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 Set the value of genCode
 C Prototype

     #include "error.api"
     ERRORP _errPutGenCode(
                            ERRORP pError,
                            USHORT uiGenCode


     pError is a pointer to the Error object that is to be set.

     uiGenCode is a code specifying the general type of operation taking
     place when the error occurred.


     _errPutGenCode() returns a pointer to the Error object (self).


     _errPutGenCode() assigns a value to genCode, indicating the general
     category of operation being performed when the error occurred.  It is
     the subSystem and subCode combination that will identify your particular
     error among all the possible errors sharing a genCode.

     The header file Error.ch contains many predefined genCodes.  You should
     use these codes whenever possible to be consistent with other

     If you use a one of the predefined genCodes from Error.ch and do not
     supply a description, a predefined description will automatically be
     generated by the error handling system.  Using the system supplied
     description has two advantages:  the description will be consistent
     with other subsystems, and the supplied description in international
     versions will be translated into the target language.


     .  This code fragment shows the setting of genCode:

        #include "error.api"
        #include "error.ch"

           _errPutGenCode( pError, EG_OPEN );
           uiErrCode = _errLaunch( pError );

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Error.api.

See Also: _errGetGenCode() _errPutDescrip() _errPutSubCode()
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