#linuxcnc Logs

Aug 27 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

02:26 AM yaqwsx9 is now known as yaqwsx
02:56 AM Deejay: moin
03:20 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> moin
03:24 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Uccnc is another windows buffered controller
03:25 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://cncdrive.com/UCCNC.html
04:27 AM Tom_L: morning
04:28 AM lcnc-relay: <onceloved.cn> δΈ‹εˆε₯½πŸ€£
05:50 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> Morning
05:59 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> i have heard of Centroid before, https://www.centroidcnc.com/, paused there before finding LinuxCNC, and found it to fit my needs better. besides, Centroid run on Windows, so machine cost goes up due to license fees. same reason i despise Mach
06:13 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:20 AM JT-Mobile: morning
07:03 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/rBKdcTXTLXnIwxgWLdzbQBEB/tangbob.jpg
07:03 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> can't wait to assemble
07:04 AM JT-Mobile: what is it?
07:11 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> PCB πŸ˜›
07:11 AM JT-Mobile: I knew that
07:11 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> https://github.com/multigcs/rio-tangbob
07:13 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> something similar to a mesa 7i92H but for LinuxCNC-RIO
07:14 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> FPGA-Controller for two external BOB's
07:14 AM JT-Mobile: cool
07:18 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> hope it will work πŸ™‚
07:18 AM Tom_L: i found it takes 2-3 iterations before a board is 100%
07:22 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> At least when I am doing it. Lol
07:24 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> πŸ₯Ί
07:24 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> most problems on the first run can be fixed easily
08:15 AM rdtsc-wk: EE is 30% perseverance, 10% skill, and 60% crossing your t's and dotting your i's perfectly every time
08:17 AM Scopeuk: I'm sure there should be a 5% completely passive nonchalant response to magic smoke in there somewhere
08:18 AM bjorkint0sh: Scopeuk: only if it can be observed on a scope.
09:26 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> hey, anyone out there ever machine Nickel ??? cutting speed??
09:27 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> that'd be nickel 201. almost pure.
09:34 AM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> I haven't done pure nickel but have done a lot of high-nickel alloys, and I imagine it's similar. Avoid chatter at all costs, don't peck drill if you can avoid it. If you do anything that dwells a tool in one spot for too long it will harden.
09:36 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> fastindy: thanks. it's actually pretty soft, but work hardens like a bitch. I just haven't found any reference for speeds and feeds.......
09:37 AM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> What kind of operations and tooling?
09:39 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> machining some 2mm plate.... nothing fancy
09:39 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> making some dogbone shaped tensile test samples.
09:41 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> ok, gotta run out for a bit..... bbl
10:30 AM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> Depending on the spec and the overall size of the specimen compared to the thickness I would start by making a clamp plate so the dogbone section doesn't pull up in the center. Do one whole side of the specimen at a time, then swap clamp locations. But for milling maybe start at 120SFM (~36m/min) and go up from there. Chip evacuation needs to be really good or you'll end up recutting chips and work hardening that way too, or have...
10:30 AM lcnc-relay: ... little dents on the sides of your dogbones since its soft, or it will stick to the tool. Air is really good for that, or a ton of high pressure coolant. Chip load per tooth depends on how rigidly you can get it clamped up, but start on the high side for the tool and that will help with the work hardening as well.
10:55 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> ok, will not work 😦 this shitty level shifer (TXS0108E)
11:26 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> fastindy: back from my 18 mile ride....... thanks. yes, I have a fixture plate. a 1/4-20 screw in each end of the dogbone holding it down, very securely. dogbone is only 1.5" long, .5" wide at the ends, .3" wide in the center.
11:56 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> hmmm, other side looks much better, maybe one of the shifter are broken
11:59 AM rdtsc-wk: had a mixed board fail from the no-clean flux - ironically it shorted out a 5V rail instead of messing with analog or RF sections
12:07 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> strange, same problem with the replaced part 😭
12:11 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
12:14 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> maybe the 1.8V level of the FPGA on this port, i think that's the problem
12:16 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> meisterdippel i like using DIP chips in a DIP chip holder, so i can replace chips as needed... just a thought for next time πŸ˜‰
12:19 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> the fpga board is on an pin-head socket, but that will not resolve the problem
12:20 PM rdtsc-wk: What was Tom saying about 3-revision-minimum? :)
12:20 PM rdtsc-wk: could be a bad batch of chips - seen that before
12:21 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> is the TXS0108E DIP or SMD?
12:23 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> hmmm, looks like BGA?
12:27 PM Tom_L: roguish: https://www.neonickel.com/neonickel-news/machining-nickel-alloys
12:28 PM JT-Mobile: roguish when I mill thin stuff I make a thicker doubler to go on top
12:30 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> TXS0108E is TSSOP (smd), the problem was really the 1.8V level of the tangnano9k board on bank 3, so i have to power the level-shifter also with 1.8V
12:30 PM Tom_L: work hardening seems to be the issue with nickel, ss, ti etc
12:32 PM JT-Mobile: nap time here
12:32 PM Tom_L: after lunch
12:32 PM Tom_L: just got in
12:38 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> works now 😍
12:40 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/fonMjpDlecbmpHqdvDfLszyG/IMG_20240827_193243.jpg
12:52 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> cool!
12:52 PM xxcoder: awesome
12:53 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/CkQnLPFQozWsuvyXlqhQyLaE/IMG_20240827_194543.jpg
12:54 PM rdtsc-wk: Careful, the one on the top and bottom are both breaking out... :)
01:32 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:50 PM rdtsc-wk: LOL https://www.newegg.com/promotions/intel/24-0930/index.html
02:01 PM rdtsc-wk: "Our sales have plummeted! What do we do?" "I know, let's run a 'sale' and try to get everyone that hasn't heard to buy up our flaky inventory! Now which vendor would be the best to run such a sale... I know, the dubious NewEgg!"
02:02 PM rdtsc-wk: Wow Intel, just wow...
02:02 PM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> Exactly, and you can put a little spacer or machine in steps on he doubler so the center of your dogbone is being clamped down as well.
02:05 PM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/mKgPaKLPAhcAbGjLYHmILjMh/PXL_20240806_214839079.RAW-01.COVER.jpg
02:05 PM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> Does anybody know of a servo drive that would be suitable for this motor? ~1400W brushed DC motors on all 3 axis
02:07 PM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> I'm counting on having to add a newer encoder
02:12 PM rdtsc-wk: Motor data: https://www.altekmotion.com/download/MT_Technical_Data_Manual.pdf
02:24 PM rdtsc-wk: only thing seen in terms of a drive, was "bosch". What's driving 'em in yours?
02:27 PM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> modbus and i2c is also working, the only problem is, that I don't like the format at all , with the external bob boards πŸ˜‚
02:28 PM rdtsc-wk: data is ambiguous; this is a claimed "ferrite" motor, of which ferrite has a high magnetic permeability but tiny magnetization - if not magnetic, then is there field winding(s)?
03:09 PM JT-Mobile: off to Ermilio's for chow
03:30 PM Tom_L: rdtsc-wk, the bug shouldn't affect the i5 i7
03:30 PM Tom_L: maybe the i7 20 core
03:31 PM Tom_L: dunno... haven't been following that close
03:32 PM Tom_L: Italian sounds good...
04:00 PM rdtsc-wk: Tom_L there are two overlapping issues i know of currently - an incorrect (too high voltage) issue, and a "corrosion" issue. Both affecting 13th and 14th-gen at minimum. Microcode was finally released (more than a year later) for the first issue, but apparently motherboard BIOSes need updated as well. It's a huge mess.
04:13 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Is that 65 amps?
04:13 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> peak
04:16 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> hal_gpio is kinda cool... It makes setting up the raw i/o on the pie pretty easy
04:16 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> fastindy https://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/products-page/dc-servo-motor/dc-servo-driver-dg4s-16035
04:17 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> aww - what fun is that... A simple analog servo amp would work great!
04:18 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> (and I made an led turn on)
04:18 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> it looks like 65A but must be 6.5A
04:29 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:43 PM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> Continuous is 10.9A, peak is 65A, but it does seem like a smaller ratio of continuous/peak vs most drives I've found.
04:50 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> we just hit 101 F here 38C
04:51 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> 69F
04:52 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> i walked into the factory last night at 10 and it was still 95F
04:52 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> like a sauna
04:54 PM Tom_L: i remember those days
04:55 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> i remember working on a 125F roof
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <fastindy> I was at the aforementioned McConnell air show the day before the storm, I believe it hit 105F. Wife ended up getting treated for the heat.
04:57 PM Tom_L: too hot for me.. i watched it from the back yard in the shade
04:58 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> well, supper time for me... Pizza (sausage and bacon πŸ™‚ )
05:06 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> after working inside the machines for a few minutes you'd just be soaked to the bone
05:07 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> the chip odors are horrendous, smelled like Hong Kong garbage truck
05:07 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> or stinky tofu, same thing
05:13 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:23 PM Tom_L: we'd turn off the circulation fans since it was just blowing hot air in your face
05:23 PM Tom_L: they likely haven't cleaned out the coolant tanks.... ever
05:23 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> they have a service for that
05:24 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> they have a service for everything
05:24 PM Tom_L: no tellin what disease you'd get if you had a cut and got into the coolant
05:24 PM Tom_L: steel is hard on coolant anyway
05:24 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> ends up they even have other contractors there doing our exact same work as well as a few employees of there own doing it
05:25 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> it's truly loosely organized chaos
05:25 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> it's another co that doesn't hire anyone skilled enough to actually manage things
05:26 PM Tom_L: costs too much :)
05:26 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> exactly
05:26 PM Tom_L: that and i seriously wonder if that skill is out there anymore
05:26 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> i could rework every machine and give it a sane GUI
05:26 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> will never happen
05:27 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> no pm's either
05:27 PM Tom_L: when my kid took on this new job, he was showing his trainer things instead of the other way around
05:27 PM Tom_L: next day the trainer was transferred to another area
05:28 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> we were scraping compacted chip cement from the inside of way covers, even the super pressure washer couldn't cut into it
05:28 PM Tom_L: i've been there
05:28 PM Tom_L: back when i was running those new brittan bar machines
05:28 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> or taking apart tool changers caked in sticky grime
05:29 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/JblLrmtXjMBiRNFWXDQtZeQF/IMG_20240827_041613.jpg
05:31 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> backside of the Z and Y axis, spindle motor is the red thing
05:32 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Tom_L : I don't know how you did it for so many years, I get bored as soon as the machine starts
05:33 PM Tom_L: i wasn't at that continuously
05:33 PM Tom_L: the bar machines i was for ~5 yrs in my early work experience
05:34 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> CNC machining to me is like watching paint that is already dry
05:35 PM xxcoder: lol I remember early days. wow it was all awesome
05:35 PM xxcoder: after a year I just read ebook all time
05:36 PM Tom_L: i was in a good position working with my bud. was able to do things most of the others couldn't like setting up the machines
05:36 PM Tom_L: pc end etc
05:37 PM Tom_L: ran some for a while but mostly to help him out
05:37 PM Tom_L: up until he retired and sold the shop, he'd call any time there was an issue
05:37 PM Tom_L: did some programming
05:40 PM Tom_L: yeah i'd get bored if i had to do it steady
05:41 PM JT-Mobile: that was good
05:41 PM Tom_L: italian cuisine
05:41 PM JT-Mobile: yup
05:54 PM JT-Mobile: as good as the best on the HIll
05:54 PM JT-Mobile: Hill
06:08 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/jnVTOJYVCaCuXRWGtAHIEoKd/offset_probe.png
06:09 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> I have a probe im trying to set up, and its at a different position than the center of the spind
06:09 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> le
06:09 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> how can I program it? just give it an XY offset in the tooltable? or does that change diameter
06:10 PM JT-Mobile: if it's a set offset just add that to your prob subroutine
06:11 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> as in, tell it to subtract the difference of the actual probe position?
06:11 PM JT-Mobile: yup
06:12 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> like, do math in the sub, and not exactly in linuxcnc config
06:12 PM JT-Mobile: yup
06:12 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> ok good, because yeah i dont think its working with a tooloffset in XY
06:12 PM JT-Mobile: cause it will be different for x+ x- y+ y-
06:14 PM Tom_L: or fix the probe
06:14 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> ahh right, i kept thinking it would act like a position offset
06:14 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> by design it is offset
06:14 PM Tom_L: that'll work until you turn the probe in the spindle
06:15 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> thats why its not in the spindle center, it is fixed
06:15 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> as in fixed to the machine
06:15 PM Tom_L: ok
06:15 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> so it doesnt actually rotate
06:15 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> the TP2 probe is too tall to use in the spindle
06:15 PM JT-Mobile: should be simple do a few test probes and get the offsets
06:25 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> yeah im just gonna mill a hole and probe it to get center
06:26 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> cocktail hour
06:27 PM Tom_L: roguish did you see that page i posted on nickel machining?
06:27 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> no. i'll read back a ways.
06:27 PM Tom_L: https://www.neonickel.com/neonickel-news/machining-nickel-alloys
06:28 PM Tom_L: might have somthing in it
06:28 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> got it. thanks.
06:29 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I cut some parts and broke some cutter. them added a thinnish plate atop the plate i need to cut. changed to a 3 flute, changed rpm, and feed. got it to work. finally
06:29 PM Tom_L: good
06:30 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> may have to get a few more cutters.
06:31 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> just in case. job is not a hurry up one.
06:32 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I also put a question up on cnczone forum. no responses yet
06:32 PM Tom_L: i'm guessing a limited opportunity to machine nickel
06:32 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> yeah.
06:33 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> but it's paying very well.
06:33 PM Tom_L: in 5 cent pieces? :)
06:33 PM JT-Mobile: roguish did you see the 82 I got the other day
06:33 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> $140/hr
06:33 PM xxcoder: just turn chips into nickels
06:34 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Mobile: 82 what? vette?
06:34 PM JT-Mobile: yup
06:34 PM Tom_L: he's bored
06:34 PM Tom_L: needed a project
06:34 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> he's programming a lot...
06:34 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/JKKXeLlGXjyJiVXOgdTvzzGc/1000002259.jpg
06:35 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> pretty
06:35 PM JT-Mobile: pretty rough lol but it's restorable
06:35 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> that's ok. have fun.
06:36 PM JT-Mobile: that's what it's all about having fun
06:36 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> sure thing
06:36 PM JT-Mobile: as soon as it's safe to drive lol
06:36 PM xxcoder: cool
06:36 PM Tom_L: engine run good?
06:37 PM JT-Mobile: yup good oil pressure and temp
06:37 PM Tom_L: small block or big block?
06:38 PM JT-Mobile: 350
06:38 PM JT-Mobile: small block
06:38 PM Tom_L: right
06:38 PM JT-Mobile: no big blocks offered in 82 only 350 and auto
06:38 PM Tom_L: hmm
06:38 PM JT-Mobile: feds fucknig with it
06:39 PM JT-Mobile: spedo is 85 mph lol
06:39 PM Tom_L: hah
06:42 PM JT-Mobile: you can get a 140 and have it calibrated
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Mobile: i remewmber that. had a Fiat with speedo top speed of 5
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> 757
06:43 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> 75
06:43 PM JT-Mobile: 82 had a wopping 200 hp
06:44 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> there's motorcycles with that...
06:44 PM JT-Mobile: the Bluewing has 125
06:47 PM JT-Mobile: I'm so full it's going to be an early night
06:48 PM Tom_L: too much pasta
06:48 PM JT-Mobile: too many courses lol actually the pasta ratio was perfect
07:03 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> ok, chow time. see yall tomorrow
07:03 PM JT-Mobile: night
07:23 PM j2k is now known as j2kk
07:39 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/pFtKPvfytIHbIsGhqbhASzmD/PXL_20240828_002701060.mp4
07:48 PM lcnc-relay: <onceloved.cn> Good morning
08:15 PM rdtsc: What we lookin' at there SW, triangle output - of a Rpi?
08:59 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:03 PM lcnc-relay: <onceloved.cn> ?
09:08 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Exactly..