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  Purpose : Specify object file(s)

  Syntax  : FILE [d:][path]<filename> [, [d:][path]<filename> ...]

  Example : FILE Myapp1, D:\APPS\OBJ\Myapp2

  The FILE command is used to specify to the linker the names of one or
  more .OBJ files to be included in the output file at that point.  The
  default file extension of .OBJ need not be specified.

  Several filenames may be specified within a single FILE  command,
  separated by commas. Blinker will interpret a carriage return / linefeed
  combination as the end of a FILE command, therefore the FILE command
  must be restated at the beginning of each line.

  All .OBJ files listed in FILE commands are included in the linked
  program, whether they are required or not.  To include only the .OBJ
  files needed by the specific program, a library (.LIB) file should be
  created using a librarian such as Microsoft LIB.EXE. This library can
  then be linked into the program using the LIBRARY command, and only the
  required .OBJ files from the .LIB file will be linked to the program.

  Blinker looks for each .OBJ file first in the current directory and then
  in each directory path specified in the OBJ environment variable in the
  order they appear. Alternatively, a full drive and directory path may be
  specified with any or each of the file names.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson