#linuxcnc Logs

Dec 23 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:52 AM Deejay: moin
02:14 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel@discord> moin
04:19 AM Tom_L: morning
04:59 AM JT-Cave: morning
08:21 AM JT-Cave: https://youtu.be/UNKEpnb28iY
10:51 AM lcnc-relay: <die_limonade@discord> Hello,
10:51 AM lcnc-relay: I somehow managed to completely lost the ability to control linux with my mouse/touchscreen. i played around with the settings of the mouse in the hope that i can use the touchscreen to open programs on the desktop gui. I am running the linuxcnc prepared for rpi4. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
10:55 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> I have a proxmox server that decided to slow way down. (all the vm's are sluggish.) don't see anything odd. Probably just going to limp by today and reboot it tonight..
10:56 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> see of that fixes it
10:59 AM roycroft: i've found that sometimes shutting down all the vms and then restarting them helps
11:02 AM lcnc-relay: <die_limonade@discord> Fixed it!
11:46 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> I didn't shut them all down. This server has been up for over 500 days.. Not that that should matter.
11:48 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> (it also isn't up to current updates eiither..)
11:52 AM roycroft: do you overprovision the vms?
11:52 AM roycroft: i found on one hypervisor that was overprovisioned that when the hypervisor would start swapping, things went downhill rapidly
11:52 AM roycroft: and shutting down one/some of the vms did not help at that point
11:54 AM roycroft: i suspect a garbage collection problem with the hypervisor - i'd get the memory usage by the vms well below the physical memory, and at that point on the hypervisor i'd see it continue to swap
11:54 AM roycroft: i.e. it was not freeing up the physical memory as it should
11:58 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> I have way more cores than vm.. currently
11:59 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> * I have more cores than are allocated to the vm's currently
12:01 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> It is wierd - as all the the vm's seem to be using more cpu percentage than they normally do.
12:02 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> I have one windows vm that is now running 100%+ a lot of the time now
12:02 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> It is like the host lost a bunch of headroom.
12:03 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> I will try shutting down all the vm's tonight and just see - before rebooting the host.
12:06 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> htop shows no swapping
12:08 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> First weird problem I have run into (alteast that I can remember)
12:09 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> The vm's take forever to boot - so I should be easy to tell if it is fixed
12:21 PM rdtsc-w: Well, Windows...
12:24 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841@discord> lol - it is all the vm's - linux too..
12:26 PM rdtsc-w: have a mem leak with Opera browser in linux... leave it open over the weekend, then come in on Monday and RAM and swap is maxxed. Issue a swapoff and swapon (to purge the swapped data) and it behaves for another week. Perhaps a "swapoff-swapon" could help yours
12:27 PM rdtsc-w: "refresh" things
02:56 PM Tom_L: where do i find the 'Path' workbench in freecad?
02:57 PM Tom_L: trying to create a custom tool and their 'tool' docs aren't very clear
02:58 PM Tom_L: the readme explains how to do it but menu->Path->utils isn't on the 'menu'
02:58 PM Tom_L: .... they moved it and didn't update the docs.. it's in CAM now aparently
03:23 PM Tom_L: now to figure out how to assign a property to the sketch to drive it
03:24 PM * JT-Shop has to add some probe and drill cycles to the BP
03:25 PM Tom_L: what sort of probe cycles?
03:25 PM JT-Shop: hole center
03:25 PM Tom_L: ahh that should be easy enough
03:25 PM JT-Shop: yup
03:25 PM JT-Shop: that and bolt hole circle
03:26 PM Tom_L: using the parameter ones or cradek's?
03:26 PM JT-Shop: I'll make use of parameters
03:26 PM Tom_L: i'm willing to walk away from freecad at any moment :)
03:26 PM JT-Shop: lol
03:27 PM xxcoder: youre always free to do as you will, as long as its legal lol
03:27 PM Tom_L: they use table driven paramters for the tools so you can reuse the shape
03:28 PM Tom_L: i just need to figure out how they assign the parameter to the sketch elements
03:28 PM Tom_L: that wasn't part of the catia class but i learned it anyway cause i was bored
03:29 PM Tom_L: they have functions and tables
04:11 PM rdtsc-w: "i learned it anyway cause i was bored" - if only more people had that attitude
04:11 PM Tom_L: i think i got them assigned but who knows...
04:12 PM Tom_L: making a keyseat cutter
04:13 PM rdtsc-w: imo FreeCAD is quirky, but capable if massaged properly :)
04:13 PM xxcoder: yep thats the current ongoing issue
04:16 PM Tom_L: rdtsc-w, the instructor said he couldn't help with that since it wasn't part of the class but then said.. open that tab
04:36 PM linext: is there a program better than GrblGRU for making lathe gcode?
04:37 PM JT-Shop: 90% of the lathe work I do uses subroutines
04:40 PM roycroft: most software is quirky
04:40 PM JT-Shop: except flex...
04:40 PM linext: i'm trying to make a rounded edge on a cylinder: https://ibb.co/P90VVXf
04:40 PM Tom_L: damn straight!
04:41 PM JT-Shop: linext, https://gnipsel.com/files/chnc/subroutines/
04:42 PM Tom_L: just code an XZ arc and offset it each pass
04:42 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, would your radius sub do that?
04:43 PM JT-Shop: yup
04:43 PM linext: this is the shape: https://i.ibb.co/s5Vxb2M/image.png
04:43 PM JT-Shop: those are setup for ngcgui
04:43 PM Tom_L: still workin on that ehh
04:44 PM JT-Shop: I'll change them to work with Flex when I get time to convert the lathe
04:44 PM JT-Shop: but I need a newer mb I think
04:44 PM Tom_L: quit putzing with Cx and you'll have plenty of time :)
04:45 PM Tom_L: i tried 12 RTAI on the D525 and it seems to work
04:45 PM Tom_L: although it's slower than wheezy
04:45 PM JT-Shop: speaking of the C3 I need to go install the upper control arm
04:46 PM Tom_L: i have a lathe package but have only used it 2 times
04:46 PM JT-Shop: lathe package for?
04:46 PM Tom_L: smartcam
04:46 PM JT-Shop: ah
04:47 PM Tom_L: i did one thing for andy once
04:47 PM Tom_L: that was a learning process cause i'd never used it
04:48 PM linext: to get to gcode, i make the design in OpenSCAD, save as SVG, import into Inkscape and delete the unneeded segments, then import into GrblGru Lathe as DXF
04:48 PM Tom_L: figuring out front vs back tooling on the cad took a sec
04:48 PM linext: Then export gcode and import into Universal Gcode Sender
04:50 PM Tom_L: openscad is annoying
04:50 PM Tom_L: why not draw it in inkscape to start with?
04:52 PM roycroft: openscad can be really useful and efficient, actually, but it takes a year or so of writing macros for it before that happens
04:52 PM Tom_L: Inkscape does come with a plug-in that will generate G-code for machines that are 2D cutters or plotters.
04:52 PM Tom_L: never tried it
04:53 PM linext: i have many years of experience as a programmer so it's fast for me
04:53 PM linext: i didn't find gcode export for lathe in inkscape
04:54 PM Tom_L: draw it in the X Z plane?
04:54 PM Tom_L: i dunno
04:55 PM linext: i just got the CNC part of the lathe working today
04:55 PM linext: it's a patterson paxton training lathe from the early 2000s
04:55 PM Tom_L: well then don't break it on the first day!
04:55 PM linext: basically i swapped out the controllers with a 32-bit GRBL board
04:56 PM linext: it's a little weird coming from 3d printing background
04:56 PM Tom_L: just removing instead of adding
04:56 PM linext: it doesn't auto home when the job first starts, so i'll add that
04:56 PM linext: try to make sure nothing crashes
04:59 PM Tom_L: grbl has come a long ways but lacks quite a bit compared to linuxcnc
05:00 PM roycroft: most here, i suspect, are more familiar with coverting from grbl to linuxcnc than from not-grbl to grbl
05:00 PM Tom_L: it's basically been a glue gun driver
05:01 PM roycroft: which is not to discourage questions about grbl - more to set expectations on the quantity and quality of answers one might get
05:06 PM JT-Shop: roycroft, how's the truck repair coming along?
05:07 PM xxcoder: from what I see, grbl is more and more for very cheap tiny cnc machines and laser machines
05:07 PM xxcoder: 3d printers have mostly moved on to marlin which is fork of grbl or other firmwares like klipper
05:08 PM JT-Shop: every time I see grbl I think it's an acronym for gerbil
05:09 PM linext: grbl has versions that run on 32-bit microcontrollers
05:10 PM linext: https://github.com/grblHAL
05:10 PM linext: i started with an arduino uno + grbl shield
05:11 PM linext: it wasn't that good so i switched to 32-bit board and it's more responsive
05:11 PM linext: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2252799820905669.html
05:12 PM linext: the little 3d printer stepper drivers were not used
05:12 PM linext: they got wired into larger drivers: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806552808637.html
05:12 PM xxcoder: just found out that amazon killed off boolean support in search
05:12 PM xxcoder: way to make search useless
05:20 PM JT-Shop: boolean support?
05:21 PM xxcoder: yeah. for example if I wanted phone case and NOT apple
05:21 PM JT-Shop: ah
05:21 PM xxcoder: id type phone case -apple
05:28 PM JT-Shop: upper control arm is back on
05:30 PM roycroft: i'm just about to head out to work on the axle shaft seal
05:30 PM roycroft: i hope to get that done today, and the axle installed
05:38 PM JT-Shop: I'm hoping to get the lower control arm, spring and knuckle and spindle back on tomorrow
05:45 PM JT-Shop: a friend of ours sister died today, she had a lot of problems since she fell out of a second story window when she was an baby
05:58 PM Tom_L: sad
05:58 PM xxcoder: yeah
05:59 PM JT-Shop: yup years ago they brought her to Fisk where they lived and bought a house for her and she managed for about 20 years
05:59 PM Tom_L: lucky she made it thru that at all
06:01 PM JT-Shop: yup falling out of a 2nd story window is usually fatal
06:05 PM * JT-Shop goes to cook tacos even if it's not taco tuesday
06:24 PM roycroft: well, as should have been predicted, and as i wondered all along, the axle seal is the wrong one
06:24 PM roycroft: sold to me by the same guy who sold me the wrong u-joint
06:24 PM xxcoder: doh
06:25 PM roycroft: so more delays
06:25 PM roycroft: i have to go into town tomorrow anyway, within a few blocks of the parts store
06:25 PM roycroft: i'll try to figure out what i need to night
06:25 PM roycroft: maybe order it online, if their website is stable today
06:26 PM roycroft: the big frustration is that, because the old seals exploded, i don't have anything to reference the new ones to until install time
06:32 PM xxcoder: oh boy that boss is probably going to yell again
06:46 PM roycroft: if he is there tomorrow
07:04 PM rdtsc: Had a list-y passenger rear wheel bearing. Found the part online, made sure it was right. Went to the auto parts store, got it, played hell to replace it, then the tire pressure sensor won't work on that wheel (same assembly.)
07:05 PM rdtsc: then got a car code reader and tire pressure sensor resetter - could re-sync all of the wheels exept that one
07:05 PM rdtsc: been about a year... now suspecting age of other bearings, gonna have a shop replace them all
07:10 PM rdtsc: sheesh... accidentally closed main browser window before a pop-under window... thought I had lost all the open tabs... looked in history and there it was - "Browser window with 90 tabs" 90!
07:17 PM roycroft: i'm reading the instructions on a website about how to install one of the seals
07:17 PM roycroft: paraphrased:
07:17 PM roycroft: ...
07:18 PM roycroft: this is one of the hardest seals to install on any vehicle. you need a special tool to install it. not only does it need to be installed perfectly straight, it needs to be installed to a precise depth on the axle.
07:18 PM roycroft: ...
07:18 PM roycroft: if you do not have a press you can install this seal by just tapping it in with a hammer.
07:19 PM rdtsc: just gotta be careful... slow and precise, careful to not twist it
07:19 PM roycroft: well those instructions are quite contradictory
07:19 PM rdtsc: indeed... if you don't have a rocketship, a wagon will suffice.
07:37 PM Tom_L: use your precision hammer
07:42 PM NetPipe: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-iBuXRWKj44
08:20 PM roycroft: i do have some precision hammers
08:22 PM roycroft: none of which, i think, will facilitate installing a seal whose outer diameter is 115mm in a bore whose diameter is 98mm
08:22 PM roycroft: my non-precision hammers would do a better job at that
09:53 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
09:59 PM Unterhausen: I have an extremely small ball peen hammer that I hid from myself. I don't know if it's precise though
10:00 PM Unterhausen: When I worked in spindle metrology, if we needed a precise hammer, we used t-handle hex wrenches.