#linuxcnc Logs

Aug 08 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:09 AM roycroft: i'm getting a good print with the pla
04:05 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:28 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> Morning
04:40 AM Tom_L: morning
05:15 AM Deejay: moin
05:56 AM JT-Cave: 68Β°F and dawn +5
06:13 AM JT-Shop: Tom_L, one thing I need to do is if there is no pref file on startup then make the cb or menu match the default the first time
06:43 AM Tom_L: with no spindle_rev_pb http://paste.debian.net/1325787/
06:43 AM Tom_L: and issue an mdi command and it crashes
06:43 AM Tom_L: not all spindles will use rev
06:48 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%23linuxcnc/2024-08-07.html
06:48 AM Tom_L: 08:43 PM
06:48 AM Tom_L: i did get a similar result but not with the button
06:50 AM rdtsc-wk: roycroft I discovered that PETG printed at these new super-fast speeds actually became brittle like PLA. By that accord, printing the PLA more slowly may give it just a touch more toughness. Wonder if there is a Thomas Sandlanderer video on it, lol
06:55 AM rdtsc-wk: (sp) Sanladerer, the Tom3D guy: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=thomas+sanladerer+pla+petg+toughness&t=opera&ia=web
08:16 AM roycroft: thanks, rdtsc-wk
08:16 AM roycroft: my pla print came out fine, btw
08:21 AM roycroft: part of the problem yesterday may have been that i set the temperatures for petg from memory
08:21 AM roycroft: and i'm old and my memory is fading :)
08:22 AM roycroft: the gcode file i had was generated for pla, so my memory was not a factor there
08:23 AM roycroft: part of the problem is that that spool of petg has never worked well - it was one of the first spools of filament i ever bought, and it is low quality
09:04 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, I'm drawing a blank trying to figure out why I would set the spindle button check state when running a mdi????
09:11 AM rdtsc-wk: roycroft just buy one of those larger plastic totes which has a gasketed lid, throw in the spools, and a bunch of new dessicant packs. It will take a week or more to dry everything out but after that, moisture won't be a problem. Every year (springtime works well) put the dessicant packs on a cookie sheet and bake at 250F for 8h to rejuvinate them.
09:18 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have been meaning to do that.
09:18 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have to get some bulk desicant
09:18 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> dessicant
09:20 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> the bambu printer with the 4 rolls on top - I need to print some desicant containers like all the other people do πŸ™‚
09:54 AM JT-Shop: all right the new tires and tubes are out for delivery
10:02 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> bought one of these to monitor my spindle temp. https://www.ebay.com/itm/235593572193 came with NO documentation, on addresses. i figured address 1 or 0, but was not sure, so i had to use a modbus master software to probe the device... works great πŸ™‚
10:45 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> wow an admission by the Chinese "Accuracy: The thermocouple has an accuracy of Β±4℃( 0℃ to +700℃),Accuracy is poor."
10:46 AM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> hah, version B "Accuracy: The thermocouple has an accuracy of Β±2℃( -200℃to +700℃),Accuracy is relatively good."
11:16 AM roycroft: i think something was lost in translation there
11:17 AM Tom_L: JT-Shop, i'm not too sure either but rdtsc was working on something creating an mdi button and got errors
11:18 AM JT-Cave: I removed that code
11:18 AM Tom_L: however, the user may not use the spindle_rev_pb along side the fwd one
11:18 AM Tom_L: and i got a warning on that
11:18 AM JT-Cave: I have no clue why I set both fwd and bak to unchecked when running a mdi
11:19 AM Tom_L: i haven't had a chance to really look at it but he was having problems last night
11:20 AM Tom_L: i was trying to follow along but wasn't getting the same result here on some things
11:20 AM Tom_L: the only thing i really found broke was the spindle rev
11:20 AM Tom_L: and the plot issue you're already aware of
11:20 AM JT-Cave: what was he having a problem with?
11:21 AM Tom_L: i honestly am not sure what he's trying to do
11:21 AM Tom_L: one issue was the lack of a status bar
11:22 AM rdtsc-wk: whenver I try anything MDI, the UI freezes for 15 sec and terminal reports "mdi_execute_abort: dropping 1 queued MDI commands"
11:23 AM rdtsc-wk: can't toolchange either
11:23 AM Tom_L: this is an rpi right?
11:24 AM JT-Cave: rdtsc-wk, have you got a fresh copy since this morning?
11:24 AM Tom_L: hell i don't even have that yet :)
11:25 AM Tom_L: just got in
11:25 AM rdtsc-wk: yes Tom. thought it may have something to do with the MDI controls being in a tab, so moved them out, then it would crash on startup: https://paste.debian.net/1325790/ then I went to bed lol
11:25 AM JT-Cave: was the status bar deleted from the QMainWindow?
11:25 AM rdtsc-wk: JT no, away from the Rpi
11:26 AM Tom_L: i'll build a fresh rpi one here in a few
11:26 AM rdtsc-wk: I removed it because Flex gave an error regarding the statusbar... then re-added it
11:28 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, #63 up
11:28 AM rdtsc-wk: the error regarding the statusbar was irrespective of whether the statusbar existed or not. not remembering at the moment what would cause that error
11:28 AM Tom_L: put them on my site too
11:29 AM JT-Cave: the error you posted that code was moved and hopefully fixed this morning
11:30 AM rdtsc-wk: awesome, will check it out tonight
11:31 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
11:42 AM JT-Cave: release updated
11:42 AM JT-Cave: rdtsc-wk, when you get and error can you pm me with a link to the paste?
11:42 AM Tom_dev: http://paste.debian.net/1325838/
11:42 AM JT-Cave: an error
11:42 AM Tom_dev: jt
11:42 AM Tom_dev: pushing spindle fwd button
11:42 AM JT-Cave: ok
11:42 AM Tom_dev: with rev removed
11:42 AM JT-Cave: ok, I need to make that smarter
11:42 AM Tom_L: here to test if you get it educated
11:45 AM JT-Cave: one at a time, just rename one then test
11:47 AM Tom_L: seems ok either way i switch it now
11:47 AM Tom_L: fwd, rev, both
11:48 AM Tom_L: with the + - buttons you should prevent them from showing a negative number
11:48 AM Tom_L: with the MDI S button i can set a S-100
11:49 AM JT-Cave: isn't -100 a valid value?
11:51 AM JT-Cave: seems to be a slight problem with spindle slower
11:52 AM Tom_L: i don't think -100 is vaild unless you switch to reverse
11:53 AM Tom_L: It is an error if:
11:53 AM Tom_L: the S number is negative.
11:53 AM JT-Cave: if you're doing that in mdi then emc will catch that error
11:54 AM Tom_L: i did that with the + - spindle buttons
11:54 AM Tom_L: spindle_plus_pb spindle_minus_pb
11:55 AM Tom_L: well... just the minus
11:56 AM Tom_L: it however won't go negative past the first button push (-100)
11:57 AM Tom_L: the spindle_speed_sb does not go negative however
11:57 AM Tom_L: even using the button
11:57 AM Tom_dev: Error
11:57 AM Tom_dev: Negative spindle speed used
11:58 AM Tom_dev: if you try to use it
11:58 AM JT-Cave: I can't get the spindle speed to be negative
11:58 AM Tom_L: try the rpi ui
11:59 AM Tom_L: look at the MDI S button
11:59 AM Tom_L: that's where it shows up
11:59 AM Tom_L: not in the display or spinbox
12:01 PM JT-Cave: ok I'll have to look a bit later at this
12:02 PM Tom_L: mine may be out of date but the xyzh example minus button isn't working
12:02 PM Tom_L: i'll make sure the example is up to date and try that again
12:05 PM Tom_L: yeah it seems broke
12:06 PM Tom_L: it's named right in the ui
12:10 PM Tom_L: yeah it's broke in the rpi example now too
12:10 PM Tom_L: spindle_minus_pb
12:30 PM Tom_L: nap
12:31 PM rdtsc-wk: just thinking out loud... maybe create one master non-touch UI with menu, and one master touch UI without menu, and include all controls in both of them. Good for testing. Then the user can start with one of those, and just remove the controls they don't want. Rearrange, tweak .qss, done.
12:31 PM rdtsc-wk: nap is sounding mighty fine about now... enjoy
12:34 PM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Hello,
12:34 PM lcnc-relay: I saw this post https://forum.linuxcnc.org/10-advanced-configuration/43003-stepper-homing-plus-index-encoder-v2-9-no-encoder-reset-ini-flag?start=0
12:34 PM lcnc-relay: I already use the spindle encoder on my 7i96s.
12:34 PM lcnc-relay: I have 2 servos, physical encoder on each servo linked to driver. Each driver generate a pulse train (A/B and index).
12:34 PM lcnc-relay: Do you think I can use the index generated by the driver without using signal A and B?
12:36 PM Tom_L: rdtsc-wk, if we did that, we might miss a few errors we haven't located yet
12:36 PM Tom_L: more testers means better code
12:37 PM Tom_L: there are working examples though
12:37 PM Tom_L: may not have _every_ control in them but they are working examples
12:49 PM rdtsc-wk: vibram the one whom would certainly know (Peter, pcw) appears to be out of the chatroom today. JT_Cave might know, but this is channel nap-time. :)
12:51 PM Tom_L: you could try it. i didn't have a positive answer
12:56 PM Jym: Are there any logs I can search from years ago by chance?
01:06 PM BorgPipe: not usually for irc unless it has a bot for it
01:06 PM BorgPipe: some keep their own logs but its like gaps and stuff usually
01:07 PM Jym: Oh there are logs in her going back 10+ years, I just don't rememebr where, and whch are searchable =)
01:08 PM Jym: Tom_L Are you logs searchable?
01:14 PM Jym: JT-Cave is there any way to search that?
01:14 PM Jym: search
01:16 PM Tom_L: no
01:16 PM Tom_L: what are you looking for?
01:18 PM Jym: Tom_L "jym cnc porn" there should be two youtube links
01:18 PM JT-Cave: you can search day by day only
01:19 PM Tom_L: i have local ones that go back a ways
01:19 PM Jym: I can't imagine there are too many with 'porn' in them, lol
01:20 PM Tom_L: freenode?
01:20 PM Jym: yeah
01:21 PM Jym: It's the two youtube links I'm after. One might have been changed to a different youtube link, so maybe three links
01:21 PM Tom_L: nothing back to 2018
01:21 PM Jym: They took it down, then someone else put the video back up, lol
01:22 PM Jym: Tom_L might even be before then, thank you for looking
01:29 PM JT-Cave: Tom_L, spindle slower is fixed and actually works properly now, it was one increment behind before
01:30 PM * JT-Cave goes out to the big shop to put the new tires on the road bike
01:30 PM Tom_L: so i see
01:31 PM Tom_L: done any more with the plot settings?
01:33 PM Tom_L: fixing a new deb with the fix
01:34 PM Tom_L: #64
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I think one of the logs was searchable.. but I think it was
01:35 PM lcnc-relay: Michael Haberler - don't know if it is still up.
02:07 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, plot startup still needs some work
02:11 PM Tom_L: ok
02:18 PM xxcoder: pretty cool https://polyhaven.com/
02:40 PM xxcoder: LOL this is cool https://www.printables.com/model/874548-amazing-gridfinity-m3-bolt-sorter
02:41 PM roycroft: i can't see that working reliably
02:41 PM roycroft: the demo looks good, but in the real world i bet it would not work well, and it's really slow
02:42 PM roycroft: and btw, when i was moving, one of my moving "helpers" was assisting with one of my fastener cabinets
02:43 PM roycroft: i told him we needed to wrap stretch film around the cabinets to keep the drawers from opening while they were being moved, but he declared that a waste of time
02:43 PM roycroft: and proceeded to move one without securing the drawers
02:43 PM roycroft: the cabinet tipped, of course, two of the drawers opened, of course, and fasteners spilled all over the place
02:44 PM roycroft: i recovered most of them, but it took me 5 hours to get them sorted and back into their proper bins
02:44 PM roycroft: it would have taken 90 seconds to wrap stretch film around the cabinet before moving it
02:44 PM JT-Shop: were you not in charge of the move?
02:44 PM xxcoder: jeez
02:44 PM roycroft: he asked if i wanted his help on the next round of the move, but i told him we had enough people
02:45 PM roycroft: yes, i was in charge, and i gave explicit instructions and the reason for the instructions
02:45 PM roycroft: but this person said it was not necessary to do what i instructed and proceeded to do it his way
02:45 PM roycroft: with very predictable results
02:45 PM bjorkintosh: so what did the person say after the spill?
02:45 PM xxcoder: well its good that he wasnt invited on your recent move. you dont need to sort for hours again
02:46 PM roycroft: he's also the one who broke the dust extraction tube on the sander that ihad to reprint last night
02:46 PM roycroft: he said nothing
02:46 PM bjorkintosh: well he's clearly incompetent.
02:46 PM roycroft: i was too pissed off to say anything
02:46 PM bjorkintosh: brutish, but daft.
02:46 PM JT-Shop: I find sorting fasteners therapeutic
02:46 PM roycroft: actually, he knows better than anyone else on the planet how to do this stuff
02:46 PM roycroft: i usually do, but not under these circumstances
02:46 PM JT-Shop: that's understandable
02:47 PM roycroft: i kept telling the person that i'd rather do it right than do it fast
02:47 PM bjorkintosh: he does? wow. must have been a brain fart then. happens to the best of us.
02:47 PM roycroft: and that if he had limited time to help, that's fine
02:47 PM roycroft: he could work as long as he had the time, and leave when he had to leave
02:47 PM roycroft: well, he says he does, bjorkintosh
02:47 PM roycroft: and you don't even have to ask him
02:48 PM roycroft: people ask me all the time how it is that i have so many nice things
02:48 PM Tom_L: what i say i can do and what i can do may not be quite the same
02:48 PM roycroft: i tell them that i'm old, i've been collecting nice things for a very long time, and i take care of my things well
02:49 PM roycroft: the last part being the most important part
02:49 PM roycroft: i don't get nice things and then trash them
02:49 PM roycroft: because then they're not nice any more
02:49 PM bjorkintosh: normally those rolls are reversed. i remember telling the contractor on a construction site I was working at, not to overload some saw horses. because I was just a temp, he didn't listen.
02:49 PM bjorkintosh: predictably, a few minutes later, the stupid thing collapsed.
02:49 PM bjorkintosh: *roles
02:49 PM roycroft: well this "helper" was a volunteer, not a paid worker
02:49 PM bjorkintosh: ah man. that sucks.
02:50 PM roycroft: and my friends that recommended him were kind of taken aback when i told them i can't afford his help any more
02:51 PM roycroft: then one of them was helping me move some other stuff, and i took him out to the shop and showed him all the damage that this "helper" did to my machines and tools and shop fixtures
02:51 PM roycroft: which was *all* the damage to that stuff
02:51 PM bjorkintosh: geeze.
02:51 PM roycroft: 100% of things that were damaged were things this person "helped" move
02:51 PM bjorkintosh: I bet he said "my bad" a lot.
02:51 PM roycroft: everyone else listened to me, took instructino, and took their time
02:52 PM roycroft: no, he did not acknowledge having done anything wrong at all
02:52 PM roycroft: even when he was actively doing something to cause damage and two or three of us were yelling at him to stop, he just kept going
02:52 PM roycroft: because he knows better than everyone else
02:52 PM roycroft: anyway
02:52 PM roycroft: sorting fasteners for five hours is something i should have had to do
02:53 PM JT-Shop: that would have been the point where I would have asked him to leave
02:53 PM roycroft: and that i won't do again for that reason
02:53 PM roycroft: i came really close to doing so
02:53 PM roycroft: and i should have
02:53 PM roycroft: some of the damage i did not notice until after i started organizing the new shop
02:53 PM Tom_L: aparently you're too kind
02:53 PM JT-Shop: but I can also understand the desire to get moved after all this time
02:53 PM roycroft: well i needed the help
02:54 PM Tom_L: did you need that help?
02:54 PM roycroft: and at the time my wrist was still pretty broken
02:54 PM roycroft: well the stuff is here
02:54 PM roycroft: and without the help some of it might not have gotten here
02:54 PM roycroft: in retrospect, yes, i'd have been better off without him
02:55 PM roycroft: but on the day of the move, when i had a rented truck for which i was paying by the hour, i was thinking differently
02:55 PM roycroft: and that weekend i really focused on the big, heavy stuff that needed the lift gate truck
02:57 PM * roycroft still has a couple things that could use a lift gate truck, but can manage them with his pickup and some ramps
02:58 PM xxcoder: stay safe :)
02:59 PM JT-Shop: hmm july was a slow month for me only 4 transactions in my business account
03:01 PM Tom_L: you're retired ehh?
03:02 PM JT-Shop: for the moment... until the 50% check shows up for the huge control panel
03:02 PM Tom_L: gonna get that one ehh?
03:03 PM JT-Shop: yup, already sent them the invoice for 50% down
03:03 PM Tom_L: well that should keep you busy a couple weeks
03:04 PM bjorkintosh: invoicing...
03:04 PM Tom_L: that was for the cooker place right?
03:04 PM bjorkintosh: i did the dumbest ass shit ever.
03:04 PM JT-Shop: yup
03:04 PM JT-Shop: I figure it will take me a couple of months to finish
03:05 PM bjorkintosh: I trusted my colleagues at old j%b to pay me for work done without a fucking contract and now I'm in deep shit.
03:05 PM bjorkintosh: Never again!
03:05 PM * JT-Shop goes to fire up the grill and cook a whole lot of wings
03:36 PM JT-Cave: Tom_L, you may need to delete the preference files after you pull
03:39 PM Tom_L: in .config?
03:40 PM JT-Shop: yup
03:45 PM Tom_L: did you ever increast the recent files count?
03:45 PM JT-Shop: no, I forgot
03:46 PM Tom_L: plot options aren't saving
03:46 PM JT-Shop: well crap
03:46 PM Tom_L: ok once i changed them with the checkboxes they did
03:46 PM Tom_L: but the startup ones didn't save
03:47 PM JT-Shop: watch the pref file as you change them
03:47 PM Tom_L: it's open
03:49 PM Tom_L: yeah they seem to update live
03:49 PM Tom_L: menu or checkbox
03:51 PM Tom_L: extents show and it's not checked after a reload
03:51 PM Tom_L: false in the file
03:51 PM Tom_L: is it still reading the py file on startup?
03:52 PM xxcoder: wow they FINALLY found the dead drive I sent to ups and it got lost
03:52 PM Tom_L: extents seem broke
03:53 PM Tom_L: offsets show and are unchecked
03:54 PM JT-Shop: ok I see the problem I think
03:54 PM Tom_L: need some pics?
03:54 PM JT-Shop: no it's not reading false correctly if you uncheck something
03:55 PM Tom_L: ok
04:21 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/DTGLiAuDnwApkLARuLWfHuGN/20240808_161243.jpg
04:23 PM Tom_L: you must be hungry
04:27 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> Marinated even better cold
04:53 PM roycroft: are you talking about revenge, jt?
07:31 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
07:42 PM rdtsc: Tom_L, any idea why moving the MDI controls out of a tabWidget and onto the MainWindow would result in https://paste.debian.net/1325790 ? can't even make sense of the error
07:43 PM rdtsc: oh, this is with an old version... let me grab the latest.
08:18 PM rdtsc: Same with latest ver Tom. Disabled MPG, same. Rearranged several controls, same. Figured it out though, my fault. Wanted to try creating a button to launch the menu item actionHAL_show, without having the menu defined. Interestingly, adding a dynamic property named "triggered" prevents the crash, although it doesn't run the command.
08:18 PM rdtsc: Removing that button allows it to load now.
08:29 PM Tom_L: the last deb is still broke
08:29 PM Tom_L: probably a fix tomorrow
08:30 PM Tom_L: plot save options are being worked on
08:36 PM Tom_L: rdtsc, show_hal_pb, hal_meter_pb, hal_scope_pb
08:42 PM Tom_L: buttons will launch without being on the menu... just tested it
08:47 PM Tom_L: rdtsc, i think you may have had the name wrong for the button on show_hal_pb
08:47 PM Tom_L: https://www.gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/controls.html#push-buttons
09:17 PM rdtsc: plot options are remembered now :)
09:28 PM rdtsc: HAL buttons work that way, thanks. Curious, is there a pb for ladder editor?
09:28 PM Tom_L: no there is still an issue with them
09:29 PM Tom_L: no but i can put in the request
09:30 PM Tom_L: plot save works better but still has a problem
09:32 PM rdtsc: After adjusting the Z axis max velocity and acceleration, the G0 Z0 button moved without fault. It sounded a little weird though; something still seems off. Will look at it more tomorrow. :
09:33 PM Tom_L: you likely missed my last comments