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 Open a file
 C Prototype

     #include "filesys.api"
     FHANDLE _fsOpen(
                          BYTEP fpFilename,
                          USHORT uiFlags


     fpFilename is the name of the file to open specified as a null-
     terminated string.  The fpFilename must be fully qualified, including
     the drive letter, path, and extension.

     uiFlags contains the file open attribute bits that indicate how the
     file is to be opened.  The following constants are defined for uiFlags:

     Access Flags
     Constant       Flag      Description
     FO_READ        0x0000    File is opened for reading
     FO_WRITE       0x0001    File is opened for writing
     FO_READWRITE   0x0002    File is opened for reading and writing

     Sharing Flags
     Constant       Flag      Description
     FO_COMPAT      0x0000    No sharing specified
     FO_COMPAT      0x0000    No sharing specified
     FO_EXCLUSIVE   0x0010    Subsequent attempts to open the file are not
     FO_DENYWRITE   0x0020    Deny subsequent attempts to open the file for
     FO_DENYREAD    0x0030    Deny subsequent attempts to open the file for
     FO_DENYNONE    0x0040    Do not deny subsequent attempts to open the
                              file in shared mode
     FO_SHARED      0x0040    Same as FO_DENYNONE

     Inheritance Flags
     Constant       Flag      Description
     FO_INHERITED   0x0000    Spawned processes can inherit
     FO_PRIVATE     0x0080    Spawned processes cannot inherit

     To specify multiple flags, combine them with the bitwise OR operator


     _fsOpen() returns a DOS handle to the newly created file or FS_ERROR, if
     an error occurs.


     This function opens the file specified by fpFilename.  The value of the
     specified uiFlags determines the mode in which the file is opened.
     _fsOpen() is equivalent to the CA-Clipper function FOPEN().


     .  The following code fragment illustrates the use of _fsOpen().
        Note that error handling should be performed at each step.  Refer to
        the "Error System API Reference" chapter of this guide for details on
        communicating with the CA-Clipper Error system:

        #include "filesys.api"

        FHANDLE hFile;

        hFile = _fsOpen( "Foo", FO_READWRITE | FO_EXCLUSIVE );

        // Check for an open error before using the file
        if (! _fsError() )
           _fsClose( hFile );

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Filesys.api.

See Also: _fsClose() _fsCreate() _fsError() _fsExtOpen()
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