#linuxcnc | Logs for 2015-10-20

[00:02:41] <Wolf_> sec I’ll give ya a pic
[00:02:48] <wolfmanjm> thanks
[00:04:44] <Wolf_> walmart or newegg? :D
[00:05:07] <Wolf_> http://i.imgur.com/LxNNKnW.jpg
[00:05:22] <wolfmanjm> walmart ;)
[00:05:31] <wolfmanjm> I still need one more only got two
[00:05:46] <Wolf_> thats setup for step/dir in inverted
[00:06:02] <Wolf_> http://i.imgur.com/Mfk4r3h.jpg
[00:06:12] <wolfmanjm> oh the proce went up to $108 in wallmart... gues I'll have to live with two
[00:06:32] <Wolf_> keep checking, they were at $11 this morning for the nema24
[00:06:52] <wolfmanjm> I just checedk they are $108 now
[00:06:53] <Wolf_> what size do you need and were are you at?
[00:07:11] <wolfmanjm> I want one more of the nema25 I'm in california
[00:07:31] <Wolf_> hmm, I didn’t see any nema25
[00:07:52] <Wolf_> I got nema23, 17 and I think 24
[00:09:12] <Wolf_> red wire in that pic is 5v from pc, jumped to all the + on the driver
[00:09:42] <wolfmanjm> sorry I meant nema24 http://www.walmart.com/ip/NEMA-24-2-Phase-Robot-Lathe-CNC-Stepper-Motor-76mm-4A-311oz.in-w-Driver/47002373
[00:11:29] <Wolf_> yeah, they had <12 listed around 9am EST yesterday at $11.51 each
[00:11:56] <wolfmanjm> damn missed it again :(
[00:12:05] <wolfmanjm> just need one now :)
[00:12:38] <Wolf_> well, if you don’t catch one in the next week or so hit me up lol
[00:12:47] <wolfmanjm> anyway I have mine wired direct to the parallel port and I get 5v from a separate PSU, not the PC. that is the main difference. I guess I need to run a 5v from the PC then
[00:12:59] <Wolf_> nope
[00:13:01] <wolfmanjm> Wolf_: where are you located?
[00:13:16] <Wolf_> just need to tie the ground to the breakout board from the 5v psu
[00:13:22] <wolfmanjm> I do that
[00:13:25] <Wolf_> Maryland
[00:13:49] <wolfmanjm> I connect the ground to one of the parallel port lines
[00:14:34] <wolfmanjm> it should work... but I see the dir pin toggle, 5v to 1.2v and I don;t think that is low enough for it to see logic zero
[00:14:46] <Wolf_> no, need it connected to the output side of the break out, oh, wait, you said no BOB
[00:14:50] <wolfmanjm> I'll try snagging 5v from the PC
[00:15:11] <wolfmanjm> I dont; have a breakout I am wiring direct to the parallel port
[00:15:34] <Wolf_> yeah, should just need a common gnd ref
[00:15:41] <Wolf_> to the 5v psu
[00:15:48] <wolfmanjm> it pretty muchg looks identical to yors (even using the same jumpers)
[00:16:05] <Wolf_> get a BOB makes life easier
[00:16:14] <wolfmanjm> ok need to open up the PC again
[00:16:17] <Wolf_> like $10 w/ cables from china
[00:16:31] <Wolf_> or $20 from amazon if you don’t want to wait
[00:17:46] <Wolf_> I should have nema24 x5 368oz and x6 311oz otw at some point…
[00:18:59] <Wolf_> not 100% on the 368oz ones, all the item numbers are changed around on my newegg order lol
[00:20:39] <wolfmanjm> eh 328 vs 311 ar enot that important for what I wanted to use it for... trying to CNC an old shopsmith to turn it into a cnc mill
[00:21:33] <Wolf_> well, the n24 368oz were listed as nema23 150oz when I put my order in..
[00:21:35] <wolfmanjm> I just need to decide what I'm going to use for the XY table... thinking probably C-Beam from openbuilds
[00:21:57] <wolfmanjm> yea I heard :)
[00:22:18] <wolfmanjm> I didn;t trust that Iwould end up with the same thing :) you can;t really complain if you get what yu order :)
[00:22:31] <wolfmanjm> Praesmeodymium was keeping me informed :)
[00:22:41] <Wolf_> ahh :)
[00:23:11] <Wolf_> wonder if that c beam will handle the side loads of a mill
[00:23:41] <Praesmeodymium> I kept it to small channels lol less than 30
[00:24:37] <Wolf_> well, should be easier to get some of them motors now that Contract_Pilot isn’t buying them all up
[00:24:41] <Praesmeodymium> I bet you could buy one if ya need to off Contract_Pilot
[00:24:45] <Praesmeodymium> lol
[00:25:14] <Wolf_> I got 6 of the nema24 yesterday AM
[00:25:58] <Praesmeodymium> I got 4 of the 256 oz/in in stock with no project for em and in theory another 5 on the way of the 289 oz/in
[00:26:03] <Praesmeodymium> *389
[00:26:27] <Wolf_> I have 7x of the nema23 3whatever oz ones
[00:26:35] <Wolf_> no idea what to use them for
[00:27:13] <Wolf_> I might build a auto leveling gimbal for my laser transit with 2 of them lol
[00:27:26] <wolfmanjm> it is annoyin gthat the paralleport doesn;t have a 5v pin, I really thought it used to 20years ago when I was doing eprom programmers on DOS :)
[00:28:02] <Wolf_> tag 5v off a usb header on teh mobo
[00:28:24] <Praesmeodymium> and the handful of nema 17's I already had, but those have projects
[00:30:29] <wolfmanjm> what steptime etc did you use for those droivers? I just copied the slowest oned from the leadshine data
[00:30:58] <Wolf_> umm
[00:31:07] <Wolf_> I forget, let me go look
[00:31:27] <wolfmanjm> I just copied the DM556 50V 5.6A
[00:32:31] <Wolf_Mill> 5000ns step time/space, 20000ns dir hold/setup
[00:35:04] <Wolf_Mill> my other drivers which are dm542A are on 1500ns, 1500ns, 8000ns, 5000ns
[00:41:21] <wolfmanjm> Hmm still doesn't work the voltage across the DIR+ DIR- is going from 4.9 to 1.7 the voltage on the dir pin measured to ground is 0.6v
[00:41:25] <wolfmanjm> to 3.3v
[00:41:53] <wolfmanjm> so seems there is some other issue, the parallel port pins are not driving hard enough when they go low
[00:41:55] <Wolf_Mill> set to inverted and whatnot right
[00:42:00] <wolfmanjm> yea tried both
[00:42:31] <Wolf_Mill> might need that bob with opto driven outputs
[00:42:37] <wolfmanjm> I'll try a series resistor see if that helps it drive lower
[00:43:00] <wolfmanjm> otherwise I'l ljust switch over to DRV8825 which I have a ton of
[00:43:09] <Wolf_Mill> derp, yeah may need a pull down
[00:43:38] <wolfmanjm> oh yea a pulldown may work even better
[00:50:06] <wolfmanjm> yea needs a 1k series resistor between PUL- and the parallel port pin.. is there a schematic for those BoB? maybe they already have them
[00:50:23] <wolfmanjm> sticking a 1k series in there it now turns :)
[00:52:55] <Wolf_Mill> man these cob led light rings are bright
[01:07:40] <archivist> add pull up resistors
[01:28:33] <Jymmm> Wolf_: Yep =)
[01:28:42] <Jymmm> Wolf_: so are the strips
[01:29:56] <Jymmm> Wolf_: JUST DONT FLEX IT
[01:30:15] <Jymmm> and be sure to heatsink it
[01:36:06] <Praesmeodymium> I bought 10m of rgb led strips for shop lighting we shall see how well it works
[01:36:35] <Jymmm> shop lighting? Why not cool/warm white instead?
[01:37:16] <Praesmeodymium> I need on blue light sometimes for photochemical stuff
[01:37:22] <Praesmeodymium> like the resin printer
[01:37:29] <Praesmeodymium> non* blue
[01:38:13] <Jymmm> Um RGB do mix to create WHITE (as example)
[01:38:34] <Jymmm> So BLUE would be on
[01:39:16] <Praesmeodymium> controlloble color so I can get red only or red yellow
[01:40:26] <Jymmm> Well, even yellow can have blue
[01:40:50] <Jymmm> It's a weird RGB led thing
[02:07:41] <Wolf_> we all know he is really gonna hook up the music beat color fade
[02:14:49] <MrSunshine> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Leadshine-Easy-Servo-Drive-ES-D508-ES-M32320-3-Phase-NEMA23-Servo-motor-/171816268942?hash=item28010c348e:m:mO1YSAfhWGw9VNBzKKrR1kg hmm these packages from ebay .. a leadshine drive costs anywhere from 1500sek to 2000sek anywhere else i look, here you get a drive and a motor for 1500sek .. are they dripofs or is it true leadshine drives?
[02:16:07] <archivist> it is direct from china, so lacks all the profit takers along the way
[02:16:33] <archivist> including import duties and vat etc
[02:24:54] <Deejay> moin
[02:34:52] <Wolf_> morning
[02:38:53] <ganzuul> o/
[03:01:05] <fenn> why would a drive input need a 1k resistor added in series?
[03:01:50] <wolfmanjm> seems the parallel port I use cannot sink the current that optocupler uses, the 1k keeps it from being pulled up
[03:02:08] <wolfmanjm> so it is the parallel port not the driver that needs it
[03:02:32] <fenn> so the drive has a pullup that is overpowering the parallel port?
[03:02:49] <wolfmanjm> the optocoupler is probably 25ma and the LPC port can probably sink 10ma I suspect
[03:02:59] <wolfmanjm> no it is an optocoupler
[03:03:14] <fenn> does the drive have an optocoupler in it?
[03:03:19] <wolfmanjm> +5v one end, you pul down the other end to 0 to drive it
[03:03:31] <wolfmanjm> yea it is a PUK+ PUK- type of drvoer
[03:19:57] <MrSunshine> oh the tormachs uses leadshines drives even .. didnt know how they were qualitywise but i guess its alot better than random ebay stepper driver atleast? =)
[05:55:58] <trentster> MrSunshine: the non-fake leadshines are very good
[05:56:07] <XXCoder> hey
[05:56:29] <trentster> altho these days if I was building again I would probably forego steppers and drivers altogether
[05:56:39] <trentster> XXCoder: howdy
[05:56:53] <XXCoder> odd http://calumk.com/posts/0022/lego_drawings/4x2.png
[05:57:05] <XXCoder> the bottom cylinders dont seem to be attached to anything
[05:59:05] <trentster> they are attached to the top surface
[05:59:27] <XXCoder> it shows height as 6.8
[05:59:40] <XXCoder> which is well below 8.2
[05:59:58] <trentster> hmmmm - yeah thats odd
[06:00:27] <trentster> error perhaps?
[06:01:37] <MrSunshine> trentster: so ebay == no go then ? =)
[06:01:50] <MrSunshine> trentster: "forego" ?
[06:01:58] <MrSunshine> im looking at the easy servo drives they have
[06:02:15] <XXCoder> his design is wrong anyway
[06:02:24] <XXCoder> studs is smaller than bottom tubes
[06:02:28] <XXCoder> meaning it does not attach
[06:02:54] <XXCoder> http://teachers.nhsd.net/teched/eightvehicle09.html look at tube and stud sizes
[06:02:58] <trentster> brb dinner
[06:16:31] <trentster> MrSunshine: Its of course dependent on your budget and what you want to do but I would go for something closed loop
[06:17:04] <MrSunshine> yeah right now i have steppers, but i want to upgrade to closed loop on atleast x and y
[06:17:22] <MrSunshine> Z i can do with steppers for now
[06:17:53] <MrSunshine> but thinking of upgrading the torque also as with bigger steppers i get more speed before im at the failiure point =)
[06:18:34] <trentster> MrSunshine: http://www.teknic.com/products/clearpath-brushless-dc-servo-motors/#clearpath_sd_info
[06:18:39] <trentster> watch the video
[06:21:43] <malcom2073_> You can get servo controllers on ebay that have step/direction input, they're rather convenient
[06:22:14] <MrSunshine> i see no video
[06:23:49] <trentster> MrSunshine: https://monosnap.com/file/3WJE6ZQidnj4JBv8jzzWUfBRTvj08u
[06:26:17] <MrSunshine> problem with servos is that sure .. the peak torque is quite good .. but continious torque sucks until you pay with your house and car
[06:26:18] <MrSunshine> :P
[06:27:17] <MrSunshine> trentster: i see no picture looking like that
[06:27:24] <MrSunshine> i se eno video on the page you pasted ...
[06:27:54] <malcom2073_> Err, you're thikning of steppers
[06:28:05] <MrSunshine> or there are some .. ill check .. but looks like its like double the price of a easy servo system if you want some continious torque
[06:28:15] <malcom2073_> servos have higher torque at lower speeds
[06:28:19] <malcom2073_> technically
[06:30:01] <malcom2073_> And better than steppers, since they'll give no less than their rated torque up to their rated rpm (derated above that, overrated below)
[06:31:31] <MrSunshine> the easy servo use 3 phase "steppers" with encoder, seems to be quite good from what i can see also
[06:32:20] <MrSunshine> but yes, they fall fast also with speed
[06:32:31] <malcom2073_> Yes, once you go above their rated rpm, they fall fast
[06:32:35] <malcom2073_> Don't go above their rated rpm :P
[06:33:08] <malcom2073_> I got a set of these I was playing around with: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Elmo-Motion-Control-BAN-5-60-Servo-Drive-Harmonica-/391298663057?hash=item5b1b37c291:g:RtgAAOSw3ydVxOyG
[06:33:13] <malcom2073_> They take step/direction input
[06:37:53] <fenn> why is that $25 instead of $450?
[06:38:57] <malcom2073_> Because it's used
[06:39:17] <malcom2073_> Same reason why linear actuators are $90 and $900
[06:39:26] <malcom2073_> Because ebay :P
[06:39:27] <fenn> but actuators can develop wear
[06:39:50] <malcom2073_> Let me rephrase: Same reason why used linear actuators are $90 and $900
[06:40:21] <malcom2073_> Used stuff is listed for anywhere from 0-100% of new price on ebay, I guess the near 100% guys are hoping someone doesn't research first and find the lower ones
[06:42:00] <MrSunshine> and why not not ship world wide .. canada and the us ... good on them
[06:42:21] <malcom2073_> It's a hassle, I don't ship worldwide when I sell stuff
[06:43:38] <fenn> yeah i haven't figured out how to ship to europe for < $50
[06:44:31] <fenn> i'm still amazed every time i buy some $1 thing from china and it shows up a couple days later in the mail
[06:45:06] <malcom2073_> Yeah, I hear they have special deals with the shippers for that stuff, but I dunno, seems overly cheap heh
[07:07:28] <Tom_itx> i think HK post charges 0 or a very low fee for vendors to encourage trade
[07:25:49] <_methods> hahah we just quoted a job for a german company here to make a table with some german made components and we quoted the table at $33k
[07:26:02] <_methods> like $20k of that was shipping and taxes from the german parts
[07:26:31] <Tom_itx> not your average table
[07:26:39] <_methods> it's an inspection table
[07:27:09] <_methods> had some inpection v-bearing blocks and a 4m rule on it
[07:27:18] <_methods> the rule was 780 euros
[07:27:30] <_methods> the shipping was like 4000 euros
[07:28:45] <_methods> i haven't found a cheap way to deal with europe yet
[07:28:54] <_methods> maybe ship the stuff to china
[07:28:58] <_methods> then to europe lol
[07:29:03] <_methods> then it will only be $1.99
[08:33:42] <jthornton> ssi, https://github.com/jethornton lol I created a package
[08:38:14] <CaptHindsight> _methods: just setup a shop in China :)
[08:39:21] <CaptHindsight> _methods: the import duty into China is 10% on just about everything, and if the shipping cost is higher than the value of the items they charge 10% of the shipping cost
[08:41:26] <CaptHindsight> _methods: the main difference there is that they use a different word for just about everything
[08:47:35] <ganzuul> Can I get aliminium so hot that it melts the brazing on brazed carbide tool bits?
[08:49:22] <ganzuul> _methods: Someone tipped me about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Less_than_truckload_shipping
[08:55:00] <_methods> china shop sounds like fun
[09:08:43] <ssi> jthornton: nice! :D
[09:12:13] <JT-Shop> thanks it is starting to make sense now
[09:12:24] <JT-Shop> now to have a GUI to pick the file name
[09:12:43] <ssi> have you found any sensible go ui toolkit bindings?
[09:13:26] <JT-Shop> I haven't looked very hard, but Python can run go iirc
[09:14:12] <ssi> ah you're gonna do the ui in python and shell out to the dxf parser?
[09:14:55] <JT-Shop> kinda makes sense at this point
[09:15:31] <ssi> yeah, it's not unreasonable
[09:18:12] <JT-Shop> http://www.infoworld.com/article/2903615/application-development/googles-gxui-equips-golang-with-an-experimental-cross-platform-ui.html
[09:18:34] <ssi> that's what I've been hoping to see
[09:18:43] <ssi> actually another thing I'd like to see would be good cocoa bindings for go
[09:18:52] <JT-Shop> https://github.com/mattn/go-gtk
[09:18:53] <ssi> if I could write native osx apps with cocoa ui in go, I'd be in heaven
[09:19:10] <JT-Shop> what is cocoa?
