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 Extended file open
 C Prototype

     #include "filesys.api"
     FHANDLE _fsExtOpen(
                             BYTEP fpFilename,
                             BYTEP fpDefExt,
                             USHORT uiFlags,
                             BYTEP fpPaths,
                             ERRORP pError


     fpFilename is the name of the file to open, specified as a null-
     terminated string.  It may include the path and file extension.

     fpDefExt is the default extension to use, which must include the (.)
     extension separator.

     uiFlags are the open mode flags, which may consist of both extended
     open mode and normal open mode flags.

     fpPaths are the paths to be searched when opening fpFilename.

     pError is a pointer to an Error object created via the _errNew()
     function (see the "Error System API Reference" chapter of this guide).


     _fsExtOpen() returns a DOS handle to the newly created file or FS_ERROR
     if an error occurs.


     This function opens the file specified by fpFilename.  If fpFilename
     does not include a file extension, the default extension fpDefExt, if
     supplied, will be used.

     Note:  If an extension is supplied, it must contain the (.)
     extension separator (i.e., ".txt").

     The value of the specified uiFlags determines the mode in which the file
     is opened.  In addition to the open mode flags shown in the _fsOpen()
     entry, uiFlags also accommodates the extended mode flags shown in the
     table below.  To specify multiple flags, combine them with the bitwise

     Extended Mode Flags
     Constant       Flag      Description
     FXO_TRUNCATE   0x0100    Create (truncate file if it exists)
     FXO_APPEND     0x0200    Create (append to file if it exists)
     FXO_FORCEEXT   0x0800    Force default extension
     FXO_DEFAULTS   0x1000    Use SET command defaults
     FXO_DEVICERAW  0x2000    Open devices in raw mode

     FXO_TRUNCATE creates the file fpFilename, unless it already exists.  If
     it already exists, it is truncated to zero-length.

     FXO_APPEND opens fpFilename, if it exists; otherwise it creates
     fpFilename.  If the file is successfully opened, and the file is not
     empty, the file pointer is positioned to the last data byte in the file.
     This file positioning only applies to files, not devices.

     Note:  Files created by either FXO_TRUNCATE or FXO_APPEND are
     created using the FC_NORMAL attribute (see _fsCreate()).

     If fpFilename includes a path, no other path is ever tried.  If
     fpFilename does not include a path, the file will be searched for, based
     on the following rules:

     .  FXO_DEFAULTS, if specified when opening a file, causes
        _fsExtOpen() to search the paths specified by SET DEFAULT and
        SET PATH.  Paths specified by the fpPaths argument are ignored.

        If specified when creating a file, FXO_DEFAULTS causes _fsExtOpen() to
        create the file in the path specified by SET DEFAULT.

     .  If FXO_DEFAULTS is not specified, _fsExtOpen() uses the fpPaths
        argument (if not NULL) as a search path for opening files.  For
        creating files, the fpFilename is created using the current

     .  FXO_FORCEEXT causes the fpDefExt argument (if not NULL) to
        be used as the file extension, even if fpFilename includes an
        extension.  Otherwise the extension specified by fpDefExt is used,
        only if fpFilename does not include an extension.

     .  FXO_DEVICERAW sets the device referenced by fpFilename to raw
        (binary) mode.  This allows low-order or high-order characters to be
        passed to devices.  This flag affects only devices--it has no effect
        on files.

     The pointer pError, if not NULL, must point to a properly created error
     object.  The Error object's filename member (if not NULL) must contain
     abuffer of at least 80 bytes. If pError is not NULL, _fsExtOpen will
     assign values to the Error object as follows:

     .  If _fsExtOpen() is successful, the fully qualified file
        specification (i.e., including the drive, path, filename, and
        extension) will be copied into the buffer pointed to by the Error
        object's filename.

     .  If _fsExtOpen() is not successful, the file name specifying the
        file that it attempted to open will be copied into the buffer pointed
        to by the error object's filename.  The filename may or may not be
        fully qualified depending on the path determination rules above.
        Also osCode will be set to the appropriate DOS error number and
        genCode will be set to EG_CREATE if the operation was an FXO_TRUNCATE,
        or EG_OPEN if the operation was an FXO_APPEND.

     Warning!  Failure to provide a buffer of at least 80 bytes of memory
     will result in a memory overwrite, which will likely cause major system


     .  The following example illustrates _fsExtOpen().  Screen output
        is performed using the GT subsystem.  See the "General Terminal API
        Reference" chapter of this guide for more information:

        #include "filesys.api"
        #include "error.api"

        #define FILE_LEN 80

        CLIPPER TEST( void )
           USHORT  uiFlags;
           BYTE    buff[FILE_LEN];
           FHANDLE hFileHandle;
           ERRORP  pError;
           ERRCODE uiError = 0;  // Initialize to 0 (no error)

           pError = _errNew();
           _errPutFileName( pError, buff );

               uiFlags:    access          = FO_READWRITE
                           sharing         = FO_EXCLUSIVE
                           inheritance     = FO_PRIVATE
                           extended        = FXO_DEFAULTS


           hFileHandle = _fsExtOpen(

                     "Test",  /* File name will use default extension */
                     ".txt",  /* Default extension to use            */
                     uiFlags, /* Open mode flags shown above         */
                     NULL,    /* Path: ignored with FXO_DEFAULTS     */
                     pError   /* Full file spec returned             */

           if (hFileHandle == FS_ERROR)
               uiError = _errLaunch( pError );

               _gtWriteCon( "Opened file: ", 13 );  /* Display status */
               _gtWriteCon( buff, strlen( buff ) ); /* using GT API   */
               _gtWriteCon( "\r\n", 2 );
               _retni( hFileHandle );

           _errRelease( pError );
           _errPost( uiError );

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Filesys.api.

See Also: _fsCreate() _fsOpen()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson