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  BLIPRFMOD        (Clipper)

  Function : Get / Set profiling mode

  Syntax   : lValue = BLIPRFMOD([lMode])

  Return   : Profiling Mode

  This function is used to get or set the Blinker overlay manager
  profiling mode. It returns the previous profile mode, and takes as an
  optional parameter the new mode to be set.

  Note: This function is only active if the BLINKER CLIPPER PROFILE ON
  command was specified at link time, otherwise it does nothing.

  The default mode is off (.F.), but if the mode is set to on (.T.) then
  each time an overlaid procedure is called the Blinker overlay manager
  will call the Clipper procedure BLPRFPRG.

  A dummy procedure BLPRFPRG.PRG consisting of a few print statements
  using some of the Blinker profiling functions is automatically linked to
  the application by Blinker. This may be replaced by including an .OBJ or
  .LIB file containing a different procedure BLPRFPRG in the script file
  so that it is linked in preference to the dummy one.

  This procedure may then call the Blinker overlay manager function
  BLICURNME() to obtain the name of the procedure being called, as well as
  any of the other functions in the Blinker programming interface.

  The BLPRFPRG procedure may not be overlaid, but calling of other
  overlaid procedures from within this procedure is allowed. It should be
  noted, however, that calling overlaid procedures from within the
  profiler will tend to distort the profiling figures for those functions.

  The procedure BLPRFPRG allows the developer to create a customized
  overlay profiling program. This program could record other information
  about each overlaid procedure, such as the time each procedure was last
  called, the amount of time it was used and the number of times it called
  other procedures.

  A profiler developer would probably maintain an array of the procedure
  names returned by the overlay manager and could use ASCAN() to search
  the array to find the entry for the called procedure.

  Parallel arrays could be maintained for each item related to the
  procedure, or all the items could be combined into a string. An array of
  strings could then be used to store them all.

  For more details on the Clipper profiler provided in source form on the
  distribution diskette please refer to the section in Chapter 5 on

  Example  :
  *  Get the current profiling mode
  ? "Profiling is"
  *  Set the current profiling mode on

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