#linuxcnc Logs

Mar 03 2025

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:52 AM Deejay: moin
01:27 AM firephoto__ is now known as firephoto_
01:37 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> morning
01:53 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> moin
03:13 AM NetPipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFDUCpIWbeo
04:40 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:36 AM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
08:10 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMYJD8AK1gt3x3M4WfRgKsxmqSlhQh1lITyQ6WWZb4J83Qrl2qJB5Eatr0-7n0UlA?key=ZTd0SmY5aFhEbXhaT2NUaXJYN3B0RENBdTBpckFB only a 9N m closed loop stepper on the Z, should have gotten the 12
08:12 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/ts-series-9-nm-1274-76oz-in-1-axis-closed-loop-stepper-cnc-kit-nema-34-motor-driver-1-cl86t-s90-v41
08:18 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> mikemader@ get a water cooled version of the spindle
09:08 AM lcnc-relay: <mikemader@> I am concerned with the water cooling, as my shop is unheated, and being SW Ohio it gets cold out there.
09:18 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:26 AM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> mikemader@: tig torch coolant can be had that can survive very low temps (-52C)
09:26 AM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> and as a bonus it's non-conductive
11:05 AM roycroft: i would second the advice to get a water-cooled spindle
11:05 AM roycroft: my old shop and, so far, my current shop, are/were unheated, but i always kept an oil-filled electric radiator in the shop and ran it during the cold season
11:06 AM roycroft: it kept the shop above freezing, which is what i needed
11:06 AM roycroft: and you can use coolant for the spindle that will lower the freezing temperature
11:08 AM roycroft: and if this is for a wood router, the water cooled spindle has the added advantage of being sealed, so you won't be sucking sawdust into the spindle
11:19 AM lcnc-relay: <thorhian@> Yeah. You incur complexity for handling a closed loop coolant system, but the cooling will probably be more effective and your cooling power won't be dependent on how fast your spindle is spinning. Roycroft is right about contamination too.
11:41 AM roycroft: when i built my prototype router table that was a big issue for me, as the spindle was below the work, and the dust collection system sucked the sawdust/chips down right through the spindle path
11:41 AM roycroft: but even an overhead spindle will load with sawdust to a degree
12:21 PM lcnc-relay: <pixiepaws01@> Those little wire wheels for die grinders/dremel throw little steel needles _EVERYWHERE_
12:21 PM lcnc-relay: <pixiepaws01@> no matter what I do it ends up in my sock
12:22 PM lcnc-relay: <pixiepaws01@> I don't understand why they can't crimp it any tighter, or spot weld or braze them in place
12:22 PM lcnc-relay: <pixiepaws01@> it's not an issue of them breaking, they just pull out even on the lowest RPM
12:23 PM lcnc-relay: <pixiepaws01@> I don't have this issue with the larger wire wheels for angle grinders
12:27 PM lcnc-relay: <pixiepaws01@> I have a couple of spot welders, one of them is a kWeld and the other is a big 240V. I think I'll try spot welding through it where they are crimped, hopefully it works. The kWeld can do up to 500J weld energy hopefully that's enough
12:38 PM roycroft: or wear shin guards
02:41 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:53 PM JT-Mobile: yo
03:07 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> stupid question, can you get the keyboard working in qt-dragon like in axis for xyz movement?
03:09 PM JT-Mobile: no clue about qt mouse\
03:17 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> ah settings "use keyboard shortcuts"
03:20 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> this feel great, basically my machine has full functionality now 😄
03:20 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> * feels
03:20 PM Tom_L: cool
03:21 PM JT-Mobile: now you're the expert for qt-mouse
03:22 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> why you calling it mouse? 😄
03:22 PM JT-Mobile: why call it a dragon
03:24 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> its the name 😛
03:25 PM Tom_L: does it spit fire?
03:25 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> nope, does it eay cheese? 😄
03:26 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> * eat
03:26 PM Tom_L: it might
03:26 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> was about to ask if it squeak
03:26 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> a dry rail could 😛
03:28 PM JT-Mobile: I have no clue why Chris would call it that
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> maybe thought it was super magic
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> puff the magic.... dragon 😄
03:30 PM Tom_L: poof the magic dragon
03:30 PM xxcoder: 🐉
03:31 PM JT-Mobile: lol
05:49 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> T-5min for the starship launch
06:22 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> launch scrubbed, may happen tomorrow
06:27 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> poop
06:46 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:00 PM memleak: hey skunkworks!
07:44 PM memleak: starships... across the skyyyyyy let's do this one more time
07:45 PM memleak: any nicki minaj fans here?
07:47 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> @JT-Mobile chris didnt actually make that gui, it was another user...persii or something..., he made one for gscreen called silver dragon,, at the same time cmo was making qtvcp, so the guy then made it for qtvcp screen and everyone seemed to like it, so it kinda became the default qtvcp screen
08:57 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:26 PM memleak: lol JT-Mobile you have a lot of handles :)
09:27 PM JT-Mobile: looks like some nasty weather here in Conway tomorrow
09:28 PM * JT-Mobile wonders why C3-Shop does not have a blue dot???
09:39 PM memleak: probably because the C3 has michelins
09:40 PM memleak: french tires don't belong on a corvette
10:08 PM JT-Mobile: actually the C3 has a mix of tires atm