#linuxcnc Logs

Feb 02 2025

#linuxcnc Calendar

02:00 AM Deejay: moin
02:35 AM memleak: hey hey
04:59 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:44 AM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
07:10 AM JT-Cave: memleak, no
08:33 AM rdtsc: ziper2 what about https://sendcutsend.com
08:34 AM rdtsc: uh oh, have one of those bugs going around memleak?
08:48 AM rdtsc: @ccatlett1984 I was wondering about boards.py when for instance, you set the line 'loadrt hm2_spix config="num_encoders=4 num_pwmgens=2 num_stepgens=4" ' in hal. Is mesact just taking into consideration the default config?
09:19 AM memleak: if it is a bug, the only symptom is fatigue. i may as well have mono or something
09:20 AM memleak: JT-Cave, well it's not PyQt either.. what did you end up using?
09:35 AM memleak: oh wait it is PyQt
09:35 AM memleak: from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
09:36 AM memleak: you just use the new names so it works in gentoo as well
09:46 AM JT-Cave: yup pyqt6
10:59 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> good morning...
11:20 AM roycroft: well, it did not snow last night, but it's supposed to start at noon today
11:21 AM roycroft: i guess i should get the pickup unloaded before then
11:21 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> no snow here, ever, but it's raining litely, and forecast for at least the next 5 days
11:22 AM roycroft: we have snow in the forecast off and on all week
11:22 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> enjoy it
11:22 AM roycroft: most of what is in the pickup would be ok, but there are a couple uncovered buckets with my big c-clamps (6" and 8")
11:22 AM roycroft: i'd rather those not get full of snow
11:23 AM roycroft: there are also a couple portable welding tables that i'd like to keep dry
11:23 AM * roycroft will get to work shortly
11:25 AM roycroft: assuming it does snow, i shall enjoy it
11:25 AM roycroft: and it would be very entertaining for the kitten
11:25 AM roycroft: s
11:25 AM roycroft: i'm sure they would just find a perch by a window and start at it for hours
11:41 AM Roguish: i mount a small boards, about 6" wide, on the window sills for my cats to sit. they love 'em.
11:54 AM roycroft: i did that on a couple windows at the old house
11:55 AM roycroft: i'm probably not going to do it here, but there is a cat condo by one window and a bookshelf that sits just below another - both are good places for cats to hang out and stare out the windows
12:00 PM xxcoder: snow day
12:00 PM xxcoder: ground is actually holding on to some too. looks very dry too
12:30 PM That-Yax-Guy: Hello all... First time user here... so don't be hatin' on me...
12:31 PM bjorkintosh: you're welcome That-Yax-Guy. wrong channel for hate :-)
12:32 PM That-Yax-Guy: I am trying, but unsucessfully, trying to locate a howto on setting up LinuxCNC directly from GPIO. but moreso, will be using a STM32 as an expander, one for each axis (XYYZA) to control STP/ENA/DIR + 2x limit switches min+max. Using onboard GPIOs for hard switches and macro buttons.
12:32 PM That-Yax-Guy: do I have to use an FPGA board?
12:36 PM jasen38: well , there is no easy way to setup realtime system if you dont know it well.
12:37 PM jasen38: The fpga is used in order to sinc all at single thread.
12:37 PM That-Yax-Guy: well Im not a novice PC user, curently using fluidNC... was using GBRL board from Fox Alien.... but I need more GPIO then what is available on any of those...
12:37 PM jasen38: For shure you can use gpio , for sloww systems , but you will have to make you own driver and firmware for the stm.
12:38 PM That-Yax-Guy: gotcha... GPIO = slow, even for Pi5?
12:39 PM jasen38: non real time , not slow
12:39 PM jasen38: thats a different thing
12:39 PM That-Yax-Guy: but... Linux CNC is an RTOS kernel correct?
12:39 PM jasen38: you can use them as general purpose , in case you have some relays , pumps and so on , but not for encoders
12:40 PM That-Yax-Guy: I have closed loop steppers...
12:40 PM That-Yax-Guy: so encoding is done on motor.
12:40 PM jasen38: linuxcnc depend on the cernel , it can be realtime , or not
12:40 PM jasen38: sory , kernel
12:40 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> https://remora-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ this would be the firmware to use for an STM 32.
12:41 PM jasen38: still need to make you own firmware and driver
12:42 PM jasen38: if you want to use rpi , my sugestion is to use mesa rpi expander boards. its allweys much cheaper than making own specific drivers that probably will be unsupported with the next linuxcnc update
12:43 PM jasen38: look at 7C81 boars.
12:44 PM jasen38: you can customize the firmware easy , abd add io , timers , encoders , stepgens , generaly what ever you want
12:45 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> If you do want to use multiple boards, due to size of machine or other constraint, you could use some of the Ethernet capable boards, and then you just have one wire to run back to the machine from each location.
12:45 PM jasen38: this is spi board , not ethernet.
12:46 PM That-Yax-Guy: I was hoping that I could use SPI or I2C
12:47 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> The first question, why do you want to use a separate board for each axis and limit switch?
12:48 PM That-Yax-Guy: $$$ the stm32 5pk was $10....
12:49 PM That-Yax-Guy: so i thought just put one at each axis...
12:50 PM jasen38: the use of multiple boards is not a bad thing , its the oposite , in the electrical cabinet I have the main hostmot controler , and in the cutting heads , separate expanser board with 18 ins and 8 outs , the connection betwen is single cat.6 ethernet cable instead of 24 separate.
12:50 PM jpa-: That-Yax-Guy: you can, with remora (or something even more custom).. but it will take your own effort
12:51 PM jpa-: myself i would really like to see a klipper backend for linuxcnc, that seems like a reasonably good alternative to remora
12:51 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> The issue with klipper, is it is not real time.
12:52 PM jpa-: true, that wouldn't work with multiple boards; for one board controlling all axes, it would likely work well enough for stepper machines
12:53 PM jpa-: remora is probably a much better fit for That-Yax-Guy's needs
12:53 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> For 3D printing, klipper works perfectly fine with multiple MCUs, but it doesn't require the precision for real time that CNC does
12:53 PM That-Yax-Guy: Looking at this... says STM32F4... I have bluepill (f1)
12:53 PM jasen38: well , I think he can still use old boards with paralel ports
12:54 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Before you go buying any more hardware, I would sit down and map out how you want things wired, and then determine what hardware you need that will be supported for each location.
12:59 PM That-Yax-Guy: I curently have a FLuidNC by PiBot CNC... and have 5 steppers wired with CAT6 to each connection on an external 24VDC powersupply... Each stepper motor has its own closed loop controller. they all run back to a central location as of now... so wiring is not an issue... its the configuration Im trying to get my head wrapped arround.
01:00 PM jasen38: first map the pins and functions you need , then ask. I have no idea what is fluidnc or whatever , I can sugest you only in linuxcnc.
01:01 PM That-Yax-Guy: Fluid NC is a microcontroller CNC. uses generally the same GPIO as a pi.
01:03 PM That-Yax-Guy: so its a relative easy layout I believe.... for each STM remote GPIO, STP/DIR/ENA/ERR Min/Max. Y1 and Y2 on the same board. 4 Macros, and 3 relay buttons.
01:04 PM jasen38: it depends , I am making my own controlers for my machines. so haw easy is depend of what you need
01:04 PM jasen38: https://imgur.com/TBu6WZs
01:04 PM jasen38: https://imgur.com/tc8dDK5
01:04 PM jasen38: https://imgur.com/a/TgUIDCj
01:05 PM jasen38: https://imgur.com/a/59KQQGH
01:05 PM jasen38: https://imgur.com/PkhbOIF
01:05 PM jasen38: make the math haw easy is
01:05 PM jasen38: some are 6 layers
01:06 PM That-Yax-Guy: that last one... My gawd talk about GPIO....
01:07 PM jasen38: this is core fpga for linuxcnc
01:07 PM jasen38: 144 pins , and you can add whatever you want in the fpga
01:18 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> yex what stm32 you have
01:31 PM That-Yax-Guy: jasen32, where does one obtain one of these fpga core boards
01:35 PM Tom_L: mesanet.com mesaus.com
01:56 PM john__ is now known as C3-Shop
02:03 PM lcnc-relay: <jasen_93852@> the core board is made by me and use for code development , its not a market product
02:09 PM That-Yax-Guy: nn
02:10 PM lcnc-relay: <yikityyax@> big_kevin420@: Bluepill STM32F01
02:24 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:27 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Hey, I wondering a friend of mine runs a carpentry workshop and got hold of an old Bissell rover 20. The machine itself works OK but the control unit (if I'm not mistaken a xnc compact) is well behind reliable operation. I'm an electrical engineer but have no experience in CNC machines, beside of 3d printing. Thus I was wondering do people use LinuxCNC to retrofit such old "heavy" industrial machines? Or is that something that is...
03:28 PM lcnc-relay: ... somewhat hopeless resp. not worse the trouble?
03:29 PM Tom_L: yes linuxcnc has been fitted to large cnc machines
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Is there any page which describes the steps which had been done to get an better idea what we face. The question right now is, retrofitting with a chance that we trash the entire machine, or live with what we have and pray that nothing falls apart in the next few years.
03:32 PM Tom_L: https://www.ebay.com/itm/256634306694
03:32 PM Tom_L: like that?
03:32 PM xxcoder: interesting looking machine
03:32 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Yes a slightly different controller but basically the same machine
03:33 PM Tom_L: or run it until it falls apart then switch
03:33 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/
03:34 PM memleak: interesting topics today!
03:34 PM Tom_L: there's the document page for linuxcnc if you want to look it over
03:34 PM rdtsc: no reason it couldn't be retrofitted to LinuxCNC; may likely be signficantly simplified in terms of custom controls, however the configuration isn't exactly child's play.
03:34 PM Tom_L: is it stepper or servo based?
03:35 PM Tom_L: there is plenty of help to get it up and running
03:35 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> But running it, has many pain points too... From. A semibroken keyboard (non standard, but maybe replaceable with a normal one) to lynxos as operating system and (to be checked) no way to upload files. All has to be programmed on the machine itself, with software from 1999
03:35 PM Tom_L: 3 axis with a single spindle?
03:36 PM xxcoder: is the console detechable? if so could build seperate one and swap to test stuff, once its perfect can do perment swap
03:36 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> 3axis, two spindles and a tool magazine
03:37 PM Tom_L: a little more than a basic install but doable
03:38 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Well the console keeps all together power management, servo drivers, plc, and the controller unit. The controller unit is a standard pc but it looks like they have added an extra card into it. Need to check. I only had a few hours with it for now
03:39 PM Tom_L: linuxcnc has multi spindle support as well as the tool changer
03:39 PM Tom_L: it would take some time to fine tune it
03:39 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> My hope was to keep most of it as is and "simply" switch the controller
03:40 PM Tom_L: what you keep are the drivers and spindle vfd more than likely and interface linuxcnc to those
03:40 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Yes
03:41 PM Tom_L: you will need to know a bit about both of those to know how to interface them
03:42 PM Tom_L: a pc with decent latency with a mesa card or two should do the trick
03:43 PM Tom_L: https://mesaus.com/
03:43 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> I need to get a better overview of what else is in there and see if it needs replacement or it can be used. Biesse has tons of config parameters in their software, that acutally scares me a bit. This, and the safety mechanisms which I do not want to compromise at all.
03:43 PM rdtsc: LinuxCNC will run on a very small PC... serveral users are experimenting with N100 mini-ITX boards which are quite small - could likely end up with lots of free room in the machine.
03:44 PM Tom_L: linuxcnc is very capable but comes with somewhat of a learning curve
03:44 PM JT-Shop: we try hard to make it as easy as possible
03:45 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Well the box is already half empty. There would be enough space for a normal pc and a crate of beer
03:45 PM Tom_L: as far as user interfaces you can even create your own if you want to
03:45 PM JT-Shop: put the beer in the fridge
03:45 PM Tom_L: yeah
03:46 PM rdtsc: create a cubby and keep spare tools in there. :)
03:46 PM Tom_L: you will find help here as well as on the user forum
03:46 PM JT-Shop: I took one enclosure off the bp when I converted it
03:46 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Being in the Klipper rabbit hole for some time already. Gcode is not unknown to me, using lasers, 3d printers and CNC mills for pcb boards.... It is just... This is another size level 😉
03:47 PM memleak: speaking of beer, not sure if there is a term for it, but there should be.. when you put your beer in the freezer to cool it off faster but it freezes because you waited too long by accident
03:47 PM Tom_L: they work the same no matter the size
03:47 PM rdtsc: it may be physically larger, but it works the same
03:47 PM memleak: i took a nap the other day and it froze. i was sad.
03:47 PM JT-Shop: the term is oh crap
03:47 PM memleak: LOL
03:48 PM Tom_L: i think someone here converted a multi spindle router recently
03:48 PM Tom_L: i forget who it was now
03:49 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Well a 3d printer creates bruises on my hand.... This one will not even notice that it torned of my arm... So I will have some respect, which is maybe not wrong
03:49 PM xxcoder: I think I remember that yeah. sadly nickname is evading my memory
03:50 PM Tom_L: respect is a good thing
03:51 PM xxcoder: always. while I was working, other shop worker acciently killed guy who was working inside machine by not checking things over before pressing button to start. the maintance worker didnt do a lockdown too
03:51 PM xxcoder: that combination is what killed that maintance guy
03:51 PM roycroft: well, the term is "crap beer", not "oh crap"
03:51 PM roycroft: good beer does not need to be chilled
03:51 PM Tom_L: that happened at a shop here a couple years ago
03:52 PM JT-Shop: or oh crap I crapped my beer
03:52 PM xxcoder: yeah. the shop I worked at, guy basically removed palm of his hand by trying to get part from coolant bin. which has rotating plates to push chips out
03:53 PM xxcoder: some of functionality was recovered but he never returned to cnc work, but went to inspections qa dept
03:55 PM Tom_L: torwag, i would do some research on the drivers for the axis and spindles and see what you come up with
03:55 PM bjorkintosh: memleak: set a timer.
03:55 PM bjorkintosh: for freezing and for heating.
03:55 PM xxcoder: whats scary is I had to do same thing sometimes, but I always inspected it to see if it was moving or not, and never while machine was cutting something (it rotates then)
03:56 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> The axis drivers are from Japan... Need to check the name again..one sec
03:59 PM memleak: brb
04:06 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Yaskawa Servopack Servo Drive SGDB-03VDY1
04:07 PM Tom_L: wow it's 70F here today...
04:08 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Just learned that people sell memory-Stick 2 floppydrive converters for those machines... 350 Euro
04:10 PM Tom_L: similar to this? https://s3.amazonaws.com/Icarus/DOCUMENTS/Yaskawa_Manuals_1249.pdf
04:14 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Yes
04:15 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Guess they go with the serial communication
04:24 PM Tom_L: there may or may not be a similar comp for that driver for linuxcnc
04:26 PM lcnc-relay: <torwag@> Well I have to carefully check, those drivers come in many colors from serial interface to analog voltages for control or multiple selectable inputs
04:36 PM xxcoder: tacoma snows is unnatural so sun come out to melt em all
04:46 PM Tom_L: analog would likely be the easiest
04:55 PM roycroft: the snow hasn't started here yet, which is good, because i'm not done unloading the pickup
04:55 PM roycroft: i'm having to arrange other things to make room for stuff
04:56 PM roycroft: anyway, light rain that is now forecast to turn to snow around 5
04:56 PM roycroft: everything in the back of the pickup that i'm concerned about being exposed to the weather is unloaded
04:58 PM * roycroft kind of hopes it will start snowing soon - he has provisions for a few days, and would enjoy the nice snow, unless it causes power outages (which it well could)
05:00 PM xxcoder: no backup power?
05:01 PM roycroft: i have a generator, but it needs some work
05:02 PM xxcoder: ok
05:02 PM roycroft: i have a jackery as well, and a solar charger for it, but it would not last long for anything but charging phones and the like
05:03 PM roycroft: and the solar charger would take about a week or five to recharge it this time of year, when it's snowing
05:04 PM roycroft: i would like to get my oxy-acetylene torch off the truck before the snow, but i have to figure out where it can live
05:05 PM roycroft: i would put it in the storage unit for now, but i do not think that would be appropriate
05:05 PM * JT-Shop is trying to figure out what to get rid of
05:05 PM roycroft: as a courtesy to my storage unit neighbors i'm avoiding putting cylinders of explosive gases there
05:06 PM * roycroft has a good idea what to get rid of, but hasn't figured out how/when to do so
05:06 PM JT-Shop: that can be a challenge to figure out how to get rid of stuff
05:07 PM roycroft: i've taken so much stuff to the transfer station or donated to st vinnie's just because i looked at it, determined it had value, but would cost more in terms of time and effort to sell than to just get rid of
05:08 PM roycroft: i have a cement mixer on the pickup that can stay there until i need the pickup again, but the welding tables and torch should come off, when i can figure out where they will live
05:08 PM roycroft: the welding tables i'll probably take to storage for now
05:09 PM bjorkintosh: roycroft: do you have a forklift to move all those things?
05:09 PM bjorkintosh: or are you just That Strong?
05:10 PM roycroft: no and no
05:10 PM roycroft: it about killed me loading the cement mixer
05:10 PM roycroft: and i had to partially disassemble it at that
05:10 PM bjorkintosh: damn man!
05:10 PM roycroft: that's one reason i'm not in a rush to unload it - i'm still recovering from loading it
05:11 PM roycroft: i mean, it's not all that heavy
05:11 PM roycroft: the mixing drum is probably 60-70kg, and the stand and motor 50kg
05:11 PM roycroft: but the tailgate on my pickup sits really high, so there's a significant lift to get it up there
05:12 PM bjorkintosh: no ramp?
05:12 PM roycroft: as far as the torch goes, i removed the cylinders
05:12 PM roycroft: it would have been awkward on a ramp
05:13 PM roycroft: i ended up finding a spot that could catch on the edge of the tailgate, hoisted it up a bit until it did so, then pushed it up the rest of the way
05:14 PM roycroft: once it's unloaded i'll reassemble it in my driveway then move it around back on a hand truck
05:14 PM JT-Shop: interesting that an acetylene tank does not explode but burns until it's empty even if you direct many streams of high pressure water at it
05:15 PM roycroft: i'm actually more concerned about the oxygen tank
05:15 PM roycroft: it's high pressure
05:16 PM JT-Shop: yup if you knock the valve off it's a missile
05:16 PM roycroft: yes
05:16 PM roycroft: other than when my tanks are bolted onto a cart, i do not move them at all until i screw the collar on over the valve
05:16 PM roycroft: i'm pretty anal about that
05:17 PM roycroft: bolted/chained
05:18 PM roycroft: so i mentioned a while back considering adding a second dryer outlet in the wall of the laundry room so i don't have to swap cords back and forth between the dryer and my shop, and it was suggested i make a y cord instead, which seemed a good idea
05:18 PM roycroft: especially since this is a temporary setup
05:19 PM roycroft: i just want to look for components for that and found this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CVSJ6S9
05:19 PM roycroft: and they had a return available for $10 off
05:19 PM roycroft: as long as it's not damaged, a return will be fine
05:22 PM roycroft: i need to see if i can run my gmaw welder on 30a at reduced power or not - many welders can do that
05:22 PM roycroft: i have some welding i'd like to do, but don't have a 50a circuit available for that at the moment
05:22 PM JT-Shop: my miller can run on 120v or 240v
05:26 PM JT-Shop: it also can use a paintball co2 cylinder
05:26 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> with co2 as shielding gas?
05:26 PM roycroft: oh, it only draws 26a at full power
05:27 PM roycroft: i guess i put a 50a plug on it because my gtaw welder requires 50a
05:27 PM JT-Shop: yup it welds better with straight c02
05:27 PM roycroft: so sweet - it will work with with i have, as long as i swap out the plug
05:27 PM roycroft: i have an argon/co2 mix for mine
05:27 PM roycroft: the gtaw uses pure argon
05:27 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> oh cool didnt know i culd do that
05:28 PM JT-Shop: only some mig welders can use straight c02
05:29 PM JT-Shop: mine is a miller suitcase welder so designed to be portable
05:29 PM roycroft: i don't have a spool gun for mine, yet
05:29 PM roycroft: i'm not sure i want or need one - i mostly weld steel
05:30 PM JT-Shop: I had one on my miller 212 but only used it a few times
05:30 PM JT-Shop: for thin aluminum my tig will weld it
05:31 PM roycroft: i have a gtaw machine that is great with aluminium
05:31 PM roycroft: the gmaw is a harbor freight model - vulcan 170
05:31 PM roycroft: it actually works really well
05:31 PM roycroft: er, titanium 170
05:31 PM xxcoder: sun failed to melt off the snow, its heavy winds and very light snow
05:31 PM roycroft: i did not get the vulcan series
05:31 PM JT-Shop: I very seldom weld anything any more
05:31 PM roycroft: i'm still waiting for the snow
05:31 PM roycroft: me too, jt-shop
05:32 PM roycroft: in fact, i tried selling the gtaw welder, but nobody wanted to pay anything near what it's worth
05:32 PM roycroft: i paid over $3k on it in total, including the glass lens, cooler, cart, etc.
