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 Retrieve a parameter passed to an Extend routine from CA-Clipper
 C Prototype

     #include "item.api"
     ITEM _itemParam(
                      USHORT uiParamNo


     uiParamNo is the parameter number to retrieve.


     The requested parameter number or an empty (NIL) item if the parameter
     number does not exist.


     The _itemParam() function is used to retrieve parameters passed from
     CA-Clipper to your Extend routine.  _itemParam() creates a new item and
     returns that item with the parameter number requested.

     Note:  CA-Clipper parameter numbers begin at one, not zero.

     Note:  _itemParam() creates a new item reference.  Remember to
     release the item reference with _itemRelease() after returning it to
     CA-Clipper or when it is no longer needed.


   #include "clipdefs.h"
   #include "extend.api"
   #include "item.api"
   #include "fm.api"

   HIDE ITEM near _xMakeSub( USHORTP apSize, USHORT dims );

   * MYARRAY()
   * Just like ARRAY()!

     ITEM      arrayP, elementsP;
     SHORT     i;
     BOOL      check;
     USHORT    pcount = PCOUNT;
     USHORTP    apSize;
     /* Check parameters - must be at least one and all */
     /* NUMERIC */
     if ( pcount )
   /* CAUTION: _xgrab() will cause VM IE if there isn't */
   /* enough  memory */
       apSize = (USHORTP)_xgrab( pcount * sizeof( USHORT ) );
       /* store the parameters into apSize[] in */
       /* reverse order. */

       for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++)
         elementsP = _itemParam( pcount-i );
         check = _itemType( elementsP ) == NUMERIC &&
             ( apSize[i] =
             (USHORT)_itemGetNL( elementsP ) ) <= 4096;
         _itemRelease( elementsP );
         if (!check)
       /* If all of the parameters check out ...*/

       if( check )
         arrayP = _xMakeSub( apSize, pcount );
         _itemReturn ( arrayP );
         _itemRelease( arrayP );
     _itemRelease( _itemReturn( _itemNew( NULL ) ) ); }
       _xfree( apSize );


             HIDE ITEM near _xMakeSub( USHORTP apSize, USHORT dims )
               ITEM   arrayP;
               ITEM   tempP;
               USHORT i;
               arrayP = _itemArrayNew( apSize[ --dims ] );
               if ( dims )
                 for (i = 1; i <= apSize[ dims ]; i++)
                   tempP = _xMakeSub( apSize, dims );
                   _itemArrayPut( arrayP, i, tempP );
                   _itemRelease( tempP );
               return (arrayP);

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Item.api.

See Also: _itemRelease() _itemReturn()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson