#linuxcnc Logs
Feb 08 2025
#linuxcnc Calendar
01:34 AM memleak: holy hell, BsAtHome is really fixing up the tree!!! :D
01:52 AM memleak: well i gotta be up in about 4 hours so sleep tonight is going to suck
01:52 AM memleak: not looking forward to the morning...
06:46 AM memleak: pulled an all-nighter.
06:56 AM memleak: is alex_joni still active in linuxcnc? he goes way back, right?
08:22 AM lcnc-relay: <andypugh@> Last commit in 2013. I think he's probably moved on.
08:23 AM rdtsc: morning gents
09:32 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> He did come in a few weeks ago and say hi
10:34 AM JT-Woodshop is now known as C3-Shop
10:57 AM roycroft: we have a fair amount of snow this morning - i hope there is none down in the valley, as i am planning on doing some dump runs from the old house
10:59 AM roycroft: it looks like there's a wee bit in town, but not enough to be problematic
01:02 PM rdtsc: So on a Rpi4B, if you have static electricity on your body, and touch a USB MPG, two things happen: 1. The MPG freezes (estop button also no longer works) and 2. HAL still tries to talk to the MPG every servo period, consuming all the free timeslices, resulting in a difficult-to-quit scenario. Reboot is required. Hoping that the addition of a 4-port protected USB hub near the pendant will mitigate this...
01:17 PM NetPipe: cyborg cnc
01:37 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> oof
01:37 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> I'm happy i ordered the wireless usb mpg
01:38 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on@> One of the reasons why the raspberry pi is not a replacement for an industrial computer/controller.
01:41 PM bjorkintosh: surely, it's a matter of packaging isn't it?
01:42 PM bjorkintosh: https://revolutionpi.com/en The Industrial Raspberry Pi
01:42 PM bjorkintosh: latest model is 500 euros. https://revolutionpi.com/shop/en/revpi-connect-5
01:43 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on@> Yes, there is nothing wrong with the core, it is all packaging. Just that most try to skip the expensive industrial IO protection and use it as is.
01:44 PM bjorkintosh: hehe.
01:45 PM bjorkintosh: says the fellow using linuxcnc over fanuc or siemens!
01:45 PM bjorkintosh: we like to live on the edge. that's why we're here.
01:49 PM CloudEvil: I wish USB had an optical encoding, and optical encoding was cheap
01:50 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on@> I think that is a false equivalence. I use industrial level IO (mesa and others) and am still on a custom build of 2.8 linuxcnc as I have worked but bugs out of that one. An unshielded raspberry pi is impossible to keep stable in an industrial environment. The main reason I use linuxcnc is because of how open and well documented it is.
01:54 PM bjorkintosh: very well.
01:54 PM bjorkintosh: some of us _do_ like to live on the edge a bit.
01:54 PM bjorkintosh: throwing caution to the wind and seeing what returns.
02:17 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I have nothing directly attached to the rpi4 connected to the green machine. Not had any issues
02:17 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> plust the estop should be hardware.
02:19 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> (ethernet connected mesa hardware)
02:21 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> pluser?
02:21 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> more plus
02:32 PM xxcoder: whaa two ToT videos at once?
02:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> what!?
02:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> No way!
03:36 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> RevPI might be interesting to me IF there is enough room for me to fit my own SBC inside
03:36 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> and IF they built the IO well enough
03:43 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> https://i.imgur.com/8UaJmqc.png
03:44 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.@> didn't alex_joni recently stop by to say "hello" ?
03:45 PM Tom_L: yes
03:45 PM Tom_L: he's still logged in as 'away'
03:47 PM lcnc-relay: <andypugh@> Talking about Pi. The LinuxCNC Wikipedia page says, in two places, that it is targeted at at AMD64. That should probably be changed.
04:31 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> @rdtsc interesting. im constantly fingerbanging my rpi/stm32 shield, touching the chip, accidently unplugging powered stuff and i dont generally have any issues
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> i thought the pi was ppc64
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> 😛
06:46 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaADQTeZRCY
06:46 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> "it happened in anus"
06:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> wow - I am going to have to walk away for a bit.. LOL
06:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I am adding pid to the spindle for the monarch and with no pid - 1000rpm is pretty close to 1000 rpm
06:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> with the pid added - 1000 rpm is about 500 rpm.
06:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> 2000rpm is 1000
06:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> (with just P set to 1)
06:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I thought maybe the thread order was causing the issue - but putting the threads in order didn't help. I even moved the pid a bit and still the same.
06:50 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> what's pid?
06:50 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> input to the pid is rpm - output is rpm and command is rpm..
06:51 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> So a P of 1 should just pass the input to the output
06:51 PM Tom_L: ntu, Proportional–integral–derivative control
06:52 PM Tom_L: math
06:52 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> ntulinux2467@ it is a proccess control loop used in a ton of stuff.
06:52 PM Tom_L: right up your alley
06:52 PM Tom_L: cruise control uses PID
06:53 PM Tom_L: very effective but sometimes fun to tune
06:53 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> ah cool!
06:54 PM xxcoder: PID is awesome math tool
06:54 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> what kind of math is it?
06:55 PM xxcoder: calculus
06:55 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> oh god
06:55 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> skunkworks8841@ you know calculus?
06:55 PM xxcoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vqWyramGy8 check this video on PID
06:56 PM xxcoder: you'll understand pid a lot more
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> nope
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I just know how to tweek the settings lol
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> hmm - adding a little I made it work...
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> ah
06:58 PM xxcoder: honestly all the calculus has been done, all you need to is understand the basics (that video is truly amazing on this) and learn how to adjust
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> sure
07:01 PM rifraf: need to imagine a few missing parts but current status of bar feeder https://imgur.com/a/AFYPRXl
07:02 PM Tom_L: collet fit good now?