05:33 PM Tom_L: was a nice day here today... 70F
05:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> really? wow - it was about 30something here
05:34 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> just got back from skiing
05:34 PM JT-Shop: pretty nice here too but only 60f
05:34 PM Tom_L: just a tease i'm afraid...
05:34 PM xxcoder: 70f in feb?
05:34 PM roycroft: and that was after getting a really nice discount from everlast - it was back in the days when they were still trying to establish a market, and you could make them a ridiculously low offer and they would usually take it
05:34 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> lol
05:34 PM roycroft: i started out asking $1800 for it, ended up slowly lowering my price until i got to $1500
05:34 PM roycroft: but i kept getting offers in the $300-$500 range
05:34 PM roycroft: for that much money i decided i'd keep it
05:34 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I want to learn tig.. but maybe not until I retire
05:35 PM roycroft: it's in almost mint condition, and only has a few hours of welding time on it
05:35 PM Tom_L: reminds me of gas welding but with an electric torch
05:35 PM roycroft: but people kept telling me they can get a gtaw welder from harbor freight for $5000
05:35 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> Hey guys, im having a hard time configuring the GPIO pins of a pi5, and its not the pi5 thats causing the issues but instead the fact i have no idea what im doing haha
05:35 PM roycroft: er $500
05:35 PM lcnc-relay: im working with the puma560 config and im trying to get step and dir outputs to the gpio pins but everytime i try to make a hal config it either doesnt work or conflicts with the simulation, can anyone point me in the right direction cause i dont even know what to look for anymore, theres a guy i know of that figured it out with this same config but he hasnt really been responsive
05:35 PM roycroft: and i would tell them that mine actually works
05:36 PM roycroft: oh, lcnc question
05:36 PM * roycroft heads back out to work so as to not disrupt
05:37 PM Tom_L: the sim isn't the same as a real config
05:37 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> wagon56@ https://photos.app.goo.gl/A4FvbDrbnK433rvE8
05:37 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> The error would be a good start...
05:38 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, is that on your todo list?
05:38 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> yes
05:38 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> but pretty low on it
05:38 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> skunkworks8841@: haha damn
05:38 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> I bought that at one of the cnc fests
05:38 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> Tom_L: oh so im running the wrong thing?
05:38 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> thats awesome
05:39 PM Tom_L: i'm just saying the sim config will be different that real hardware
05:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> marko what version of lcnc are you using
05:39 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> You can certaintly turn a a sample config into a real config.. but it will certainly take some elbow grease
05:39 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> Tom_L: i wasnt planning on using it with a puma arm either way, just tryina get a 6axis config running to run it on a different arm, ofc would have to tinker with the rest of the config too but thats for future me to figure out
05:40 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> big_kevin420@: actually dont remember, lemme check
05:41 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> well - there is no 'configurator' for rpi5 i/o.. So I might try starting with a parallel port config and convert it to rpi gpio
05:41 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> 2.9.4
05:41 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> skunkworks8841@: someone made something
05:41 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> skunkworks8841@: i figured that the "general gpio driver" should work, i can manually change the status of the pins so im guessing it should work
05:42 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> really?
05:42 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> well - I didn't know that lol
05:42 PM Tom_L: big_kevin, that wasn't the 7c80 for the rpi4 was it?
05:43 PM Tom_L: for mesact
05:43 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> no the gpio thjing, on the forum someone made a sketchy exe one in the other languages forum, and i said it was neat, and when i mentioned it in a def thread someone pointed out it was sketchy and that someone else from the community had one
05:43 PM Tom_L: ok
05:44 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> ok, one thing to note, it the 2.9 docs dont have a page on the stuff, but the 2.10 does have a pag on both io drivers
05:44 PM Tom_L: does 2.9 support both?
05:44 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> Tom_L: seen that too but i was hoping to get it to work with the GPIO directly and not connect a mesa board to it just to mess around
05:44 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> jt you modest devil
05:44 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/js6OaVhUN2U
05:44 PM lcnc-relay: heres a clip of someone using the exact same config with some tweaks, this is exactly what im trying to replicate
05:44 PM lcnc-relay: <wagon56@> just with a different arm
05:45 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> https://github.com/jethornton/rpi_gpio
05:45 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> i swear to god this better be the same jt as in irc and forum
05:45 PM Tom_L: heh
05:45 PM Tom_L: that's the same jt we know of here
05:46 PM JT-Shop: yup that's me
05:46 PM xxcoder: theres only "other" JT, and its discord username, guys been quiet for months now so dunno lol
05:46 PM xxcoder: *one
05:46 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> the jt one is the legit one, i found the thread
05:47 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> just to be clear, but i think we all knew that
05:47 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> oh damn thats old, maybe it works on rpi5
05:48 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> hmm this thing looks proper
05:48 PM Tom_L: doesn't the rpi5 bring the same pins out to the header?
05:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> yes
05:53 PM xxcoder: man artisan make really need to buy bandsaw lol
05:53 PM xxcoder: or make one
06:03 PM rdtsc: about one in ten shutdowns (not reboots), my Rpi4B hangs with this: https://postimg.cc/Tp99F1zf any ideas?
06:12 PM Tom_L: what is EXT4-fs? seems to be where it starts
06:13 PM Tom_L: crappy sd card?
06:13 PM Tom_L: beyond that i have no clue
06:22 PM roycroft: yay - pickup unloaded, including the cement mixer
06:22 PM rdtsc: I'd assume EXT4-fs is the filesystem driver... found it at /usr/src/linux-headers-6.6.44-rt39/include/config/EXT4_FS but that is blank
06:22 PM roycroft: but now i'm all pooped out again - i guess i can do one heavy-ish thing per day any more
06:23 PM rdtsc: doesn't seem to be discoverable via modprobe nor systemctl, so perhaps built into the kernel
06:25 PM rdtsc: prolly a good question for memleak :)
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> holy crap - can you not connect a net to a parameter?
06:44 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on@> I think only pins can be assigned nets.
06:54 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> i must have forgoten that
06:54 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> but - I have another way to do it - also - the drive inhibits are for cw and ccw - I only enable one of them.. oof
07:03 PM javabean_ is now known as Javabean
08:27 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> I slapped a nvme ssd on my pi5, since i didn't want to chance an SD card death/corruption
08:28 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> pi5 has a separate pci-e port, iirc the pi4 would need to use some of the gpio pins
08:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> You can run nvme over USB on a 4
08:49 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> guess that'd be plenty fast
09:55 PM CloudEvil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l30sADfDiM8 related.
09:55 PM CloudEvil: PCIe NAS on RPi5
09:56 PM CloudEvil: Saturates (mostly) 2.5Gig ethernet
10:39 PM roycroft: the snow has been postponed again until mid-morning
10:40 PM xxcoder: snow hve surived the sun here
10:40 PM xxcoder: snow for next 4 days here apparently
10:41 PM roycroft: whenever it starts it's supposed to keep up off and on for a week or so
10:41 PM roycroft: but it's behind schedule
10:41 PM xxcoder: it may be waiting for you to finish your trips
10:42 PM roycroft: i should probably ring up marjory taylor green and let her know that the government weather manipulation is not working right :)
10:42 PM roycroft: i'm not planning on heading down to the valley again until wednesday
10:42 PM xxcoder: lol ok
10:42 PM roycroft: and not another trip to the old house until saturday
10:43 PM roycroft: it all depends, though
10:43 PM roycroft: i want to start on my plumbing work asap, and if that goes well i might head down earlier
10:44 PM roycroft: i'm watching a video by some canadian homesteaders that i've been following
10:44 PM roycroft: meg august
10:45 PM roycroft: this week they're replacing all the polybutyl plumbing in their house
10:45 PM roycroft: which is exactly my project
10:46 PM roycroft: i'm planning on adding an outdoor water spigot right outside the laundry room, and i had the brilliant idea to install both hot and cold water there, as it would be nice to have hot water outside
10:46 PM roycroft: they did the exact same thing in their video tonight