USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Add a section to the main INI file for p_tool parameters INI SECTION PARAMETERS [TOOLSENSOR] ( INI section descriptor ) LINEAR_UNITS = 1 ( 1 for inch 0 for metric ) SEARCH_FEED = 30 ( initial search feedrate ) PROBE_FEED = 5 ( 2nd probe touch feedrate ) SEARCH_DIST = .5 ( dist before probe gives up ) RETRACT_DIST = .2 ( 2nd (fine) probe retract distance ) FINAL_DIST = .2 ( dist off work after probe is done ) X_PROBE_COORD = -10 ( X location of sensor ) Y_PROBE_COORD = -6 ( Y location of sensor ) Z_START = -.1 ( Z start location over sensor ) Z_MAXPROBE = -2 ( Z max probe travel before it gives up ) PROBE_HOLE_MAX_RAD = 1 ( Max hole Radius to probe ) PROBE_TIP_DIAM = 6 ( probe tip is in mm - most tips are metric )