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 Set the value of description
 C Prototype

     #include "error.api"
     ERRORP _errPutDescription(
                                ERRORP pError,
                                BYTEP  fpDescription


     pError is a pointer to the Error object that is to be set.

     fpDescription is a pointer to a null-terminated string containing a
     short description of the specific error.


     _errPutDescription() returns a pointer to the Error object (self).


     _errPutDescription() defines a short error description that is displayed
     by the default CA-Clipper error handler routine to give the user an
     indication of the problem.  The message should correspond to the general
     problem (genCode), not the specific failure (subCode).  "Open error" or
     "Argument Error" are typical description messages.

     Note:  If you use one of the genCodes defined in Error.ch (such as
     EG_OPEN), you do not have to supply a description.  The proper
     description will be used automatically when the error is launched.


     .  This code fragment shows the setting of description (you
        should try to be more descriptive than the example):

        #include "error.api"
           _errPutDescription( pError, "Something happened" );
           uiErrCode = _errLaunch( pError );

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Error.api.

See Also: _errGetDescrip() _errPutGenCode() _errPutSubCode()
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