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 Set the value of severity
 C Prototype

     #include "error.api"
     ERRORP _errPutSeverity(
                             ERRORP pError,
                             USHORT uiSeverity


     pError is a pointer to the Error object that is to be set.

     uiSeverity is a flag indicating the severity of the error.


     _errPutSeverity() returns a pointer to the Error object (self).


     _errPutSeverity() sets the value of severity in the Error object.  You
     may use the severity level to generate warnings as well as errors.

     Manifest constants that you may use to set the severity are available in
     the Error.ch file and are shown below:

     Error severity Values
     Constant      Value  Meaning/Usage
     ES_WHOCARES     0    Undefined.  An undefined value that can be used to
                          send an informative message.
     ES_WARNING      1    Warning.  A noncritical anomaly that should allow
                          DEFAULT, as well as RETRY, if appropriate.
     ES_ERROR        2    Error.  Should only allow DEFAULT if the
                          consequences of ignoring the error are well known.
                          Should allow RETRY, if appropriate.
     ES_CATASTROPHIC 3    Severe Error.  Catastrophic error value; should not
                          allow any action other than application  shutdown.


     .  This code fragment shows the setting of severity:

        #include "error.api"
        #include "error.ch"

           _errPutSeverity( pError, ES_ERROR );
           uiErrCode = _errLaunch( pError );

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Error.api.

See Also: _errGetSeverity() _errLaunch() _errPutFlags()
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