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  Purpose : Request a segment map of the executable

  Syntax  : MAP [=[d:][path]<filename>] [S][,A]

  Default : Disabled

  Example : # generate a map of all public symbols
            MAP=C:\TEMP\Mymap A

  The MAP command is used to specify to the linker that a map file of the
  linked .EXE file is required. The map file defaults to the same name as
  the .EXE file with an extension of .MAP, or the name can be specified in
  the MAP command. The map file can be listed with varying levels of
  detail, as required.

  The two options to the command are as follows:

  S - All segments - lists the address, length and name of each segment in
  the executable image.  This is the default option, if none is specified.

  A -  Public symbols in address order - lists the public symbols and
  their memory addresses.

  The A option can be used to produce a map file which can be used for
  debugging C and Assembler programs using debuggers which do not support
  CodeView information. The Turbo Debugger is not included in this
  category since the Borland TDCONVRT utility allows the Turbo Debugger to
  make full use of CodeView format .EXE files.

  For a discussion of the output generated by the MAP command see Appendix A.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson