#linuxcnc Logs
Mar 09 2025
#linuxcnc Calendar
06:15 AM lcnc-relay: <t4kuy4@> anyone running a servo on a carousel?
06:30 AM lcnc-relay: ive got one on mine in a 1:1 ratio (directly connected) and its running crazy if i slightly spin it. it rocks back and forth speeding up to infinity.
06:30 AM lcnc-relay: tuning isnt possible due to that either
08:56 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:57 AM JT-Shop: I need to finger out how to make a power steering pulley puller on the mill because I don't have a tool to cut the inside lip for the lathe
09:03 AM JT-Shop: I have a small 3 jaw puller I'll try first
09:12 AM Tom_L: it should work if you can get it in plac
09:32 AM roycroft: 3 jaw pullers require 3 hands to operate easily, unfortunately
09:33 AM * roycroft managed to get up on time in spite of the clock change
09:34 AM roycroft: i've a friend coming to help me move the last two items that i cannot move by myself from the old place, other than the vw buses
09:38 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> I've used zip ties on a 3-jaw puller before, to hold it in place
09:39 AM roycroft: rubber bands work well too
09:39 AM roycroft: but it can still be difficult to get the puller lined up
09:41 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> 100%
09:42 AM Scopeuk: is there a market for a 3 jaw with a weak spring and disposable soft wedges on the front to try and make it easier to knock/wiggle on?
09:43 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> i'm sure you'd sell that, not sure if it would really work better
09:43 AM Tom_L: invent a better mouse trap and somebody will buy it
11:53 AM memleak: lol
02:23 PM Unterhaus__ is now known as Unterhausen
07:15 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> well - I just had fun with a ford diesle tractor run away.. that will get your heart pumping
07:20 PM Tom_L: didn't blow anything up did ya?
07:24 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> not yet.
07:24 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> you would not belive how fast you can pull the intake off enough to get your hands in there to block the intake..
08:53 PM djdelorie: TIL - if your toolsetter isn't perfectly parallel to the XY plane, bigger diameter tools will measure different than smaller ones.
10:35 PM roycroft: i now have two surface plates in my shop, but no precision metalworking machines
10:35 PM djdelorie: my surface plate was purchased so I could stick sandpaper to it and sharpen chisels
10:37 PM * roycroft is living a strange life these days
10:37 PM roycroft: the small one i use for stuff like that
10:38 PM roycroft: i got it for a song - some guy bought a storage unit full of stuff and did not know what the surface plate was except that it was heavy
10:38 PM xxcoder: wow nice
10:38 PM roycroft: so he sold it to me on cl - i think i paid $25 for that one
10:38 PM djdelorie: it's not a brick - it's a *precision* brick
10:38 PM xxcoder: but yeah can get it cheaper than expecyed
10:39 PM xxcoder: its probably not certificated anymore and probably not as flat as needed but plebty for your needs
10:39 PM roycroft: surface plates, at least shop grade (50 millionths) are actually fairly cheap
10:39 PM xxcoder: (needed for precision measuring that is)
10:39 PM roycroft: it's the shipping that is most of the cost
10:39 PM xxcoder: yeah. A can be cheap if bunch of companies is getting rid of em
10:39 PM xxcoder: AA is impossible, you need very good transit for it
10:40 PM roycroft: i don't need that kind of precision
10:40 PM xxcoder: yeah most shops dont
10:41 PM roycroft: i also had a bunch more stuff stolen from the old shop
10:42 PM roycroft: ironically, things i was planning on hauling today - a big box of welding clamps and a 240v spot welder
10:42 PM xxcoder: bleh yeah dunno why people is so willing to take things
10:43 PM roycroft: all that's left after today that i care about at all are some painting tools - spray guns, etc.
10:43 PM roycroft: and i have a locking cart where that stuff lives
10:43 PM roycroft: i locked up the cart and took the key with me
10:44 PM roycroft: i'd like my media blaster, but i have nowhere to put it right now - when i haul it up here it will have to sit in the yard, behind the shop, with a tarp over it until i get the shop extension built
10:44 PM roycroft: i don't think it will get stolen
10:45 PM roycroft: oh, there are a bunch of volkswagen and porshe parts over there still, but i moved that stuff to a secure outbuilding without windows and no glass in the door - it will be a lot harder to break into
10:45 PM roycroft: i'm exhausted after moving that stuff, but it feels good to have it here
10:46 PM roycroft: losing an hour of sleep last night did not help matters
10:46 PM roycroft: getting dark at 7:30 instead of 6:30 did help, though