#linuxcnc Logs

May 14 2024

#linuxcnc Calendar

12:14 AM Deejay: moin
12:31 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/products-page/masso-cnc-controller/masso-g3-cnc-controller ?
12:34 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.automationtechnologiesinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/plasma-screen.png my eyes, I can't see, help
12:37 AM CaptHindsight: https://www.masso.com.au/
12:39 AM lcnc-relay: <TurBoss> looks suspiciously familiar
01:16 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
01:16 AM Centurion_Dan1 is now known as Centurion_Dan
02:06 AM Centurion_Dan1 is now known as Centurion_Dan
04:56 AM JT-Cave1: morning
05:00 AM Tom_L: looks like you're getting wet
05:09 AM JT-Cave1: rained all day yesterday
06:29 AM JT-Cave1: got 1 1/2" of rain last night
06:29 AM Tom_L: we got a little but not sure how much
06:37 AM lcnc-relay: <travis_farmer> Morning
06:40 AM JT-Cave1: spindle direction should work as expected now
06:46 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
06:52 AM Tom_L: tool change buttons should be disabled until homed
06:59 AM JT-Cave: they are
07:00 AM JT-Cave: https://pasteboard.co/2ttU70aNhcrI.png
07:00 AM JT-Cave: ah wrong image
07:01 AM JT-Cave: https://pasteboard.co/EMXhNAVhqp2E.png
07:02 AM JT-Cave: hmm they are still disabled after homing...
07:06 AM JT-Cave: hmm I broke it
07:09 AM JT-Cave: hmm a bit of code disappeared
07:17 AM JT-Cave: weird
07:18 AM JT-Cave: now I see the tool select is not behaving correctly
07:30 AM JT-Cave: I'll have to work on tool touchoff and tool select later
07:30 AM Tom_L: ok
07:32 AM Tom_L: i haven't noticed anything with touchoff
07:53 AM bjorkintosh: "de aye blow" https://www.youtube.com/shorts/p64z8XOkLl4
07:53 AM bjorkintosh: why not just call it diablo?!
08:01 AM JT-Cave: I wish my phone was smarter and would answer unknown numbers with "You are not in my contact list, leave a message and if you're legit I'll call you back... if not you will be blocked"
08:15 AM bjorkintosh: oh. you want a Good Old Fashioned Answering Machine! GOFAM!
08:15 AM bjorkintosh: or an answering service.
08:27 AM JT-Cave: my older phone was better I could block numbers that start with
08:59 AM skunkworks: CaptHindsight: yes - that is where all the machines are.
09:38 AM lcnc-relay: <roguish> JT-Cave: hey, I just flat ass don't answer calls I don't know....... just let 'em go to message. most don't leave message, which indicates they're shit calls.
09:53 AM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
11:39 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, you found your missing code?
12:10 PM JT-Cave: yup, dunno how I deleted it
12:11 PM JT-Cave: sometimes I like to answer so I can hang up on them if I get dead air
12:12 PM JT-Cave: if they don't leave a message then I block the number
12:20 PM * JT-Cave heads out to do some "shopping"
12:20 PM Tom_L: i get business calls on mine so i pretty much need to answer them all but i can quicky determine how long to stay on the line
12:21 PM * Tom_L just planted some bean seeds with a 4yr old
12:22 PM Tom_L: and now it's nap time
12:29 PM JT-Shop_ is now known as JT-Shop
12:30 PM JT-Shop: I'm going to rework the tool change and touch off enable/disable
12:57 PM solarwind: I bought some brass bar stock when I got a good deal on it. I'm a big fan of doing most of the rough shaping of metal to the dimensions I need so I don't need to waste most of it machining
12:58 PM solarwind: what temperature should I forge C360 brass at?
12:58 PM solarwind: I don't want to induce as little stress in the material as possible, but at the same time brass is tricky because the zinc likes to boil off
12:59 PM solarwind: brass should be castable too, but I don't know the tricks for preventing porosity/gas entrapment, what kind of casting flux, etc.
01:00 PM solarwind: This is only for rough casting by the way, all parts will be machined to final dimensions. I just don't want to waste material machining it away
01:01 PM solarwind: I've heard (at least for brass brazing with "bronze" brazing rods") oxy acetylane with an oxidizing flame is what you want because the oxide layer is desirable as it keeps the zinc from escaping
01:02 PM solarwind: I did notice that to be mostly true and I didn't understand at the time what was happening. I was fluxing too much and using a neutral flame and didn't understand why the alloy was behaving different and losing zinc even though I had a very neutral and clean flame/environment
01:03 PM solarwind: Turns out the oxide layer does indeed prevent the zinc from boiling off too fast and helps maintain the fluidity of the brass while it is molten
01:04 PM solarwind: also explains why I observed the same effects the oxy/propane torch since the flame is naturally oxidizing due to lack of a reducing double/triple bond like propylene/acetylene
01:05 PM solarwind: and once you sand/grind off the oxide layer, the brass underneath is free of porosity and very shiny
01:06 PM solarwind: I'm guessing the same principles apply during the casting process, but I'm not entirely sure since I don't have any experience with it
02:33 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, did you do anything with shutting subprocesses down before lcnc? like hal show etc
02:55 PM CaptHindsight: solarwind: https://www.speedymetals.com/information/Material13.html
02:55 PM CaptHindsight: FORGING The recommended hot working temperature for 360 Brass is 1300°-1450°F.
02:56 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=6391
03:39 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, no
03:46 PM * Tom_L checks 2 things off his honeydew list
03:53 PM solarwind: ok 704°C to 788°C
03:53 PM solarwind: fucking retard units
03:54 PM Tom_L: C? yeah i agree
03:54 PM solarwind: https://www.plumbingsupply.com/about-faucet-aerators.html 15/16" 55/64" fuck you
03:54 PM Unterhausen: newest bambu labs drama is their servers are down so nobody can print
03:55 PM Tom_L: we could have done 128ths :)
03:55 PM solarwind: LOL yeah I've been telling people not to use bambu since the beginning
03:55 PM solarwind: they just steal GPL code
03:55 PM solarwind: I reported them to EFF.org as well as the canadian border
03:55 PM solarwind: hopefully they halt imports soon
03:56 PM solarwind: same with "qidi" and "flsun" and any other sum-ting-wong/wun-hung-lo brands
03:57 PM solarwind: Tom_L it explains so much about the USA's anti intellectualism and willful ignorance problem
03:57 PM solarwind: "we know we're fuckin retards and we're proud of it!"
03:57 PM Tom_L: naw we were just taught fractions in grade school
03:57 PM solarwind: like the rest of the world
03:57 PM solarwind: but unlike the rest of the world, USA doesn't teach when to use them appropriately
03:58 PM Tom_L: we're not afraid to use them anywhere
03:59 PM solarwind: you require a 0.943 inch hole, what drill bit do you grab?
03:59 PM solarwind: point made.
03:59 PM Tom_L: not metric either
03:59 PM Tom_L: i'd use a boring bar
04:00 PM solarwind: approximate hole
04:00 PM JT-Cave: Tom_L, what sequence would cause the issue with subprocess.Popen?
04:00 PM solarwind: my vernier calipers show decimal inches on the top scale
04:01 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, what is popen?
04:01 PM Tom_L: for launching hal etc?
04:01 PM solarwind: pipe open
04:01 PM solarwind: open a pipe to a subprocess
04:01 PM solarwind: execute a process, open pipe to stdout, stderr, stdin
04:02 PM Tom_L: closing is where the error occurs
04:02 PM Tom_L: it gets terminated after lcnc it appears
04:02 PM JT-Cave: closing which one first?
04:02 PM solarwind: if I measure some tube as 0.782 inches, which fucking drill bit do I pick? They're indexed in 128ths of an inch
04:03 PM * roycroft notes that the us moved to decimal currency in 1776, wline canada did notfully switch from pounds, shillings, pence to decimal currency until 1867
04:03 PM solarwind: I'd have to look it up
04:03 PM Tom_L: it appears that linuxcnc shuts down then halshow or .... what was the other one...
04:04 PM solarwind: pro tip: manage your subprocess properly, keep track of its status in python, try/catch exceptions
04:04 PM solarwind: if you can use sockets, use those instead
04:04 PM solarwind: you can select() pipes
04:05 PM Tom_L: oh.. the tool table
04:07 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, maybe just before parent.close() make sure there are no subprocesses still running
04:07 PM Tom_L: ln 192
04:07 PM solarwind: you don't need to ensure subprocesses aren't running
04:07 PM JT-Cave: it's fixed
04:07 PM * roycroft also note that almost all fractional drill indices have decimal equivalents printed next to the fractional size
04:07 PM Tom_L: ok
04:08 PM * djdelorie just has a big drill conversion chart on the wall...
04:08 PM Tom_L: roycroft, yeah we do that to be kind to the rest of the world
04:08 PM roycroft: that too
04:08 PM solarwind: handle SIGCHILD properly
04:08 PM Tom_L: it's hard to find those charts anymore. nobody prints them anymore
04:09 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> just finished my ride for the day.....pretty tired now....
04:09 PM djdelorie: mine are just printed on my laser printer, nothing special
04:09 PM lcnc-relay: <roguish> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/WWgvoXOeeLggytjhHjMUzkyC/image.png
04:10 PM roycroft: 8i think we do it because we ive in a mixed-unit universe and it makes iteasier for all at almost no cost, which is essentially what tom_l just said
04:10 PM Tom_L: darnear the same elevation as here
04:10 PM solarwind: are you not handling SIGCHILD?
04:10 PM Tom_L: the problem is fixed
04:10 PM solarwind: or reading exit status? zombie process?
04:10 PM solarwind: still'
04:10 PM roycroft: we also do it to make it easy to shut down some of solarwind's rants :)
04:11 PM solarwind: the whole annoyance is having to use such a chart or look up in the first place
04:11 PM roycroft: i think starrett will still send the charts upon request
04:12 PM djdelorie: so print multiple copies and tape them up everywhere you need them? I even have one in my office
04:12 PM roycroft: hint: if you are looking at the drill index, ignore the fractions and only read the decimalequivalents
04:13 PM roycroft: then there is no need to convert
04:13 PM * JT-Shop watches Leo YT
04:13 PM roycroft: it's like using letter drills
04:14 PM * djdelorie is waiting for emoji drills
04:14 PM roycroft: uf you have a callout on a blueprint for an "m" drill then grab one
04:15 PM solarwind: and why the idiotic thread on garden hoses fittings?
04:15 PM roycroft: if you measure a hole then look for a drill that fits the hole
04:15 PM djdelorie: I have all the sets, including letter and metric, and usually cross-choose to get the sizes I need.
04:16 PM roycroft: rocket science this is not
04:16 PM djdelorie: solarwind: it's only idiotic if you don't have a lathe that can make it
04:16 PM solarwind: wrong
04:16 PM solarwind: I have a lathe that can make any thread you can imagine
04:17 PM djdelorie: then it doesn't matter what the thread is
04:17 PM solarwind: but creating a whole new thread standard for no reason is idiotic
04:17 PM XXCoder: just 3d print gears for lathe to get any thread you want
04:17 PM XXCoder: seen this in couple channels
04:17 PM XXCoder: both was pretty much one off threads
04:17 PM solarwind: or just attach a motor to your leadscrew
04:17 PM djdelorie: you mean like https://www.delorie.com/photos/southbend-lathe/img_3167.html ?
04:18 PM roycroft: except all those thread types were created well before tgere were any kind of thread standards
04:18 PM XXCoder: dj nicw
04:18 PM XXCoder: *nice
04:18 PM solarwind: djdelorie you have some SERIOUS Z wobble
04:19 PM djdelorie: solarwind: deltas aren't subject to that, but I admit that printer wasn't the best. The gears worked though
04:19 PM solarwind: yeah that's actually a really bad print
04:19 PM solarwind: I have a delta too
04:20 PM solarwind: how did you get such poor extrusion accuracy?
04:20 PM djdelorie: I got it used and it took a lot of tlc to get good prints out of it. Those gears were early prints
04:20 PM djdelorie: https://www.delorie.com/photos/southbend-lathe/img_3169.html
04:20 PM roycroft: arguably it makes less sense to orphan an entire industry's standards (and, by extension, installed base of devices) for the sake of "conformity" than to just continue using the legacy systems
04:20 PM solarwind: yes you're right
04:21 PM roycroft: especially wnen the legacy systen is fairly sef-contained
04:21 PM djdelorie: the wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from...
04:22 PM djdelorie: and having incompatible standards prevents you from connecting parts that definitely should not be connected together
04:22 PM djdelorie: like garden hoses and air compressors
04:22 PM roycroft: if you change hose bibbs tosome metric standard theneither everyone has to buy new hoses r everyone needs to buy adapters
04:22 PM JT-Shop: there is adapters...
