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 Get the value of osCode
 C Prototype

     #include "error.api"
     USHORT _errGetOsCode(
                           ERRORP pError


     pError is a pointer to the Error object from which the value is to
     be retrieved.


     _errGetOsCode() returns the current value of osCode.


     _errGetOsCode() retrieves the value representing an operating
     system-specific error code.  This code currently corresponds to the DOS
     error Number since CA-Clipper presently will run only under the DOS
     operating system, a DOS window in Windows or OS/2, or a DOS emulator in
     other operating systems.


     .  This code fragment retrieves the contents of osCode:

        #include "error.api"
           USHORT uiOsCode;
           uiOsCode = _errGetOsCode( pError );

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Error.api.

See Also: _errPutOsCode()
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