#linuxcnc Logs

Aug 07 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

04:33 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:10 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:12 AM JT-Shop: time to ride
06:30 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> Morning
06:55 AM rdtsc-wk: mornin'
06:58 AM * rdtsc-wk sips a double-decker coffee before starting repair of a Siemens G120 drive.
08:14 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I would not be able to repair smd after drinking coffee?
08:26 AM bjorkintosh: skunkworks, you're not coffee-powered?
08:41 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I am - just can't use it if I want to do fine work..
08:41 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I shake enough before coffee.
08:43 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I finally picked up a cheap re-work station for here at work. I took a package off with hot air a few days ago.. It will be nice for a few times a year we need it 🙂
08:54 AM rdtsc-wk: I make a 24oz coffee, but only use one scoop, so it's like half-strength.
08:57 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> is that one scoop a shovel? 😉
09:06 AM * roycroft just made his morning cappuccino
09:07 AM roycroft: i can only have one coffee in the morning
09:07 AM roycroft: anything else and i'll not sleep well the following night
09:08 AM roycroft: my boss, on the other hand, makes coffee that is as thick as mud, and drinks it all day long
09:31 AM rdtsc-wk: Caffeine just doesn't affect some people... the missus can drink a can of coke then goto bed; no way could I get away with that. Chocolate too - stimulant.
09:32 AM roycroft: yeah, different folks react quite differently
10:49 AM Tom_L: nice mild morning.
10:50 AM Tom_L: yard done, shower done nap soon
10:52 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> got my USB to RS485 device sorted... had to uninstall brltty, as i don't need a braille device anyway
11:11 AM Scopeuk: I have lost count of how many people I've had to help install brltty to get their serial devices back
11:13 AM Scopeuk: debug steps involving running dmesg -w whilst plugging in the device to see what claims it
11:13 AM Scopeuk: s/install/uninstall
11:14 AM Scopeuk: generally that is klipper rather than linux cnc but the pain point is the same
11:19 AM roycroft: i have a need to heat water in a long trough to near boiling and i ordered 2 240v hot plates from an amazon vendor to do so, because it's a lot more convenient for me to use the higher voltage in my shop
11:20 AM roycroft: i don't have enough 120v power there currently to run both simultaneously
11:20 AM roycroft: they were shipped from china, and when they arrived they wer3 120v, not 240v
11:20 AM roycroft: when queried the vendor they told me they substituted the correct ones because i'm in the us and i ordered the wrong voltage
11:20 AM roycroft: and now they're refusing a return
11:22 AM * roycroft will have to take this up with amazon, but cannot fathom why a vendor would substitute a product on an assumption without first contacting the purchaser
11:24 AM Scopeuk: Asking the question would be great customer service, just doing it is stupid
11:26 AM rdtsc-wk: hey Scopeuk any hints for a USB device which silently drops out after 1-100minutes of use? using an audio mixer (Tascam Model 12) as audio I/O and it works great. Except that every 1-100 minutes, it stops working. USB device doesn't disconnect, just stops playing audio. Can get it back by enabling and disabling JACK2. Been dealing with this for months.
11:32 AM Scopeuk: rdtsc-wk nothing directly for the issue. I think I would be looking at Jack logs in the first instance. possibly the opening application.
11:33 AM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have only played with jack once setting up a rivendel system. (but then swiched to an pci audio interface that rivendel directly supported)
11:34 AM Scopeuk: looks like you had quite the adventure even getting to here https://forum.maboxlinux.org/t/solved-tascam-model-12-usb-issues/1391
11:43 AM rdtsc-wk: Oh yes... quality of USB cable is very important! lol
11:47 AM Scopeuk: the other thought based on some limited experiences with audio interfaces, increase buffer size and/or fiddle with sample rate
11:47 AM Scopeuk: I know voice communication applications hate it if I run my interface at a higher sample rate
12:10 PM rdtsc-wk: The weird thing is, might work fine for 4 hours nonstop, then it silently just stops. Can't tell where the issue originates - is it in a buffer, or USB, or Jack, or....
12:14 PM roycroft: so amazon will refund my money, as i expected, and they want me to send the hot plates back IF the vendor sends me a shipping label
12:15 PM Tom_L: i though you could just drop them as is at a UPS store and they take care of it
12:16 PM roycroft: this was direct shipped by the vendor, not an amazon fulfillment
12:16 PM roycroft: i guess the rules are, at least sometimes, different for that
12:17 PM roycroft: i could just use these as they are
12:17 PM roycroft: but they would get really really hot and might burn up premturely if i did so
12:17 PM roycroft: could be fun though
12:18 PM rdtsc-wk: can't you run one from hot1 to neutral, and the other from hot2 to neutral?
12:18 PM roycroft: i'm on temporary power drops
12:19 PM roycroft: i did not pull four wires for the 240 circuit, so i don't have a neutral
12:19 PM roycroft: (which isn't really 'neutral' anyway - it's a common split-phase tap"
12:20 PM rdtsc-wk: heavy-gauge 10/4 or 8/4 cable gets expensiveeeee fast these days
12:20 PM roycroft: yeah, i'm using 10/3 soow for the temporary drop
12:21 PM roycroft: and that was significantly less expensive than 10/4 soow
12:21 PM roycroft: long term i'll bring 100a of 240v split phase to the shop, and wire it properly
12:21 PM roycroft: but right now i just need to be able to get some work done, and i need lights and power to machines
12:22 PM roycroft: so there's a 20a 120v tempoary drop, and i'm feeding a 120a panel with 30a of 240v, without the center tap
12:22 PM roycroft: it's an extension of my dryer circuit
12:22 PM roycroft: the panel has 2 20a circuit breakers - i'll use one for the dust collector, and one for a single machine
12:23 PM roycroft: combined current draw should never exceed the 30a, but if it does, it will trip the dryer breaker
12:23 PM roycroft: the hot plates, when i get the right ones, will plug into the "machinery" circuit
12:24 PM roycroft: and will draw around 10-12a
12:24 PM roycroft: combined
12:24 PM roycroft: so it's all safe
12:24 PM rdtsc-wk: I conduit-buried 50ft of 8/3 10 years ago and that was several hundred dollars then - would be at least twice as expensive now
12:30 PM Tom_L: rewire them in series with each other
12:34 PM roycroft: i suppose that would work, but it would be more unconventional than what i was planning on doing
12:35 PM roycroft: and still does not address the problem that a vendor presumed that they knew better what i need than i do
12:35 PM Tom_L: they may send you the same set again :)
12:36 PM roycroft: i'm not reordering
12:36 PM roycroft: i'm being refunded
12:36 PM Tom_L: oh
12:36 PM roycroft: and may or may not have to return the ones i have
12:36 PM roycroft: i suppose if i don't have to return the ones i bought then keeping them and wiring them in series would save me some money
12:37 PM roycroft: and i could easily rationalize that it's ok to do that since it's the vendor who are at fault here
01:05 PM Scopeuk: rdtsc-wk I guess the other though would be usb power modes and an iffy driver, maybe it it put to sleep and doesn't come back properly
01:51 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:52 PM rdtsc-wk: Scopeuk interesting. Usually I'll relax at the computer for an hour and watch some YouTube videos. In that time, there is about a 60% chance the audio will "mute" itself, totally random. Haven't noticed anything which directly affects it. Other than no audio = no chance of loss. Audio was working last night, so it will work when I come back to that PC today. Did check dmesg after a stop, nothing. Also re-scanned USB devices after a stop, nothing.
01:52 PM rdtsc-wk: Maybe a pulseaudio / pipewire / alsa thing but these all get very complex very fast.
01:56 PM bjorkintosh: needlessly complex.
02:29 PM rdtsc-wk: indeed. Jack2 is another can of worms - for audio to work with jack2 running, signals have to be re-routed through jack2 (which does work.) But these audio stops occur without jack2 actively running. Hmm guess I'll try enabling jack2, routing signals, and seeing how long that stays working. Maybe that will point somewhere. :)
02:35 PM bjorkintosh: I thought pipewire eliminated the need for Jack, or am I mistaken?
02:37 PM rdtsc-wk: not even sure, it's quite a mess.
02:41 PM bjorkintosh: I've never been able to get installing jackd down to a science. by the time it's installed, it's time to wipe everything and reinstall the OS.
02:41 PM bjorkintosh: nothing works right after that.
02:42 PM bjorkintosh: jack/pulse ARE confusing as all hell.
02:42 PM bjorkintosh: for me, at least.
03:00 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> anyone know which CAD apps can easily share F360 files? Does Inventor import and export cleanly to and from F360?
03:01 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Pulseaudio was brought to you by the makers of SystemD
03:02 PM xxcoder: which now workf or ms
03:02 PM xxcoder: *for
03:02 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> yup 😦
03:02 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Alsa works fine
03:02 PM xxcoder: so... systemmd-firefox when? ;)
03:03 PM xxcoder: is alsa replacement for systemmd?
03:04 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> https://www.alsa-project.org/wiki/Main_Page
03:06 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Alsa works fine without Pulse audio
03:09 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> bjorkintosh: if you want to find out how most features work and how to configure them check Gentoo or Arch howtos
03:10 PM xxcoder: ahh sound system. useless for me, but hey if it gets rid of one of two hulking software emss?
03:53 PM bjorkintosh: will do.
03:53 PM bjorkintosh: thank you
04:27 PM rdtsc-wk: cap'n, unsure about F360. They burned me enough times with their licensing changes to avoid them.
04:28 PM xxcoder: rug pulls too yeah
04:29 PM Tom_L: https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/File-formats-supported-by-Fusion-360.html
04:29 PM roycroft: that's a major reason i have nothing to do with fusion 360
04:29 PM roycroft: i got their hobby license
04:29 PM roycroft: i found f360 to be decent and well-featured, but it's weird enough and not enough better than solidworks that i never got really excited about it
04:30 PM Tom_L: you have sw with cam though don't you?
04:30 PM roycroft: in the first place i was interested because of the integrated cam software, but now that i upgraded sw to a version that has cam, that's not an issue
04:30 PM xxcoder: that cam capt linked to seems interesting enough
04:30 PM roycroft: and when autodesk started playing games with the license, i decided to have no part of it
04:30 PM Tom_L: have you tried modifying any sw cam?
04:30 PM Tom_L: i've not looked at theirs
04:30 PM roycroft: i haven't done much at all with it
04:30 PM xxcoder: deskproto
04:31 PM roycroft: but a lot of people use it
04:31 PM Tom_L: i've used it but not the cam
04:31 PM Tom_L: i have a good working cam solution
04:33 PM rdtsc-wk: wonder if any hobby machines have a "gcode record" feature... press record, jog machine Z -0.1, press button, and "G1 Z -0.1" is added to the list. :)
04:33 PM roycroft: my temporary power to the shop is all done now
04:33 PM Tom_L: i bet you could get lcnc to do that
04:34 PM Tom_L: might take some thought
04:34 PM roycroft: i'm ready to fire up the woodworking machines, except for one thing
04:34 PM xxcoder: smoke? ;)
04:34 PM roycroft: i'm not setting up my cyclone chip collector with the dust collector for now, until i build the shed to house the stuff
04:34 PM roycroft: my dust collector has a 5" inlet, and i have 6" and 4" hoses
04:35 PM roycroft: so i need a 5" to 4" reducer
04:35 PM roycroft: once i have that i'm ready to go
04:35 PM rdtsc-wk: 3d printer to the rescue?
04:35 PM roycroft: i think i have one a the old house, but i have no idea where it is
04:35 PM roycroft: possibly
04:35 PM Tom_L: tin or plastic?
04:36 PM roycroft: the one at the old house would be metal - i use standard hvac ducting for most of that stuff
04:36 PM rdtsc-wk: ooh, less static with metal
04:36 PM roycroft: i'm tempted to go the local hardware store
04:36 PM roycroft: it's a tiny store, but they actually carry a lot of stuff
04:36 PM Tom_L: looks fairly common
04:36 PM roycroft: just one or 2 of each item
04:37 PM roycroft: i'm going to eugene tomorrow anyway
04:37 PM roycroft: i've been waiting over 2 months to be able to use the machines
04:37 PM roycroft: i can wait one more day :)
04:37 PM roycroft: the previous owner of this house, or one of the tenants, removed all he shelves and shelf supports from all the kitchen cabinets
04:38 PM roycroft: so i can only use the bottom of each cabinet
04:38 PM Tom_L: how kind of them
04:38 PM roycroft: i've been chomping at the bit to be able to rip some shelf supports on the tablesaw and cut some scrap plywood into shelves so i can organize my kitchen
04:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> *champing at the bit
04:39 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> im that guy
07:20 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
07:26 PM rdtsc: Just an FYI, Intel 13th and 14th gen CPUs may have a serious flaw: https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/intel-raptor-lake-instability-troubles-everything-you-need-to-know
07:27 PM bjorkintosh: intel. going down in a hurry.
07:28 PM rdtsc: their stock price has plummetted... lets hope it doesn't crash though, because this box is a 13th Gen Intel Core i9-13900KF
07:28 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
07:29 PM Unterhausen: are the intel gens with problems currently being sold?
07:29 PM rdtsc: apparently, yes
07:29 PM rdtsc: they supposedly have a microcode patch coming out in a week or two
07:29 PM rdtsc: but we'll see how well it works
07:30 PM Unterhausen: my wife wants a new computer
07:30 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> xxcoder: that worked...
07:30 PM Unterhausen: she retired but got a new job, so she deserves it
07:30 PM xxcoder: chainsaw?
07:30 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> pole saw - attached to the tower
07:30 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> so - kinda a chain saw.. 🙂
07:30 PM xxcoder: nice lol
07:31 PM rdtsc: Any 13th or 14th gen intel cpu with a "K" in the model = possibly affected
07:31 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have a video - but it is going to take time to do a minimum edit
07:31 PM rdtsc: nice SW, a tower-saw
07:31 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> yep
07:31 PM Unterhausen: I need a pole saw
07:31 PM xxcoder: no, you need a tower saw ')
07:31 PM xxcoder: ;)
07:31 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I tweeked it a little - as there is no feel.. but it bent back strait.
07:31 PM Unterhausen: I don't want the tower
07:32 PM xxcoder: lol
07:32 PM rdtsc: challenging to transport the tower
07:32 PM rdtsc: after welding
07:33 PM Unterhausen: I have ham radio friends that help each other put up towers, fortunately they don't do it without asking
07:33 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have visions of dad putting it back on the dump truck he had at the time..
07:35 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I am looking for pictures - but so far - no
07:36 PM rdtsc: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/57/5e/36/575e36a081e3c47dfcc2909c3ef4e25a.jpg
07:47 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> the new amd processors seem to be meh - but they are <100 watts for pretty awesome performance.
07:49 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> most of the youtube reviewers say don't buy intel until they figure their shit out.
07:50 PM xxcoder: yeah using amd
07:50 PM xxcoder: sadly amd gpu, while works easily, dont work on sleep :(
07:51 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I have an x3d .. it is pretty amazing..
07:51 PM rdtsc: I sure hope Intel doesn't go under... no competition = stagnation
07:51 PM Tom_L: maybe amd will buy them out
07:52 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> right
07:52 PM Tom_L: and bury...
07:52 PM Tom_L: pic bought atmel
07:52 PM xxcoder: buy ouit = become no compeition
07:52 PM Tom_L: so it's not unheard of
07:53 PM Tom_L: was it phillips that bought motorola?
07:53 PM Tom_L: i forget
07:54 PM Tom_L: a google search... says google bought em
08:26 PM rdtsc: Tom_L if I pick tool 1 from the combo and click ToolChange, the UI locks up for about 15 seconds and i get "mdi_execute_abort: dropping 1 queued MDI commands" in the terminal. any ideas what could cause that?
08:43 PM rdtsc: JT_Shop if https://www.gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/mdi.html is followed, and a M0 issued without a spindle_rev_pb, python stacktraces. If spindle_rev_pb is created, it then stacktraces with: parent.command.mdi(mdi_command) TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'bool'
08:49 PM Tom_L: rdtsc, i've not run into that one yet
08:49 PM rdtsc: maybe I have a global MDI issue
08:50 PM Tom_L: i'm using several mdi commands in my ui
08:50 PM Tom_L: both mdi and hal_pin
08:52 PM Tom_L: so no spindle_rev_pb issue an M0 as a mdi command?
08:52 PM roycroft: so one of my moving "helpers" broke the dust collector port on one of my sanding machines, and i need to use that machine soon
08:53 PM roycroft: i am getting my 3d printer set up and back on line tonight, first time since the move
08:53 PM roycroft: i still have tons of moving stuff to do, but it feels good to be actually setting things up and using them instead of just moving things
08:54 PM Tom_L: rdtsc, i removed my spindle_rev_pb and created an M0 mdi button and i get no errors
08:56 PM Tom_L: mdi requires estop on, power on, homed
08:56 PM Tom_L: shouldn't enable the button unless that is satisfied
08:57 PM rdtsc: was enabled without being homed, pressed newly-made G0 Z0 button and,
08:57 PM rdtsc: Traceback (most recent call last):
08:57 PM rdtsc: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/libflexgui/status.py", line 384, in update
08:57 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
08:57 PM rdtsc: parent.statusbar.showMessage('Error')
08:57 PM rdtsc: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
08:57 PM rdtsc: AttributeError: 'flexgui' object has no attribute 'statusbar'. Did you mean: 'statusBar'?
08:58 PM rdtsc: just removed statusbar, oops putting it back in
08:59 PM Tom_L: with no rev button i issued an M1 from the mdi_command widget and get this:
08:59 PM Tom_dev: http://paste.debian.net/1325787/
09:00 PM Tom_L: but with the created M0 mdi command button i get no error under the same conditions
09:01 PM rdtsc: must be blind, not seeing statusbar in the list of widgets.
09:02 PM Tom_L: it may be automatic with the main window
09:02 PM Tom_L: i'm not sure
09:03 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
09:03 PM rdtsc: Aaah - right-click MainWindow in the designer tree, pick Create Status Bar
09:04 PM Tom_L: QStatusBar
09:05 PM rdtsc: I made a G0 Z0 button like https://www.gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/mdi.html but it's enabled at startup
09:10 PM rdtsc: enabled power, loaded a file, homed, hit the G0 Z0 button, and https://paste.debian.net/1325788/
09:10 PM rdtsc: z motor spun faster than allowed before faulting
09:12 PM Tom_L: i have 2 similar buttons 'G0 X0 Y0 Z0' and 'G0 X0 Y0'
09:12 PM Tom_L: no issues with them
09:13 PM Tom_L: same mdi command button
09:13 PM rdtsc: have been running this over ssh -X; trying same now from the touchscreen
09:14 PM Tom_L: the missing spindle_rev_pb i think may be an issue
09:15 PM Tom_L: i can duplicate it here with the input 'M1' in the mdi dialog
09:15 PM Tom_L: however the M0 button doesn't throw an error here
09:16 PM rdtsc: yep, exact same behavior from the Rpi touchscreen locally. hmm only me lol
09:17 PM Tom_L: my 'M0' button isn't enabled until estop, power and home are satisfied though
09:17 PM Tom_L: i just now created one to verify
09:18 PM Tom_L: and verified the command in the
09:18 PM Tom_L: 'active codes' box
09:19 PM Tom_L: if i run the M0 from mdi_command_le i get the error with the spindle_rev_pb missing
09:19 PM roycroft: now to find the file for the dust port that i haven't used in 3 years
09:20 PM Tom_L: with spindle_rev_pb there i get no error
09:23 PM Tom_L: i can see that may not be used in every case as not all spindles have rev
09:32 PM rdtsc: hmm button definitely contains function:mdi and command:G0 Z0
09:32 PM rdtsc: is enabled at start, clicking it does nothing thankfully
09:33 PM rdtsc: but when on and homed, always results in ^^ paste
09:37 PM rdtsc: I can enter commands into mdi_command_le and press RunMDI button, but always get mdi_execute_abort: dropping 1 queued MDI commands
09:37 PM rdtsc: it's like I can't do anything MDI at all
09:50 PM rdtsc: One final try tonight. Those MDI widgets were in a tab. Tried moving them out of the tab, and got this: https://paste.debian.net/1325790/
09:51 PM rdtsc: didn't even startup
09:51 PM * rdtsc is cursed!
09:52 PM * rdtsc suddenly remembers every time a mirror was broken, a black cat crossed his path, and he opened an umbrella indoors...
10:36 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad8guw5TJks
10:39 PM xxcoder: ;pplong
10:39 PM NetPipe: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoj2H4ksuSjRkNRpTVXQSQ10tl6TYbkc1&si=pUVbulnRAAAD6Hxu does this work good , its my new playlist for working shuffled
10:40 PM xxcoder: looking
10:43 PM xxcoder: lol thats awesome
10:45 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I couldn't actually see the saw from the tractor. It was a lot of getting off and on the tractor
10:45 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I had to adjust the length 2 times
10:46 PM xxcoder: at end it worked quite well I think
10:46 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Perfectly..
10:47 PM xxcoder: all that from joke suggestion lol
10:47 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I figured a 50/50 chance of it working.. worse case - I would break the pole saw..
10:48 PM xxcoder: fro what I see, it would bend pole rather than break saw
10:48 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I am telling my self that given time I would have thought of it... 🙂
10:49 PM xxcoder: probably would yeah. many simple ideas can be olvious yet hard to even think of it in first place though
10:52 PM xxcoder: cant wait to see it finished lol
10:55 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I think now either this weekend or next
10:55 PM xxcoder: nice
10:56 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> I think I have everything I need
10:56 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Decided to run the mast all the way to the bottom of the tower.. that way I can spin kit manually if needed
10:57 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Just going to use some chain link fence tubing..
11:12 PM roycroft: so yeah, i'm 3d printing for the first time since last fall or so
11:29 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Nice!
11:29 PM xxcoder: duct adoptors?
11:31 PM roycroft: yes
11:31 PM roycroft: and my first failure since last fall :)
11:31 PM xxcoder: lol
11:31 PM roycroft: i just did a progress check and found a pile of spaghetti
11:32 PM roycroft: i was using up some old petg, and i might not have dried it enough or something
11:32 PM * roycroft will try some of his atomic filament pla - the tried and true filament - next
11:37 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away