[09:19:17] <ssi> cocoa is osx's native UI toolkit
[09:20:24] <JT-Shop> ah ok
[09:21:12] <JT-Shop> https://github.com/go-gl
[09:23:38] <CaptHindsight> one could offer the finest machine tools from China by shipping them from the US to China, add some final operation "Made in China" stamp and ship at low cost around the world
[09:24:14] <ssi> the value of that would be what?
[09:25:21] <CaptHindsight> actual precision machine tools from China
[09:25:35] <ssi> china is more than capable of making high quality, precision machine tools
[09:25:43] <ssi> just not for $1000
[09:25:57] <ssi> so this happened last night:
[09:25:58] <ssi> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRxAFmPWEAAe2ZY.jpg:large
[09:26:04] <ssi> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRxAOBTUYAA5LG8.jpg:large
[09:26:05] <CaptHindsight> woosh
[09:26:11] <ssi> for a first mold pour, I'm pretty pleased
[09:27:05] <ssi> sand was still a bit too dry, and my "pattern" is too heavy, so I got some breaking of the edges around the parting line when I flipped the drag and the pattern fell out
[09:27:47] <ssi> but the metal seems to be good quality, I cut on it some in the mill and there are few voids
[09:28:08] <ssi> so I think my pour temp is pretty good
[09:28:24] <ssi> my crucible seems to hold 7-8lb of aluminum
[09:30:15] <JT-Shop> did you have risers on both ends?
[09:30:46] <ssi> no, just the sprue for this one
[12:45:25] <ssi> quiet in here today :(
[12:46:00] <SpeedEvil> :P{
[12:46:05] <malcom2073_> Auction near me: http://www.irsauctions.com/auctions/00019426/hires/336374A.jpg
[12:47:19] <malcom2073_> I could give zeeshan a run for his money :)
[12:47:33] <ssi> git it
[12:48:07] <Jymmm> malcom2073_: MOVE IT!
[12:48:30] <malcom2073_> I'd rather this: http://www.irsauctions.com/auctions/00019426/hires/336369b.jpg
[12:48:36] <Jymmm> malcom2073_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdcTmpvDO0I
[12:48:39] <malcom2073_> both have a current bid of $200
[12:48:50] <malcom2073_> Jymmm: +1 first thing I thought of when you said that
[12:48:57] <Jymmm> =)
[12:49:05] <malcom2073_> I have kids, what's your excuse? :P
[12:49:16] <Jymmm> It's a good movie =)
[12:49:29] <malcom2073_> True
[12:49:43] <ssi> malcom2073_: I submit you need both
[12:49:58] <malcom2073_> ssi: I submit that you should bring your forklift up here for me
[12:50:05] <Jymmm> malcom2073_: Plus it has LOTS of base
[12:50:10] <ssi> send me down a truck and we'll bring it up
[12:50:10] <ssi> :P
[12:50:32] <malcom2073_> Jymmm: But who does it belong to?
[12:50:33] <malcom2073_> The base
[12:50:47] <ssi> us
[12:50:48] <ssi> all of it
[12:50:51] <malcom2073_> :)
[12:51:19] <Jymmm> malcom2073_: Geffen Records =)
[12:51:26] <ssi> move all zig
[12:51:32] <malcom2073_> Jymmm: Fail
[12:51:49] <malcom2073_> Man, I'll bet I could make some money with those two machines
[12:51:54] <malcom2073_> If I were to learn to use them
[12:51:55] <ssi> I bet you could
[12:51:58] <CaptHindsight> http://www.irsauctions.com/popups/bidders_paddle.asp?lot=336377&auction=QBK53AT7TKVS22X4QCHN059U2EQ7X5&id=19426
[12:52:09] <malcom2073_> The mill comes with manuals and software... on magnetic tape
[12:52:18] <malcom2073_> yeah I saw that one too CaptHindsight heh
[12:52:32] <malcom2073_> 60" between centers
[12:52:40] <ssi> you'd have to power the bastard too
[12:52:51] <ssi> the one capt linked wants 220V 3ph 140FLA
[12:52:59] <malcom2073_> ssi: The ones I linked do too
[12:53:02] <malcom2073_> the lathe is 43kva
[12:53:02] <ssi> I'm sure
[12:53:22] <ssi> I'm moving into a new hangar
[12:53:25] <Jymmm> malcom2073_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYSVMgRr6pw
[12:53:29] <ssi> the one next to me has two 480V 3ph services on it
[12:53:32] <ssi> so jealous :(
[12:53:55] <malcom2073_> ssi: Get them to put that service in yours too! :)
[12:53:59] <CaptHindsight> http://www.irsauctions.com/index_search_results.asp?ind=51&srch=287 page of CNC lathes
[12:54:08] <ssi> it's not that simple
[12:54:15] <malcom2073_> I live in the country, I'm sure if I pay for a transformer they'd run three phase into my house
[12:54:20] <malcom2073_> Since I have a pole/transformer to myself
[12:54:40] <CaptHindsight> http://www.irsauctions.com/index_search_results.asp?ind=51&srch=276 vertical mills, some with CNC
[12:54:43] <ssi> actually since their meters are like four feet from mine I bet I could get 480/3 pretty simply
[12:54:49] <malcom2073_> I'm gonna bid on the vices, since I don't have a vice
[12:55:23] <ssi> malcom2073_: link?
[12:55:27] <CaptHindsight> http://www.irsauctions.com/index_search_results.asp?ind=51&srch=396 welders
[12:55:27] * Jymmm thinks malcom2073_has LOTS of vices.
[12:55:36] <malcom2073_> Jymmm: shhh, hush your lips
[12:55:42] <malcom2073_> ssi: http://www.irsauctions.com/index_lots.asp?pg=details&id=19426
[12:55:43] <malcom2073_> somewhere in there
[12:55:58] <Jymmm> malcom2073_: I call em as I see em!
[12:56:39] <malcom2073_> http://www.irsauctions.com/index_search_auction.asp?id=19426*19429*19432*19434*19435*19441*19442*19444*19445*19446*19447*19451&pid=19426&view=category
[12:56:41] <malcom2073_> scroll down to "Vices"
[12:56:55] <malcom2073_> Vises
[12:57:07] <malcom2073_> Or this: http://www.irsauctions.com/index_search_results.asp?pg=auction&id=19426*19429*19432*19434*19435*19441*19442*19444*19445*19446*19447*19451&pid=19426&view=category
[12:57:36] <MacGalempsy> connects to a blank page malcom
[12:57:50] <malcom2073_> Website sucks. Oh well, search for vises
[12:57:52] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Okuma-LSF15-2SP-CNC-Lathe-/181853874464 $4500 or best
[12:58:05] <ssi> will they ship any of the smaller stuff?
[12:58:14] <malcom2073_> ssi Local pickup onl
[12:58:17] <ssi> naturally
[12:58:21] <malcom2073_> Yep
[12:58:27] <malcom2073_> However
[12:58:30] <malcom2073_> I will ship for you if youwant
[12:58:31] <malcom2073_> :P
[12:58:48] <ssi> you could collect for me and I could fly up and pick it up :P>
[12:58:56] <malcom2073_> You buying anything less than 250lbs?
[12:58:59] <ssi> yea
[12:59:03] <ssi> er, not buying anything
[12:59:05] <ssi> but looking at tooling
[12:59:30] <ssi> I gotta pay them a dollar to verify my identity?!
[12:59:36] <malcom2073_> I'd do it for ya, even if I don't win anything that's like 15 minutes from my house. Unsure the logistics of me picking up someone elses auction though
[12:59:48] <CaptHindsight> NO CANADIANS. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hardinge-Super-Precision-Lathe-Sony-1axe-DRO-Ametek-Tachometer-nobo-INV-17754/321762345201
[12:59:50] <malcom2073_> I think they refund you the dollar? not sure
[12:59:56] <MacGalempsy> malcom2073_: I the stopped motor is a short somewhere in the line between the motor and the amp
[13:00:00] <CaptHindsight> anti-canadite ^^
[13:00:14] <malcom2073_> MacGalempsy: What happened? You broke it?
[13:00:23] <CaptHindsight> must be a hockey fan
[13:00:25] <ssi> No foreign bidders. No exceptions. NO CANADIANS.
[13:00:27] <ssi> lol
[13:00:41] <MacGalempsy> when it stopped the other day and you boned out real quick, lol
[13:00:52] <malcom2073_> Ah heh
[13:01:05] <ssi> I fixed the rod knock in my Z
[13:01:10] <MacGalempsy> well, looking at the cable, it looks like that was the PO had gotten things tangled up
[13:01:12] <ssi> it doesn't run anymore
[13:01:13] <ssi> or hold oil
[13:01:14] <malcom2073_> ssi: That's normal for auction places to charge you a dollar and then refund it to ensure you give them a valid account info
[13:01:17] <ssi> but it doesn't knock :D
[13:01:18] <MacGalempsy> because the hard cover is separated in 2 spots
[13:01:25] <malcom2073_> Nice
[13:01:34] <CaptHindsight> what's he got against Canadians? Too polite?
[13:01:41] <MacGalempsy> so the PITA will be unwiring everything and replacing the conduit
[13:02:51] <CaptHindsight> $2500 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mori-Seiki-SL-1-CNC-Lathe-/111798477285
[13:03:06] <CaptHindsight> It needs a new memory card
[13:04:19] <CaptHindsight> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Okuma-LB15-CNC-Lathe/191715778770 current bid $500, looks like no reserve
[13:04:39] <malcom2073_> Heh CaptHindsight, you looking for a lathe?
[13:05:16] <CaptHindsight> maybe lathe parts if they are good enough
[13:05:42] <SpeedEvil> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MyFord-Super-7-ML7-Lathe-Cabinet-More-/231724599663? /me is sort of pondering
[13:05:59] <SpeedEvil> (it's 5 miles away)
[13:06:23] <CaptHindsight> looks like recent paint
[13:06:33] <SpeedEvil> likely
[13:07:16] <CaptHindsight> I usually don't do very big parts. I typically need very high precision
[13:07:31] <malcom2073_> You need one of them granite air bearing lathes
[13:07:45] <CaptHindsight> building it from scratch
[13:07:52] <ssi> k I bid on a couple things
[13:07:58] <ssi> I hope I don't create a big problem for myself :)
[13:08:31] <malcom2073_> Haha
[13:08:34] <CaptHindsight> ssi list of unfinished projects 1-100 :)
[13:08:37] <malcom2073_> Don't bid in anything I can't carry
[13:08:48] <ssi> malcom2073_: nothing over 60lb or so :)
[13:08:52] <malcom2073_> k that's not bad
[13:09:01] <malcom2073_> Wait 60lbs, you bid on a vise?
[13:09:11] <ssi> lol yeah I bid on the chicks
[13:09:15] <ssi> and a mitu bore gage
[13:09:23] <malcom2073_> Ok, I'm gonna bid on a couple vises, so I'll avoid that one :P
[13:09:30] <ssi> yea I didn't bid on any of the kurt d60s
[13:09:42] <ssi> the chick 6 and the chick 4
[13:09:54] <malcom2073_> I'm gonna try for a d60, if that fails, I'll try one of the cheaper ones
[13:10:00] <malcom2073_> auction doesn't end for two weeks
[13:10:00] <malcom2073_> fwiw
[13:10:05] <ssi> yea I know
[13:10:31] <malcom2073_> bbl
[13:17:11] <Tom_itx> ssi remind me to not let you fix any of my engine noises mkay?
[13:18:28] <ssi> :D
[13:18:39] <ssi> lets just say bad decisions were made last night
[13:18:48] <ssi> involving getting a battery for the car and wanting to see what it'd do under boost
[13:19:11] <ssi> it was after 1 am, that's all I have to say for myself
[13:21:40] <Tom_itx> hah
[13:43:45] <Contract_Pilot> Got one of my new egg order large motors
[13:44:52] <ssi> CaptHindsight: my newegg order shows delivered
[13:44:56] <ssi> ...in florida
[13:45:09] <ssi> I don't know if they gave me the wrong tracking number, or shipped to the wrong place, or wtf exactly
[13:45:20] <CaptHindsight> ssi: thanks I'll stop worrying now :)
[13:45:35] <pcw_home> someone in Florida is probably surprised
[13:45:41] <ssi> glad you were concerned for my well-being
[13:58:30] <wolfmanjm> Contract_Pilot: got a link for that on newegg?
[13:58:44] <wolfmanjm> I need one more
[13:59:00] <wolfmanjm> git two from walmart but looks like that nema24 deal is over
[13:59:12] <wolfmanjm> got*
[14:01:00] <wolfmanjm> not sure how th eproce went from $12 to $122 over night :)
[14:04:29] <Jymmm> When pulling wire, is it better to cement up all the joints first, or pull with the joint dry-fit then cement up afterwards? I have a straight run of 40ft, left for 12;, down for 4', left for 12', then up for 4'.
[14:21:04] <andypugh> I just made a super-short BT30 / ER32 collet. The collet nut _just_ misses the drive dogs of the BT30 spindle.
[14:21:28] <andypugh> But, despite my best efforts, it isn’t concentric.
[14:21:38] <andypugh> Which is a puzzle.
[14:22:36] <andypugh> I turned the BT taper, then machined a taper socket in a lump of steel in the 4-jaw, and mounted the taper in that to bore the ER32 socket. (Without removing the lump of steel from the chuck)
[14:22:49] <andypugh> I really can’t see how that could fail to make a concentric thing
[14:23:13] <cradek> how bad is it?
[14:23:57] <andypugh> 20 thou at the end of the extension holder that the router cutter is in.
[14:24:01] <cradek> are you sure the tapers matched?
[14:24:16] <andypugh> I machined them both at 8.13 CNC degrees
[14:24:17] <cradek> oh wow, that's bad :-)
[14:24:55] <andypugh> I am going to run the routed parts anyway.
[14:25:50] <andypugh> If I try to re-cut the ER32 taper then the lock nut won’t miss the drive dogs.
[14:26:17] <cradek> if you cut away half the nut it'll be even shorter
[14:26:45] <andypugh> But then it might not catch the thread at the top of the collet range
[14:27:03] <cradek> yeah, and ER32 needs a lot of locking force, the nuts might be the way they are for a reason
[14:27:45] <andypugh> I saw some super-slim collet nuts where the spanner fits into slits where the extraction ring is, and the spanner _is_ the extraction thing.
[14:28:40] <andypugh> I guess the solution is to in-situ machine the tapet in the milling machine.
[14:28:41] <cradek> looks like maritool's shortest one is pretty long: https://www.maritool.com/product_info.php?products_id=53
[14:29:05] <cradek> yeah, then you have your pullstud being pulled appropriately too
[14:30:05] <andypugh> You can get zero-length ER32 on a 40 taper: http://www.cutwel.co.uk/tool-holding/spindle-tooling/er-collet-chucks/bt-mas-er-collet-chucks/bt-mas-er-collet-chuck-extra-short-length-12000rpm
[14:31:11] <cradek> sweet
[14:31:44] <andypugh> But only ER20 in BT30.
[14:31:48] <PetefromTn_> I have used some like that before they are nice for rigidity
[14:31:52] <andypugh> (ANd I need to hold 19.05 mm)
[14:32:56] <cradek> I've made an unlikely thing by starting with a weldon holder and cutting away what I didn't want (on the machine with a lathe tool). I would really hate to make the whole thing.
[14:35:07] <andypugh> With a CNC lathe is’t not so hard as long as you don’t mind it being soft.
[14:35:37] <andypugh> (and the boring bar shanks are the cheapest blanks :-)
[14:37:54] <malcom2073_> wolfmanjm: The newegg deal is over too, they're $122 now
[14:38:25] <malcom2073_> It was the same seller in both places
[14:39:04] <malcom2073_> ssi: My tracking number said it was delivered to Las Vegas
[14:42:58] <malcom2073_> I sent the seller an email, telling them to either send me the right tracking number, refund my money, or reship the item
[15:14:59] <wolfmanjm> damn ;( anyone want to resell a spare nema24? (or nema23) with driver?
[15:31:30] <malcom2073_> wolfmanjm: Gonna be hard pressed to find them much cheaper than they are on ebay, just cause someone picked it up for cheap, doesn't make it worth any less :P
[15:40:47] <XXCoder> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1204283/zeropi-arduino-and-raspberry-pi-compatible-develop?ref=category
[15:40:50] <XXCoder> interesting
[15:43:44] <XXCoder> it dont say what size steppers
[15:44:55] <andypugh> The stepper module based on DRV8825 which maximum output 2.5A current, be careful that a heat sink is necessary for DRV8825.
[15:45:32] <andypugh> Tempting to throw $73 at it just in case.
[15:47:52] <XXCoder> nice, a new unprinter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/948513712/felfil-evo-a-filament-extruder-for-3d-printers-mad?ref=category
[15:52:27] <malcom2073_> Finally cutting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQVX5iM4Rq4
[15:53:16] <XXCoder> malcom2073_: nice camerawork
[15:53:26] <malcom2073_> Are you being sarcastic?
[15:53:28] <XXCoder> most people its like camera is mounted on springs
[15:53:34] <malcom2073_> Youtube stabilization
[15:53:35] <malcom2073_> :P
[15:53:42] <XXCoder> interesting
[15:53:46] <malcom2073_> I also filmed it vertical
[15:53:48] <malcom2073_> and let youtube fix it
[15:54:07] <malcom2073_> Works for things like this, if you do stabilization on something with large moving parts, it'll make you sick to watch heh
[15:54:27] <XXCoder> maybe not as sick as handhelds do to me
[15:55:36] <malcom2073_> I saw a *really* good one where stabilization made the whole scene go wonky a while back heh
[15:56:13] <malcom2073_> I'm gonna make a camera mount for my mill though, so it won't be an issue
[15:57:54] <PetefromTn_> looks great malcom but you could probably run three times that fast ;)
[15:58:04] <malcom2073_> Yeah probably :P Wasn't getting warm from rubbing though
[15:58:17] <malcom2073_> Taking 0.2" cuts, and 1200rpm on a 1/4" cutter
[15:58:32] <PetefromTn_> congrats on your first cuts on the mill tho looks great
[15:58:45] <malcom2073_> I checked the circle, no discernable backlash which is nice
[15:58:49] <PetefromTn_> that was only 1200? looks faster than htat
[15:58:59] <malcom2073_> It's a tiny cutter
[15:59:15] <XXCoder> er16 sized?
[15:59:28] <malcom2073_> I have no idea what size these collets are
[15:59:48] <malcom2073_> I'm only using this, because the toolholder for the 3/16th tool had a burr and I couldn't get the tool in it heh
[15:59:52] <Connor> malcom2073_: Got pictures of the machine?
[15:59:52] <XXCoder> er16 is bit less than inch itself
[15:59:58] <XXCoder> er32 is roughly 2 in
[16:00:01] <malcom2073_> XXCoder: They're about that size
[16:00:06] <malcom2073_> The collet itself, around an inch
[16:00:09] <malcom2073_> Connor: yeah wait one
[16:00:17] <XXCoder> yea er16 atound that
[16:00:36] <malcom2073_> https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12088497_1151781034836276_4743407301859387374_n.jpg?oh=938679b5cce8ee6ff682b95b015a369c&oe=56C84F6A
[16:00:37] <XXCoder> I hope my cnc router circle is as smooth lol
[16:00:53] <Connor> WOW. That's a funny looking machine.
[16:00:56] <XXCoder> fb links sometimes dont work but this time it did
[16:01:01] <malcom2073_> The knee is *really* high up
[16:01:06] <malcom2073_> It goes way down though
[16:01:09] <XXCoder> weird machine
[16:01:17] <malcom2073_> It's a fairly normal looking knee mill....
[16:01:22] <XXCoder> nice and large table though
[16:01:36] <Connor> Not really.. the head is funny looking...
[16:01:43] <Connor> Never seen one like it before.
[16:01:45] <malcom2073_> You're just used to tilt heads :P
[16:02:00] <PetefromTn_> looks pretty normal to me
[16:02:09] <XXCoder> I see it onkly has one axis for head, C
[16:02:40] <XXCoder> for a min I tho8ught it had thin legs at front but its just ladder past it lol
[16:02:49] <malcom2073_> lol yeah
[16:02:55] <malcom2073_> http://mikesshop.net/millmove/image023.jpg
[16:03:00] <malcom2073_> There it is with all the panels on
[16:03:19] <XXCoder> it was broken?
[16:03:38] <malcom2073_> Heh, "ran when parked"
[16:04:15] <malcom2073_> The guy ddi a retrofit for a guy with EMC and some servo2go cards years and years ago, but the guy didn't like it, so he gave it to him for payment heh
[16:04:30] <malcom2073_> He didn't have much use for it, so it sat in his garage, then eventually outside
[16:04:45] <XXCoder> so you bought it and fixed it up eh
[16:04:48] <malcom2073_> Yeah
[16:05:12] <malcom2073_> Converted it to steppers for quicker setup
[16:05:26] <malcom2073_> It was a month away from going to the scrapyard
[16:06:18] <XXCoder> nice
[16:06:24] <XXCoder> cheap I guess if it was ready to go
[16:06:38] <MacGalempsy> anyone else watch Green Arrow? finally got caught up. lol
[16:07:05] <Connor> MacGalempsy: No. Not the "Green Arrow" but, I watch Arrow.
[16:07:15] <MacGalempsy> well, thats what I mean Connor
[16:07:26] <Connor> MacGalempsy: I know. Giving you a hard time.
[16:07:36] <malcom2073_> lol
[16:07:51] <MacGalempsy> I hear malcom2073_is a vigilante
[16:07:53] <MacGalempsy> lol
[16:08:20] <XXCoder> I watched it. it was 'arrowing
[16:08:32] <malcom2073_> Hah
[16:09:13] <andypugh> So, I was looking for an over-board riser card for the PCIe slot on my out-of-production DN2800MT. I couldn’t find one for ages, but when I did, it was perfect: http://linitx.com/viewproduct.php?prodid=13552
[16:09:57] <PetefromTn_> I watch it. pretty good actually
[16:10:11] <Connor> pcw pcw_home Saw a post on cnczone about someone complaining they hadn't gotten their 5i25 card yet.. was in one of the Path Pilot threads...
[16:10:12] <MacGalempsy> needle in a haystack still is only worth the price of a needle
[16:10:52] <Connor> Thank goodness I upgraded my Tivo to a 6 tunner modal.
[16:11:03] <andypugh> They should order a 6i24 instead, those arrive promptly :-)
[16:11:06] <Connor> Monday and Tuesday nights give it a run for it's money.
[16:11:27] <Connor> andypugh: Just letting him know so they don't go a bad mouth him.
[16:11:31] <MacGalempsy> what other software packages are supported by the mesa 5i25?
[16:12:32] <XXCoder> added toggle gif animation plugin to firefox
[16:12:39] <XXCoder> few gif is REALLY annoying
[16:15:24] <andypugh> MacGalempsy: Mesa sell mainly to industrial markets, so it is likely to be various proprietry things. Having said that I think that the 5i25 / 7i76 boards are rather targetted at LinuxCNC.
[16:17:38] <Deejay> gn8
[16:18:00] <MacGalempsy> andypugh: ok. I was wondering if there were any that were easier to program than LinuxCNC
[16:18:17] <MacGalempsy> some with paid support
[16:19:12] <Contract_Pilot> http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/20-lot-1024x576.jpg
[16:19:34] <XXCoder> this one apparently just started up https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1401318806/custom-cmm-fixturing?ref=category
[16:19:44] <Connor> Contract_Pilot: What's all that for?
[16:20:06] <Contract_Pilot> them are the 20 from new egg
[16:20:18] <Connor> For what?
[16:20:23] <Connor> why would you need 20?
[16:20:27] <Contract_Pilot> they were cheap.
[16:20:38] <Contract_Pilot> Ebay for fund my builds hahaha
[16:20:38] <Connor> What size are they?
[16:20:42] <MacGalempsy> <== donations accepted
[16:20:44] <XXCoder> Contract_Pilot: long nema23s?
[16:20:49] <Contract_Pilot> 400oz ish
[16:20:55] <Connor> double stacks.
[16:20:58] <Contract_Pilot> yea, long 23's
[16:21:07] <XXCoder> thats far more powerful than mine
[16:21:07] <Connor> Do you know the impedance of them?
[16:21:30] <XXCoder> Contract_Pilot: link? not sure if my power supply can supply those though lol
[16:21:34] <Connor> People often forget to check that.. and the cheap ones are horrible. requiring a rather high voltage PSU
[16:21:36] <Contract_Pilot> 57HS11242A4
[16:22:20] <Connor> err.. is it inductance.. not impedance..
[16:22:24] <Connor> brain not working.
[16:22:46] <malcom2073_> inductance yeah
[16:23:17] <malcom2073_> 80v FTW
[16:25:00] <XXCoder> Contract_Pilot: how cheap did you buy em?
[16:28:06] <Contract_Pilot> Yea, going to go out and test them all tonight.
[16:28:08] <XXCoder> interesting https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2141865151/ctc-4-in-1-cnc-mill-laser-pcb-3d-printer-all-in-on?ref=category
[16:30:10] <Connor> I found a All in one 3D printer / CNC machine doesn't work that well.
[16:30:22] <XXCoder> yeah decided against it
[16:30:25] <Connor> Too hard to clean up the machine to goto print.
[16:30:31] <XXCoder> well laters
[16:30:44] <andypugh> My all-in-one lathe-mill is a bad mill and a poor lathe. I can’t see that combo being any better
[16:31:12] <andypugh> But, if you only have room for one machine, the price is rather impressive.
[16:33:16] <Connor> 3 watt laser.
[16:33:57] <Contract_Pilot> http://sumtorelec.com/product.asp?plt=10&Pone=1&Ptwo=10&Pthree=0&Pfour=0
[16:36:47] <Contract_Pilot> 4.2A 1.4ohm 1.8MH
[16:40:28] <Connor> 1.8mH isn't bad. I've seen them MUCH higher.
[16:40:57] <Connor> and they're 424oz-in
[16:53:27] <Contract_Pilot> Yea, them are china spec's
[16:57:34] <Contract_Pilot> On my Inductance meter coming up 1.38mh at .6 ohm
[16:57:55] <Contract_Pilot> Cheap china meter.
[16:59:38] <MacGalempsy> sounds like you should start buying Made in USA stuff
[17:01:56] <MrSunshine> haha
[17:02:01] <MrSunshine> to get stuff that is like its from the 50s :P
[17:03:06] <Contract_Pilot> http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/57HS11242A4-Inductance-e1445377116745.jpg
[17:05:22] <MacGalempsy> http://geekologie.com/2015/10/i-need-one-new-radio-rifle-designed-to-d.php
[17:05:34] <MacGalempsy> Looks like a good way to down a drone and rob the parts
[17:07:37] <PCW> Connor: they should order it from Tormach :-)
[17:07:58] <Connor> pcw I think it might be someone using on a different macine.
[17:08:08] <Connor> not a Tormach
[17:08:43] <PCW> Yeah people have asked for help with Pathpilot but I really can only help with LinuxCNC
[17:10:21] <Connor> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/novakon-systems/278468-tormach-5.html#post1776860
[17:11:12] <PCW> Yeah
[17:12:04] <MacGalempsy> lol "blackhole"
[17:13:54] <Connor> pcw Like I said, just letting you know so they don't go and start bad mouthing you or anything.. sounds like a impatient a$$ hole.
[17:14:43] <PCW> we are very slow now on orders at least 2-3 weeks behind
[17:19:25] <Contract_Pilot> I am still waiting for mesa to get stock.
[17:19:44] <Contract_Pilot> Little over a month now.
[17:20:21] <Contract_Pilot> End of the week will be 6 weeks out of stock.
[17:21:10] <PCW> Use a 7I76E we have them is stock
[17:21:47] <Contract_Pilot> Not sure if my nic on the PC will handel the 7i76E
[17:22:58] <Tom_itx> do googlebots still pounce on meta keywords?
[17:23:04] <Contract_Pilot> 5 weeks ago was said 4 weeks till stock arrives.
[17:23:24] <Praesmeodymium> Contract_Pilot: was the show good for ya?
[17:23:38] <Contract_Pilot> Yea, show was good nto the best but good.
[17:24:21] <Praesmeodymium> cool, did you do vendor stuff thats what it sounded like ya were prepping for
[17:24:55] <PetefromTn_> http://augusta.craigslist.org/tls/5260546222.html ROFL
[17:26:29] <Contract_Pilot> May need 3 7I76's now.
[17:27:01] <Contract_Pilot> Yea, I had a table there.
[17:27:14] <Contract_Pilot> Long 3 days.
[17:27:22] <malcom2073_> Lol Pete, seems legit
[17:27:22] <Contract_Pilot> Albany on the 31st and the 1st
[17:28:37] <Contract_Pilot> Need to do some swaping on these motors and drive's
[17:30:58] <PetefromTn_> It amazes me what some people's idea of HEAVY DUTY is...
[17:38:15] <Praesmeodymium> if I were a more social creature swapping stuff would be easier, I spent a summer down at saturday market trying to sell soap I had made... omg I am just no good with crowds
[17:44:58] <andypugh> PCW: My cards got here, they spent something like 5 days in customs.
[17:45:48] <PCW> Can't do a lot about customs (I think Canada is worse)
[17:48:00] <JT-Shop> well crumb I need to upgrade my online store to use newer php
[17:49:16] <andypugh> PCW: Indeed, the Mesa to UK leg was reasonably expeditious.
[17:51:58] <zeeshan> PCW: my card
[17:52:03] <zeeshan> did not get stuck in customs :)
[17:57:48] <PCW> zeeshan: you were lucky
[17:58:06] <Tom_itx> yeah Canada customs sucks the big one
[17:58:20] <Tom_itx> however there are much worse ones
[17:59:12] <Tom_itx> italy was very slow
[18:03:18] <Sync> depends on the bribe money
[19:48:19] <Contract_Pilot> PSU fun... 3 of the 7 fan's do not turn. https://youtu.be/Jk7nk2sRLCk
[19:50:26] <Praesmeodymium> this video is private
[19:50:31] <Contract_Pilot> 31V http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Fan-is-12V-PSU-30V-3V-Output-e1445387169440-576x1024.jpg
[19:50:57] <Contract_Pilot> try it now.
[19:50:57] <Praesmeodymium> is that a "48v"
[19:51:14] <Contract_Pilot> Yea, I had 4 of one type and 3 of another.
[19:51:46] <renesis> whats the fan circuit?
[19:51:48] <Contract_Pilot> the 3 of that type = dead fans unless there is a temp sensor that
[19:51:51] <renesis> maybe it has a drop resistor
[19:52:26] <Contract_Pilot> When on load it drops 31V to 3v
[19:52:31] <Praesmeodymium> that looks like the inside of the one I got alrighty
[19:53:09] <Praesmeodymium> whats the circuti in fronmt of the fan
[19:53:24] <Praesmeodymium> I wasnt smart enough didnt spend enough time ot sus it out
[19:53:39] <Contract_Pilot> the Other 4 are like this one. http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/48V-10A-PSU-1024x576.jpg
[19:54:44] <Contract_Pilot> My dummy load the PSU shuts down at 4-5A on the one the fans sont work on the bifier ones it holds at 10A
[19:54:56] <Contract_Pilot> Browns at 12-13A
[19:55:23] <Contract_Pilot> So 3 of the 7 are total POS!
[19:58:28] <Contract_Pilot> Need to go to shop and grab heat gun see if the fan activates with heat.
[19:59:14] <Tom_itx> just short the leads and see
[20:06:30] <Contract_Pilot> Have to locate the sensor.
[20:06:39] <Contract_Pilot> may be on the small board.
[20:06:49] <Contract_Pilot> or under it.
[20:08:54] <PetefromTn_> jeez man fallin' behind on these orders LOL
[20:09:06] <zeeshan> good to hear!
[20:09:07] <zeeshan> :D
[20:09:11] <zeeshan> staying busy :D
[20:09:50] <PetefromTn_> well I am trying to do stuff for the race shop guys here and my own stuff so right now I am pretty busy
[20:10:08] <zeeshan> to be honest
[20:10:18] <zeeshan> im not taking any jobs in for the next 6 months
[20:10:20] <zeeshan> (winter)
[20:10:29] <zeeshan> i want to focus on my own product development
[20:10:31] <PetefromTn_> really why?
[20:10:35] <PetefromTn_> H
[20:10:36] <PetefromTn_> AH
[20:10:40] <PetefromTn_> thats cool
[20:10:45] <zeeshan> i literally dont have any time..
[20:10:48] <zeeshan> you know how it is
[20:10:54] <zeeshan> you work,, come home you eat, shit and sleep.
[20:10:54] <PetefromTn_> what kind of products are you going to be builidng
[20:10:56] <zeeshan> and machine
[20:10:56] <zeeshan> lol
[20:11:13] <PetefromTn_> most nights I am up til midnight out here LOL
[20:12:02] <zeeshan> i don't know what im going to build yet
[20:12:08] <zeeshan> thats why i need some time to think
[20:12:17] <zeeshan> me and my wifey are brainstorming together
[20:12:21] <zeeshan> on products that appeal to the masses
[20:12:29] <PetefromTn_> I figured you would be covered up with your new lathe retrofit
[20:12:31] <zeeshan> problems that exist and how to solve it
[20:12:46] <zeeshan> before i do the lathe, id like to finish the rx7
[20:12:54] <zeeshan> i need to spend a solid 3 weeks of work on it
[20:12:58] <zeeshan> mostly wiring... and downpipes
[20:13:00] <zeeshan> and its done
[20:13:05] <zeeshan> then ill work on lathe
[20:13:13] <zeeshan> but at a much slower pace than i did w/ the mill
[20:13:26] <zeeshan> i dunno how you stay up till midnight man
[20:13:35] <zeeshan> if i sleep past 11pm, i gotta be up for 5:30am
[20:13:36] <zeeshan> im toast
[20:13:40] <PetefromTn_> neither do I
[20:14:22] <zeeshan> when are you starting your lathe stuff?
[20:14:46] <PetefromTn_> honestly I don't have to be over at the other shop until 9am
[20:14:53] <PetefromTn_> so I don't really get up terribly early
[20:15:03] <PetefromTn_> but I do sometimes take the kids to school
[20:15:16] <zeeshan> what time does their school start
[20:15:36] <PetefromTn_> I dunno when I am going to start the lathe stuff really, well actually it is technically already started but I still need more cash for components
[20:15:43] <zeeshan> i couldnt believe it the other day when i was planning to move the lathe, i wanted to avoid school times. so i checked the schedules for local school
[20:15:47] <zeeshan> these guys start at 7:45am!!!
[20:15:50] <zeeshan> jeez!
[20:15:51] <PetefromTn_> like 6+45
[20:16:01] <zeeshan> wow
[20:16:06] <PetefromTn_> yeah sorry its 7:45
[20:16:16] <zeeshan> poor kids :P
[20:16:45] <PetefromTn_> my youngest comes home, usually does her homework, and then crashes on the couch watching cartoons LOL
[20:17:21] <PetefromTn_> my wife has been helping me out in the shop deburring and finishing parts since I am kinda behind here
[20:17:27] <PetefromTn_> which is awesome
[20:17:41] <Tom_itx> slave labor
[20:17:55] <PetefromTn_> gotta crack the whip ;)
[20:18:02] <Sync> yeah zeeshan
[20:18:09] <Sync> them ungodly times
[20:18:31] <PetefromTn_> once the lathe is operational I will be needing her to help run the VMC on proven programs for me
[20:18:40] <PetefromTn_> so I can get the lathe making parts
[20:18:47] <PetefromTn_> that will be AWESOME!!
[20:18:56] <Tom_itx> gonna have your kids run it when it's done?
[20:19:10] <PetefromTn_> http://carbondale.craigslist.org/tls/5267114692.html decent deal here
[20:19:20] <PetefromTn_> heh no they are too small yet
[20:19:26] <Tom_itx> then get a ummm... plasma table... edm... laser...
[20:19:31] <PetefromTn_> but they do like to come out and help daddy sometimes LOL
[20:20:13] <PetefromTn_> Tom_itx honestly man I would love nothing more than to have more machines and the ability to make enough cash here for my wife to work with me and quit her job....that would be beautiful
[20:20:16] <Contract_Pilot> The board by the fan is a temp sensor.
[20:20:24] <Tom_itx> once they figure out it's work they'll dissappear
[20:20:41] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_: that would be SWEET
[20:20:41] <Contract_Pilot> Nice having a hakko 850 with tinny nozzles.
[20:20:49] <PetefromTn_> yeah maybe...I used to build high end cabinetry here and my wife and stepson used to help me with that too...
[20:21:52] <Contract_Pilot> But at high heat it only puts out 5V
[20:21:59] <PetefromTn_> I like the metal working better because the parts are typically much smaller and don't take up the whole shop like cabinets tended to do
[20:22:15] <Contract_Pilot> 12V Fan! A 5V fan would solve it I bet
[20:22:25] <Sync> making cabinets sounds like fun
[20:23:24] <PetefromTn_> Sync Honestly I quite enjoyed the custom cabinet work
[20:23:55] <PetefromTn_> but it is a lot more work overall and you are constantly lifting heavy cabinets,,, working with more dangerous machines I think as well...
[20:24:20] <PetefromTn_> I should know I did that for a living for almost 15 years
[20:25:02] <Sync> yeah, I always want to design a lifting aid for strange parts
[20:25:16] <zeeshan> tis called
[20:25:17] <zeeshan> superman
[20:25:17] <zeeshan> :D
[20:25:21] <Sync> don't really know about how go about that
[20:25:31] <Sync> the gravity assist is easy
[20:25:39] <Sync> but the workholding, not so much
[20:25:42] <Praesmeodymium> Contract_Pilot: well that sounds useful, and not at all what was paid for, when I spend $11/2 on a 50$ thing I expect it to work !
[20:26:17] <PetefromTn_> they actually make lifts for cabinets that hold the thing while you screw it to the wall for wall cabinets
[20:26:51] <Praesmeodymium> damn I may need to go plug in my psa and see if its the same issue
[20:27:52] <Sync> well, the main app is lifting containers for mail sorting centers
[20:28:13] <PetefromTn_> that lathe I posted has a sweet looking retrofitted collet closer and a QCTP on it. Those two items would pay for the whole lathe LOL
[20:28:52] <zeeshan> offer 1200? :D
[20:29:12] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_: how big is your garage?
[20:29:41] <PetefromTn_> not damn big enough LOL
[20:29:51] <PetefromTn_> its like 25.5x25.5 feet
[20:30:16] <PetefromTn_> why
[20:30:55] <zeeshan> curious
[20:31:03] <zeeshan> its bigger than mine :D
[20:31:11] <PetefromTn_> oh yeah
[20:31:12] <zeeshan> i really want to setup my mill like yours
[20:31:15] <zeeshan> i really like the setup.
[20:31:21] <PetefromTn_> what do you mean?
[20:31:28] <zeeshan> like how you got a toolbox right there
[20:31:31] <zeeshan> w/ the mat
[20:31:37] <PetefromTn_> oh yeah
[20:31:41] <zeeshan> and then a roller on the right
[20:31:56] <zeeshan> you need to get a stool :D
[20:32:17] <zeeshan> i looked into one of those steel stools
[20:32:17] <PetefromTn_> that is my tall roll around with all the machinists tools in it and I have a lowboy larger one with all my mechanical tools in it
[20:32:22] <zeeshan> w/ the cushion like you see at auto places
[20:32:25] <zeeshan> holy cow they're expensive
[20:32:27] <zeeshan> like 250$
[20:32:27] <PetefromTn_> I have like three stools in here hehe
[20:33:00] <zeeshan> do you park your truck in the garage?
[20:33:22] <PetefromTn_> I could but generally no
[20:33:36] <PetefromTn_> if I need to work on a car I bring it in here
[20:33:36] <jdh> that's a waste of garage space
[20:33:48] <zeeshan> cool
[20:33:50] <jdh> my wife parks in the garage :(
[20:33:57] <zeeshan> ive been planning a bigger shop
[20:34:01] <zeeshan> you know me.. master planner
[20:34:08] <PetefromTn_> if I get a sports car or project car I will probably keep it on the other side
[20:34:09] <zeeshan> it seems like i need around 2500sq ft to be comfy
[20:34:48] <zeeshan> that allows for a project car, boat project, mill, lathe, surface grinder, cylindrical grinder, plasma table, 3d printer
[20:34:57] <zeeshan> and a welding section
[20:35:14] <zeeshan> everyone keeps telling me that won't be enough
[20:35:17] <zeeshan> and ill want more.. ?
[20:35:30] <zeeshan> i can't think of other machines i'd ever want to get..
[20:35:38] <zeeshan> it'd be nice to get sheet metal stuff..
[20:36:45] <PetefromTn_> honestly I am lucky to have what I have really
[20:37:05] <PetefromTn_> if we ever sell this house and move back to florida I will TRY to get a larger shop but that is kinda doubtful
[20:37:22] <zeeshan> if you get a lot of work
[20:37:29] <zeeshan> wouldnt you get a bigger shop?
[20:37:37] <zeeshan> (cause you will get a lot of work!)
[20:37:55] <PetefromTn_> well see I guess
[20:38:12] <PetefromTn_> I REALLY like having the shop on my own property
[20:38:40] <Tom_itx> zeeshan
[20:38:48] <Tom_itx> you need more than 2500 sq ft
[20:39:24] <zeeshan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70GYd-GHa_A
[20:39:26] <Tom_itx> you need at least 60 x 100
[20:39:28] <zeeshan> this would be sweet.
[20:39:34] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: why do you say that
[20:39:45] <Tom_itx> because 50 x 50 just won't cut it
[20:40:09] <jdh> wall space is good
[20:40:26] <zeeshan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fne5wjs3HLo
[20:40:29] <zeeshan> this is 40x50
[20:40:33] <zeeshan> looks more than enough to me! :P
[20:41:09] <Tom_itx> my friend moved 3 times during his growth
[20:41:27] <Tom_itx> the 2nd one was ~2500-3000 sq ft
[20:41:40] <zeeshan> http://www.sentry-steel.com/40-x-50-x-14_1.html
[20:41:43] <zeeshan> 41k
[20:41:46] <zeeshan> to do a 40x50'
[20:41:50] <zeeshan> thats affordable
[20:41:59] <Tom_itx> yeah steel buildings are affordable
[20:42:05] <Tom_itx> noisy as hell when it rains
[20:42:14] <zeeshan> includes the concrete floor
[20:42:16] <Tom_itx> even if they're insulated
[20:42:19] <Tom_itx> yeah
[20:42:37] <Tom_itx> make sure you include walled space for: clean room and office
[20:42:46] <Tom_itx> clean room ie inspection
[20:42:57] <Tom_itx> oh and a dirty room: debur etc
[20:42:57] <zeeshan> office is the clean room
[20:42:58] <zeeshan> :P
[20:43:11] <Tom_itx> oh and a separate room for the air compressor
[20:43:17] <Tom_itx> he had a big screw drive
[20:43:23] <zeeshan> we'll see
[20:43:24] <jdh> that goes in small outside shed
[20:43:26] <zeeshan> its good to plan
[20:43:32] <zeeshan> cause things like these need a really good plan..
