high intensity backgrounds:

        #include "gt.api"

           _gtSetBlink( FALSE )

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Gt.api.

See Also: _gtSetColorStr()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson