#linuxcnc Logs

Sep 06 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:11 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> If forget the name of the winders utility that let's you accept drivers that it won't accept by default
12:25 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Oh that driver that you want to use is too old, too bad for you, says winders
12:25 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> So 3rd parties write utilities to get around it
12:25 AM xxcoder: there used to be a way to bypass signed requirement
12:25 AM xxcoder: ms mostly removed it, you can do unsigned at special boot but it reverts on reboot to normal
12:25 AM xxcoder: dunno if still true on latter
12:27 AM mrec: ya zadig helped with userspace drivers
12:28 AM mrec: however we have obtained a ev certificate, wasted our time with that company verification of digicert and finally cancelled everything because the microsoft website is full with bugs. Their support is like there's a cheap guy sitting in india and copy/pasting their help documents
12:32 AM mrec: after writing that did not work we received a message we believe your issue has been resolved.
12:33 AM mrec: Microsoft allows you to reply with 150 byte messages.
01:28 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Nice
01:46 AM lcnc-relay: <turboss> morning
01:47 AM mrec: correction they give you 80 characters to reply :D
02:23 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:04 PM Unterhaus__: We took our dog to the othopod today and it turns out that at one point 3 of her legs were broken in addition to her pelvis
06:04 PM Unterhaus__ is now known as Unterhausen
06:18 PM Tom_L: Unterhaus__, rescue dog?
06:32 PM lcnc-relay: <zmrdko (@_discord_397707718582075420:jauriarts.org)> Hello, is it possible to somehow read max dimensions from nc file gcode?
06:36 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, where do i edit that resources.qrc?
06:36 PM Tom_L: i don't see a resources.py file
06:37 PM Tom_L: it did create the .qrc file
06:39 PM Tom_L: also could not execute rcc
06:42 PM Tom_L: /usr/lib/qt5/bin/rcc isn't there
06:47 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:25 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> i think gcode properties tells you the travel size
07:28 PM Tom_L: it is possible because the plotter gives you a bounding box
07:31 PM Tom_L: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/41-guis/29080-boundaries-pin-in-axis
07:36 PM Tom_L: https://www.intuwiz.com/progs/minmax-g-code.html#.W9rhkNVKgkk
07:37 PM Tom_L: not linuxcnc but you didn't specify that
07:39 PM Tom_L: NCViewer may also provide that for you
07:39 PM Tom_L: online tool
07:39 PM Tom_L: or CAMotics
09:11 PM rdtsc: sorry to hear Unterhaus. We have a bulldog... he's racked up an insane vet bill. We're out of options.'
09:41 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Klipper powered EDM project just discovering that klipper isn't real time
09:42 PM xxcoder: lol
09:48 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> "klipper is not a realtime firmware. Everything is delayed by about 200ms or so"
09:49 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> there must be some psychological term for people that have working software but immediately want to write their own
09:51 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> for example on the open SLS printer I told everyone that LCNC already supports Cartesian systems that move optics or laser diodes as well as analog or xy2-100 galvos so I am not spending a minute on software and the first thing they want to do is write new control software
09:53 PM mrec: thank you for that... I did no tknow that klipper is not real time it looked interesting
09:55 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://discord.gg/FnYtR8Kq Rack Robotics
09:57 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> had another discussion with Fanuc fanboys, I showed them intuitive GUI's that require very little training to run.....
09:58 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> they came back with but that's just for operators, where is the debug info for techs?
10:00 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> so asked them if they have a built in oscilloscope, DMM and if they can see every connection and IO and measure things like following errors over time like LCNC can
10:01 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> but after looking into the training tools they offer I under stood why they will never fix their convoluted GUI's, it make them $$$ to teach everyone their strange ways
10:03 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> but they do have Trace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWYsGcuwJHM (extra points for video with thick accent)
10:05 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> ever notice that it's so easy that the instructors stumble over their words and button presses, some are like watching chickens peck
10:10 PM mrec: linuxcnc is the clear winner for those who can handle it
10:14 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/hal/tools.html could not half as much in the Fanuc panels
10:15 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> could not find
10:16 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> in speaking with the long time operators they also said that what they learned in training is not how the machines are actually configured, they have had to learn about a bunch of m-codes and 3-finger combos to run programs
10:18 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> so it's mostly tradition that keeps it all going
10:25 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> the industry standard is convoluted and non-intuitive
10:37 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> It is not really industry standard though? Siemens, Heidenhain, and Mitsubishi have general purpose controls that have advanced interfaces. So does Fanuc if you don't get a machine speced by a grognard machinist.
10:38 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> CAMotics works in Sid with some extra work
10:39 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> these machines are all speced by Toyoda and their hoard of engineering geniuses
10:41 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> just FYI Jtekt is looking for traveling CNC field techs
10:42 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> That is different. It would be more a political decision than an engineering one at that size company.
10:42 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://toyoda.jtekt.co.jp/e/products/machine02.html
10:42 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> AND Japanese
10:45 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Canadians would never be so foolish
10:48 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> LOL. All to do with being a huge company. Same everywhere in the world.
10:51 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> what a terrible thing it might be if someone wrote easy to use intuitive GUI's for the operators that then are translated to the 3-finger salutes and multiple chicken pecks on Fanuc controls
10:55 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> Yes, but that would require changing training, documenting new processes, potentially PCNs to customers for changing manufacturing equipment, ad infinitum. I would also bet that a good fraction of the operators would resist any change and keep using the old interface if at all possible. Easier doesn't always mean better.
10:57 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> If you could document the cost savings of the new UI then there might be a chance. You would still need a heck of a ROI to justify it though.
11:02 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://www.fanucamerica.com/support-services/robotics-training/CourseDetails.aspx?CourseNumber=TRILVT30-490 $2200
11:02 PM Centurion_Dan1 is now known as Centurion_Dan
11:02 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> it's a money printing machine
11:04 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> the basic robot course
11:05 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://academy.fanucamerica.com/Saba/Web_spf/NA7P2PRD006/guestapp/catalog/browse/categ000000000003041
11:05 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> Seems pretty reasonable to me? Do you think that training on LinuxCNC would be any cheaper (if it existed)? Industrial/niche software training is usually in that price range.
11:06 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> reminds me of the old DOS vs Mac days
11:10 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> I don't really see how that applies unless you mean with the zealots on both sides flaming each other.
11:12 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> one was command line that required training vs a simple intuitive GUI
11:13 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> AH Ha ha ha ha. If you think people didn't need training on GUIs, I have some NFTs to sell you. There are people that need a training course to use a light switch.
11:14 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> but I tend to overestimate people they are far dumber than I expect
11:15 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> most of the LCNC users however tend to be way sharper that the CNC techs I run into
11:19 PM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> Yes, most people using LinuxCNC are doing it out of interest in the subject. Most people doing a job (any job) have little to no passion for it and really will put in the bare minimum in terms of development.
11:26 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> anyone here that is being forced to use LCNC at gunpoint please raise your hand
11:26 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> been asking for many years with no response