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 C  = Clipper only

    BLINKER Programming Functions

 C  BLICURCAL                 Current Procedure Calls
 C  BLICURDSK                 Number of disk loads for current procedure
 C  BLICURNME                 Current Procedure Name
    BLICUROVL                 Current Overlay Number
    BLICURSIZ                 Current Procedure size
    BLIDBGHAN                 Set the Blinker debug handle
    BLIDEMCAL                 Get / Set number of demonstration calls
    BLIDEMDTE / BLIDEMDTEBAS  Demonstration date
    BLIDEMMIN                 Get / Set demonstration minutes
 C  BLIDISFRG                 Display Summer '87 free pool fragmentation
 C  BLIDISOVL                 Display overlay information
 C  BLIDISSTS                 Display overlay status
    BLIDISTRC                 Display overlaid procedure call trace
    BLIERRNUM                 Get Blinker error number
    BLIERRPRM / BLIERRPRMBAS  Get Blinker error parameter
 C  BLILSTFRG                 List Summer '87 memory blocks
 C  BLIMEMAVL                 Get total free dynamic memory
 C  BLIMEMBLK                 Get Summer '87 free memory down to blocksize
 C  BLIMEMMAX                 Get largest free Clipper memory block
 C  BLIMEMPAK                 Pack Summer '87 memory pool.
 C  BLIMEMSIZ                 Size of the Clipper S'87 dynamic memory area
 C  BLIMEMUSE                 Amount of used memory in Summer '87 memory area
 C  BLIOVLCLR                 Clear unused overlays from memory
    BLIOVLOPS                 Get size of overlay pool memory.
    BLIOVLRES                 Get current size of overlay pool memory.
    BLIOVLSIZ                 Suspend overlay manager operations
    BLIOVLSUS                 Get current size of overlay pool memory.
 C  BLIPRFMOD                 Get / Set profiling mode
    BLISERNUM/BLISERNUMBAS    Get burned in serial number
 C  BLISTRFRG                 Clipper S'87 memory fragmentation string
    BLITOTACT                 Total number of active overlays
 C  BLITOTCAL                 Get number of overlaid procedure calls
 C  BLITOTDSK                 Total number of disk loads.
    BLITOTLOD                 Get the number of overlays currently loaded in memory
    BLITOTSIZ                 Get the total size of all overlays ever loaded

    Swap / Run package

    SWPCURDIR                 Enable/disable saving of the current directory
    SWPDISMSG                 Enable/disable displaying of message after swap
    SWPERRLEV                 Get child process return code
    SWPERRMAJ                 Get the swap system major error code
    SWPERRMIN                 Get the swap system minor error code
    SWPFREEMS                 Specify amount of EMS to leave free
    SWPFREXMS                 Specify amount of XMS to leave free
    SWPGETKEY                 Enable / disable waiting for a keypress
    SWPGETPID / SWPGETPIDBAS  Determine if a given program is a parent
    SWPNOBOOT                 Prevent the user from rebooting the computer
    SWPRUNCMD / SWPRUNCMDBAS  Execute a child process.
    SWPSETPID / SWPSETPIDBAS  Set a program ID string for the current program.
    SWPUSEEMS                 Enable/disable use of EMS
    SWPUSEUMB                 Enable/disable the use of UMBs
    SWPUSEXMS                 Enable/disable use of XMS
    SWPVIDMDE                 Enable/disable restoring of the video mode

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson