#linuxcnc Logs

Aug 19 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

06:36 PM rdtsc: JT-Shop: qtaxis sim started up, within 0.1s the controls were drawn, but its plotter was not drawn (like Flex - background) for about 1 second, then it fully appeared. Seems a little quirky, but is fully visible
06:51 PM rdtsc: got it to sim the mascot successfully
06:58 PM rdtsc: JT, qapp_01.py works, QMainWindow/simple.py works and creates a small window with 'Press Me!' in it, which prints 'click false' in terminal when clicked
06:59 PM rdtsc: cd ..
07:01 PM rdtsc: qsettings-1.py shows a single empty text edit box, seems to work
07:02 PM rdtsc: Qt3DCore won't run, ImportError: cannot import name 'Property' from 'PyQt6.QtCore' (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt6/QtCore.abi3.so)
07:04 PM rdtsc: Ahhaaa, QtOpenGL makes a small window which exhibits the background behavior
07:09 PM JT-Shop: so it's a Qt6 QtOpenGL issue
07:09 PM JT-Shop: interesting
07:10 PM * JT-Shop goes back inside
07:10 PM rdtsc: if it helps, the window title and border are normal. It's the entire client area inside which is affected; something affecting all graphics in the window globally
07:11 PM rdtsc: have to talk with the missus for a few
08:44 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away