#linuxcnc Logs

Aug 22 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:19 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> moin
01:39 AM NoSpark: has anyone had any experiance with the MESA PKT UART components?
02:04 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> no
02:05 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> does anyone know of any good documentation on the smart serial protocol?
02:19 AM NoSpark: I have not seen any.... It may be documented in the code?
02:33 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> in only found: mesa-smartserial-device-template it's not so easy to understand for me đŸ˜Ļ
02:57 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> good morning
02:59 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> good morning
03:03 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> pcb is on the way to you
03:03 AM lcnc-relay: <turboss> wow
03:03 AM lcnc-relay: <turboss> thank you!
03:06 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> today id remove all the wiring on my little machine, moving to a new shop 🙂
03:06 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> so i can test and update the software
03:07 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> make backup before 🙂
03:07 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> yeah good to keep a backup :=)
03:08 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> I'll try riogui
03:08 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> been testing it on the tangprimer
03:09 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> hello
03:09 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> you have the 20k with Lite-ext board !?!?!
03:09 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> hello
03:10 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> yes
03:10 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> i had to compile and flash the programer firmware
03:10 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> to get the board work on pinux
03:11 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://pastebin.com/8pnUiY7X
03:11 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> any idea why i get this halui error?
03:11 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> i checked the doc and i didnt find a tipo (yet...)
03:11 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> then you can combine it with this board: https://github.com/multigcs/rio-icebreaker3x
03:12 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> yeah since is just 2 pmods
03:12 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> nice
03:13 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> i send you 2 pcb's of it and parts for one
03:13 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> 😲 awesome Than you again!
03:15 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> the pcb have an issue, some missing pull-up's on step/dir, but i will send you an image, easy to fix
03:17 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> vibram: do you have a "HAL" section with "HALUI = halui" ?
03:19 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Yes I have the row in my Hal section in my lathe.ini file
03:20 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://github.com/paulsvc2/lathe
03:20 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> "halui.spindle.0.override.count-enable"
03:21 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> you can run "halshow" while linuxcnc is running anc check the pin names
03:22 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> meisterdippel: ok
03:22 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> no problem
03:22 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> ffs i was looking at 2.6 doc and not 2.9 srry
03:23 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> 😲 sorry
03:23 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> well then check halshow and see how is called
03:23 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> I'm not sure if halui lines need to go in postgui
03:23 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> ☚ī¸
03:24 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> 😲 i miss understood you, you are on 2.9?
03:25 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> halui.spindle-override.count-enable
03:25 AM lcnc-relay: halui.spindle.0.override.count-enable
03:25 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> yes i have the latest version
03:25 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> thank you both
03:26 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> the first spindle now is: halui.spindle.0......
03:27 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> yup got it thank you
03:27 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> cool!
03:29 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> My mux8 is float output vs s32 in my spindle counts
03:29 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I need to convert I guess?
03:32 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> yes
03:32 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> but what are you planning to do?
03:32 AM lcnc-relay: be careful with count and mux !!!
03:32 AM lcnc-relay: these are absolute values and if you switch something in the wrong place, your axes will start to change position at high speed
03:33 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> i have a spindle speed override rotary swich
03:35 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> i think thats ok, but for jog it's not
03:38 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I saw somewhere that mux can output s32 type but can't find it anymore
03:39 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Only mux16 apparently 😭
03:41 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> https://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/man/man9/mux_generic.9.html
03:43 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> cool, das kannte ich selber noch nicht 🙂
03:44 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> cool, I didn't know that myself 🙂
04:23 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Yes this one allows to create a custom mux with s32 output for example
04:24 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I used conv s32 for my case
04:26 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:28 AM lcnc-relay: <meisterdippel> morning
04:40 AM Tom_L: morning
05:25 AM Deejay: re
06:35 AM lcnc-relay: <thorhian> Nice to see FreeCAD has test machining for 2D pockets now.
06:49 AM rdtsc-wk: mornin'
07:06 AM rdtsc-wk: Tom, https://www.machiningdoctor.com/calculators/machining-power/ examples for ways to simplify power (from MRR and KC) for ballpark +/-15% spindle horsepower
07:18 AM rdtsc-wk: guess it's not important. just thought it would be cool.
08:03 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> @Tom_L : it's very compartmentalized here, we don't even run programs to test, union rules have an operator do that , any program change is by an engineer
08:05 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> I spend 95% of my time standing around "monitoring" the last problem like the door wasn't closed all the way
08:30 AM rdtsc-wk: "compartmentalized"
08:30 AM rdtsc-wk: doesn't sound the most fun
08:31 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> sounds like you got a job as a Olympics Swimming Life Guard 😉
08:32 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:47 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:04 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> I'm waiting for the big machine problem they actually need me for vs babysit old worn leaky machines
09:07 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> They are all pretty simple but the Fanuc controls were all programmed by what appears to be a heard of cats on acid
09:23 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> "heard of cats on acid" LMAO đŸ¤Ŗ
09:23 AM bjorkintosh: captainhindsight PLCs?
09:55 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> fanuc has built in plc..
10:16 AM Tom_L: what union? not UAW for that..
10:16 AM Tom_L: i bet you can't even fart without union approval
10:18 AM Tom_L: i recall a long time back you doing something at McCormick Place and setup was all union workers
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> @bjorkintosh Siemens controls and HMI on Toyodas
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Oops Fanuc controls
10:46 AM Tom_L: how's memleak doin?
10:49 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> UAW they are
11:27 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/WKuDMwcLzYwOKMgFWuaMRDwN/IMG_20240822_105939.jpg
11:28 AM rdtsc-wk: Ooooh, I want some cotton candy. :)
11:31 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> does kinda look like a very stout cotton candy machine...
11:34 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> well, off to my Dr appointment... see what is up with my blood sugar levels being low after eating
11:37 AM bjorkintosh: hypoglycemia
11:57 AM rdtsc-wk: have them check thyroid; that messes with everything
01:17 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> they took 7 or 8 vials of blood, plus a thing of pee, so i hope they figure out from that 😉
01:23 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> being checked for sleep apnea, and "tick illness, HIV, hep C, thyroid disorder, metabolic disorder, anemia, electrolyte disorder, B12 deficiency" according to the docs notes
01:25 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> interesting they are not even concerned with my blood sugar...
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Ianad but didn't you post 70-80's for your glucose
01:27 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Which is good
01:28 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> i thought 70-80's was low? i normally run 115 fasting
01:58 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I must miss something in the 7i73 card documentation
01:59 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I set it up to mode 1 for i/o, encoders and analog in.
01:59 PM lcnc-relay: In my Hal show I can see input-00 to input-23
02:00 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> But I don't find the mapping with actual pin numbers of P1 and 02 connectors
02:24 PM rdtsc-wk: I wonder if that's like the 7c80, where everything is mapped to an "inmux"
02:25 PM rdtsc-wk: anyways, looks like pinout page 5 here http://www.mesanet.com/pdf/parallel/7i73man.pdf
02:29 PM rdtsc-wk: perfect question for pcw however he's out at the moment. JT might know
02:32 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> For example if I put 5v to p2 pin3, to me it is supposed to be input 00, but all inputs until 07 are yellow in Hal show
02:32 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Instead of input 00 only
02:32 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I will check my connector tomorrow...
02:44 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Or maybe 5v is too much
02:54 PM JT-Shop: hm2_7i96s.0.7i73.0.0.output-00
02:54 PM JT-Shop: hm2_7i96s.0.7i73.0.0.input-00
02:54 PM JT-Shop: that's the kind of pins you should see
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I see it in Hal show
03:30 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> As you mentioned
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <knoxmachining> So with spindle load.. I'm using just he AMPS output for it.. but, as I run my spindle faster, even no-load, the amps increase... So, it's kinda useless..
03:31 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> But if I put 5v to pin 3 p2, input 00 to 07 are up instead of only 00
03:34 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/JmkNOXLUsWHhSNggwAoSjGvt/Screenshot_2024-08-22-22-27-44-018_com.google.android.apps.docs-edit.jpg
03:34 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Here is my answer
03:35 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Difficult to have everything in mind
03:36 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Sorry for wasting your time
03:39 PM rdtsc-wk: pcw writes those manuals like an engineer; if everyone could remember every detail, they would be perfect. The rest of us mortals have to consult it many times.
03:42 PM Tom_L: ok, we're either at war or the blue angels are practicing their maneuvers
03:42 PM Tom_L: i'll go with B
04:44 PM JT-Shop: just have to pop the seals off and take the pistons and spring out to see if the caliper is rebuildable or not
04:51 PM Tom_L: pretty cool to see the delta formation right over the house
04:59 PM JT-Shop: free air show?
05:07 PM JT-Shop: bores look ok on the caliper so I need to get some brake cleaner and clean them up real good
05:17 PM roycroft: it's going to rain pretty hard in a bit
05:18 PM roycroft: i'm trying to decide whether it's worth setting up to do some work on the new shed build today or not
05:19 PM JT-Shop: roycroft, a couple of my plugins want me to "connect my store" to woocommerce.com
05:19 PM JT-Shop: I don't like to be "connected"...
05:20 PM roycroft: i don't blame you
05:20 PM roycroft: i would demur and see if something breaks
05:21 PM JT-Shop: I'm looking for replacements for product bundles and usps shipping
05:21 PM * roycroft thinks he can do minimal setup that will be quick to put away, and do one task at a time
05:22 PM roycroft: i might have some time tomorrow to look at the woocommerce plugins we use for that stuff
05:22 PM roycroft: i don't have time right now though
05:22 PM JT-Shop: ok thanks
05:22 PM roycroft: maybe this evening, when the deluge arrives
05:22 PM JT-Shop: send a drop or three over this way... it's drier than a popcorn fart here
05:22 PM roycroft: this is going to be one of those summer rains i don't like
05:23 PM roycroft: fast and heavy, after having a wee bit last week, and none for months before that
05:23 PM JT-Shop: and the unusual cool temps are leaving tonight
05:23 PM roycroft: we could have flash floods
05:23 PM JT-Shop: yeah that's not a good rain
05:23 PM bjorkintosh: https://www.3dfindit.com/en/about-us
05:23 PM bjorkintosh: aha
05:23 PM roycroft: last week's was also not fun
05:23 PM roycroft: the first rain in months, and i had to drive home from eugene in it
05:24 PM roycroft: the first rain of the season brings up all the oil on the roads and makes them super slick
05:24 PM xxcoder: yup
05:24 PM roycroft: which is exacdtly what happened
05:24 PM xxcoder: first rain is nasty
05:24 PM roycroft: i was driving below the speed limit most of the way
05:24 PM JT-Shop: worst place is stop lights for oil floating up after a rain
05:24 PM xxcoder: here we havent had one yet. brief rains dont count
05:25 PM roycroft: we're forecast for thunderstorms tomorrow
05:25 PM bjorkintosh: And it integrates with freecad! https://github.com/cadenasgmbh/3dfindit-freecad-integration/tree/master/freecad
05:25 PM roycroft: hopefully we'll get enough rain tonight to slow down the wild fires before the thunderstorms start new ones
05:25 PM xxcoder: here it will be below 60f for first time for while
05:25 PM JT-Shop: I'm hoping all the calipers are rebuildable that will save a lot getting the brakes to work
05:25 PM * roycroft has decided to try to get some work done on the shed today
05:26 PM roycroft: i built the frame for the deck of the shed earlier this week - today i will install it (or try to)
05:26 PM roycroft: this is the shed that will house my air compressor and dust collector, so i'm rather eager to get it built, so i can start using my shop
05:27 PM roycroft: it's the last thing keeping me from using it
05:29 PM roycroft: it is relatively cool and overcast here now, so the work should go well
05:40 PM Tom_L: T-storm went thru here this morning
05:41 PM Tom_L: gonna warm up next few days though
06:01 PM JT-Shop: yup, here too
06:08 PM * JT-Shop calls it a day
06:36 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Tom_L "those old machines probably don't use shrink fit tooling though do they?" pretty much all CAT-50 and lots and lost of carbide inserts
06:36 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> lost/lots
06:37 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> everything is wear monitored by the hour of cut time of by the # of parts
06:37 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> they monitor everything
06:37 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> I even see charts of cost of tooling per hour
06:38 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> the largest cutter I saw was near 10" dia for finishing off some tapered bore
06:41 PM Tom_L: i doubt it unless they have high speed spindles
06:41 PM Tom_L: that's really when you need it
06:42 PM Tom_L: and cutting steel you don't need em i doubt
06:43 PM Tom_L: cat50 doesn't exclude shrink fit
06:44 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> no shrink fit that i saw
06:45 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> they are just getting the most out of these old machines
06:45 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> they were >$500k ea new 15-20 years ago
06:46 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> all paid off by now and now they just make money with what is left of them
06:46 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> when they EOL them they are beat and just get scrapped
06:48 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> everything is just covered in muck
06:51 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> what tends to finally do them in is too much coolant where it didn't belong, bearings, chains, spindles etc
06:53 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> makes me miss precision machines
07:02 PM roycroft: aah, this is what i like
07:03 PM roycroft: i finished what i really wanted to do today, and what i thought i could get away with doing today, and just as i locked up the shop and started walking back to the house the first raindrops fell
07:03 PM xxcoder: perfect timing
07:04 PM roycroft: yes
07:04 PM roycroft: and i was able to do some measuring after the platform was in place, so now i can have a nice session with mr autocad and design the rest of it
07:05 PM roycroft: hmm, the updated forecast is for 11mm of rain today and 9mm tomorrow
07:06 PM roycroft: a couple hours ago it was 8mm today and 18mm tomorrow
07:06 PM roycroft: this is better
07:06 PM roycroft: i'd rather have the rain sooner than later - i'm going to be doing the mad dash to get the old house cleared out starting this weekend
07:06 PM roycroft: and i'd prefer it be as dry as possible for that
08:14 PM _unreal_: OK Finally!!! I got my new cnc machine moving correctly
08:15 PM _unreal_: got my new stepper drivers in yesterday
08:15 PM _unreal_: started to get them setup but got to tired to solve it and get it working
08:15 PM _unreal_: solved the WTF issue and now its moving
08:15 PM _unreal_: my machine passed my skull benchmark.
08:16 PM _unreal_: I have a GCODE that is very fast and a 3d machining of a skull and cross bones with lots of texture. so all axis get a major work out
08:16 PM _unreal_: and then home to zero with no lost steps
08:17 PM _unreal_: the machine sounds SOOOOOO much better now as well
08:17 PM _unreal_: I cant believe the instruction for those chines drivers gave directions that litterally destroyed the drivers
08:18 PM _unreal_: roycroft, old ouse?
08:18 PM _unreal_: house
08:56 PM roycroft: i bought a new house in march, _unreal_
08:56 PM roycroft: i've been moving ever since then
08:56 PM roycroft: i'm almost done
09:40 PM roycroft: well it's speech of her life time
09:40 PM roycroft: we'll see if she delivers
10:20 PM roycroft: well, it started out as a 6 or a 7, but by the end it was a strong 8
10:20 PM roycroft: i was hoping for a 9
11:27 PM xxcoder: https://youtu.be/p0KHc8REw3M
11:27 PM xxcoder: weird sink
11:29 PM xxcoder: https://youtu.be/p0KHc8REw3M?t=175 if you wanna skip the intro and talk
11:30 PM roycroft: i saw that the other day
11:31 PM xxcoder: nos spoilers yet lol still wartching
11:32 PM roycroft: it's a clever design, but not my style
11:38 PM xxcoder: just finished it. yeah interesting but also not my style
11:39 PM roycroft: well we're not kardashians
11:39 PM xxcoder: the house looks pretty cool but I bet its bit higher maintance
11:40 PM roycroft: i still don't understand that family
11:41 PM roycroft: the best i can tell, they became famous by becoming famous
11:41 PM roycroft: and not by doing anything
11:41 PM xxcoder: well I dont watch tv anymore so I dont know who those are