#linuxcnc Logs

Feb 23 2025

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:54 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:45 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> phew hispital grade of antihistamines knock you out cold 😄
01:46 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> * hospital
01:46 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> best sleep in a while
01:53 AM Deejay: moin
01:58 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> moin moin
02:00 AM memleak: so 2.9 branch works just fine
02:01 AM memleak: something in master broke and it says "can't find package Linuxcnc"
02:01 AM memleak: i made a diff between `linuxcnc -d` on 2.9 and master and a lot of the bash code is different
02:06 AM memleak: https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/3348
02:24 AM memleak: jeeze, i went back to september on master branch and it's still broken
02:24 AM memleak: ill have to bissect more tomorrow
02:24 AM memleak: take care everyone!
02:26 AM rmu: that "master breakage" is on gentoo only it seems
02:45 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> Moin or evening Tom 😄
02:45 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> depends on the time difference
03:14 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> what is the irc for this server btw?
03:17 AM oddname is now known as oddname_irc
03:17 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> https://libera.chat/
03:17 AM oddname_irc: yeah I found it =) thanks anyway
03:17 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> 🙂
03:17 AM oddname_irc: this is really a blast from the past :D
03:20 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> not sure yet if its good or bad
03:29 AM oddname_irc: ahh much better, finding a client that doesnt smacks med right in the face, whole topic :D
03:30 AM oddname_irc: *me
04:17 AM memleak: hey has anyone tried the 5.4.290 on real hardware? on 3 different PCs it's seg faulting...
04:18 AM memleak: the sims work fine but when you use stepconf and actually make a config, X crashes and you get signed out and the system goes crazy
04:19 AM memleak: I know Tom has, but that's 3 of our systems it doesn't work with
04:38 AM Tom_L: morning
04:38 AM Tom_L: i haven't tried it on hardware yet just sims
04:43 AM Tom_L: oddname_irc, http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/Toolchange3.mkv
04:50 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> looking good, is the axis-box allways showing up and needing clicking?
04:50 AM Tom_L: yes
04:51 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> can one get of it, kinda defests the whole auto tool change? .D
04:51 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> * defeats
04:51 AM Tom_L: it's the only way i could figure out to get lcnc tool updated
04:52 AM Tom_L: you can comment out the manual toolchange code and see what happens
04:52 AM oddname_irc: was just about to say I read something about that yeah
04:52 AM Tom_L: but it may not update the tool in linuxcnc
04:52 AM Tom_L: i haven't tried that
04:53 AM memleak: oh boy..
04:53 AM Tom_L: i have a working inch version and did up a metric with your x y values but have no way to test it
04:53 AM memleak: yeah the test works but loading a config doesn't. not for us
04:53 AM oddname_irc: I can try =)
04:54 AM oddname_irc: ill just modify Y to stay clear of ANYTHING remotely possible to hit
04:54 AM memleak: which is really scary because now there's debs floating around that might possibly just seg fault everyone's system
04:55 AM memleak: "milltask exited without becoming ready"
04:55 AM memleak: and then a seg fault.
04:55 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:56 AM Tom_dev: https://paste.debian.net/1354274/
04:56 AM Tom_dev: inch
04:56 AM Tom_dev: https://paste.debian.net/1354275/
04:56 AM Tom_dev: metric
04:56 AM memleak: so your config you made with stepconf works?
04:56 AM Tom_L: so that way you can compare them
04:56 AM memleak: oddname_irc, debs are here: https://onelaboratories.us/abc/
04:57 AM memleak: please be careful..
04:57 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> what? 😄
04:57 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> im confused
04:58 AM Tom_L: oddname_irc, you will need to fix the end of each section to pick up the tool etc
04:58 AM Tom_L: i can't test that here either
04:58 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> thats just the plain gcode right
04:58 AM Tom_L: yes
04:58 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> first quick glance, looks pretty similar to what I had before
04:59 AM Tom_L: all you need is REMAP = M6 ngc = oddname_metric.ngc
04:59 AM Tom_L: it is
04:59 AM Tom_L: i used what you posted
04:59 AM Tom_L: and made it work
04:59 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> didnt work without modalgroup for me
04:59 AM Tom_L: yeah you may need that... doing that from memory here
05:00 AM Tom_L: you shouldn't need any python stuff
05:00 AM Tom_dev: REMAP=M6 modalgroup=6 ngc=oddname
05:01 AM Tom_dev: that's what i have
05:01 AM memleak: sorry, i didn't mean to confuse you oddname_skane, i thought by saying "i can try" you were referring to the 5.4.290 kernel debs
05:01 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> ahh nah that was for the metric ngc tom is so helpfully providing 😄
05:01 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> Tom_dev: that worked for me 🙂
05:01 AM Tom_L: it will need a bit of tweaking but should get you off and running
05:02 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> will try the metric ngc a bit later
05:02 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> prepping for a sunday-party atm
05:02 AM memleak: Tom, you should be able to test stepconf without a mesa card
05:02 AM memleak: if you just pollute a config with stepconf and run it in linuxcnc with a garbage base address
05:02 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I used stepconf to setup this machine btw
05:03 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> works wonders
05:03 AM memleak: yeah it's not working here
05:03 AM Tom_L: oddname_irc, lemme know how it goes, i'll check in later on
05:05 AM memleak: i'm off to bed, take care everyone!
05:05 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> will do but from your vid it looks promising 🙂
05:05 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> should be easy enough to implement a tool measurement sequence in that later too
05:05 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> its all gcode aswell
05:05 AM Tom_L: yep
05:06 AM Tom_L: i'll leave that for you
05:06 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> thats what I love about the rapidchange, its just about coordinates and feeds an speeds
05:07 AM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/gcode/m-code.html#mcode:m6
05:08 AM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/config/ini-config.html#sub:ini:sec:emcio
05:09 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I just realized why in one ini why there was TOOL_CHANGE_POSITION = 0 0 2 now
05:09 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> they use that for pocket one then just offset by 38
05:09 AM Tom_L: makes sense
05:10 AM Tom_L: i think that paste site was introducing garbage in the code
05:10 AM Tom_L: i use paste.debian.net
05:10 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> yeah im gonna use that from now on too
05:12 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I really see nothing huge changed compared to before so much be garbage hidden in it before like you said
05:12 AM Tom_L: yup
05:13 AM Tom_L: i wanted to keep it as close to what you had since i've never seen one of those changers
05:13 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> a space here or there in the end shouldnt matter?
05:14 AM Tom_L: probably not
05:14 AM Tom_L: i use tabs
05:14 AM Tom_L: in geany
05:15 AM Tom_L: afk a while here
05:15 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I dont fully enjoy qtdragon
05:16 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> is there nice simple touchinterface other than that?
05:16 AM Tom_L: what you saw was flexgui
05:16 AM Tom_L: it has touch too you can fully modify to whatever you like
05:17 AM Tom_L: he has a touch example too i believe
05:17 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> hmm yeah I have that installed
05:18 AM Tom_L: bbl
05:18 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> think Ill look into flex 🙂
05:19 AM Tom_L: he's got a whole set of YT for getting it going
05:19 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> JT right?
05:19 AM Tom_L: yup
05:19 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> have that series bookmarked so I guess I planned for flex before
06:30 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> My brain just hotwired and started:
06:30 AM lcnc-relay: I have one "issue" I want resolve, I have closed loop steppers but currently its not doing much when error is triggered,
06:30 AM lcnc-relay: If I make a faults.hal and add this from the paste, will an error pause the program and post the message I want?
06:30 AM lcnc-relay: https://paste.debian.net/1354289/
06:38 AM jpa-: oddname_skane@: you need to add a OR component to combine the signals, as one input (halui.program.pause) can have just one signal connected to it
06:39 AM jpa-: https://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/logic.9.html https://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/lut5.9.html you can use either of these, both have really user-friendly configuration that is easy to figure out ;)
06:41 AM jpa-: oddname_skane@: there also isn't such a pin as "halui.message", you need to add the "message" component separately and give the text on the loadrt line
06:45 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> yeah I found it on some randos blog 😄
06:46 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> didnt find that on the official docs
06:47 AM JT-Cave: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/man/man9/message.9.html
06:48 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> oh
06:49 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> so maybe he was onto something then
06:51 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> ill attend to those great links later, just brain that hotwired when I stumbled upon that 😄
06:55 AM jpa-: oddname_skane@: i have something similar here https://github.com/HacklabJKL/sergei_cnc2/blob/main/linuxcnc/config/hal_motor_pid.hal#L162-L171 <-- error input signal and OR logic https://github.com/HacklabJKL/sergei_cnc2/blob/main/linuxcnc/config/hal_power_ctrl.hal#L124-L129 <--- messages
06:56 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> net motordrive.2.runaway => msg_estop_motorz.trigger I assume this is what sends the message, but what is the message?
06:58 AM jpa-: https://github.com/HacklabJKL/sergei_cnc2/blob/main/linuxcnc/config/hal_power_ctrl.hal#L18 messages are in annoying lump on the loadrt line
06:59 AM jpa-: i'm not sure if there is a better way to define the messages
07:07 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> ahhh lump for e-stop errors etc
07:08 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> seems easy enough, thanks 🙂
07:43 AM JT-Cave: finally fixed task_mode stuck in MODE_MDI from mdi commands that don't cause any motion
07:49 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> @Tom I feel confident soon
07:50 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> as you said need to adjust code, but it moves to the pockets etc
07:50 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> adjusted for a live pickup now
07:51 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> since it is my own code its my fault its weird 😄
08:06 AM Tom_L: cool
08:07 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> https://paste.debian.net/1354299/
08:07 AM lcnc-relay: hmm why is this giving me the error about seeking o-word.
08:07 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> all I did was paste in the g-code for pickup and drop off as it worked in my test ngc before
08:08 AM Deejay: o200 endif is missing
08:08 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> guess I deleted something I shouldnt have 😄
08:09 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> ill be damned
08:09 AM Tom_L: you can also get rid of those debug messages if you're tired of looking at them
08:09 AM Tom_L: more for my benefit
08:09 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> helpful atm 🙂
08:10 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> hmm the o200 endif didnt help
08:12 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> this should work?
08:12 AM lcnc-relay: https://paste.debian.net/1354300/
08:13 AM Tom_L: just tested it without the manual toolchange code in the .hal and nothing happens without it
08:13 AM Tom_L: you may need to add in some of the .py files for that to work
08:13 AM Tom_L: looks ok
08:14 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> still better to push a button and swap tool, will allways watch it anyway 🙂
08:14 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> until its fully automatic
08:16 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> EOF in file:oddname_metric_adj seeking o-word.....
08:16 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> lightbulb!
08:16 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> o<oddname_metric> sub
08:16 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> shame on me
08:16 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:16 AM Deejay: harhar
08:17 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> successfully loaded a virtual tool
08:17 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> time to pick up another non existing tool and put this back
08:18 AM Tom_dev: look in /usr/share/linuxcnc/ncfiles/remap_lib/python-stdglue/ for more complete code for .py remap of M6
08:18 AM Tom_dev: then point the [PYTHON] section to that or copy it to your config folder
08:19 AM Tom_L: progress is made one step at a time
08:19 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I just picked up a tool 1(empty for trial) then picked up tool 4, put T1 back no issues
08:19 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> picked up T4
08:19 AM Tom_L: awesome
08:19 AM Tom_L: where you may need to add some tests are with tools outside your range
08:20 AM Tom_L: right now i had it move to a dummy location to unload
08:20 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I added my right positions 🙂
08:20 AM Tom_L: notice the 'else' i added
08:20 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> It unloaded where it should
08:20 AM Tom_L: you need full accountability
08:21 AM Tom_L: sounds like you're off and running now
08:21 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> its a heck of a start
08:21 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> way easier than the git-solutions I found 😄
08:21 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> this will make more oddnames happy too 😄
08:21 AM Tom_L: i kinda figured it would be
08:21 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> 1 row of code, update the ngc
08:22 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> for now
08:22 AM Tom_L: it may take some head scratching to work in the .py stuff and add the prolog epilog stuff in
08:23 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> will have to dig deeper there and see If I really need it
08:23 AM Tom_L: i see you added the M5 i forgot to mention
08:23 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> one must is tool length sensor though
08:24 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> cant have it spinning 😄
08:24 AM Tom_L: ask big_kevin about that
08:24 AM Tom_L: i think he did one but maybe not in a toolchange sub
08:24 AM Tom_L: shouldn't matter where it's at
08:24 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> i will also look what the other solutions did in their ngc
08:24 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> in the end ist just gcode
08:25 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> another O300 and counting 🙂
08:29 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> now I need to bask in this glorious moment, thank you so much for the help Tom
08:30 AM Tom_L: nice thing about a sub is you can edit and not have to restart linuxcnc
08:30 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> learnt bunches too
08:30 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> oh didnt know what
08:30 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I just restart every edit 😄
08:30 AM Tom_L: that's why we're here
08:30 AM Tom_L: at least until you add in some .py
08:30 AM Tom_L: it's just like reloading a gcode program
08:31 AM Tom_L: only you skip the reload part
08:32 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I think I can handle the probe-part but there is just one thing I dont understand
08:33 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> when I home Z = 0
08:33 AM Tom_L: do you have limit switches?
08:33 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> yup
08:33 AM Tom_L: it will go to the switch
08:34 AM Tom_L: then you need to back off slightly to release the switch
08:34 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> home = z at the top = 0
08:34 AM Tom_L: in your code?
08:35 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> what I dont understand is how can the code know that it homes at Z, picks up a tool, probes it, how does it know that I want 0 at the top of the stock?
08:35 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I think I am very very fuzzy right now
08:35 AM Tom_L: i never quite figured out the toolprobe stuff
08:35 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I feel I need at least 1 touch of with G54 at the top of the stock?
08:36 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> and the difference in height with the toolsetter helps the rest
08:36 AM Tom_L: https://github.com/tlight9/flexgui/blob/master/examples/touch-probe3/subroutines/p_tool.ngc
08:36 AM Tom_L: you can look at that as a start point maybe
08:37 AM Tom_L: lemme see if i have something else
08:38 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I think what I need to understand is that red thread
08:40 AM Tom_L: i think i got rid of that stuff
08:42 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:43 AM Tom_dev: this code doesn't work but i took some notes you can look at
08:43 AM Tom_dev: https://paste.debian.net/1354305/
08:44 AM Tom_dev: part of that was from a forum thread
08:47 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:02 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> cool, will have to research this a bit 😄
09:02 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> but afaik its all g-code that I need
09:04 AM Tom_L: i was trying to make a universal one but found too many variations in sensor locations
09:46 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> as I figured I think I need a touchoffplate too
09:46 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> good thing I have started work on one 😄
09:51 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> I'd just spend the ~$20 on one, vs making one
09:53 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> all I need is wire 😄
09:54 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> I like having the "almost" sense as well, before it hits the absolute position
09:54 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> so it can drop the feedrate just before it touches
09:54 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> having a hard time finding a super low profile one
09:55 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> define "super low profile"?
09:55 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> would prefer 15-20mm tops
09:56 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> the one I started with is 6mm and has a tipping feature so I can go down hard and fast on it without crashing
09:57 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> yeah, that's into the "flat disc" territory
10:04 AM Tom_L: https://www.amazon.com/SainSmart-Router-Z-Axis-Setting-Touch/dp/B07Z5X9YHJ
10:05 AM Tom_L: doesn't look super durable
10:07 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1vCouyuVnI love this guys videos (doesn't fit in your height envelope though)
11:45 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> I believe in my own contraption 😄
11:50 AM Tom_L: i think it's better to have one self contained than to have to put a clip on the tool
11:50 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> i theory I can touch off without a clip I think
11:50 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> due to gnd
11:50 AM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> in theory I can touch off without a clip I think
11:51 AM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
11:51 AM Unterhausen: spammers have discovered lcnc and machinekit mailing lists
11:51 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> oof
12:45 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> Lol I just got Rick rolled listening to the 1988 top 40
02:26 PM lcnc-relay: <oddname_skane@> doing som experiments on a new config, how do I install debugpy for python3?
03:05 PM memleak: oh man, you guys won't believe this. i made a typo in my symlink and linuxcnc on master branch started on gentoo
03:05 PM memleak: /usr/lib/linuxcnc.so -> /usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc ... i accidentally symlinked the entire directory to a .so file
03:06 PM memleak: i meant to do /usr/lib/linuxcnc.so -> /usr/lib/tcltk/linuxcnc/linuxcnc.so
03:06 PM memleak: and if i symlink just the .so to /usr/lib/linuxcnc.so it doesn't start again
03:06 PM memleak: this is crazy
03:09 PM Tom_L: woops
03:12 PM memleak: i mean if it weren't for that mistake i'd be completely lost, but symlinking a director to a .so shouldn't fix it
03:13 PM memleak: *directory
04:02 PM roycroft: if someone has a trick to get motor case screws to line up quickly and easily i'd like to know, for future reference
04:03 PM roycroft: today's task went as usual - 5 minutes to disassemble the motor case ends, 30 seconds to retrive the washer that has fallen into the motor, and almost 2 hours to get the screws lined up so i could reassemble
04:04 PM xxcoder: rods smaller than threads?
04:04 PM roycroft: shaking the motor did no good, btw, and the washer was stuck in the stator windings, so while i might not have let any blue smoke out with it still there, i'd have let a lot of black smoke out
04:05 PM roycroft: these are the rods that go the full length of the motor
04:05 PM roycroft: they insert in the fan cap end and install in the shaft end cap
04:05 PM roycroft: with motors that have bolts and nuts, i can usually see what i'm doing and get them lined up reasonably quickly
04:06 PM roycroft: but when they are screws that insert in blind threads in the shaft end cap, there's no way to see how they are lining up
04:07 PM roycroft: and at that length, being off by 1/10 of a degree lands the end nowhere near the socket
04:08 PM roycroft: as well, neither cap indexes axially to the main motor case, so just getting the holes lined up straight is a significant task
04:09 PM roycroft: i put some index marks on the caps and the case, and that got me close, but i still needed to do a lot of wiggling to get things lined up
04:10 PM JT-Shop: the bluetooth is not working on my CT MIDI I
04:10 PM roycroft: oh well, it's done now, but we have another atmospheric river coming in right now, and my portable garage where the belt grinder is living or now leaks slightly right over the grinder motor and controller
04:11 PM roycroft: i would not know how to fix that, jt-shop, because i bought my ct midi about 5 seconds before the bluetooth version was released
04:12 PM roycroft: anyway, i have to head over to storage to get a machine cover, and then to town for groceries and other errands - i hope i do not encounter any downed trees or flash floods on the way down
04:12 PM roycroft: it's really really raining hard here, even for western oregon
04:13 PM roycroft: but it's also shirt sleeve weather, as long as one doesn't mind getting one's shirt wet
04:54 PM BorgPipe_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Yz9C7jhMI my winter grow
04:55 PM xxcoder: here its not hard rain, but it doesnt stop
06:27 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
07:15 PM memleak: never even heard of ct midi. midi, yes. no idea what ct is though
07:24 PM Tom_L: festool dust extractor
09:56 PM roycroft: the flash flood watch has turned into a flood warning for one of our rivers, fortunately one not close to here
09:57 PM xxcoder: rain and windy here. happy blustery day roy
09:57 PM roycroft: but the upper reservoir on the way to town, which is usually almost empty until april/may, is almost full right now
09:57 PM roycroft: it was a little windy here, but very rainy
09:58 PM roycroft: looks like 2mm more tonight, then 15mm more tomorrow, then sunshine
09:59 PM xxcoder: opposite here, heavy winds and little rain