#linuxcnc Logs

Jul 23 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:06 AM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
12:51 AM Deejay: moin
04:21 AM Tom_L: morning
04:26 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:05 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> morning
06:10 AM JT-Cave: morning
06:18 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:48 AM lcnc-relay: <Travis Farmer> Morning
06:53 AM JT-Cave: looks like a good day to buy a new water heater
07:22 AM Tom_L: leaking?
07:23 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/temp/basement/water_heater_split.jpg
07:23 AM Tom_L: flooded the basement
07:24 AM rdtsc2: wth
07:24 AM rdtsc2: did it overheat to cause that rupture?
07:24 AM Tom_L: no, just decided to split open
07:25 AM rdtsc2: O.O
07:25 AM Tom_L: right out of the warranty expiration
07:25 AM rdtsc2: oh man... got a suitable pump?
07:28 AM Tom_L: didn't keep up and ended up with 3-4" in the basement
07:29 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> 🚣
07:30 AM JT-Cave: I think I got my money's worth out of this one it's 26 years old
07:31 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, pushed a few fixes to touch
07:31 AM rdtsc2: Same with ours... I think the anode rod is gone though, likely won't be long now.
07:31 AM * JT-Cave reads back to see if he missed any complaining err suggestions LOL
07:34 AM rdtsc2: Well dang Tom, your day just got a whole lot busier. Might be able to rent a pump etc from a nearby big-box home improvement store.
07:37 AM * JT-Cave goes to start his chicken day
07:52 AM Centreline: Hi all, working on my bridgeport interact1 after a 2nd retrofit with mesa 7i76 and reinstalled with newer linuxcnc version & got my 2 speed headstock configured using the gearchange component that ships with linuxcnc. Its all working as expected except if I request a S speed above the max speed for the gear the headstock is in, it just spins at maxlimit, so if the headstock is in backgear and a nc file asks for S2000, it
07:52 AM Centreline: shows S2000 but physically spins at 200rpm which is maxrpm for backgear. The control knows which gear the headstock is in because it has a switch wired to a pin (that shifts the gearchange component). Is there a gearchange component which will say "Hey you asked for S1000 and thats greater than maxrpm for this gear, can you shift gears into the high range?" I seem to remember it doing this before but its been a few years
07:52 AM Centreline: and my configs from the parport version show me using the same gearchange comp...
08:14 AM JT-Cave: telling you to change gears is not part of gearchange, prob something you need to do in HAL...
08:33 AM Centreline: understood, I have a second contact on the gearlever that's unused, so I should make something that monitors if the speed requested is above max_low in gearbox, and the switch is in low position, to somehow feed back to the control its in the wrong gear and $something_manual needs to be done
08:34 AM Centreline: do you have any suggestions on what I can look at for inspiration?
08:39 AM Centreline: and absolutely agree its something that gearchange unmodified doesnt do, just poor question phrasing sorry, gearchange.comp caps the speed to max1 here "else if (temp_in > max1) temp_in = max1;'
08:43 AM Centreline: I'll look at toolchange, as I have manual toolchange with dialog for which tool to insert (I have a qc30 spindle so I am the atc)
08:56 AM Tom_L: rdtsc2, that happened several years ago
08:57 AM Tom_L: complaints... pfft
09:01 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, you sure you pushed em?
09:01 AM Tom_L: last on shows 2 days ago here
09:01 AM Tom_L: one
09:02 AM Tom_L: 17hrs sry
09:03 AM Tom_L: mm some reason my git didn't refresh
09:08 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, i don't remember.. did the tool touch off spinbox have big arrows for touch? it doesn't currently
09:10 AM Tom_L: if you accidentally try to open a non gcode file it crashes lcnc
09:10 AM Tom_L: any way to filter the list?
09:28 AM rdtsc2: Oh and got latest LCNC to run last night on rpi, but having issues with qtdragon. Gantry mill config is a hairy endeavor; some issue with the dual axis. Was also getting some three new LCNC errors about conflicting mem; will check more later. Updated flex but no time to test yet.
09:29 AM Tom_L: does your rpi have a touch screen?
09:30 AM rdtsc2: Yep, 15" 1700x1024 or something like that
09:30 AM Tom_L: i sized my example for the small one.. forget the dimensions
09:31 AM Tom_L: it still works, i ran it on the mill
09:31 AM Tom_L: but have no touch screens here
09:31 AM rdtsc2: size and aspect ratio seem to be an annoyance - this is an odd size and nothing has fit well
09:32 AM rdtsc2: Flex to the rescue! :)
10:50 AM JT-Cave: Tom_L, I can filter the file names by any case .ngc and any case extensions in [FILTER] PROGRAM_EXTENSION
10:51 AM JT-Cave: rdtsc2, you can make the gui any size you want and the next time you run flex it remembers that location and size
11:11 AM JT-Cave: tool touch off is a qlineedit you touch it and the number pad pops up
11:56 AM Tom_L: ok
11:59 AM Tom_L: doesn't pop with the mouse like the other one
11:59 AM Tom_L: and i don't have touch screens
12:00 PM Tom_L: also that box should never need .00 decimal places
12:03 PM Tom_L: err no, that's not the tool number.. my bad
12:04 PM JT-Cave: nap time...
12:04 PM Tom_L: lunch then nap
12:06 PM JT-Cave: you don't need a touch screen I use my mouse down here
12:06 PM JT-Cave: the only touch screen I have is on the BP knee mill
12:12 PM Tom_L: the keypad doesn't pop up on the tool touchoff
12:12 PM Tom_L: didn't know if it was supposed to...
12:12 PM JT-Cave: https://pasteboard.co/iDkEXtHKEpxS.png
12:13 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> anyone found a touchscreen they like with LCNC, some recent model and readily available?
12:15 PM JT-Cave: both the line edits on the home tab have number pad popups
12:19 PM JT-Cave: Tom_L, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdTwaYy0rJg
12:19 PM Tom_L: yeah, the tool touch off one here doens't pop up
12:20 PM Tom_L: the coord system one does
12:21 PM Tom_L: the tool touch off one here is a QDoubleSpinBox
12:22 PM Tom_L: the other one is a QLineEdit
12:22 PM Tom_L: did you push the change?
12:23 PM Tom_L: the yt looks different on the tool than what i have
12:27 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/touch_ui_screen.png
12:36 PM xxcoder: oh slss4all offers sample parts now
12:37 PM xxcoder: keychain, some weird cube, and 2020 section
12:38 PM roycroft: we have smoke this morning, but not as many helicopters as yesterday
12:38 PM xxcoder: need helicopers to move smoke away
12:38 PM xxcoder: wow shipping is insane
12:40 PM roycroft: well, fewer helicopters probably means the fires are more contained
12:41 PM roycroft: i'm going to eugene this afternoon, so i'll see if there is still a fire camp at the ranger station
12:55 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> captainhindsight_. i have not tested this
12:55 PM lcnc-relay: https://www.waveshare.com/7inch-dsi-lcd.htm looks the same as the oficial 7 inch display
12:55 PM lcnc-relay: but cheap the official works very well
12:56 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> 800×480
12:56 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> a bit small for fat fingers
12:57 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> there are more sizes there on waveshare, i have the 4,3 DSI display also
12:57 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> but Ill go DSI over HDMI 🙂
12:57 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> video + touch in a single wire
12:57 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> https://www.waveshare.com/product/10.1inch-dsi-lcd-c.htm
12:58 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> 1280×800
12:58 PM lcnc-relay: <turboss> and costs the same as the oficial 7inch display
01:01 PM rdtsc2: I'm using this one. Works, but Bookworm/Rpi4b isn't ideal for it: https://www.waveshare.com/product/raspberry-pi/displays/lcd-oled/15.6hp-capqled.htm Tom that's 1920x1080
01:03 PM JT-Cave: Tom_L, didn't copy it from my working dir to flex but just did
01:07 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> DSI gets complicated with a PC GPU
01:07 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> HDMI and DP just plug right in
01:12 PM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> then search for a regular 1080 touch screen
01:12 PM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> ;:D
01:41 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> $100 price diff for touch vs no touch 19-24 inch monitors
01:43 PM roycroft: so i just got a solar panel delivered to charge my jackery
01:43 PM roycroft: it's pretty smoky here today, but i set it up and it's charging at 65w
01:43 PM roycroft: it's a 120w charger,
01:44 PM roycroft: and i think i'm pretty happy that i'm getting half power in smoky air
01:46 PM xxcoder: not bad. whats it used for?
01:46 PM xxcoder: oh whats jackery?
01:47 PM roycroft: it's a portable power station
01:48 PM xxcoder: for camping and such?
01:48 PM roycroft: i used to haul a big box of lead-acid batteries and an inefficient inverter with me to the fair and on camping trips so i had power for lights and phone and laptop charging
01:48 PM roycroft: the jackery is a small power station that puts out dc and ac power, and has lithium ion batteries
01:49 PM roycroft: it doesn't have the capacity of what i used to haul around, but it's about 1/4 the size and about 1/8 the weight of the old setup
01:49 PM roycroft: i figure with the solar charger i can have enough power to get me by
01:49 PM roycroft: with my broken wrist i could not haul the big charging station out of storage this year, so we did not have it for the fair
01:51 PM roycroft: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SM5HBK1?th=1
01:52 PM roycroft: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091GGMCZW
01:53 PM xxcoder: nice
02:00 PM Centreline: overall I get better solar generation in overcast weather than full sun, have homeassistant/opendtu set up to track the house solar inverters and it only gets max output when its cooler.
02:20 PM rdtsc2: Have heard of cooling the panel backsides for more efficiency, but that's a lot of work for little gain.
02:22 PM xxcoder: yeah I wonder if PCM would help on that
02:23 PM xxcoder: if curious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqxjfp4Gi0k
02:28 PM JT-Cave: figures that the drain valve is plugged up and the cold water inlet tube has something blocking my siphon hose...
02:30 PM Centreline: you can get double sided panels to pick up the reflected rays now, but I just went with the "adding more capacity and turning the inverter max output down" when we overgenerated (we're only allowed to reinject 3kw into the mains network here legally
02:33 PM Centreline: Any reinjected power the power company gets for free, so we have some automations to turn on the spa, EV charger, the water heater etc, and if we generate more than they can sink, the automation just caps the inverters at 3kw total.
02:34 PM Centreline: JT-Cave, I added some pins to gearbox.comp to flag when the speed is over/under the limits for the gear selected, and I'll do something in hal when the respective pin is triggered.
02:35 PM Centreline: As shipped it just lets you specify a speed below the minimum in low and ignores it. Which could cause my spindle motor to overheat if a S code asked for 1rpm by accident as the cooling fan is on the motor shaft itself.
02:36 PM xxcoder: no way to have another fan to turn on when spindle is on, and max reardless of spindle speed?
02:37 PM xxcoder: it might not be as good, but good as backup to very low rpm when spindle fan osnt working
02:39 PM JT-Cave: Centreline, glad you are getting it sorted out
02:39 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, never had too many DIY go as planned
02:40 PM Tom_L: grabbing the fix..
02:40 PM JT-Cave: and to add to my fun the floor drain is stopped up so I can't drain the tank until that is fixed
02:40 PM Tom_L: at least it didn't self drain under pressure at 2am
02:41 PM Tom_L: joys of homeownership
02:43 PM Tom_L: touch looks better
02:45 PM Centreline: xxcoder, no sadly its jammed right near the (concrete) ceiling already, I had to cut the headstock down and go to a 1:1 toothed belt drive to fit it in. Moves are afoot to fix the situation, but its slow going.
02:45 PM xxcoder: oh boy.
02:47 PM rdtsc2: Thinking the more active-cooling route, if one were to put a thermistor at the motor windings, would need a way to (read that and) pause the job so the motor could cool. Rabbit holes...
02:48 PM Centreline: I dont want to have to take the head off being lazy, because its a pig where it is located. I have a vmc in my new bigger workshop, but currently it has no 3 phase service in there so it cant be commissioned. :(
02:49 PM Centreline: So for now a fudge in software is in order :)
02:50 PM rdtsc2: Perhaps a rotary phase converter?
02:51 PM Tom_L: not all machines like those
02:54 PM Centreline: I have 3ph to the small workshop, I need to run cable to the bigger one and put the electrical panels in, or I'll keep using the 3ph extension leads forever and run one over with the forklift and end up dead one day.
02:56 PM Centreline: first world problems...
02:57 PM JT-Cave: the big upcoming challenge is to lift the new water heater up and over the new drip pan without crushing it...
02:58 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Cave: block and tackle
02:58 PM roycroft: jt-cave: the water heater in my new house does not have a drip pan
02:58 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> straps underneath
02:58 PM JT-Cave: can you email me a sky hook?
02:58 PM roycroft: i purchased one, and the plumbing required to drain it, the day before i broke my wrist
02:59 PM JT-Cave: roycroft, my old water heater didn't have a drip pan either
02:59 PM roycroft: so now the water heater has a drip pan and some plumbing fittings sitting on top of it
02:59 PM JT-Cave: still need that sky hook to hook to
02:59 PM roycroft: even though i plan on draining the water heater first, it's still going to be heavy to lift over the drip pan
02:59 PM Centreline: you can hire little pump up lifts for installing water heaters for cheap
02:59 PM roycroft: i might rig up a block and tackle above it and lift it with a sling wrapped around the heater
03:00 PM roycroft: it only needs about 100m of lift
03:00 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> in Cal, the drip pan has to have a drain line into a drain. the pressure relief valve has to vent outdoors
03:00 PM roycroft: the pressure relief valve currently vents to my bedroom floor
03:00 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> and everything has to be up off the deck like a foot.....
03:00 PM roycroft: i'll be draining the drip pan outdoors, as well as the pressure relief valve
03:01 PM * roycroft loves california but cannot move there because of the california regulatory systems
03:01 PM roycroft: it's a nice place to visit but i wouldn't be able to live there
03:02 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> oh, and replacing a water heater requires a permit
03:02 PM roycroft: of course it does
03:02 PM roycroft: at least one permit
03:02 PM Centreline: How do they know?
03:02 PM Centreline: do you buy a replacement and it informs on you to some overseer like TV's in the UK?
03:04 PM Centreline: That neighbor you dislike sees you unloading and rings the "grass a neighbor for no permits" hotline...
03:04 PM roycroft: at some point you'll need an electrical permit, an energy efficiency permit, a seismic permit, a plumbing permit, and a cold-showers-are-good-for-you fee
03:04 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> if you hire a plumber, the plumber won't want to get in trouble. if you DIY, then keep your trap shut
03:05 PM roycroft: i would not trust home depot not to send a list of all water heater purchases to the state
03:05 PM JT-Cave: actually I have access to two wall plates that I might be able to get a 2x4 into
03:05 PM roycroft: so don't buy it from them
03:05 PM Centreline: I had to have a electrical inspection on my house before they would give me a power meter. So we had to finish building the house, install all the wiring, then have it certified before we could connect it to power.
03:05 PM roycroft: yeah, but you can get a temporary power drop for construction
03:06 PM roycroft: as long as the temporary drop is permitted and inspected, of course
03:06 PM roycroft: having the building wiring inspection before the main panel hookup is pretty standard in the us
03:06 PM roycroft: i'd wager even most red states require it
03:07 PM Centreline: The inspection was harsh, they measured the resistance of every earth pin in the house, and cut some heatshrink off to check the underlying wire colour (and failed me because I'd sleeved red to orange on a 3 way), meanwhile, I visited a friend working on a building site and he showed me the stainless sink install with sockets installed into it with a cert.
03:08 PM roycroft: better a harsh inspection than a house made of embers
03:08 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> roycroft: why do ya think Elon is moving his shit to Texas
03:08 PM roycroft: because he's an asshole?
03:08 PM Centreline: I paid a electrician to check it conformed before the inspection and they signed it all off :(
03:09 PM roycroft: and he'd rather live amonst fellow assholes
03:09 PM xxcoder: yeah. I remember reading about shitty electrics "upgrading" 2 prong sockets to 3, and "earthing" into negative. very illegal and risk for fire
03:09 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> he's tired of Cal regulations...
03:09 PM roycroft: actually, he's tired of trying to bully people in california and getting pushback
03:09 PM roycroft: the more i learn about him the less i like him, and i never liked him
03:10 PM rdtsc2: Wanted to replace basement fluorescent panels with LED; opened switchbox and every wire in there is red or white - with no grounds. Oh happy day!
03:10 PM roycroft: he just announced that he was "tricked" into signing for puberty blockers for his trans son, and now that he's found out that he was "tricked", he declared that his son is dead to him
03:10 PM pcw---home: I though Elon was kool until the Thailand rescue stuff showed who he was
03:11 PM roycroft: i never thought he was cool
03:11 PM roycroft: i thought, and still think, tha the has some cool ideas
03:11 PM bjorkintosh: like which one?
03:11 PM roycroft: it's possible to be maga and have some cool ideas
03:12 PM Centreline: he doesnt have cool ideas, but what he does have is that he gives money to people with cool ideas, then takes credit for them.
03:12 PM bjorkintosh: he basically just threw money at things that already existed.
03:12 PM * rdtsc2 thinks roycraft would have some cool ideas if he had billions to blow on them :)
03:12 PM bjorkintosh: what Centreline said.
03:12 PM roycroft: i think i have some cool ideas already
03:12 PM roycroft: i just don't have the billions to throw at them
03:13 PM bjorkintosh: roycroft: yes you do. you just gotta convince other people to share their money with you. like elizabeth what's her face.
03:13 PM pcw---home: I'm glad he dumped (PayPal?) money into Tesla at the beginning, that advanced EVs
03:13 PM Centreline: so you get a billionaire interested to vc it, and your away (sans credit, but lots of filthy lucre)
03:13 PM bjorkintosh: https://www.darkdaily.com/2024/05/31/ex-theranos-founder-and-ceo-elizabeth-holmes-reduced-her-prison-sentence-by-nearly-two-years/
03:14 PM roycroft: the problem is that when that happens, the cool idea becomes the billionaire vc's idea, and it gets altered fundamentally and in a very bad way
03:14 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> roycroft: the Oregonian says you got a bunch of fires going crazy up there....
03:14 PM roycroft: we do
03:14 PM xxcoder: smokey hellscope season
03:14 PM roycroft: there are fires fairly close to town, to the southwest
03:14 PM xxcoder: thankfully it seems to miss tacoma so far
03:15 PM roycroft: and the lakes where the firefighters get their water are to the east and northeast
03:15 PM roycroft: i've had helicopters flying over my house for two days now
03:15 PM roycroft: back and forth
03:15 PM xxcoder: good thing you arent tinfoil hatter
03:15 PM roycroft: i just got a solar charging panel for my jackery (portable power station)
03:16 PM roycroft: the panel is rated at 120w, but it's putting out 65w right now, because of the smoke
03:16 PM roycroft: there are probably 16 fires near here
03:16 PM roycroft: two of them are now complexes
03:17 PM roycroft: so there were more than 16
03:17 PM roycroft: welcome to july in oregon!
03:17 PM roycroft: sunday last was the hottest day in recorded history on planet earth
03:17 PM Centreline: there's a app to set inclination from a smartphone for more efficency if you dont know about it, you plumb in location and date and it calculates it then you use the phones imu to set the panel direct
03:18 PM roycroft: this is a portable panel that i got to charge the jackery and to charge cell phones
03:18 PM roycroft: i'm not that concerned with optimal efficiency
03:18 PM roycroft: and i just got it today - i set it up on the back porch to see what it can do
03:19 PM roycroft: 65w is pretty good output, i think, given conditions
03:19 PM rdtsc2: Farmcraft101 on YouTube reviewed a lithium power station earlier this year; TLDR: very positive. So did the 8-bit Guy (whole house system).
03:19 PM Centreline: ok, its interesting to see though if its angle adjustable. I have the ones on the camper van glued flat to the roof and they do ok :)
03:20 PM roycroft: i did a fair amount of research, and for what i am looking for, jackery and bluetti were the two systems that looked good
03:20 PM roycroft: i went with jackery because it has a bit more flexiblity and a wider range of products
03:20 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> these are pretty good, and not too expensive https://www.eco-worthy.com/collections/solar-tracker-system
03:21 PM roycroft: for a permanent setup i would want something like that
03:21 PM Centreline: downside, if its for a fixed install, they also break in high winds easy
03:21 PM roycroft: for a portable charging system it doesn't make any sense
03:22 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> Centreline: they have a windvane. and go flat in high wind
03:22 PM roycroft: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091GGMCZW
03:22 PM roycroft: that is the panel i got
03:23 PM xxcoder: is it chainable?
03:23 PM xxcoder: ie buy 2 and connect
03:23 PM roycroft: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SM5HBK1
03:23 PM roycroft: and that is the power station
03:23 PM roycroft: xxcoder: it can be chained both in parallen and serially
03:23 PM roycroft: parallel
03:23 PM xxcoder: ok
03:24 PM roycroft: i'm pretty happy - for <$500 i have a pretty good portable power system
03:25 PM xxcoder: I bet
03:25 PM xxcoder: I want to have 1 kw system sometime in future
03:25 PM roycroft: i looked at the 1kw system, but it's way more expensive
03:25 PM roycroft: the 500w system was on sale for $299 when i bought it
03:25 PM roycroft: the 1kw system is $999
03:26 PM roycroft: i can buy 3 500w systems for less than a single 1kw system
03:26 PM roycroft: of course i can't chain the power stations together
03:26 PM xxcoder: if I cover my pc and ac usage, then thats virtually all of power use I use. what remains is short term high power like microwave, and low power long term like lighting
03:27 PM roycroft: so i'm limited to powering devices that use 500w or less, but since i got this for lights and charging devices/laptops, that's not a problem
03:27 PM xxcoder: erm and long term kinda high power like ref
03:27 PM roycroft: i have a gas generator that i can use during power outages
03:27 PM roycroft: it doesn't output a sine wave, but it can power household lights, a refrigerator, etc.
03:28 PM roycroft: it's big and heavy and noisy and inefficient
03:28 PM roycroft: but it is fine for emergency power at home
03:28 PM xxcoder: yeah
03:28 PM xxcoder: power outages here is a rarity
03:29 PM roycroft: folks tell me they are rare here as well, which seems a bit odd
03:30 PM roycroft: we're pretty isolated, a town surrounded by national forests and wilderness, and all the power lines here are overhead
03:30 PM roycroft: that's usually a recipe for frequent power outages
03:30 PM roycroft: the power utility is a coop, though, not a commercial outfit
03:30 PM roycroft: and they try to keep things in good shape
03:30 PM xxcoder: not too bad
03:30 PM roycroft: they have several tree trimming crews
03:31 PM xxcoder: last 2 longer term power outages here was because we didnt pay bill lol
03:31 PM xxcoder: last real outrage was 2 years ago, and it lasted 20 minutes or so
03:35 PM roycroft: something i'll need to experiment with is putting the solar panel inside my car and seeing how well it works
03:35 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> I just wan tto know how to setup solar so I can use it and the grid at the same time.
03:35 PM roycroft: if i'm camping and i'm going to be away from the campsite i don't want to leave a solar panel sitting out on a picnic table
03:35 PM roycroft: it won't be there when i get home
03:35 PM roycroft: but if the car is going to stay at the campsite i can lock the panel inside the car
03:36 PM xxcoder: other than heat and how open car is, I dont see issue
03:36 PM roycroft: it depends on how much uv light the car windows absorb
03:36 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> bjorkintosh
03:36 PM lcnc-relay: :
03:36 PM roycroft: roguish: there are off-the-shelf interfaces for that
03:37 PM roycroft: you need to get your setup inspected
03:37 PM xxcoder: no way to have it on top of car, locked down?
03:37 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> bjorkintosh : that is the face of someone that steals your soul
03:37 PM rdtsc2: Had a tornado less than a city block away in April... power was out for 2.5 days
03:37 PM bjorkintosh: yes. lots of psycopaths in that group of people.
03:37 PM roycroft: not really, xxcoder
03:38 PM roycroft: the portable panels have the solar cells mounted on a really heavy cardboard
03:38 PM roycroft: no metal frame
03:38 PM roycroft: it would be hard to secure them well
03:38 PM xxcoder: yeah I would guess you'd have to make glass topped box, and ensure it stays cool also
03:39 PM roycroft: i'm going to do a fake camping trip soon
03:39 PM roycroft: i.e. i'll use the lights i use when camping, and plug them into the jackery at night for about the same amount of time that i use them at the campground
03:39 PM roycroft: and use the jackery to charge my cell phone and laptop for a week
03:39 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> blankets over your dining room chairs?
03:39 PM roycroft: and i'll see how long the jackery lasts
03:40 PM roycroft: then i'll repeat the experiment, using the solar panel during the day during the times i typically hang out at my campsite
04:01 PM mrec: addf hm2_[MESA](BOARD).0.write servo-thread this basically syncs the data to the fpga on the mesa device, and it runs every servo_period_nsec correct?
04:02 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> well, heck, just beat the 100 degree forecast. it's now 103.3 F
04:02 PM roycroft: the smoke is keeping it from getting too hot here
04:03 PM xxcoder: 70s f all week here
04:09 PM roycroft: i'm heading down to eugene in a bit to take care of some errands, and i'll be bringing more lamp fixtures back with me
04:09 PM roycroft: my new shop is half lit, and i'd like to get the other half done today or tomorrow
04:09 PM roycroft: it makes a huge difference already, not having to use a flashlight to find stuff
04:10 PM xxcoder: :)
04:11 PM roycroft: i'm hoping to move my big air compressor and my dust extractor up here this weekend, although i need to build a lean-to shed next to the shop to house them
04:11 PM roycroft: i need to move them first, because i want to recover materials from the existing lean-to shed at the old house to build the new one
04:12 PM roycroft: it's a weird dance to be doing
04:13 PM Centreline: I have 400m of xmas led light strip lighting my new workshop-in-progress currently. Its ran all round the rafters and beams. Its pretty good lighting considering. I had to repair one section when I raised the forklift mast up into it pinching the strip, but I just soldered a jumper across the break :)
04:14 PM Centreline: I have hibay leds in a box somewhere as it was a temporary thing, where they've been for 2 years.
04:15 PM rdtsc2: 400m, wow
04:15 PM Centreline: 400 metres (Im in France...)
04:16 PM xxcoder: nothing as perment as temp fix
04:17 PM rdtsc2: Can see the high-bay LED fixtures in Diesel Creek's recent videos - really light up his shop nice
04:18 PM rdtsc2: They've come a long way - the first LED lights were terrible. Now most have a CRI rating of 80 or more
04:19 PM rdtsc2: meaning they look far better than fluorescents
04:19 PM xxcoder: i first got led lighting in mid 2000s
04:19 PM xxcoder: and it was still lot better than shitty cfls
04:20 PM rdtsc2: CFLs have a strong blue to them from the mercury inside... heh funny story, first steak I cooked was under a nasty CFL. Had to keep taking it inside to check because it looked utterly done under that light.
04:21 PM xxcoder: man I was so happy when better lumens come out. "40w" ones I had was pretty dim
04:21 PM xxcoder: lol
04:21 PM Centreline: I had flouro's in the smaller workshop, but now they are led replacement tubes in them. I really like the fact my ceiling isnt covered in things that emit masses of heat now.
04:22 PM rdtsc2: Plus no mercury going to recyclers (or worse, landfill)
04:22 PM Centreline: And as for the kitchen, my wife had gu9 mini halogens in vast numbers as was the fashion, and the inrush current was terrifying, leds there were a no brainer...
04:24 PM rdtsc2: We have gu9 halogens above the kitchen sink. I told the missus to go look at her ring under *that* light - oooh sparkly! Great color purity, abysmal surge current :)
04:27 PM Tom_L: mrec, i think so yes
04:38 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Dad put a ton of led florescent style bulbs in the shop. You can't look up
04:39 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Without going blind
04:39 PM mrec: quite some experiments to get the Mitsubishi amplifier work..
04:40 PM mrec: for now everything's just theory, I will test those things at the end of August
04:56 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> I got rid of a bunch of cheap LED bulbs from IKEA by just plugging them in for a few weeks
04:57 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> All died within 2 months
04:57 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> I think they were from 10 years ago
04:58 PM lcnc-relay: <captainhindsight_.> Now $1 LED bulbs last a couple years
05:09 PM JT-Cave: normal service should be restored in about an hour
05:09 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> Whatever dad bought 10+ years ago off eBay are still going strong... I think one is starting to flicker
05:16 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, iron, copper or plastic?
05:20 PM JT-Cave: what?
05:26 PM JT-Cave: still haven't shipped my phone yet...
05:32 PM JT-Cave: well I still need to set the thermostats
06:00 PM Tom_L: pipes
06:00 PM JT-Cave: copper under the concrete and pvc and cpvc in the house and pvc from the well to the house
06:02 PM Tom_L: i added a couple feet of pex in a real tight area when i replaced the tub fixtures
06:02 PM JT-Cave: I have one frost proof in the back but forget how I did that exactly...
06:02 PM Tom_L: the rest is copper when i dug the basement
06:02 PM JT-Cave: oh I have some pex to connect the water softener
06:03 PM Tom_L: i have those 1' freeze valves on the outside
06:03 PM JT-Cave: I'm one tired puppy
06:03 PM Tom_L: one has a short piece of iron instead of copper just in case
06:03 PM Tom_L: i bet
06:03 PM JT-Cave: the concrete was covered in rusty metal that took hours to clean off
06:04 PM Tom_L: no fun moving those or appliances around
06:04 PM JT-Cave: finally used a come-a-long to lift it up in situ and put the pan under
06:05 PM Tom_L: i have to feed mine
06:06 PM JT-Cave: I'm thinking it's easier to just use [DISPLAY] EXTENSIONS for other than ngc
06:06 PM Tom_L: maybe
06:06 PM JT-Cave: and say put the extensions separated by a comma
06:07 PM JT-Cave: the one in filter has too much crap to sort out
06:10 PM JT-Cave: yup
06:11 PM Tom_L: [DISPLAY] also has PROGRAM_PREFIX for the directory
06:11 PM JT-Cave: yup that's for a directory not extensions
06:12 PM JT-Cave: PROGRAM_SUFFIX lol
06:12 PM Tom_L: it would be unique to flex
06:13 PM JT-Cave: so are the rest of flex ini entries
06:13 PM * JT-Cave calls it a day
08:27 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
11:41 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away