pcw_home, how do i access the pwmgen dir signal to put the delay between it and the pin? Hmm not sure that the best way but you can read it at the GPIO pin but i'd have to read it at the pin and send it back to the pin? Not sure what your are trying to do maybe better is to use the absolute component and use its sign bit the delay needs to be on the fwd/rev signal from pwmgen to the relay signal because pwmgen sends the direction from M3 M4 to the dir pin directly i don't see how to get between it If you dont use the PWM dir output you can use the absolute comp so remove the dir pin from the bit file so your direction pin to the relay is just GPIO I think you have to because you need to gate it in hal then where do i get the dir signal from? i don't see a motion.spindle-direction signal that goes back to using motion.spindle-forward & motion.spindle-reverse abs.N.sign i'm not following you spindle speed --> abs.0.in --> abs.0.out --> PWM abs.0.sign --> spindle_dir hmm then put the delay after abs.0.sign something like that (I'm a long way away if it explodes) that's why i'm bench testing it is this a SCR speed control? so abs can determine the direction from the PWM signal from pwmgen? i think so yes (man 9 abs) i did not only that is has three different direction outputs! although sign and is-negative may be the same so instead of: net spindle-speed-out motion.spindle-speed-out => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.value i would have: net spindle-speed motion.spindle-speed-out => abs.0.in net spindle-speed-out abs.0.out hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.value yes then send abs.0.sign to the dir pin after the delay as a GPIO pin thats the idea all the functions will probably generate enough delay just by using them without calling timedelay i'll test that.. if you plot the delay of simple hal functions you will fine that its ns i don't need much but probably a bit more than that well you need millions of ns not a few... all of the functions complete in less than a ms so you need the time delays and oneshots that take multiple thread times You can avoid sending the spindle speed through the abs comp by using motions absolute spindle speed but the abs comp is still useful to get the direction (though motion spindle forward should be as good) just saying whats the difference between forward and sign of the spindle speed not much (it may be the forward is 0 when spindle if off) bbl leepy