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  Purpose : Specify symbols to be excluded at link time

  Syntax  : DEFINE <symbol>[, <symbol> ...]

  Example : DEFINE Alpha, Beta

  The DEFINE command is used to 'stub out' the named symbols and point
  them to a dummy routine in the overlay manager. Instead of including the
  modules containing the named symbols in the final .EXE file, Blinker
  maps each DEFINEd symbol to a routine within the overlay manager which
  will display the runtime error 1213 if the routine is ever called. This
  command can be used (with care) to prevent routines being pulled in
  which you know will never be called.

  Note that in order to prevent a module from being linked in you must
  DEFINE all its public symbols.

  Take care to ensure that only code symbols are stubbed using DEFINE. If
  DEFINEd data items are written to, the overlay manager may be corrupted.

  Please note that when MIXCASE is mentioned prior to any DEFINE commands
  the symbols named will then be processed as case sensitive.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson