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  BLIMEMBLK        (Clipper Summer '87)

  Function : Get Clipper Summer '87 free memory down to blocksize

  Syntax   : nuValue = BLIMEMBLK([nuBlocksize])

  Return   : Free memory in kb of blocks that are >= [nuBlocksize]

  This function returns the total dynamic memory available in kilobytes of
  blocks at least as large as the block specified in kb as a parameter.
  Dynamic memory is the memory used by Clipper to store all temporary
  values of variables and buffers while an application is running.

  If no parameter is specified a default block size of 4kb is used, which
  simulates the value returned by a call to Clipper's MEMORY(0). In all
  cases the function will emulate MEMORY(0) and attempt to allocate blocks
  of size 63kb, then 48kb, then 32kb, then 16kb, then 8, 4, 2 and 1kb
  until no block larger or equal to the parameter or default can be
  allocated. The value returned will be the total size of the blocks
  successfully allocated.

  BLIMEMBLK() executes many times faster than MEMORY(0), so may be used to
  monitor memory in places where MEMORY(0) is found to slow the
  application too much, for example during indexing or profiling.

  Example  :
  *  Get the available memory in minimum of
  *  8kb blocks
  ? "Memory available in at least 8Kb blocks is "
  ?? BLIMEMBLK(8), " kb"

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson