#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 27 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

04:33 AM Tom_L: morning
04:49 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:37 AM mrec: pcw-home: sorry for bothering you again, about the stepgen bitmask, StepGenNumRegs = 0x0a = 10 registers where does this come from - it includes 0 as a register? StepGenRateAddr, StepGenAccumAddr, StepGenModeAddr, StepGenDSUTimeAddr, StepGenDHLDTimeAddr, StepGenPulseATimeAddr, StepGenPulseITimeAddr, StepGenTableAddr, StepGenTableMaxAddr, StepGenBasicRateAddr, StepGenTimerSelectAddr = 11;
05:39 AM mrec: and you mentioned the stepgen bitmask should be 0x3fe (1111111110)? how comes? 11 registers would be 0x7ff.
05:45 AM mrec: so the idea of the bitmask thing is left behind and the values are basically all incorrect?
05:45 AM mrec: I'd just like to understand what the idea behind that is or is supposed to be.
06:01 AM Deejay: mahlzeit
06:10 AM JT-Cave: gesundheit
06:49 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> LMAO
07:03 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, https://pasteboard.co/5cniAo633jN6.png
07:49 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, cool
07:50 AM JT-Cave: yup
07:50 AM JT-Cave: got a lot to sort out but that's a huge step
07:50 AM Tom_L: sure is
07:50 AM Tom_L: bounding box is way too big but at least it loads a file
07:51 AM JT-Cave: that's the machine limits
07:51 AM Tom_L: i may not have that set on this sim
07:52 AM Tom_L: so it reads the limits from the joint section in the ini?
07:52 AM JT-Cave: I assume it does
07:52 AM Tom_L: is it the same code from axis?
07:52 AM Tom_L: cause it kinda looks like it
07:54 AM JT-Cave: it's converted from qt5_graphics.py to pyqt6
07:54 AM JT-Cave: I think they all use the same gl
07:54 AM Tom_L: the initial graphic for torture test is in the upper front left corner
07:55 AM Tom_L: but when i run it, it's in the center of the bounding box
07:55 AM Tom_L: still a huge step
07:56 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/plotter1.png
07:57 AM Tom_L: tool looks right
07:58 AM Tom_L: the light blue is the initial loaded position
07:59 AM JT-Cave: just got it to update when a file is loaded so other than that nothing else is tested or tried
08:01 AM JT-Cave: hmm it only works if the axis sim is running so I'm missing something huge
08:01 AM Tom_L: what do you mean?
08:02 AM Tom_L: i'm not running an axis sim with this in a terminal
08:02 AM Tom_L: i'm running this sim standalone
08:02 AM JT-Cave: well I guess I need to reinstall it lol
08:03 AM JT-Cave: it does help to have the very latest installed when not using a sim lol
08:03 AM * JT-Cave starts his chicken day
08:03 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/plotter2.png
08:03 AM Tom_L: after that last push
08:03 AM Tom_L: nothing homed
08:04 AM Tom_L: better
08:05 AM Tom_L: the light blue still looks like the file but since my test is weird anyway it may be the axis showing
08:05 AM Tom_L: loaded a different file and the light blue is the axis i think
08:10 AM Tom_L: showing metric dimensions with an inch gcode file
08:13 AM Tom_L: that's set in [TRAJ]
08:15 AM pcw-home: mrec: 0x3fe is correct for the stepgen (a bit per register) bit 0 is 0 because the first register is global(the rate generator)
08:28 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, yup I still have to figure out how to set the display options like units, vel, dro etc.
09:24 AM Tom_L: refresh
09:24 AM * Tom_L gives JT-Cave a few extra brownie points today
09:32 AM * JT-Cave heads out
09:33 AM Tom_L: rpi deb on the way
09:33 AM Tom_L: #49 up
09:38 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Cave: wow, you're getting the preview graphics going......cool
09:47 AM bjorkintosh: so. this exists: http://www.sterlingrail.com/
09:47 AM bjorkintosh: that just blows my damned mind.
09:48 AM Tom_L: why?
09:48 AM Tom_L: local train yards, museums etc
09:48 AM Tom_L: i've seen rail cars on farms quite a bit
09:50 AM bjorkintosh: the 'etc' bit is what I'm curious about.
09:50 AM bjorkintosh: i can see the uses in a local train yard. maybe a museum or two. but that's it.
09:51 AM Tom_L: parks
09:51 AM Tom_L: i've seen them there quite a bit as well
09:51 AM Tom_L: especially cabooses
09:51 AM bjorkintosh: right.
09:52 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Actually you can own your own car, like a caboose, and move it around the country on the regular tracks....
09:52 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> and live in it
09:52 AM bjorkintosh: that's not cheap.
09:53 AM Tom_L: see the world from your living room
09:53 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> so what?
09:53 AM bjorkintosh: hahaha. so what?! that's not cheap! it's the whole point.
09:53 AM bjorkintosh: so how do you negotiate with other rolling stock? a radio contact?
09:53 AM Tom_L: musk blows up rocket for the hellofit
09:54 AM bjorkintosh: billionaires are not human though.
09:54 AM bjorkintosh: separate species.
09:55 AM Tom_L: owning a train would be special too ehh?
09:55 AM bjorkintosh: rather.
09:55 AM bjorkintosh: I want one! a miniature one that goes 'choo choo'
09:56 AM Tom_L: like at a state fair?
09:56 AM Tom_L: or amusement park
09:56 AM bjorkintosh: state fair! that's right.
09:57 AM * Tom_L opens the box for bjorkintosh
09:57 AM bjorkintosh: like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CufQJPJOtYs
09:57 AM roycroft: i'm not sure i would want a house that gets tagged with graffiti every day
09:57 AM Tom_L: you wouldn't have to paint it on a regular basis
09:57 AM Tom_L: you may not get the color choice you prefer...
09:58 AM Tom_L: roycroft, sorry to hear about your pet
10:31 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Hello
10:31 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> https://forum.linuxcnc.org/10-advanced-configuration/43795-solved-spindle-pid-tuning?start=0
10:31 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> I saw this post, do you think this is an important upgrade to make to the config?
10:32 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> Especially for threading maybe? Should increase the quality
10:39 AM Tom_L: yes
10:39 AM Tom_L: i run a pid loop on my spindle and it helps quite a bit
10:40 AM Tom_L: i set the parameters on my vfd first then added the lcnc pid loop
10:43 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> OK thank you
10:44 AM lcnc-relay: <vibram> It's better to adjust on vfd first according to you?
10:44 AM Tom_L: i adjusted mine as close as i could first
10:44 AM Tom_L: without overshoot
01:12 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:23 PM JT-Shop: nap time
01:26 PM Tom_L: yup
01:35 PM Unterhaus_ is now known as unterhausen
01:35 PM unterhausen: stewmac just renewed my free membership for $32
01:35 PM unterhausen: not sure it's worth fighting over $32
01:36 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:39 PM jfsimon1981_b is now known as jfsimon
01:44 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> frak.... 11:30 and it's still only 59.
01:45 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> just finished my 30 mile ride. 1800' elevation gain.
02:00 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> i have not been in the right mindset to ride, too many things going on. i will get back out though...
02:01 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> it really helps me think. it's good for clearing the mind. zen like
02:02 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> ok, finished my banana, honey, and peanut butter shake. nap time....
02:03 PM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> same, but i also have not been sleeping, so there's that too.
02:03 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
02:20 PM xxcoder: oh hey good joe video
02:20 PM xxcoder: been boring for while
02:56 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
03:47 PM xxcoder: interesting. he makes stuff that convert ir into correct ir freq that go stright to space without hitting any air
03:47 PM xxcoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8YBV7GoF_s
04:07 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> home sweet home.
04:15 PM Tom_L: good to go and good to return
04:15 PM JT-Shop: yup
04:16 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, are you planning to tie some buttons to the plotter?
04:17 PM JT-Shop: for touch screen yes to rotate and pan and zoom
04:17 PM Tom_L: yeah things like view and refresh etc
04:17 PM Tom_L: i was just thinking about it a bit today
04:18 PM JT-Shop: so I think the DRO in axis is not part of the plotter but on top of it
04:18 PM Tom_L: you have dro already thought right?
04:18 PM JT-Shop: yup
04:18 PM Tom_L: i wonder if that can go on top of the plotter window?
04:18 PM Tom_L: like axis
04:18 PM Tom_L: it wouldn't matter much really
04:19 PM JT-Shop: just exploring to see what I can finger out
04:19 PM Tom_L: i'm just glad you got this far
04:19 PM JT-Shop: yeah I'm pretty stoked to have gotten this to work
04:20 PM Tom_L: how long you been working on it?
04:20 PM JT-Shop: way too long
04:20 PM Tom_L: it's really the last big piece of the puzzle
04:20 PM JT-Shop: yup
04:21 PM Tom_L: what code did you use to start with on the plotter?
04:22 PM JT-Shop: I started by trying to roll my own with examples from the net
04:23 PM Tom_L: axis probably didn't help alot
04:27 PM mrec: pcw-home: sure 3FE not 7FE?
04:29 PM Tom_L: dragging on top of the plotter didn't work
04:30 PM pcw-home: Yeah 0x7FE for the latest
04:38 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> well,,,,, 2:30 and still only 61
04:39 PM Tom_L: 90 here
04:39 PM JT-Shop: 80 and light rain
04:40 PM mrec: pcw-home: great thanks.
04:40 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> we're overcast. earlier, some heavy high cloud, dribbled a bit...
04:45 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Shop: had a nice 30 miles today. part way up our local mountain.... made it to my goal. next weekend a little farther
04:46 PM JT-Shop: awesome, how long did that take?
04:52 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:52 PM Tom_dev: 'QComboBox' object has no attribute 'toggled'
04:52 PM Tom_dev: the view_inches_cb
04:52 PM JT-Shop: why did you use a combo box
04:52 PM Tom_L: what is _cb?
04:53 PM JT-Shop: check box or combo box
04:53 PM Tom_dev: ahh
04:53 PM Tom_dev: i was looking at the code and thought it was a combobox
04:53 PM JT-Shop: it would be plausible to be a combo box
04:54 PM Tom_L: that works better
04:55 PM Tom_L: switches between in/mm
04:55 PM Tom_L: so does the button
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Tom_L: there's a new buildbot2 bookworm 2.9 deb
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> on 7/25
04:56 PM Tom_L: i'm waiting for 2.9.3 RTAI version
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> no master though
04:56 PM Tom_L: i have 2.9.3 installed on preempt-rt
04:57 PM Tom_L: but.. yay! it's building again
05:08 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, you should get the inch button to toggle between Inch and Metric like you did the power button
05:12 PM JT-Shop: the test button is just that and will go away
05:12 PM Tom_L: i figured
05:12 PM JT-Shop: I do plan on having the extents show up in the config units setting
05:12 PM Tom_L: but you'll have some way to toggle or are you gonna read the ini for that?
05:13 PM JT-Shop: the check box for toggls
05:13 PM Tom_L: you should read it's state on launch
05:13 PM Tom_L: i set checked on in the ui for inch
05:14 PM Tom_L: i think it's coming along great
05:14 PM JT-Shop: thanks
05:15 PM Tom_L: if i don't mention as i see them i'll forget....
05:15 PM JT-Shop: I hear that
05:15 PM Tom_L: i think the extents is a good idea
05:15 PM Tom_L: it's on in axis
05:20 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/rpi_plotter.png
05:20 PM JT-Shop: looking good
05:20 PM Tom_L: test for now
05:21 PM Tom_L: i need to figure out the color for checkbox
05:21 PM Tom_L: just went with darkgrey so it would show both places
05:24 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
05:27 PM Tom_L: have you tried dragging the plot window with the touch screen?
05:27 PM Tom_L: and zoom like you can on android?
05:27 PM JT-Shop: no, not tried it yet on the bp
05:28 PM Tom_L: wish i had a touchscreen to test on
05:28 PM Tom_L: the mouse moves it and scroll zooms
05:29 PM Tom_L: i figured it might behave similar with touch
05:29 PM JT-Shop: with a touch screen you only have drag so kinda limited unless you have a fancy touch screen
05:30 PM Tom_L: no 2 finger motion like zoom?
05:30 PM JT-Shop: only some touch screens support that
05:30 PM Tom_L: ahh
05:30 PM Tom_L: you get your phone yet?
05:31 PM JT-Shop: not sure if the one I have supports two finger zoom or not
05:31 PM JT-Shop: got the phone yesterday and looks like I have to enter my contacts by hand from the S4
05:32 PM Tom_L: no sync to update them?
05:32 PM Tom_L: i forget what it's called it's been so long...
05:32 PM Tom_L: android update or something
05:32 PM JT-Shop: the s4 is too old and you need the screen to work to use smart switch
05:33 PM Tom_L: smartswitch
05:33 PM JT-Shop: the s4 won't even download from the play store even with wifi
05:34 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSpRMs21fSk
05:34 PM xxcoder: you can still sideload thankfully
05:34 PM xxcoder: unlike certain bitten fruit company
05:35 PM JT-Shop: you can't use smart switch on a s4 any more it's turned off
05:35 PM Tom_L: k
05:36 PM JT-Shop: you can't install it either
05:36 PM JT-Shop: I tried uninstall then install but install says no connection
05:36 PM Tom_L: what if you plugged it into your pc and copied the file then copied from the pc to the new one
05:36 PM xxcoder: yeah adb install
05:37 PM JT-Shop: which file?
05:37 PM xxcoder: first enable debugging on dev settings on s4
05:38 PM Tom_L: https://www.tenorshare.com/android/where-are-contacts-stored-on-android.html
05:38 PM xxcoder: connect it to pc, do "adb devices"
05:38 PM Guest59: Rtai version with 32bit.support already available?
05:38 PM xxcoder: if it detects phone than you can do adb install <filename>
05:38 PM Tom_L: Guest59, i doubt it
05:38 PM Guest59: Bad
05:40 PM JT-Shop: adb devices where?
05:40 PM xxcoder: terminl in pc
05:40 PM JT-Shop: linux?
05:41 PM xxcoder: easiest in linux as theres easy to install adb package
05:41 PM Tom_L: i do that on windows on mine but linux works for files too
05:41 PM Tom_L: it will ask for permission on your phone
05:54 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:54 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:56 PM Tom_L: got distracted...
05:56 PM Tom_L: did you find the file?
05:57 PM JT-Shop: https://paste.debian.net/1324574/
05:57 PM JT-Shop: no
05:57 PM Tom_L: blank
05:57 PM JT-Shop: ?
05:58 PM Tom_L: the debian paste is blank
05:58 PM Tom_L: oh..
05:58 PM Tom_L: only 3 lines
05:58 PM JT-Shop: it's only 3 lines
05:58 PM Tom_L: are you in windows?
05:58 PM JT-Shop: no
05:58 PM Tom_L: try that
05:58 PM Tom_L: 7 works
05:58 PM JT-Shop: adb is not a windows program
05:59 PM Tom_L: it will open as a drive
05:59 PM JT-Shop: yea I can do that
05:59 PM Tom_L: i'm just not sure if 4 did that but i think it did
06:01 PM Tom_L: https://www.att.com/device-support/article/wireless/KM1292389/Samsung/GalaxyS4I337
06:01 PM Tom_L: the phone should ask if you allow it
06:01 PM JT-Shop: the s4 does not ask
06:01 PM Tom_L: k
06:02 PM JT-Shop: I can copy photos but don't know where the contacts are loacated at
06:02 PM Tom_L: i'm looking
06:02 PM JT-Shop: thanks
06:03 PM Tom_L: have you ever backed them up on the phone?
06:03 PM JT-Shop: no
06:05 PM Tom_L: can you access the phone at all?
06:05 PM JT-Shop: the s4 yes
06:05 PM JT-Shop: the s10 shows up but I can't access the files
06:06 PM Tom_L: internal storage?
06:06 PM JT-Shop: on?
06:07 PM Tom_L: the one you want to copy from
06:07 PM JT-Shop: the s10 only has internal storage, the sim an sd card are in the s20 now
06:07 PM Tom_L: ok
06:09 PM Tom_L: you just need to enter: /data/data/com.Android.providers.contacts/databases/contacts.DB
06:09 PM Tom_L: i've never tried that
06:11 PM JT-Shop: no such directory only /data/data/com.samsung.android.apps.FileShareServer
06:11 PM Tom_L: ...
06:11 PM Tom_L: i'm searching for mine
06:12 PM Tom_L: do you see an 'internal storage' folder under the device?
06:14 PM JT-Shop: no just SCH-I545/Phone
06:15 PM JT-Shop: there's no sd card on the s4 but the s10 had the interal storage and sd card
06:15 PM Tom_L: ok try this
06:16 PM Tom_L: contacts icon -> _ 3 click on the 3 horizontal bars on the left
06:16 PM Tom_L: manage contacts
06:17 PM Tom_L: export or move to a known place you can get them
06:17 PM Tom_L: if you have a google act, you can sync to it
06:17 PM JT-Shop: no option like that on the s4
06:18 PM lcnc-relay: <knoxmachining> Question about remap. I have a tool change remap for m6 and works great, and even handles manual tool changes by excuting a m6 if the tool isn't in the rack, which will bring up the standard manual tool change. I tried remaping another M command a bit ago, and it's going to call the native one, and it went into a loop and threw a error saying too many levels. Is M6 the only one that can call itself? What am I missing?
06:18 PM Tom_L: mine says Contacts.vcf is the file
06:18 PM Tom_L: i did a windows search of the device and didn't find contacts
06:19 PM Tom_L: https://devices.vodafone.com.au/samsung/galaxy-s4/basic-use/copy-contacts-between-your-sim-and-your-phone/
06:20 PM Tom_L: can you put the sim back in it?
06:20 PM JT-Shop: there's no sim in the s4
06:20 PM JT-Shop: the s4 sim is different than the s10 and s20
06:21 PM Tom_L: mine let me copy to internal storage
06:21 PM Tom_L: you got alot of contacts?
06:21 PM Tom_L: 200+ here it would be worth it to figure out
06:21 PM JT-Shop: I had 165 on the s4 but I can trim that down a lot
06:22 PM Tom_L: you don't have an old sim?
06:22 PM JT-Shop: I'm already to p copying by hand
06:22 PM JT-Shop: a sim for the s4?
06:22 PM Tom_L: yeah
06:23 PM Tom_L: export to USB device is an option if you have the right cable
06:23 PM Tom_L: some of my phones came with a C to A adapter to do that
06:23 PM Tom_L: the 4 was probably a usb B
06:23 PM JT-Shop: the sim on the s4 is inside the phone
06:24 PM JT-Shop: the s4 does not have an export option
06:24 PM Tom_L: if you're able to copy to the sim then maybe windows would see it
06:24 PM Tom_L: i just posted S4 export directions
06:24 PM Tom_L: dunno if they work cause i don't have one now
06:25 PM Tom_L: https://devices.vodafone.com.au/samsung/galaxy-s4/basic-use/copy-contacts-between-your-sim-and-your-phone/
06:25 PM Tom_L: that's about the best i can do i think
06:28 PM JT-Shop: I actually think I exported them...
06:28 PM Tom_L: to?
06:29 PM Tom_L: i exported mine but i dunno where it put them
06:29 PM JT-Shop: internal storage it says
06:29 PM Tom_L: :)
06:29 PM Tom_L: so in internal storage you should be able to find them with windows
06:30 PM JT-Shop: omg don't double click on the vcf file lol
06:30 PM Tom_L: hahaha
06:31 PM Tom_L: so take that and try to import to the S20
06:31 PM Tom_L: you should be able to copy it with windows to the S20 internal storage
06:31 PM Tom_L: where you found the one on the S4
06:32 PM JT-Shop: give it a try after I click cancel 165 times
06:32 PM Tom_L: shut the phone off...
06:32 PM JT-Shop: it's in memory
06:33 PM Tom_L: probably eeprom or something similar
06:34 PM roycroft: i had a big, 4' high x 8' wide x 2' deep), very heavy (plywood and douglas fir construction) tool storage cabinet at the old house in my lean-to shed
06:34 PM roycroft: it is now here :)
06:35 PM roycroft: now there is room to move my dust extractor and air compressor, which i'll get tomorrow
06:35 PM roycroft: and then that shed can be dismantled
06:35 PM roycroft: and rebuilt as part of the new shop, but in a different form
06:36 PM roycroft: still, i should be able to build the new one almost entirely, if not entirely, out of materials from the old shed
06:36 PM roycroft: i can even reuse the roofing, as the old shed has a metal roof
06:36 PM roycroft: as long as i reuse the same screw holes it should be fine
06:37 PM JT-Shop: I'm glad you're having all that fun and not me
06:38 PM roycroft: it's an overwhelming amount of work
06:38 PM JT-Shop: I can imagine
06:39 PM roycroft: but it's an opportunity to redesign the shop a lot better
06:39 PM JT-Shop: I still recall moving here 26 years ago
06:40 PM Tom_L: i've been here 45 yrs and don't plan on going anywhere
06:40 PM Tom_L: for one there's too much crap to go thru
06:42 PM JT-Shop: it wasn't too bad moving up here but now... way too much crap to ever move again
06:43 PM Tom_L: did you figure out the contacts?
06:43 PM Tom_L: got 3 projects going at once here..
06:44 PM JT-Shop: no, I'm about to call it a day
06:44 PM Tom_L: k
06:45 PM xxcoder: blondihack fun video today
06:50 PM * roycroft will watch the saturday youtube videos later
06:52 PM JT-Shop: it's already later here...
06:53 PM * Tom_L gets to click X >200 times...
06:54 PM JT-Shop: did you double click on the contact file?
06:54 PM Tom_L: i opened it in windows
06:55 PM Tom_L: easier just to reboot
06:55 PM JT-Shop: lol
06:55 PM Tom_L: it asks if you want to import each one
06:55 PM JT-Shop: yup
06:56 PM Tom_L: well at least i have a backup on the pc now
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Shop: if I build a deb on one machine, can i take it to another and install it?
06:58 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> same os versions.
06:58 PM Tom_L: sure
06:58 PM Tom_L: or you can cross compile it
06:58 PM Tom_L: i cross compile the rpi ones
06:59 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> thanks
06:59 PM Tom_L: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
06:59 PM Tom_L: preface that with a platform if you want a different deb
06:59 PM JT-Shop: roguish you seen my deb building example?
06:59 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> no, where is it?
07:00 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
07:00 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton?tab=repositories
07:00 PM Tom_dev: DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=crossbuildcanrunhostbinaries dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b --host-arch arm64
07:00 PM Tom_L: for 64bit rpi
07:00 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I have followed the instructions in the linuxcnc docs, and built a deb on my deck machine.
07:00 PM JT-Shop: there's a couple there
07:00 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> thanks. i'll check 'em out
07:01 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> desk machine.
07:01 PM JT-Shop: my deck machine is a 286
07:01 PM Tom_L: :)
07:02 PM Tom_L: my NT4/dos box is either that or a 386
07:02 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> NT best windows
07:03 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> written by the guy who wrote VMS
07:03 PM JT-Shop: no best windblows only less sucky windblows
07:03 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> for DEC
07:03 PM Tom_L: i'll stick with 7
07:03 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> ah JT.....
07:03 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> lol - you guys..
07:03 PM Tom_L: i've been doing more and more in linux though
07:04 PM Tom_L: skunkworks, you missed us now didn't ya?
07:05 PM JT-Shop: say goodnight Gracie
07:05 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> goodnight Gracie..... ttfn
10:50 PM Leeloo_ is now known as Leeloo
11:01 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
11:13 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