#linuxcnc Logs

Jan 15 2025

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:00 AM memleak: i really dislike the design of the gitlab website, i've been using github since like 07 or so and i can't use anything else lol
12:14 AM roycroft: i don't use the web interface often
12:14 AM memleak: even after microsoft bought them out, i really didn't care because there's nothing like it imo
12:14 AM roycroft: but i've found it the easiest way to create new projects and organize projects into groups
12:14 AM xxcoder: gutlab is fully open source and you can create your own
12:14 AM memleak: what gets me is why so many people use anime pictures for their github profile pics
12:14 AM roycroft: it doesn't really matter to me
12:14 AM roycroft: wherever/however a project is hosted i can figure out how to deal with it
12:14 AM memleak: people have been trolling linus's kernel git tree on github though and it's hilarious. guy replaced panic.c with an ascsii art image of Ghaddafi or something xD
12:25 AM memleak: glad Gitorious died though, that one was terrible
01:20 AM Deejay: moin
02:00 AM memleak: hey Deejay!
02:02 AM Deejay: hey memleak
02:03 AM Deejay: good morning, or should I say good night?
02:03 AM memleak: heh, i'm all messed up today so whatever works!
02:03 AM Deejay: hehe
02:04 AM * Deejay continues programming a simple QCAD/CAM script for exporting Gcode to mill helical holes
02:07 AM jpa-: helical vertical entry is surprisingly effective compared e.g. ramp entry in slotting
02:07 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> moin
02:09 AM Deejay: moin
02:10 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> Deejay: which language do you use ?
02:10 AM Deejay: script (ECMA/javascript)
02:10 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@> ok
02:12 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram@> hello
03:26 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:58 PM roycroft: there are mill/drills being made today with mt spindles, although most of the small ones use r8
03:02 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@> the turco mill I have uses mt2 - but it has a collar/nut to hold them in.
03:11 PM roycroft: the collet holder i linked to is threaded to accept a drawbar
03:12 PM roycroft: like the end mill holder tom_l linked to
03:12 PM roycroft: there's still a ridigity issue with those small machines, and the taper doesn't help with that at all
03:39 PM memleak: question, would most of you guys be considered machinists or engineers?
03:40 PM roycroft: no
03:40 PM memleak: heh, how would you describe yourself roycroft ?
03:40 PM rdtsc-w: he is batman
03:40 PM roycroft: i am a person with some knowledge and experience and i like to make stuff
03:41 PM memleak: rdtsc-w, lol
03:42 PM roycroft: i have an engineering degree, but i don't have a stamp, and don't consider myself an engineer
03:43 PM roycroft: i've taken machining classes, but have never worked as a machinist, much less attained journeyman status, and don't consider myself a machinist
03:43 PM memleak: gotcha. where did you go to school if you dont mind me asking?
03:44 PM roycroft: in the united states :)
03:45 PM memleak: for some reason i thought you were from germany!
03:45 PM memleak: someone else then
03:45 PM roycroft: i could be
03:45 PM roycroft: but i'm not
03:46 PM rdtsc-w: think I'm in the same boat as roycroft... just like engineering in general - electronic, machining... even been to more than a few cities across the US performing live music.
03:46 PM rdtsc-w: alas, so much to do, so little time
03:47 PM memleak: oh what instrument do you play?
03:47 PM roycroft: einige mine vorfahren stammten aus deutschland, aber die meisten stammen von schottland
03:47 PM roycroft: i play the highland bagpipe
03:48 PM roycroft: well, attempt to play
03:48 PM roycroft: it's a beast of an instrument
03:48 PM memleak: heh i remember that discussion!
03:48 PM rdtsc-w: memleak, depends on the decade... rhythm guitar back in the 90's-2000's, 2016+ bass and backing vocals
03:48 PM * rdtsc-w bets roycroft has a good set of lungs :)
03:49 PM roycroft: i don't, anymore
03:49 PM roycroft: which is one of the challenges
03:49 PM roycroft: i had a pretty severe case of pneumonia about 15 years ago and my lungs have never been the same since
03:50 PM rdtsc-w: have had it twice... luckily caught pretty early both times
03:51 PM roycroft: that was the only time i've had pneumonia
03:52 PM roycroft: it was on christmas eve
03:52 PM xxcoder: wow. my lungs is messed up, because i hd it too many times. before my last one, doctor told me next might kill me. he was almost right
03:52 PM roycroft: i started feeling achey mid-afternoon
03:53 PM roycroft: by early evening i was running a high fever
03:53 PM xxcoder: I was bedridden for almost a month and I coulnt blow out candles for couple years after that. slowly recovered since then
03:53 PM roycroft: i got to the urgent care center at 7:58 pm, and they closed at 8
03:53 PM roycroft: they took care of me, though, and almost sent me to hospital
03:53 PM roycroft: it was really fast that it came on
03:54 PM rdtsc-w: urgent care around here is a joke... I've learned to just go to the ER
03:54 PM xxcoder: roy that sucks though. sounds like you had much more serious case
03:54 PM xxcoder: mine was so bad just because I had it so many times
03:55 PM rdtsc-w: haven't seen it progress that quickly - scary
03:55 PM roycroft: that was the time that the failings of our health care system really shone
03:55 PM roycroft: i did my due diligence before going there - i checked on their website and confirmed they were in-network, i called my insurance company who assured me they were in-network, and i asked them when i showed up if they were in-network and they confirmed that they were
03:56 PM roycroft: so i got all the work done, and then i got the bill
03:56 PM roycroft: it turns out that this facility has multiple campuses in eugene, and every night there is one doctor who is in charge of all of them and who signs all the paperwork
03:57 PM roycroft: the doctor who saw me that night was currently in network, but the one in charge had her contract with the insurance carrier lapse a week earlier
03:57 PM roycroft: so i was billed full, out of network prices
03:57 PM rdtsc-w: oh man
03:57 PM xxcoder: jeez
03:57 PM roycroft: and the state insurance board would do nothing about it
03:58 PM roycroft: what they told me was "when you're sick and you need urgent care you just go get it wherever you can, and don't worry about whether it's in network or not"
03:58 PM roycroft: which is utter bs
03:58 PM roycroft: i could have gone to the er, which was definitely in network
03:58 PM roycroft: i prefer going to urgent care, so that the er can focus on folks who really need that level of treatment
03:59 PM roycroft: i figured that the urgent care facility could at least do triage, and save that from the er
03:59 PM rdtsc-w: went to the urgent care once, diagnosed with Influenza A and a sinus infection, sent home with some antibiotic (not allergic to anything that I know of) and unexpectedly 45 minutes after taking it, puked all over. Then went to the ER and they said I had pneumonia. Good anti-bacs, no puking, got better fast.
04:00 PM roycroft: this attitude stems back, i suspect, from when lived in chicago and the er was always overcrowded
04:00 PM roycroft: the life-threatening gunshot wounds took precedence
04:01 PM roycroft: since i never got involved in gang fights (or crossed chicago's finest), any injury i might incur was pretty low on the list
04:01 PM rdtsc-w: I'd like to believe in the urgent care, but have 2/3 failed experiences with them
04:08 PM memleak: hey i'm from chicago!
04:09 PM * rdtsc-w tries to flash the appropriate gang signs, and fails horribly...
04:09 PM memleak: middle finger over the ring finger is the only one i know lol
04:10 PM xxcoder: im sure couple I knew is very obselete now
04:10 PM memleak: heh!
04:10 PM xxcoder: it being more than 30 years ago
04:11 PM xxcoder: I didnt own anything blue or red whejn I lived there
04:11 PM xxcoder: southern calfornia. I wonder if apt I lived at is burnt down now
04:11 PM xxcoder: was in burbank
04:14 PM roycroft: i don't think burbank is on fire yet, but it may not be long
04:15 PM roycroft: this morning's report is that over 6 million people in the la area are in danger now
04:15 PM roycroft: which is most of the la area
04:15 PM xxcoder: that sucks
04:16 PM xxcoder: perfect storm of very dry season plus very heavy winds
04:16 PM xxcoder: sounds like it was electrics failure that started fire? not confirmed yet
04:16 PM roycroft: what really sucks that a bunch of southeastern republicans in congress are threatening to withold disaster relief money for california
04:17 PM roycroft: states that have received billions of dollars of disaster relief money for hurricanes over the years
04:17 PM roycroft: no, it started because governor newsom did not rake his forests properly
04:28 PM xxcoder: whoa
04:29 PM xxcoder: my soylent package was stolen, literally saw someone in fancy suv steal it as I walked to it
04:37 PM xxcoder: seriously though that suv was probably 5-10 years newer than my ford focus, and much more expensive
04:45 PM Tom_L: should have gotten their tag
04:45 PM Tom_L: not that it would do any good
04:46 PM xxcoder: yeah I was still walking, so my view was still shaking. they left before I stopped walking to take a close look
04:47 PM xxcoder: I couldnt see what model it was sadly
04:48 PM xxcoder: view field tracking is not something you would think of till you dont have it.
04:48 PM xxcoder: im used to it, not having any view tracking for few years now
07:14 PM rdtsc: dang xxcoder, sorry to hear. ya know, I'll probably be on the news someday... want to take about 5lbs of this stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06GJzufsnoM& put it in a box, along with a 1 minute timer when moved, and leave it on my porch.
07:17 PM xxcoder: lol
07:18 PM rdtsc: if they do it again, one of these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltAhdqVo8ec&t=28s
07:19 PM Tom_L: fill the box with exploding paintballs so when they get it home and open it..
07:19 PM xxcoder: just do stink spray
07:20 PM xxcoder: like that guy who made engineering revenge packages insane
07:20 PM xxcoder: he ended his run after few years but yeah
07:23 PM xxcoder: make a box of lead, make it very heavu and backbreaking
07:25 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> get a box, smear it in dogshit, spraypaint it, then put something heavy inside, so when they lift it it smears on their hands
07:25 PM xxcoder: theres that guy who empties pets litter into boxes, put label on em and put it out
07:25 PM xxcoder: free trash takeout
07:26 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> you dont even have to put it to the curb
07:26 PM xxcoder: that guy didnt either. just on patio
07:26 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> its perfect
07:27 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420@> lazy and devious
07:27 PM xxcoder: “I’m at 114 packages. Number 113 got taken over the weekend, and 114’s coming up soon," Blumental told the media outlet.
07:28 PM xxcoder: LOL https://www.tiktok.com/@gettishow/video/7360813008857206059
07:28 PM xxcoder: I usually dont use tiktok but saw it in results
09:08 PM memleak: debian packages?
09:29 PM memleak: ah nevermind. sorry, been in a '69 ford coma all day