#linuxcnc Logs

Sep 05 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:32 AM lcnc-relay: <sloth288> question about mesa boards, will a 7i96s run on a 4.2v 1a supply?
01:45 AM lcnc-relay: <sloth288> +currently looking through old phone chargers etc looking for one to splice apart for a temp power supply while i learn what i am doing
02:46 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> hello
02:47 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/hjavAEhGAHpYysTXNNkOzyXS/image.png
02:47 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> do you know why i have a "per,ission denied" when i try to run loadusr arduino-connector in halcmd?
02:47 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> even if i run sudo halrun then loadusr
02:47 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> i get the same issue
02:49 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/HGDSQmMiZMeRELWalkJEoxdi/image.png
03:18 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Taking into account the price of a Chinese 5v supply... If you can afford a mesa card, you should buy a small power supply
03:49 AM lcnc-relay: <sloth288> fair call, didnt know if i was going to get a "yeah mate no dramas" or "nah probably dont" response lol
03:51 AM miss0r: hello people
04:06 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Best is to read the manual
04:06 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I think it says 5v
04:13 AM Tom_L: morning
04:18 AM Tom_L: sloth288 i run mine off a usb port for testing
04:21 AM lcnc-relay: <sloth288> Yeah that's my plan B. Din mounted power supply will be in the next batch of parts ordering.
04:23 AM Tom_L: my pannel has a 5v smps for the logic supply
04:30 AM lcnc-relay: <sloth288> You got a photo or link to what you mean there?
04:46 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:46 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:55 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> moin
06:32 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:00 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> do you know why i have a "permission denied" when i try to run loadusr arduino-connector in halcmd?
08:00 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Anyone to help me on this please? I have no idea how to go further
08:02 AM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on> Check your permissions on your serial port.
08:04 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> How?
08:05 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Found a tutorial on arduino website, let's try this thank you
08:07 AM rdtsc-wk: Good day miss0r and all
08:07 AM rdtsc-wk: zincboy - wonder if user needs to be member of dialout still
08:08 AM Scopeuk: dialout or wheel depending on distro
08:21 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> try to start it from the linux console
08:22 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> look at the first line in the script, is the interpreter correct ?
08:22 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> try this: python3 /usr/bin/arduino-conbnector
09:25 AM JT-Cave: vibram did you follow the installation instructions?
09:25 AM JT-Cave: make arduino.py executable with chmod +x, delete the suffix .py and copy it to /usr/bin
09:25 AM JT-Cave: sudo chmod +x arduino.py
09:25 AM JT-Cave: sudo cp arduino-connector.py /usr/bin/arduino-connector
09:45 AM rdtsc-wk: installation steps 6 and 7: https://github.com/AlexmagToast/LinuxCNC_ArduinoConnector/tree/main
09:57 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> ride time
11:32 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> it does not say in the install instructions, but i wonder if it needs the dialout group for the arduino I/O expander...
11:58 AM roycroft: yikes
11:58 AM roycroft: the heat wave is hitting us today
11:58 AM roycroft: i thought it was just down in the valley
11:58 AM roycroft: but 39 is our forecast high for the day
11:59 AM roycroft: which would easily break the all-time record of 35
01:12 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I ran the cmd but I have no return
01:13 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Yes I did everything exactly
01:13 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> And checked it was OK, it seems to be OK
01:13 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> You can see the +x here
01:14 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I try to check if ttyACM0 is in the dialout group but can't figure it out right now
01:17 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> This is OK, I just managed to do it
01:17 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> It must be something else
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> and just to confirm, the login you are signed into Linux with is in the dialout group?
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Yup, "Already a member"
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> ok
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> This is strange because if I run the file directly with python, I don't get any error /permission denied
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> was this you? https://github.com/AlexmagToast/LinuxCNC_ArduinoConnector/issues/26
01:33 PM lcnc-relay: if not, you may not be the only one with the issue
01:38 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Yes this is me
01:39 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I'm not sure this is related to serial because if I put another device name such as /dev/TTY/USB0
01:39 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I get the same error
01:39 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Something like halrun was not able to access usr/bin for example idk
01:39 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Even if I run in sudo...
01:51 PM Rab: Permission denied can mean a binary or script is called that isn't executable, IIRC. arduino-connector is clearly world-executable in your screenshot, but maybe it's calling something else that's not.
01:54 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I think you're correct because If I change the python env path, I get an error
01:54 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> But in the file, I can't find what could be the issue
02:01 PM Rab: You could try strace arduino-connector, although interpreting the output might be difficult.
02:08 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I will see if I manage to install the package
02:52 PM rdtsc-wk: the only imports of arduino-connector.py are serial, time, and hal: https://github.com/AlexmagToast/LinuxCNC_ArduinoConnector/blob/main/arduino-connector.py the first line is also a shebang which should run it with python3; assuming /usr/bin/env python3 gives a python3 prompt.
03:02 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> In my setup this /usr/bin/python3 otherwise I get an error python3r missing
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> vibram do which python in a terminal
03:45 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/btn_img_background.png
03:45 PM xxcoder: amazing clickspring video today for patreons. it will be out for rest soonish
04:02 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Tom_L did you create the image
04:03 PM Tom_L: i stole it
04:03 PM Tom_L: i'm trying to figure out how to do in in the qss now
04:03 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> LOL
04:04 PM Tom_L: roguish posted a link to probe_screen_v2 on github for dragon
04:04 PM Tom_L: https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/NQYZTrOObJIPnkHESsYcISjO/image.png
04:05 PM Tom_L: i just grabbed one of em
04:12 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Are they open source
04:13 PM Tom_L: https://github.com/verser-git/probe_screen_v2
04:14 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Got a couple of bugs to sort out in mesact
04:14 PM Tom_L: i cloned that so i'd have the img files
04:14 PM Tom_L: ok
04:14 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> So did I
04:14 PM Tom_L: you da python guru though
04:15 PM Tom_L: i just googled until i found something that worked :)
04:15 PM Tom_L: those img seem to be 70x70px
04:15 PM Tom_L: there may be a smaller set too i dunno
04:15 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Yup background image for a button
04:16 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> You have to add them to the resource file so qss can find them
04:17 PM Tom_L: i just lit the fire... i'll let you feed it
04:17 PM Tom_L: there are ngc files in the repo too
04:19 PM Tom_L: for my qss test i just copied them into the folder and put a link to them but it didn't work
04:22 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Ther is an example in flex
04:53 PM xxcoder: https://youtu.be/BnV98v7IQns
04:53 PM xxcoder: tube making. interesting. big nixon
05:11 PM Tom_L: oh?
06:14 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, where's the flex example of that?
06:35 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/tree/master/PyQt%20Examples/Touch%20Screen/Buttons'
06:36 PM Tom_L: 404
06:36 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/tree/master/PyQt%20Examples/Touch%20Screen/Buttons
06:36 PM JT-Shop: thumb error
06:37 PM Tom_L: i ran that example but didn't see a background img
06:37 PM Tom_L: oh the whole thing is an img file?
06:37 PM JT-Shop: it's the indicator arrors
06:37 PM Tom_L: per button...
06:37 PM JT-Shop: arrows
06:37 PM Tom_L: i don't see any arrows there
06:38 PM JT-Shop: put your glasses on LOL
06:38 PM Tom_L: not in the downloaded folder
06:38 PM Tom_L: for flexgui
06:39 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/flexgui/tree/master/PyQt%20Examples/Touch%20Screen/File%20Selector
06:40 PM Tom_L: on the sliders?
06:40 PM Tom_L: scroll bar
06:41 PM JT-Shop: the up and down arrows are images
06:41 PM Tom_L: i see that now
06:41 PM JT-Shop: I need to find the instructions for adding image to the resource file
06:42 PM Tom_L: for my test, i hardcoded the location
06:42 PM Tom_L: felt pretty lucky to get that far
06:42 PM JT-Shop: did that work? I never could it to work
06:42 PM Tom_L: it's python
06:43 PM JT-Shop: like that but adding them to the resource file worked
06:43 PM Tom_L: i can post it if you want
06:43 PM JT-Shop: add it to the pyqt examples
06:44 PM Tom_L: you'll have to fix the url location
06:44 PM JT-Shop: what's wrong with it?
06:45 PM Tom_L: i hardcoded it to my folder
06:45 PM JT-Shop: hardcoded from /home/...
06:45 PM bjorkint0sh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcPDZB11A9w Tour of a Hoarders Machine Shop
06:45 PM Tom_L: yes
06:47 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/button_img/
06:49 PM Tom_L: if you can fit it in examples somehow go ahead...
06:55 PM bjorkint0sh: the hoarders machine shop is so neat. jealous.
06:55 PM xxcoder: yep
06:56 PM xxcoder: well maintanced for huge mess
07:28 PM Tom_L: haha got it using the qss file
07:29 PM xxcoder: 4 plug boxes
07:30 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/button_img_qss.png
08:27 PM mrec: I'm happy to not live in California so happy I'd probably head to microsoft and kill some of those guys
08:28 PM mrec: just making money on behalf of others and not delivering anything but wasting time
08:29 PM mrec: their website is probably hosted on a raspberry PI and running in someone's living room
08:29 PM mrec: and their most visited webpage sorry we have an error
08:30 PM mrec: paying 700$ for a certificate and then I cannot even use it because their shit website doesn't work
08:30 PM mrec: I better spend that money and buy buddha money in Taiwan and burn it...
08:31 PM mrec: for 3 days we're trying to get that shit done to be able to certify some hardware drivers and still no luck
08:32 PM mrec: no wonder they make a lot money in the world but there's absolutely nothing behind that door
08:33 PM mrec: creating a certificate takes no longer than a second, certainly many people won't earn so much money per second.
08:34 PM mrec: 700$ + 3 working days ... all for nothing
08:55 PM mrec: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1661168/no-permission-when-access-verifiable-credentials-f
08:55 PM mrec: criminals
08:56 PM Tom_L: rough day?
08:57 PM mrec: 3 days
08:58 PM mrec: kill all that AI at microsoft, I wonder if they still have employees there seems like no
09:00 PM mrec: I need to find another way... ok enough ranting.
09:01 PM roycroft: no more peace for me for a few years
09:01 PM roycroft: there are two young kittens in my house
09:01 PM roycroft: they have been here for just over an hour, and they are already frolicking
09:08 PM Tom_L: decent icon editor for linux?
09:10 PM mrec: gimp?
09:11 PM Tom_L: won't save png will it?
09:12 PM Tom_L: i tried that
09:12 PM Tom_L: resized some in windows but that changed the transparency
09:14 PM rdtsc: gimp can save as .png... do ctrl-shift-E
09:15 PM rdtsc: to export as png
09:18 PM Tom_L: thanks
09:22 PM Tom_L: figured out what i need too
10:33 PM Tom_L: roguish: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/button_img_qss2.png
11:25 PM mrec: solved my microsoft problem, created a ticket to remove my accounts, cancelled the 700$ certificate and I will never look back to Microsoft anymore.
11:30 PM acer: good call
11:31 PM acer is now known as _unreal_
11:33 PM mrec: even macos still allows drivers without being development member, double click the installer will show an error, but right click run with installer will just run it without any problems