04:23 PM JT-Shop: for almost anything
04:23 PM roycroft: yes, but the overwhwelming majority of use cases do not require them
04:23 PM XXCoder: yeah not free though :)
04:23 PM solarwind: https://www.amazon.ca/HQMPC-Adapter-Kitchen-Coupling-Dishwasher/dp/B092D189F7 I wonder what kind of quick connect that is
04:23 PM solarwind: quick connect is another nightmare
04:23 PM JT-Shop: I find pipe thread to hose thread adapters quite useful
04:23 PM Unterhausen: youtube thought I should see this diy cnc lathe that sounds like a jackhammer https://youtu.be/sBfbCSxcs3I?si=h73wjo-J-RLIMqUe
04:24 PM solarwind: I don't mind NPT at all because it is indeed self contained and well defined
04:24 PM solarwind: and tapered threads are awesome
04:24 PM XXCoder: osha would love that
04:24 PM solarwind: I prefer JIC flares as much as possible though
04:25 PM solarwind: I'll take the most universally available standard
04:25 PM roycroft: i've had to mix bpt and npt in the past
04:25 PM JT-Shop: a deer is licking the remains of the mineral block
04:25 PM solarwind: also you don't need a lathe for garden hose threads, you can just get a tap and die
04:25 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, did you disable the toolchange buttons until homed?
04:25 PM djdelorie: npt - is that the metric npt, or the usa npt? and is it the coarse or fine variant?
04:26 PM XXCoder: lol I had to use 3 adoptors to attach my clothes washer to restroom sink facuet
04:26 PM XXCoder: whole lot of fun
04:26 PM solarwind: NPT almost always refers to USA coarse
04:26 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, they are broke for a moment or three
04:26 PM Tom_L: ok
04:26 PM roycroft: because we're a global economy, and often the manufacturers on the other side of the world do not carefully track where they send their stuff
04:26 PM * djdelorie learned the hard way that 1/4 NPT used in pc cooling is not the same as 1/4 NPT used in house plumbing
04:26 PM Tom_L: cause they're still enabled :)
04:27 PM solarwind: djdelorie those may be NPTF "NPT fuel"
04:27 PM JT-Shop: I've not pushed anything for tools
04:27 PM solarwind: which I believe is "metric" NPT
04:27 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, i get 2 warnings quitting with hal open now
04:27 PM djdelorie: no, the PC ones are metric and straight, the plumbing ones are imperial and tapered
04:27 PM solarwind: then they're not npTEEE lol
04:28 PM solarwind: some idiot mislabelled them
04:28 PM solarwind: or typical gamer idiots who don't know jack shit about anything just call them that
04:28 PM djdelorie: oh, definitely mislabeled. Or at least misleading. But... 1/4" METRIC?
04:28 PM XXCoder: whats gamer got to do with it
04:29 PM djdelorie: pc cooling rigs use metric plumbing
04:29 PM solarwind: XXCoder almost always the gamer idiots that do water cooling, etc.
04:29 PM Unterhausen: I had to work on a CMM that had some bpt. Fortunately there was a really good store with every kind of fittings nearby
04:29 PM solarwind: insist on ugly ass RGB lighting
04:29 PM XXCoder: ah ok
04:29 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:29 PM djdelorie: weirdly, my electric motorcycle *also* uses metric plumbing, because it's all pc cooling gear
04:29 PM solarwind: they don't understand that heat pipes have multiple times the thermal power capability as water lol
04:30 PM XXCoder: you sure love to generalize
04:30 PM djdelorie: but my cnc uses all imperial plumbing, because I bit the bullet and replaced all the metric stuff that's almost but not quite compatible
04:30 PM solarwind: XXCoder look at the industry
04:30 PM solarwind: what I'm saying applies to 99%. OBVIOUSLY not everyone is like this
04:30 PM solarwind: but 99% of products are aimed at the gamer idiots
04:30 PM solarwind: find me one that isn't
04:31 PM solarwind: they try and overclock their CPUs but they don't know the first thing about it. They don't even know what a clock is
04:34 PM solarwind: ironically Steve from GamersNexus is the opposite of a gamer idiot
04:34 PM solarwind: Wendell from Level1Techs is also very smart
04:34 PM XXCoder: dj yeah id love my setup to be competely metric but yeah it really do depend on how easily you can source em
04:35 PM XXCoder: metric stuff is bit hard to get in usa sometimes
04:35 PM XXCoder: it was why I had to wait weeks for adoptors lol
04:35 PM solarwind: I wouldn't bother replacing any plumbing. But the ballscrew MUST be metric
04:35 PM solarwind: because that actually matters
04:36 PM djdelorie: the computer is better at math than you are. It doesn't matter what the ballscrew is
04:36 PM solarwind: who said it was a CNC machine
04:36 PM djdelorie: ah. Now it matters, yes :-)
04:36 PM djdelorie: it could be worse. My lathe's cross slide screw is 13 TPI, which is pretty much useless in both metric and imperial turning
04:37 PM solarwind: https://www.precisionmatthews.com/shop/pm-tlseries-ultra-precision-lathes/ "Leadscrews Are True Inch Pitch Screws (Not Metric Conversions Like Many), 10 Threads Per Inch (.100” Per Turn)
04:37 PM solarwind: "
04:37 PM solarwind: I trolled them by sending them an email asking if they'd sell me one with non-retard ball screws
04:37 PM solarwind: THey take their MURICAA FUCK YEAH pride so seriously they would not sell me one LOL
04:37 PM Tom_L: did they recognize that terminology?
04:37 PM solarwind: yes
04:37 PM djdelorie: my lathe is 8 tpi, hence the printed metric conversion gears
04:38 PM solarwind: the owner responded the first time and refused to sell me one (not that I would ever buy that trash)
04:38 PM solarwind: second time, a salesperson responded and was obviously nice because they just want to make a sale
04:38 PM solarwind: It was totally worth it to get the owner that mad, that was fun
04:39 PM XXCoder: ah so you like to make people angry
04:39 PM solarwind: wasn't that obvious?
04:39 PM XXCoder: for seemly no reason too
04:39 PM XXCoder: pointless.
04:39 PM Tom_L: kinda fun watching you get upset here as well
04:39 PM solarwind: No, I like to make people angry without being insulting or offensive
04:40 PM djdelorie: so you can feel you're better than them?
04:40 PM solarwind: no, just because it's fun and I have nothing else to do while waiting for my sleep meds to kick in at night
04:41 PM solarwind: I never throw any personal insults or anything and they get mad, that's the best part
04:41 PM XXCoder: boring.
04:41 PM solarwind: works with allah/santa claus believers as well
04:41 PM XXCoder: very boring
04:41 PM djdelorie: and childish
04:42 PM solarwind: true, that one gets old a bit fast, they're all the same
04:42 PM Tom_L: it's his veegee coming out
04:42 PM XXCoder: all veegee types is same
04:42 PM djdelorie: metric or imperial
04:42 PM Tom_L: doesn't really matter to me
04:42 PM XXCoder: I wonder which veegee is easier to get, imperial veegee or metric veegee
04:43 PM solarwind: it's not boring, it was an easy target because of hard they went in on the "Leadscrews Are True Inch Pitch Screws (Not Metric Conversions Like Many)"
04:43 PM solarwind: so there's definitely some kind of philosophical attachment behind that
04:43 PM solarwind: aka a target to troll
04:44 PM XXCoder: random unit veegee probably is easiest
04:44 PM * JT-Shop wonders when keith rucker will finish tally ho's capstan
04:44 PM Tom_L: wentworth
04:44 PM JT-Shop: witworth
04:44 PM solarwind: whitworth
04:44 PM Tom_L: sry
04:44 PM Tom_L: i knew i'd be corrected
04:45 PM Tom_L: that's why i didn't bother
04:45 PM JT-Shop: I've ran into those before on machines built in tiawan
04:45 PM Tom_L: i have a couple of their wrenches
04:45 PM * JT-Shop doesn't care if he speeled it rite or not
04:45 PM solarwind: doesn't bug me, it's just a thread angle standard
04:45 PM solarwind: I don't know if it's technically better than the metric thread angle or not, I haven't read into it
04:46 PM djdelorie: it's 55 degrees instead of 60. Is there "metric angles"? I hope not...
04:47 PM djdelorie: gradians I suppose
04:47 PM solarwind: no, the thread angle used for metric threads
04:47 PM Tom_L: there are depth of thread standards too
04:47 PM djdelorie: this is why the machinist handbook is so big :-)
04:48 PM Tom_L: just ask an old machinist
04:48 PM Tom_L: but.. yeah
04:49 PM Tom_L: whitworth is also 55 deg
04:49 PM Tom_L: i'm sure they would argue they invented it
04:50 PM Tom_L: https://www.boltscience.com/pages/screw4.htm#:~:text=The%20principal%20features%20of%20the,the%20crests%20of%20the%20thread.
04:50 PM solarwind: I'm just happy princess auto sells every kind of common high pressure hydraulic fitting made from actual 12L14 for pocket change
04:51 PM solarwind: Like $1 or $2 instead of $20 from mcmaster or anywhere else where they pretend to have something "better"
04:53 PM JT-Shop: there's some kind of bug flying around the camera and it look huge up close
04:53 PM djdelorie: is it a $2 bug, or a $20 "better" bug?
04:53 PM solarwind: depends, did you find it in mcmaster's warehouse?
04:54 PM JT-Shop: it's a renegade bug
04:55 PM JT-Shop: don't say anything but mcmaster give better prices to us than canucks
04:55 PM solarwind: aren't the prices whatever is shown on the site?
04:56 PM solarwind: obviously excluding shipping/import
04:56 PM JT-Shop: not if your logged in
04:56 PM djdelorie: at least mcmaster is more likely to correctly label their parts
04:56 PM solarwind: hmmm, time to register from my friend's company then
04:57 PM * JT-Shop goes to make some chicken crack
04:58 PM solarwind: on another note, attaching a water pump and spray nozzle to my reciprocating saw keeps the blades cold and makes them last multiple times longer
04:58 PM solarwind: I just hope it doesn't get inside the housing and rust things. I keep it pointed downwards as much as possible
05:00 PM solarwind: and heavily grease the piston with calcium sulfonate grease
05:00 PM djdelorie: or use something other than just water
05:01 PM solarwind: coolant is expensive. This is a reciprocating saw for cutting metal, the water will drip to the floor
05:02 PM solarwind: it also keeps plastic from melting when cutting plastic parts
05:02 PM solarwind: the air saw vents air from the piston, so water ingress is not a concern
05:10 PM lcnc-relay: <JT> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/CXgUzPMFgivwfgISrjYdJjvt/20240512_104303.jpg
05:11 PM JT-Shop: that's at the north trail head of wolf creek and someone is living in that
05:40 PM Tom_L: the canvas is probably ripped
05:43 PM JT-Shop: I stopped by the ranger station this morning and let them know
05:59 PM * JT-Shop calls it a night
06:13 PM CaptHindsight: wow you guys must be rich, buying from McMaster
06:22 PM CaptHindsight: solarwind: Words can be like doorknobs to the soul.
07:23 PM solarwind: CaptHindsight that's the best part
07:23 PM solarwind: they're merely vibrations in the air or visual artifacts but can be used to enrage the weak minded
07:26 PM * roycroft digs those good vibrations
07:40 PM * XXCoder likes some good vibrations
07:57 PM CaptHindsight: when life gives you doorknobs, make doors
07:59 PM CaptHindsight: doorknobs are just a metaphor for all door and window hardware
08:22 PM roycroft: i prefer lever latches to doorknobs
08:23 PM XXCoder: lincorn died before doorknobs was a thing
08:23 PM roycroft: and with this booken wrist i'm really happy ihave them - if i'm carrying something with my non-gammy arm i can open doors witl my knee
08:24 PM Tom_L: or foot if you use lots of force
08:24 PM XXCoder: im sure if you use your head, it can be opened also
08:25 PM Tom_L: the door or your head/
08:25 PM Tom_L: ?
08:25 PM XXCoder: yes
08:28 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
08:29 PM rdtsc_away is now known as rdtsc
09:15 PM rdtsc is now known as rdtsc_away
09:53 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3h_es---gw
09:53 PM CaptHindsight: xLimb: Wearable Robot Arm with Storable and Extendable Mechanisms
09:53 PM CaptHindsight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_rEcu91yYY
09:53 PM CaptHindsight: Jizai Arms: Unleashing Human Potential Through Robotic Innovation
09:55 PM CaptHindsight: we just need something similar designed by real engineers
10:02 PM CaptHindsight: ancillary arms and legs for use during recovery
10:03 PM CaptHindsight: https://darbelofflab.mit.edu/robotics-research/supernumerary-robotic-limbs-srl/
10:27 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> my little monoprice mini still works..
10:28 PM lcnc-relay: <skunkworks8841> https://jauriarts.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/kZnmAgEzWQCyGJfGDyoiABHB/PXL_20240515_032233009.jpg
10:36 PM lcnc-relay: <big_kevin420> the fuck are you using those calipers
10:38 PM XXCoder: monoprice is pretty good in hardware, meh on firmware but yeah