07:02 PM rifraf: well a sharp pull on the drawbar locks it
07:03 PM rifraf: takes about 200N to push back out, so am happy with such low forces
07:03 PM rifraf: will be much more force with large spring and air cyliners
07:04 PM rifraf: Tom_L have not redone the collet taper yet because actually worked ok, is testable
07:04 PM Tom_L: you could put some blue on the surface to see how well the contact area is
07:04 PM rifraf: yep
07:05 PM rifraf: got marker next to me, just didn't get there yet
07:05 PM Tom_L: just noticed we switched channels :)
07:05 PM rifraf: yep, i messed up
07:06 PM Tom_L: it fits in here too
07:06 PM rifraf: there was a cnc involved, but used notepad to program it
07:06 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> eh - it seems pretty stable.. Have to play with it.
07:07 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> notepad is very stable.
07:07 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I do that a lot.. Notepad
07:07 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> andypugh got me hooked on geany
07:07 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> i used to swear by kate
07:08 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> coworker swears by notepad ++
07:08 PM rifraf: yep it works well, was just cutting a few keyways
07:08 PM xxcoder: lol new name, blendx for blondihack
07:08 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> Think another one likes atom
07:08 PM rifraf: xxcoder i noticed that
07:08 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> i never got the hang of emacs
07:09 PM lcnc-relay: <ntulinux2467@> i know very little vim
07:09 PM rifraf: didn't watch just saw the subtitles on preview
07:20 PM rifraf: Tom_L with collet retracted and smaller prototype for comparison https://imgur.com/a/t1od9ZG
07:26 PM Tom_L: looks like it should work as long as the control fingers don't cause too much friction
07:26 PM rifraf: yep, there should be no touching when spinning, gonna rely on spring forces
07:27 PM rifraf: but if cylinders fires at wrong time etc the slipring should work and prevent major damage
07:29 PM rifraf: and have lockouts so it can only fire when spindle at 0 rpm, even want a small gap before it hits the spring forces, to give it more of a short sharp shock to release
07:30 PM rifraf: need to move only a fraction of a mm to release, the rest of travel just to be able to grab and change collet
07:31 PM rifraf: wondering if its worth using the collet keyway for extra safety, can add a few grubscrews just to stop it spinning if it did get loose
07:32 PM rifraf: these 5C collets have a few features
07:46 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> Hmm - I remember seeing a voltage to frequency IC here. Wonder where I saw that
07:49 PM rifraf: like a spindles 0-10v input to speed control?
07:50 PM rifraf: some kind of adc?
07:55 PM Tom_L: LM231 etc
07:56 PM Tom_L: https://www.mouser.com/c/semiconductors/integrated-circuits-ics/data-converter-ics/voltage-to-frequency-frequency-to-voltage/
07:57 PM rifraf: many choices here https://au.mouser.com/c/semiconductors/data-converter-ics/voltage-to-frequency-frequency-to-voltage
07:57 PM rifraf: heh
07:57 PM Tom_L: if you think the ones down under are better...
07:58 PM rifraf: better for some of us
07:59 PM rifraf: am so impressed with the little lathe and these parts it made
07:59 PM rifraf: 20 years old and still learning new tricks each year to make better stuffs
08:48 PM roycroft: i was able to haul three loads to the dump today - great progress
08:48 PM roycroft: and i loaded most of my metal stock and hauled it home, which was great because it snowed most of the way home
08:49 PM roycroft: but i had at least 1/2 ton of metal in the bed, and did not do any slip-sliding at all
08:49 PM roycroft: but even better yet - i found the cabinet hardware that i've been looking for for almost 2 months!
08:49 PM * roycroft will be installing cabinet doors as one of his projects for tomorrow
08:49 PM xxcoder: everyon should move once a year to find all lost stuff, and to get rid of junk
08:50 PM roycroft: the harware was in my bag of tie-down straps
08:50 PM roycroft: i didn't find it before because the pickup was not driveable, and i was not hauling stuff
08:50 PM roycroft: last weekend i used a rope for tie-down
08:51 PM roycroft: today was the first day in a couple months that i used the tie-down straps, and as soon as i opened the bag, there was the hardware
08:51 PM roycroft: i've no idea why i would ever have put it in that bag - i'll just chalk it up to senility
08:53 PM roycroft: there is one piece of train rail left at the old place that i could not load by myself, and inside the old fabrication shop there are a lot of shorts, much of it stainless steel, brass, and tool steel
08:53 PM roycroft: but all the big pieces of metal stock other than that rail are now here
08:53 PM roycroft: hopefully it won't turn into a frozen mess tonight, because i'd like to unload it and store it properly tomorrow
09:25 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> hi all again...
09:26 PM xxcoder: o/
09:26 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> using LCNC on r-pi4, how do I go about programing i2c as an input? or even an output?
09:27 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> I truly cant grasp the config... Like I have expansion boards on i2c bus @ 13 14 15 20 27... but.... how do I figure out what the port is...
09:35 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> I have the expanders working in regular debian... but the i2cdetect app dosent work on lcnc... I can find it wheris... but, nada.
09:35 PM Au70: Alright, I've got a goofy one. I'm playing with hal threads, but it seems like no matter what I do the period always ends up as half a second. Might anyone have pointer(s) for where I should look?
11:39 PM Au70: Ha! okay, I'm an idiot. I had `siggen.0.frequency` set to 1.
11:44 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> yikityyax@: you need a comp to connect your i2c expander to linuxcnc
11:44 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> its probably going to be in the same bus in lcnc as it is in reg debian