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 * = New/Amended for BLINKER 2.0
 C = Clipper only

    BLINKER Script Commands Overview

    # (comment)                        Comment
    @                                  Nested Script file
    ALLOCATE                           Specify libraries
    BATCH                              Batch mode
    BEGINAREA                          Begin overlay area
  * BLINKER CACHE EMS                  Specify EMS overlay cache
  * BLINKER CACHE XMS                  Specify XMS overlay cache
 C* BLINKER CLIPPER PAGE               Disable Clipper 5.1 code paging
 C* BLINKER CLIPPER PROFILE            Enable Clipper profiling
    BLINKER DEBUG HANDLE               Set debug output destination
    BLINKER DEMONSTRATION CALLS        Demonstration calls limit
    BLINKER DEMONSTRATION DATE         Demonstration date limit
    BLINKER DEMONSTRATION MINUTES      Demonstration time limit
    BLINKER ENVIRONMENT NAME           Blinker run time settings
 C  BLINKER EXECUTABLE CLIPPER         CLIPPER environment burn in
    BLINKER EXECUTABLE NODELETE        Retain the .EXE if errors
    BLINKER EXECUTABLE SERIAL          Serial number burn in
 C  BLINKER INCREMENTAL FILE           Name the incremental file
 C  BLINKER INCREMENTAL OFF            Disable incremental linking
 C  BLINKER INCREMENTAL PAD            Specify incremental pad size
  * BLINKER LINK EMS                   Specify linker EMS use
  * BLINKER LINK PAGEFRAME             Specify linker pageframe use
  * BLINKER LINK VERSION               Specify linker version
  * BLINKER LINK XMS                   Specify linker XMS use
 C  BLINKER MEMORY PACK                Specify memory packing frequency
    BLINKER MESSAGE DUPLICATES         Display duplicated library modules
    BLINKER MESSAGE NOBLINK            User interface control
    BLINKER MESSAGE NOWARNING          Disable warning messages
    BLINKER MESSAGE WINK               User interface control
 C  BLINKER OVERLAY DYNAMIC            Specify overlay method
 C  BLINKER OVERLAY FIXED              Specify overlay method
    BLINKER OVERLAY OPSIZE             Set overlay pool size
    BLINKER OVERLAY PAGEFRAME ON       Enable use of EMS frame for overlays
  * BLINKER OVERLAY THRESHOLD          Specify smallest overlay size
    BLINKER OVERLAY UMB                Enable use of UMBs for overlays
 C  BLINKER PROCEDURE DEPTH            Set stack size
  * CODEVIEW                           Enable CodeView processing
  * CVOFF                              End of CodeView area
  * CVON                               Begin CodeView area
  * CVVERSION                          Specify CodeView level
  * DEBUG                              Reserved for future use
    DEFINE                             Stub out modules
    DEFLIB                             Link default libraries
  * DOSSEG                             Use Microsoft segment ordering
    ECHO                               Display script commands
    ENDAREA                            End overlay area
  * EXTDICTIONARY                      Enable library dictionary use
    FILE                               Specify a .OBJ to link
    LIBRARY                            Specify a library to link
    LOWERCASE                          Convert symbols to lowercase
    MAP                                Generate a map file
    MIXCASE                            Enable case sensitivity
    MODULE                             Specify placement of a module
  * MURPHY                             Enable overlay debugging
    NOBELL                             Disable the bell
    NODEFLIB                           Ignore default libraries
  * NOEXTDICTIONARY                    Disable library dictionary
  * NWIDTH                             Map file symbol name width
    OUTPUT                             Specify the .EXE filename
    OVERLAY                            Specify classes to overlay
    READONLY                           Specify READONLY .EXE file
    SEARCH                             Search a library
    SECTION FILE                       Specify .OBJs to overlay
    SECTION INTO                       Specify an external overlay
    STACK                              Specify stack size
    UPPERCASE                          Convert symbols to uppercase
    VERBOSE                            Display link status information
    WORKFILE                           Specify temporary file

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson