#linuxcnc Logs

Sep 15 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:40 AM Deejay: moin
03:18 AM unreal: FINALLY!!! I solved it. I purchased the latest version of estlcam
03:20 AM unreal: I wanted the new features. but it has BAD issues with importing DXF files from spaceclaim. I finally solved the settings variables needed to output dxf files that would have matching sizes. I.E. export dxf file with a box 470mmx756mm. estlcam would see 462mm x 735mm
03:25 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Hello
03:25 AM unreal: I'm like WTF!!!!! is going on. so between my machine having a slight offset issue with its values for steps per MM. which were calculated based on the machine dimensions. They ARE/WERE correct. problem is the tolerances of parts. I.E. 1/2-13 lead screw, pully sizes etc.. lead to a not exactly accurate ratio. CLOSE but not exact. after using the website I used for adjusting the values its dead nuts
03:26 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/aQbuJxCpSwDZuwjmAjwdFIOV/Screenshot_2024-09-15-10-18-29-938_fr.leboncoin.jpg
03:26 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Do you think this could be good as a probe?
03:26 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I don't know if the interface with linuxcnc could be easy or not
03:30 AM unreal: vibram you need to solve Interfacing
03:30 AM unreal: Directly to UCC or AC1 / AC2 interface cards (ISA bus)
03:31 AM unreal: what is the interface
03:31 AM unreal: what kind of a signal does that device output.? is it a serial data. is it just a high/low?
03:32 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> This is a good question
03:32 AM unreal: if its a serial signal that could give very detailed data as to the exact actions of the probe during contact. could also give deflection data if its capable.
03:32 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> It's mentionnent ac1/ac2
03:32 AM unreal: ya dont know what it means
03:32 AM unreal: Outputs (X, Y, Z)
03:32 AM unreal: Analogue proportional
03:32 AM unreal: Voltage output scaling: 4 V to 8.5 V/mm (dependent on stylus)
03:33 AM unreal: and there it is
03:35 AM unreal: so that outputs 4v-8.5v you could use a micro controller. one that has 3 analog inputs. use a resistor divider to get the voltage to with in working limits of what ever uC is used.
03:35 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> This is from the do?
03:35 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Doc
03:36 AM unreal: and have it output data that lcnc could use. You could also just code a uC to triger a high response when an analog signal changes beyond a tolerance.
03:36 AM unreal: https://www.renishaw.com/cmmsupport/knowledgebase/en/sp600-range--22332
03:36 AM unreal: if you do the later then its like any other standard "I TOUCHED IT" probe.
03:40 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Yes I see
03:44 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I proposed 200 bucks, let's see if I get the deal
03:44 AM unreal: I would see if you can get the card as well
03:44 AM unreal: with out the card you must create your own interface. I'm not saying it isnt duable. but regardless
03:45 AM unreal: I would get the CARD and the cable
03:45 AM unreal: and I didnt find anything regarding that probe and lcnc
03:45 AM unreal: doesnt mean no one has done anything with that prob andlcnc I just didnt find anything
03:45 AM unreal: its 4:30am I cant sleep
03:46 AM unreal: and dead tired
03:46 AM unreal: I'm just happy I finally solved the output dimentions short comings I was havin
03:46 AM unreal: having
03:46 AM unreal: NOW I can start using my new cnc to mill shit
03:48 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Yup I will see
03:50 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Enjoy 🙂
04:19 AM JT-Cave1: morning
04:36 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> Morning
04:46 AM Tom_L: morning
05:03 AM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bYNrcGpSNU
05:03 AM Tom_L: at least i can test now
05:05 AM Tom_L: got both the rpi_mill_3 & touch-probe ui working on it
05:06 AM Tom_L: surprising there's enough on touch-probe to do the test but that's about it
05:07 AM Tom_L: i might add a really small mdi window
05:56 AM JT-Cave1: cool
06:25 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:58 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, to style all buttons that start with probe use QPushButton[objectName*="probe"]
06:58 AM JT-Cave: for the selector
07:08 AM JT-Cave: something is wrong with my resource.py that I generated
07:14 AM JT-Cave: hmm used the wrong prefix
07:49 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, what's the link to cradeks probe files?
07:51 AM JT-Cave: found it
08:44 AM * JT-Cave looks at the radar and decides to just stay inside
09:02 AM Tom_L: once i test those on hardware, i may tweak them a bit
09:20 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, PR #84
09:20 AM Tom_L: and the latest screen concoction: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/touch-probe1.png
09:32 AM JT-Cave: cool
09:34 AM Tom_L: i tweaked the screen as i was testing
09:35 AM Tom_L: who else can do that now?
09:37 AM JT-Cave: trying to finger out how to use values from the gui in the probe subroutines
09:37 AM Tom_L: write them to the ini
09:38 AM Tom_L: well, they may want them updated without restarting lcnc...
09:38 AM Tom_L: i put mine there because it was quick n dirty
09:39 AM Tom_L: i've likely added a couple more vars since i posted mine
09:41 AM Tom_L: also, if you're using cradek's, he didn't have a tool touch one
09:43 AM JT-Cave: starting with one of cradek's
09:43 AM JT-Cave: looks like the rain is fixing to move out here
09:46 AM Tom_L: http://paste.debian.net/1329457
09:46 AM Tom_L: my latest list
09:46 AM Tom_L: i used linear_units since i couldn't read TRAJ
09:47 AM Tom_L: the feeds are slow for testing
09:52 AM javabean_ is now known as JavaBean
10:48 AM JT-Cave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FglByyZuGYY
10:49 AM Tom_L: you're allowed 63 pins
10:49 AM Tom_L: i think that's what it was...
10:49 AM JT-Cave: of what?
10:50 AM Tom_L: well at least mdi_commands
10:50 AM JT-Cave: in the ini?
10:50 AM Tom_L: i think so yes
10:51 AM JT-Cave: nothing about a limit in the docs
10:51 AM JT-Cave: did you see the video?
10:51 AM Tom_L: i saw it somewhere, i'm looking and yes that's cool
10:51 AM JT-Cave: so that means you can read the hal pin in the probe routine
10:51 AM Tom_L: that's what prompted me to mention the limit
10:52 AM Tom_L: yeah, i'll have to figure out that syntax
10:53 AM Tom_L: 64
10:53 AM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/gui/halui.html#cha:hal-user-interface
10:54 AM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
10:54 AM Tom_L: you could burn those up pretty quick setting settings
10:55 AM Tom_L: still think it's a good way to go knowing the limit
10:55 AM JT-Cave: no need to use mdi ini commands for probe settings
10:55 AM Tom_L: true
10:56 AM JT-Cave: I should run out to the shop and work on the 82 for a bit then take a nap
10:56 AM Tom_L: looks like they're getting a storm just N of us
10:57 AM JT-Cave: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/config/ini-config.html#sub:ini:sec:halui
10:57 AM JT-Cave: wonder why the limit is not mentioned there
10:58 AM Tom_L: the docs are better than they were in 2.4
11:01 AM Tom_L: and why do name parameters return ###
11:01 AM Tom_L: ;)
11:02 AM JT-Woodshop: I assume that's a C thing
11:03 AM Tom_L: you can typecast in c... i dunno
11:05 AM Tom_L: that's more to do with numbers though
11:07 AM Tom_L: atoi() atbol() atof() convert string
11:07 AM Tom_L: maybe just an oversight
11:10 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: Tom, did you see the images I put up yesterday of qtdragon's probe screens ???
11:10 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> What da think?
11:10 AM Tom_L: i like em
11:10 AM Tom_L: don't think you're gonna get that from me though :)
11:11 AM Tom_L: ... maybe
11:12 AM Tom_L: is that standalone or can you attach it to axis or dragon etc?
11:12 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> they are a bit too much. but being able to adjust the probing distances and velocities is pretty important. not having to mod them in the .ini
11:12 AM Tom_L: i did it that way in a rush to test
11:12 AM Tom_L: did you see what jt's working on?
11:13 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> that is built in to dragon. you can choose either a 'basic probe' or the 'versa probe' in the ini
11:13 AM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FglByyZuGYY
11:13 AM Tom_L: for storing probe parameters
11:15 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> well, that's good for changable parameters. yes?
11:15 AM Tom_L: roguish, what's the one i see using an axis tab?
11:15 AM Tom_L: yes
11:16 AM Tom_L: https://github.com/tlight9/probe_screen_v2/blob/master/Screenshot1024x768.png
11:16 AM Tom_L: like that
11:16 AM Tom_L: definitely axis
11:17 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> i would think a Flex UI could be inserted into an axis tab, if one needed extra features...
11:17 AM Tom_L: not that i know of
11:18 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: gotta go out and do some yard work... maybe an hour or 2, then I can see about putting flex on my mill.....
11:18 AM Tom_L: good
11:19 AM Tom_L: travis one uses pyvcp and the other pyqt. dunno if they're interchangeable
11:22 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> you can insert a glade .ui http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/gui/ngcgui.html#_embedding_pyngcgui_as_a_gladevcp_tab_page_in_a_gui
11:26 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
11:26 AM Tom_dev: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803286468673.html
11:28 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> wonder what the VAC tariff charges would be on that?
11:57 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> well, my correct VFD braking resistor has JUST left port in china, on the slow-boat... be a while before that arrives, if at all...
12:02 PM Tom_L: the container will fall off on the way
12:02 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> my luck, i am sure it will
12:02 PM Tom_L: hahaha
12:02 PM Tom_L: if i didn't have bad luck, i wouldn't have any at all
12:03 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> now you sound like me
12:10 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> man, this sucks being tired all the time and having zero motivation...
12:24 PM Unterhaus__ is now known as Unterhausen
01:45 PM JT-Cave: https://youtu.be/kVYq8OQCVng
01:48 PM Tom_L: nice
01:50 PM Tom_L: i did notice with a gcode file loaded, running a sub caused the line counter to move thru the file
01:50 PM Tom_L: and if i get my 2nd wind, i'll go out and test the limit override check
01:53 PM JT-Cave: still have a lot to do but making progress... going to change the hal buttons to match the hal spin boxes
01:56 PM Tom_L: the hal spinboxes is the new part right?
02:00 PM JT-Woodshop: very new
02:01 PM Tom_L: i was working on one of the subs last night and got so far off base i stopped. was rather tired
02:01 PM Tom_L: not even sure i'll keep that mess
02:01 PM Tom_L: it had to do with the touchoff after the last probe
02:02 PM Tom_L: he did some things that didn't make sense to me
02:03 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:04 PM JT-Woodshop: I know how that goes
02:04 PM JT-Woodshop: so I'm changing the hal buttons dynamic properties to match the hal spin boxes
02:05 PM Tom_dev: G90 G0 X[#5061+0.2-[3.0/25.4]]
02:05 PM Tom_dev: turned into
02:05 PM Tom_dev: G90 G0 X[#5061 + #1023 - #1020]
02:05 PM Tom_dev: after i added the parameters
02:05 PM Tom_dev: but if you follow what they are it just didn't seem right to me
02:06 PM Tom_dev: as long as you're not required to use a spin box on every hal pin
02:07 PM JT-Woodshop: hal spin boxes are for floats only
02:08 PM Tom_dev: the +.2 is the backoff distance and the [3.0/25.4] is the probe radius
02:08 PM JT-Woodshop: well a qspinbox would work for a s32 I 'ASSUME'
02:08 PM Tom_dev: ok
02:09 PM JT-Woodshop: yup they did a lot of silly stuff in axis like / 25.4 then * 25.4
02:09 PM Tom_dev: they use float on gcode coordinates?
02:09 PM Tom_dev: so on mine, i just did an if metric and removed the 25.4
02:09 PM Tom_dev: and planned to clean it up after it was tested
02:10 PM Tom_dev: feed speed etc are float?
02:10 PM JT-Woodshop: yup they can be
02:11 PM Tom_dev: wasn't sure what they did when it was written
02:11 PM JT-Woodshop: I just tested HAL_FLOAT pin type
02:11 PM Tom_dev: this goes beyond what most would do anyway i bet
02:11 PM JT-Woodshop: because you may want the latch speed to be really slow like 0.1
02:11 PM Tom_dev: right
02:11 PM Tom_dev: i was asking my kid what they used for F & S on their probes
02:12 PM Tom_dev: and i was in the ballpark
02:12 PM Tom_dev: if you get it too slow, you run into switch bounce and the switch not closing quick enough too
02:13 PM Tom_dev: hopefully most are better than the switch i'm using
02:14 PM Tom_dev: the nice thing about testing subs is you can edit them and not have to restart lcnc
02:14 PM Tom_dev: unless i did an ini change
02:15 PM Tom_L: F.1 may be below a realistic figure though
02:31 PM JT-Woodshop: just need a bit of 3/16" vacuum tubing and a T and the headlights will work
02:37 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:48 PM rdtsc: Careful with fingers JT, seen a hand get pinched in them once, not fun
02:49 PM * rdtsc is trying to patch a piece of walpapered wall... hundreds of tiny vertical grooves... gonna be sanding awhile
02:55 PM JT-Cave: yup if the headlight gets locked down with your finger it's going to hurt
02:55 PM JT-Cave: I think I'll skip trying it
02:58 PM Tom_dev: good call
03:07 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:07 PM JT-Shop: https://youtu.be/Rc6BsO6EjsE
03:10 PM Tom_dev: :)
03:13 PM JT-Shop: one needs a bit of adjustment but I'm done for the day
03:14 PM Tom_dev: working on routines
03:14 PM Tom_dev: gonna test the limits too
03:16 PM Tom_dev: limit switch error
03:16 PM Tom_dev: check override_limits_cb
03:16 PM Tom_dev: no change
03:16 PM JT-Shop: I changed it to a button
03:17 PM Tom_dev: dammit!
03:17 PM Tom_dev: what's it called?
03:17 PM JT-Shop: guess I didn't update the docs...
03:17 PM Tom_dev: i didn't look. i figured you were done with that
03:18 PM JT-Shop: I thought I was...
03:20 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:21 PM Tom_dev: docs still show _cb
03:21 PM Tom_dev: override_limits_pb ?
03:22 PM JT-Cave: sec
03:22 PM JT-Cave: override_limits_cb
03:23 PM JT-Cave: so much for memory
03:24 PM JT-Cave: the check box is only enabled when you are on a physical limit switch or have set a limit switch true
03:26 PM JT-Cave: just tested it here
03:26 PM Tom_dev: moved things back as they were and testing...
03:28 PM Tom_dev: Error
03:28 PM Tom_dev: joint 1 on limit switch error
03:28 PM Tom_dev: ck the box
03:28 PM Tom_dev: nothing
03:29 PM Tom_dev: jog buttons disabled
03:29 PM JT-Shop: did you turn the power back on?
03:29 PM Tom_dev: why would i do such a silly thing :)
03:30 PM JT-Shop: because emc turned the power off
03:30 PM Tom_dev: ok it works
03:30 PM Tom_dev: ck the box then power on
03:31 PM Tom_dev: but
03:31 PM Tom_dev: try it a 2nd time after a fault
03:31 PM JT-Shop: as soon as you release the jog button if you are still on the limit it you have to repeat
03:32 PM Tom_dev: unable to recheck the box
03:32 PM Tom_dev: 2nd test coming
03:32 PM JT-Shop: after what sequence?
03:32 PM Tom_dev: i'll post in a sec
03:35 PM Tom_dev: home all, jog to 0. press limit switch (fault), check box, power on, jog a bit, press limit switch(fault), try to check the box. nothing
03:36 PM JT-Shop: does emc turn the power off the second time and did you get the error about the limit
03:38 PM Tom_dev: lemme check again
03:39 PM Tom_dev: power stays on after the first reset
03:39 PM Tom_dev: hit the limit and power stays on
03:39 PM JT-Shop: no error?
03:40 PM Tom_dev: and can still jog
03:40 PM Tom_dev: pressed and held limit and still jog
03:40 PM Tom_dev: no error
03:40 PM JT-Shop: that has to be in emc
03:41 PM Tom_dev: i'll try axis
03:43 PM Tom_dev: i can still jog but toggling the switch makes the home * blink in axis and the override limits text to blink on the checkbox
03:43 PM Tom_dev: power stays on
03:44 PM JT-Shop: are you holding the limit closed or just toggling it?
03:44 PM Tom_dev: both
03:44 PM Tom_dev: i took a vid of axis behavior
03:44 PM Tom_dev: headign inside a bit
03:44 PM JT-Shop: iirc you need to hold the limit for the jog off limit to work
03:46 PM Tom_L: one sec and i'll post it
03:46 PM JT-Shop: I actually found a porterhouse at walmart the other day
03:48 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/20240915_153711.mp4
03:48 PM Tom_L: made no difference if i held the switch or toggled it
03:49 PM Tom_L: power stayed on and i can jog
03:51 PM JT-Shop: https://pasteboard.co/tFt5R4b0yOvR.png
03:52 PM JT-Shop: I set joint 0 neg limit sw in true and that's what I get
03:52 PM JT-Shop: but I don't even have the override limits check box
03:57 PM Tom_L: you set that with mdi?
03:57 PM JT-Shop: setp in hal
03:58 PM Tom_L: well that's what i meant :)
03:58 PM Tom_L: time we're done we should know this thing inside and out
03:59 PM JT-Shop: yup
04:00 PM Tom_L: so basically you can recover from the first fault and get your axis off a hard limit but you're doomed from there and better off restarting lcnc
04:01 PM JT-Shop: that's not how it worked for me, as long as the limit is tripped you get the error and if you don't move off the switch you get the error again I think
04:04 PM Tom_L: i'll go back out in a sec and try
04:06 PM JT-Cave: yep you can jog as many times as you want
04:06 PM Tom_L: hold the switch even after you jog a bit?
04:07 PM Tom_L: and wait for a 2nd limit error?
04:07 PM JT-Cave: I don't get a second error
04:08 PM Tom_L: yes you can jog as much as you want but if you go past a switch again it's not gonna trip anything
04:08 PM JT-Cave: I only get the error once for that limit switch
04:08 PM Tom_L: even after the switch is reset and jog off it
04:09 PM JT-Cave: seems that way
04:09 PM Tom_L: so as i said, you're doomed if you try again without restarting lcnc
04:10 PM JT-Cave: looks like an emc bug
04:10 PM Tom_L: likely so
04:10 PM Tom_L: not a safe one either if you don't know
04:18 PM Tom_L: back to testing probe code
04:18 PM Tom_L: did you see that $1 probe?
04:18 PM JT-Shop: no
04:19 PM xxcoder: its $1 probe tip
04:19 PM Tom_L: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803286468673.html
04:19 PM Tom_L: you sure?
04:20 PM xxcoder: ya select the probe and its 43 or 54 depending on which one
04:20 PM Tom_L: i didn't get that far.. seemed a bit shady
04:21 PM xxcoder: nah its just annoying combo, it just shows the lowest price
04:33 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, so you don't have the syntax yet to put in the subroutine to connect the probe button
04:34 PM Tom_L: and values
04:34 PM JT-Shop: I just use a mdi button to call the subroutine and the values are flexhal.somename
04:34 PM JT-Shop: what ever you name them
04:34 PM Tom_L: how does the subroutine see them?
04:35 PM JT-Shop: I did change the syntax... let me see if it's updated
04:35 PM Tom_L: in gcode
04:36 PM JT-Shop: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/gcode/overview.html#gcode:ini-hal-params
04:36 PM Tom_L: for the ini it's like this: #<_ini[TOOLSENSOR]RETRACT_DIST>
04:36 PM Tom_L: ok similar just a different source
04:36 PM JT-Shop: I need to go upload the docs for hal spinbox
04:36 PM JT-Shop: yup
04:36 PM Tom_L: it's not done yet though is it?
04:36 PM Tom_L: i'll keep on with the ini values on my tests for now
04:37 PM JT-Shop: it works, just need to update the docs
04:37 PM Tom_L: and maybe a howto to create the spinboxes
04:39 PM Tom_L: i'll carry on with what i have for now then
04:39 PM Tom_L: i'll just have to update the names and maybe the source
04:39 PM JT-Shop: if you name the spinbox probe_something it's enabled/disable
04:39 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Hey - does anyone know if you can use any of the raw I/O on the 7i97T as an analog input? I remember a long time ago a discussion about that
04:40 PM JT-Shop: you might check the manual
04:43 PM Tom_L: i think the spinboxes will be for touch-probe2
04:43 PM JT-Shop: :)
04:44 PM Tom_L: ok out to feed the mosquitos
04:44 PM Tom_L: they seem to love the shop
04:46 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:49 PM JT-Shop: it was interesting to create the spinbox hal pins
04:50 PM Tom_dev: would you preface the probe_ with flexgui.probe_?
04:51 PM JT-Shop: yup the hal pin created is in the flexgui component so flexgui.some-pin-name
04:52 PM Tom_dev: #<_hal[flexguy.probe_retract_dist]>
04:52 PM JT-Shop: yup
04:52 PM JT-Shop: if that's what you named the pin
04:53 PM Tom_dev: and the buttons?
04:53 PM JT-Shop: I'll build and push the docs in a bit
04:53 PM JT-Shop: buttons?
04:53 PM Tom_dev: i'm in no rush, i'm just making notes so i don't forget
04:53 PM Tom_dev: probe buttons
04:53 PM Tom_dev: i suppose they stay as they are
04:53 PM JT-Shop: I just used a mdi button
04:53 PM Tom_dev: yeah
04:53 PM Tom_dev: too much on the brain
04:54 PM Tom_dev: so you pushed the spinbox code already then?
04:55 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/commit/3be7b3b50e8cc9d4ae91e9e9103acb0164a95fa8
04:55 PM JT-Shop: I need to do another push
04:56 PM Tom_dev: just got the last 4
04:57 PM JT-Shop: need to refill my vino... I'll push
05:01 PM JT-Cave: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/hal.html
05:01 PM JT-Cave: note I've not changed the push buttons yet to match the docs
05:01 PM Tom_dev: np
05:02 PM JT-Cave: so for a hal spinbox you need 4 dynamic properties
05:02 PM JT-Cave: function pin_name hal_type hal_dir
05:03 PM * JT-Cave heads back to the shop
05:37 PM Tom_dev: ok i got one proved with the dial in in and mm. going inside to edit the rest
05:37 PM JT-Shop: cool
05:38 PM Tom_dev: getting the numbers right on one, the rest are pretty much the same other than the signs
05:40 PM * JT-Shop calls it a night
06:22 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> night
06:33 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
08:20 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, can you add QComboBox to hal spin boxes?
08:24 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:24 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