#linuxcnc Logs

Nov 09 2022

#linuxcnc Calendar

03:03 AM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ
05:06 PM Tom_L: heh
05:06 PM JT-Shop2: he has chickens and pigs
05:06 PM CloudEvil: :)
05:08 PM JT-Shop2: watching chicken tv as it gets darker is funny
05:08 PM Tom_L: did the time change screw them up?
05:09 PM JT-Shop2: screwed me up, they don't have a clue
05:09 PM JT-Shop2: it's the roost time rumble
05:17 PM * JT-Shop2 locks up and heads inside
06:38 PM roycroft: i just saw a 2009 f350 with the 6.4l powerstroke engine for sale
06:39 PM roycroft: it claims to have 95,000 original miles, and the engine just had a complete rebuild
06:39 PM roycroft: i wonder what ever happened to that engine that it required a complete rebuild when it was still almost new
07:11 PM xxcodery: reminds me of friend suv
07:12 PM xxcodery: he went to oil change place, and they drained oil and he left
07:12 PM xxcodery: suv broke down on exit from oil change place
07:12 PM xxcodery: they tried to blame it on him but yeah its oil change place, and he literally couldnt have driven there with no oil
07:35 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WRS5KuaE2E
07:36 PM CaptHindsight[m]: roycroft: lack of oil, teenage driver, what happens when you over the red line?, hey lets downshift into 1st at 55mph
07:36 PM CaptHindsight[m]: lots of ways to break a new engine
07:38 PM CaptHindsight[m]: or even just bad luck with your engine, something internal that lets go, rod bolt, funky ring, valve spring breaks etc
07:39 PM CaptHindsight[m]: I remember a friend exploding the differential of his dads new car doing neutral drops
07:41 PM CloudEvil: Opening the oil filter wrong.
07:42 PM CloudEvil: - some oil filters come wrapped in plastic.
07:43 PM CloudEvil: If you pop the plastic by sticking your finger in the hole, you can release plastic which gets into the 'out' side and plugs passageways and destorys the crankshaft or other critical elements.
07:46 PM CloudEvil: https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/yn8jwi/another_tech_poked_his_finger_through_the_plastic/
07:51 PM xxcodery: ouch
07:51 PM xxcodery: I would have cheap plastic insert then wrap in plastic
07:51 PM xxcodery: that way holes arent pokable
07:55 PM CaptHindsight[m]: CloudEvil: yeah choosing the wrong oil filter can also do it even if you don't break the plastic, some brands have poor quality control and self destruct all on their own
08:02 PM CaptHindsight[m]: https://forum.ih8mud.com/threads/if-youre-using-a-wix-oil-filter-read-this.982161/
08:36 PM Rab: CaptHindsight[m], I had that happen with a Fram filter with a defective bypass valve. No filtration, and eventually, spun crankshaft bearings. I never used Fram again.
09:26 PM roycroft: i always used oem mahle filters on my vws, and got into the habit of doing so for my other vehicles as well
09:27 PM roycroft: the air filter i just got for my pickup is not oem
09:27 PM roycroft: but when it comes time to change the oil i'll get a motorcraft
09:27 PM roycroft: hopefully that will be a couple years from now
09:28 PM roycroft: i have documentation that the oil was changed right before i bought the vehicle, and it does have a motorcraft filter on it now, and the oil looks really clean, so i trust that the oil change was done properly
09:34 PM snakedGT is now known as snaked
10:01 PM -!- #linuxcnc mode set to +v by ChanServ