#linuxcnc Logs

May 14 2023

#linuxcnc Calendar

01:14 AM Deejay: moin
04:33 AM travis_farmer[m]: Morning ☕️
04:46 AM JT-Cave1: morning
05:24 AM Tom_L: morning
05:50 AM JT-Cave1: rooster just crowed
08:28 AM skunkworks[m]: Happy mothers day!
08:28 AM skunkworks[m]: oh wait. all men here..
08:32 AM Jym: Happy Mother's Day ya mother $%(%#&@  (How's that skunkworks[m]?)
08:52 AM JT-Shop: gotta love this reply from Omar to 30" 3-in-1 Sheet Metal Machine 3 in 1 what functions does
08:53 AM JT-Shop: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/128061240270198
09:31 AM Unterhaus_ is now known as Unterhausen
09:31 AM perry_j1987: morning
10:14 AM Techplex: Hello all! I have a Mesa 7i92t that I'd like to connect to a leadshine MX4660. I'm trying to use Mesa Configuration Tool to generate the config. When I run Tools > Check Config I get a message "A firmware and Daughter card needs to be selected for the 7i92t" but both the Daughter Card dropdowns  in the Configuration Setup pane have no options to
10:14 AM Techplex: choose from. I went ahead and asked mesact to build the config and attempted to run linuxcnc with the new config but linuxcnc outputs " CANNOT FIND FILE FOR: cnc2.hal" Should mesact generate the hal file?
10:17 AM perry_j1987: didnt realize i got logged off
10:17 AM JT-Shop: if there are errors in the configuration it will only generate the ini file
10:17 AM perry_j1987: hey im trying to figure out a way to probe incrementally along the back edge of the stock until it does not find a trigger point (signifying that it's found the edge of the stock) then it can safely move around for clearance to probe x+
10:18 AM perry_j1987: g38.2 reports an error when it gets to the end of my while loop
10:18 AM JT-Shop: Techplex, did you download the firmware for the 7i92t?
10:18 AM perry_j1987: which breaks the code.
10:19 AM Techplex: @+JT-Shop From the Downloads menu I clicked firmware, then the dropdown in the firmware area populated and I was able to choose 7i92t_mx4660d.bin
10:23 AM JT-Shop: ok, I need to add the daughter card relations for the BOB's
10:23 AM TechplexCNC: JT-Shop Here is a screenshot of mesact https://i.imgur.com/IIP9g9C.png
10:23 AM JT-Shop: how many axes is the mx4660?
10:23 AM Techplex: 4
10:23 AM Techplex: http://leadshineusa.com/UploadFile/Down/MX4660d_V1.1.pdf
10:23 AM JT-Shop: I have the latest version running here
10:24 AM JT-Shop: ok, give me a bit to add that
10:24 AM JT-Shop: Tom_L, tires should be here Monday!
10:33 AM roguish[m]: JT-Shop: what the heck, are you buying the Vette pieces at a time???
10:41 AM perry_j1987: radar from mash shipped jeep back home one piece at a time heh
10:46 AM JT-Cave1: roguish[m], two things... I could not get the wheels I wanted when I ordered the C8 due to constraints and the Z51 package comes with summer only (sticky soft) tires neither of which I want for general putt putting around
10:46 AM JT-Cave1: so I'll save the stock wheels with the sticky tires for tracking
10:47 AM JT-Cave1: Techplex, download mesact again and reinstall, I've added the mx drivers so let me know if you have any more issues
10:53 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
11:03 AM perry_j1987: should i use G92 or G10 L20 P1 to set coordinates for probing
11:23 AM JT-Shop: I only use G92 on my plasma cutter to set the XYZ0
11:24 AM JT-Shop: nap time here
11:24 AM jpa-: i use G10 L20 P1 for XYZ zero of the drawing, i don't see need to set coordinates for just probing
11:25 AM perry_j1987: im trying to make a subroutine for this little touch probe i got
11:25 AM perry_j1987: i want to manually jog the probe over the back left corner of my stock
11:26 AM perry_j1987: have it probe down and set z, then move relative in y+ then down in z to probe the back of the stock in y-
11:26 AM perry_j1987: then set the y0 and then move up for z clearance and over x- and y- and then down in z and probe x+ to set x0
11:27 AM perry_j1987: i got that all going but it does not zero xyz in the axis gui
11:27 AM roguish[m]: G92 is a temporary offset
11:27 AM perry_j1987: im using g10 l20 p1 for them
11:27 AM roguish[m]: G10 permanently sets up a G5x coord system
11:28 AM perry_j1987: have lines like G10 L20 P1 Z[#5063 + #<_StylusRadius>]
11:29 AM perry_j1987: which to my understanding #5063 should be set when i do g38.2 z-0 f100
11:29 AM perry_j1987: in the previous line
11:32 AM perry_j1987: maybe i should just set it to 0 instead of trying to pickup that variable heh
11:35 AM jpa-: if you have G10 L20 P1 set, have you commanded G54 to activate the coordinate system?
11:36 AM perry_j1987: isnt that what P1 was saying? using g54?
11:37 AM perry_j1987: but ya g54 is active in the active g-codes list
11:38 AM jpa-: yeah, G10 sets the coordinates of G54 system, but doesn't actually activate it
11:38 AM jpa-: you can setup the coordinate systems G54, G55 etc. with P1, P2, .. ahead of time and then quickly switch between them by just saying "G54" or "G55"
11:39 AM jpa-: G92 is special in that it activates immediately and you can't reactivate it without respecifying the coordinates
11:39 AM jpa-: i.e. "temporary"
11:41 AM jpa-: (actually linuxcnc apparently has G92.2 and G92.3 to deactivate/reactive G92)
11:41 AM perry_j1987: i think i got it workin
11:42 AM perry_j1987: woo it probed and its sitting the stylus above the corner of the stock
11:50 AM Tom_L: JT-Shop, you can mount the tires and set them beside a cardboard box and pretend :)
12:00 PM perry_j1987: this is pretty darn cool being able to finally probe stock heh
12:00 PM Tom_L: got it ehh?
12:00 PM perry_j1987: ya it appears so
12:01 PM perry_j1987: need to add a button to call it in axis
12:01 PM Tom_L: just make sure your file calls the right offset
12:01 PM perry_j1987: and then use what i learnt to make another subroutine for finding a circle center both od and id
12:01 PM Tom_L: that p-hole one does an id circle
12:02 PM perry_j1987: i got it set so where i manually jog the probe near the corner of the stock and it sets relative moves for everything
12:02 PM perry_j1987: then at the end it switches back to absolute and moves up for clearance in z and then goes to x0y0
12:04 PM perry_j1987: need to get this tool height setter setup on the new machine too
12:06 PM perry_j1987: hey do you know what this probing cycles in fusion 360 cam are?
12:06 PM perry_j1987: cant export them with linuxcnc postprocessor
12:12 PM Tom_L: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fusion-360-manufacture/probe-and-linuxcnc/td-p/6740465
12:22 PM perry_j1987: interesting
12:30 PM perry_j1987: man this is so nice having chatgpt writing subroutines haha
12:37 PM Jym: After some lengthy troubleshooting, looks like my laptop doesn't like 5g, but is solid on 2.4g, go figure
12:37 PM Jym: ...hopefully
12:38 PM CloudEvil: yay
12:40 PM Jym: I've been dealing with this for  a couple of weeks
12:41 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, I used to have a cardboard drum airplane when I was very little
01:23 PM Tom_L: JT-Shop, when the boys were young i'd save large boxes (refrigerator etc) and they'd make forts etc with them and play for hours. at first growing up with all sisters, she couldn't believe they'd take that over regular 'toys'
01:27 PM JT-Shop: a box is better than a doll any day
01:28 PM JT-Shop: my plane had an electric motor with a cardboard propeller and a switch inside to turn it on
01:31 PM pere: <URL: https://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/The_2023_LinuxCNC_Norwegian_developer_gathering.html >
01:42 PM Tom_L: pere, hope you have a good turnout
01:43 PM roycroft: were your boys actually cats?
01:46 PM * roycroft is still feeling the effects of working out in the hot sun most of the day yesterday, and has decided to postpone further lawn and garden work until the weather improves, which should be in a day or so
01:47 PM roycroft: i don't think it would take long to start suffering from heat stroke today
01:47 PM roycroft: my body needs a bit more time to acclimate to the not rainy season
01:49 PM perry_j1987: this is being weird. so i made that one subroutine to find the corner of the stock and its working apparently. im working on the new one to find the center of a hole now and at the end i have a G10 L20 P1 X0 Y0 after its found the center of the hole but then when i tell it to g0 x0 y0 Imoves back to the corner of my stock and not the center of the hole lol
01:49 PM Tom_L: the sky just cut loose here
01:54 PM JT-Shop: some isolated TS around here
01:56 PM perry_j1987: https://pastebin.com/raw/tKxUam1m
01:56 PM perry_j1987: feel like im going crazy here lol i dont see why it's not setting x0 y0
01:58 PM JT-Shop: Tom_L, https://gmauthority.com/blog/gm/gm-engines/lt2/
01:59 PM JT-Shop: perry_j1987, break it down to determine what's not working
02:01 PM JT-Shop: why are you using global parameters?
02:01 PM perry_j1987: for the stylus diameter and such?
02:01 PM JT-Shop: your using them for everything it seems
02:02 PM perry_j1987: im a copy paste coder :P
02:02 PM JT-Shop: lol
02:02 PM JT-Shop: did you start with cradek_ probe routines?
02:03 PM perry_j1987: looked at it
02:03 PM perry_j1987: did not feel like converting it to metric
02:04 PM perry_j1987: didnt see where it was specifying x0,y0
02:04 PM perry_j1987: its un-commented lol
02:04 PM JT-Shop: they are solid and iirc unit agnostic
02:04 PM JT-Shop: it's terse for sure :) but correct none the less
02:04 PM perry_j1987: it starts out with G91 G38.3 Z.00001
02:05 PM perry_j1987: it fails instantly unable to trigge probe during move lol
02:05 PM perry_j1987: must be for a really small machine lol
02:06 PM JT-Shop: he does repair watches...
02:06 PM JT-Shop: anyway you should only use globals if you need them
02:07 PM perry_j1987: im partially testing chatGPT-4 to see what it can produce with some handholding
02:09 PM JT-Shop: what I did with his prob routines was to convert numbered to named then it made sense
02:10 PM JT-Shop: https://github.com/jethornton/mill_touch_v6/tree/master/config/subroutines
02:10 PM perry_j1987: here's the other one i did with chatGPT thats working https://pastebin.com/raw/r34NWuSq
02:10 PM perry_j1987: for the back left corner
02:11 PM perry_j1987: why is that one's G10 line working but the new one's G10 doesnt
02:14 PM perry_j1987: you have a variable for probeDiameter but it's not used anywhere?
02:18 PM JT-Shop: which one?
02:18 PM perry_j1987: the hole one
02:19 PM perry_j1987: i mean the diameter does not matter really if your just finding the center of wherever it triggered
02:19 PM JT-Shop: yup
02:20 PM JT-Shop: I probably just copied the top part to every one
02:39 PM XXCoder: lol dunno why but I love it when frank uses those projector screen tricks
02:52 PM perry_j1987: can i not do #1001 = #5061 after probing x and #1002 = #5061 after probing the other side of the hole and then do a G10 L20 P1 X[[#1001 + #1002] / 2] to set the x0 ?
03:12 PM JT-Shop: works for me
03:14 PM JT-Shop: https://pasteboard.co/imQRaiLNew8k.png
03:20 PM perry_j1987: im on 2.8.4 here
03:20 PM perry_j1987: why would the one subroutine work but similar commands in the next one dont lol im at a loss
03:22 PM JT-Cave: typos, mistakes, etc.
03:26 PM perry_j1987: https://pastebin.com/raw/GKicnUdW
03:26 PM perry_j1987: i cant spot any
03:33 PM JT-Shop: did you test it line for line with debug?
03:46 PM flyback: https://www.newegg.com/team-group-256gb-t-force-vulcan-z/p/N82E16820331862?Item=N82E16820331862&cm_sp=Homepage_SS-_-P4_20-331-862-_-05142023
03:57 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
04:49 PM Tom_L: JT-Cave, i bet you don't try fixing the shifter in that if the time arrives :)
04:49 PM Tom_L: pretty compact package
04:51 PM JT-Shop: shifter is electronic
04:52 PM JT-Shop: pretty impressive engine/transmission
04:52 PM Tom_L: so are the boys' trucks
04:56 PM JT-Shop: I should fix the leak in the cummings h frame press or at least look to see if it's just an o ring that's worn out
04:57 PM JT-Shop: I fixed the gauge needle that fell off lol
04:57 PM Tom_L: heh
04:58 PM JT-Woodshop: if you press something that is really hard to get out and it breaks free the needle pops off
05:00 PM Tom_L: not oil filled?
05:01 PM JT-Shop: no
05:02 PM Tom_L: or glycerin or whatever they use
05:05 PM Tom_L: so will yours be a '23 or '24?
05:08 PM JT-Woodshop: 23
05:09 PM JT-Woodshop: 24 starts in September
05:09 PM JT-Woodshop: tomorrow I can say it's scheduled to build next week :)
05:25 PM JT-Shop: got someone that's interested in the 20 ton H frame press :)
05:29 PM FinboySlick: https://unsigned.io/articles/2023_03_17_Abstractions_Set_In_Granite.html If you guys are looking for a rabbit hole to go down to.
05:31 PM * JT-Shop passes
05:37 PM Jym: FinboySlick The answer is 42
05:41 PM XXCoder: it might actually rain on monday here. and temp is still 89f
05:41 PM XXCoder: oh boy. glad I just switched my ac to cool mode today
05:42 PM FinboySlick: I have shared compressor AC and I hate this period of year. The downstairs one tries to heat while the upstairs one wants to cool.
05:46 PM Tom_L: rain gauge shows 1/2" today
05:53 PM roycroft: the answer is blowing in the wind
07:01 PM * roycroft has declared may 14th the official opening of mojito season chez roy, and has taken the appropriate measures to commemorate the event
08:45 PM roycroft: old record high for today: 31
08:45 PM roycroft: high today: 35
08:45 PM roycroft: we blew the record away
08:45 PM XXCoder: fun
11:58 PM * ithe2guu[m] uploaded an image: (1490KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/jauriarts.org/drVRdebuBOLeygLONEoDfGtT/IMG_1493.jpg >
11:58 PM ithe2guu[m]: Are my inputs supposed to all share one ground like what I have in the photo?
11:58 PM ithe2guu[m]: It is not seeming to work
11:59 PM ithe2guu[m]: But I’m pretty sure I have it, right