[20:43:34] <PetefromTn_> yeah outside is better
[20:43:35] <zeeshan> and $ saved up
[20:43:53] <Tom_itx> don't have to worry about freezing pipes etc inside
[20:43:57] <zeeshan> i just know im getting bitter month by month..
[20:44:07] <zeeshan> cause of how tight it is =P
[20:44:08] <Tom_itx> and you are in cannnaanada
[20:44:24] <jdh> and the heat melts the igloo?
[20:44:54] <Tom_itx> so if you say you need 2500 sq ft, you really need 5000 at least
[20:45:08] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: i don't plan to turn into a production facility
[20:45:13] <zeeshan> i just want to prototype..
[20:45:15] <zeeshan> my own designs
[20:45:21] <jdh> that's what henry ford said
[20:45:31] <zeeshan> if one of them really shoots up, then its time to do it full time and a much bigger place that isn't attached to my home
[20:45:31] <Tom_itx> but you are the planner
[20:45:44] <Tom_itx> so don't plan on whatever you don't but plan it anyway
[20:45:56] <zeeshan> i need to set realistic goals..
[20:46:05] <Tom_itx> that's very realistic
[20:46:06] <zeeshan> 50x100 is out of my budget likely
[20:46:13] <Tom_itx> just like paying off your house in a year
[20:46:34] <zeeshan> are you mocking me? :P
[20:46:38] <Tom_itx> not at all
[20:46:48] <zeeshan> we've set a goal to pay it off in 2 years
[20:46:53] <Tom_itx> oh
[20:46:58] <Tom_itx> i forgot what you said
[20:47:29] <zeeshan> i got 150k left
[20:47:38] <zeeshan> its doable if we both save
[20:47:51] <PetefromTn_> just think that is ONLY 150 1000.00 parts LOL
[20:47:52] <Contract_Pilot> Did not like 200C hahaha poof.
[20:47:52] <jdh> that's ambititious, or you make a lot more than me!
[20:48:15] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_: haha
[20:48:21] <Tom_itx> jdh, the air's thin where he lives
[20:48:43] <zeeshan> jdh: i aint telling you what i make
[20:48:44] <PetefromTn_> well it is...
[20:48:46] <zeeshan> but i can say this
[20:49:00] <zeeshan> if you and your wife are making even 60k each
[20:49:07] <zeeshan> after tax
[20:49:16] <zeeshan> and you live like poor folks for 2 years
[20:49:18] <zeeshan> it's doable
[20:49:27] <jdh> I've been poor, it sucks
[20:49:59] <Tom_itx> the stock market could crash and i'd never know it
[20:50:19] <PetefromTn_> you independently wealthy tom?
[20:50:26] <zeeshan> lol tom
[20:50:26] <jdh> I could pay off my house today, but I don't see any pressing need.
[20:50:29] <Tom_itx> haha i wish
[20:50:51] <zeeshan> jdh: mortgages are dumb
[20:50:57] <zeeshan> well they're not
[20:51:01] <Tom_itx> i agree with that
[20:51:10] <zeeshan> they are very expensive when you think about it
[20:51:17] <Contract_Pilot> http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/PSU-Fan-Controller.jpg
[20:51:19] <PetefromTn_> so are houses
[20:51:33] <jdh> mine's 3%
[20:51:34] <zeeshan> as you know, 300k mortgage over 25 years
[20:51:45] <zeeshan> means you'll be paying 700k thru the life of the mortgage
[20:51:55] <zeeshan> if you had paid you house off within 5 years of owning it
[20:52:05] <zeeshan> you have a shit load more money to invest in other things
[20:52:17] <Contract_Pilot> Q2 gone.
[20:52:22] <Tom_itx> they count on you wanting things now though
[20:52:34] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: i hate debt!!!!!!!!!!
[20:52:41] <jdh> unless you invest in a tanking stock market
[20:52:46] <zeeshan> PetefromTn_: some houses are dumb
[20:52:52] <zeeshan> but a lot of houses increase value
[20:53:09] <zeeshan> like buying a house in detroit is dumb :P
[20:53:10] <PetefromTn_> mine is but we bought it relatively cheap because it needed a bunch of work
[20:53:10] <Contract_Pilot> got it to output 6V hahaha!
[20:53:36] <jdh> and it's in murvil
[20:53:41] <PetefromTn_> so if it ever sells we will pocket some decent cash over it...we are gonna need it to buy a house in florida
[20:53:55] <zeeshan> do you guys think its worth renovating a basement
[20:54:00] <zeeshan> does it really increase the house value?
[20:54:10] <zeeshan> *renovating = finishing
[20:54:11] <PetefromTn_> better in murvil than in any of the other local cities if you ask me
[20:54:20] <Tom_itx> zeeshan, i DUG a basement under my exhisting house
[20:54:30] <jdh> there are no basements here
[20:54:42] <zeeshan> hm
[20:54:44] <PetefromTn_> if I had a basement I would make it living or shop space
[20:54:54] <zeeshan> are basements a concept in thbe north states
[20:54:57] <zeeshan> cause of frost line?
[20:55:04] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/house/1.jpg
[20:55:16] <zeeshan> Tom_itx: jeez
[20:55:16] <zeeshan> lol
[20:55:19] <Tom_itx> zeeshan, that or swamp or hard rocks
[20:55:22] <Tom_itx> prevent it
[20:55:30] <jdh> if I had a basement, it woudl be a pool
[20:55:34] <Tom_itx> zeeshan i wasn't kidding :D
[20:55:45] <PetefromTn_> now you must have REALLY wanted a basement man LOL
[20:56:00] <Tom_itx> it was the cheapest addition i could add
[20:56:07] <Tom_itx> and it doubled the sq ft
[20:56:12] <zeeshan> is that an oil tank i see in the back
[20:56:19] <jdh> I had a basement in knoxville. I finished it and I think it added a lot to value
[20:56:32] <Tom_itx> zeeshan, no
[20:56:33] <zeeshan> jdh: like say you put in 30k to finish the basement
[20:56:36] <zeeshan> you think you'll get 50?
[20:56:38] <Tom_itx> it may have been some equipment
[20:56:39] <jdh> no
[20:56:45] <jdh> but, 10 might get 20
[20:56:52] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/house/2.jpg
[20:57:04] <zeeshan> tom you're serious business
[20:57:05] <zeeshan> haha
[20:57:14] <jdh> no clue what it would cost now though. It's been 20 years since I did.
[20:57:19] <zeeshan> technically adding a basement means
[20:57:23] <zeeshan> no increased property taxes
[20:57:26] <PetefromTn_> just how the hell do you DIG a basement under an existing house without dropping the house on ya LOL?
[20:57:28] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/house/7.jpg
[20:57:48] <jdh> geez
[20:57:51] <zeeshan> haha
[20:57:54] <jdh> how did you keep the foundation from falling in?
[20:57:58] <zeeshan> im really suprised your house didnt fall in
[20:58:12] <zeeshan> i guess if you do it in steps
[20:58:15] <Tom_itx> the exhisting foundation is still there
[20:58:16] <zeeshan> its like jenga
[20:58:21] <Tom_itx> no steps...
[20:58:26] <Tom_itx> all in one big one
[20:58:30] <zeeshan> you had footings already?
[20:58:35] <PetefromTn_> I think I would just sell the house and buy one with a basement...
[20:58:41] <Tom_itx> they put posts under the old foundation and poured around them
[20:58:43] <jdh> no kidding
[20:58:43] <zeeshan> and you dug the space between the footings?
[20:58:57] <Tom_itx> it's just inside them
[20:59:01] <Tom_itx> tied in with rebar
[20:59:14] <Tom_itx> walls are 15" thick in places
[20:59:42] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/house/8.jpg
[20:59:53] <PetefromTn_> my luck if I tried that my house would collapse in on me hehehe
[21:00:07] <Tom_itx> it was a risk
[21:00:17] <Tom_itx> however i knew i had good soil under it
[21:00:50] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/house/11.jpg
[21:01:00] <Tom_itx> the ladder is where the dozer came in
[21:01:17] <Tom_itx> that part was framed and poured
[21:01:19] <PetefromTn_> did it come down the ladder?
[21:01:36] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/house/1.jpg
[21:01:36] <zeeshan> lol
[21:01:37] <PetefromTn_> :D
[21:01:40] <Tom_itx> no it went thru the house
[21:03:03] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/house/yard1.jpg
[21:03:08] <Tom_itx> that's after it was all done
[21:03:20] <Tom_itx> i removed the whole back of the house and redid it
[21:03:38] <Tom_itx> from where that inset was
[21:03:59] <zeeshan> looks nice
[21:04:05] <zeeshan> like nothing happened :d
[21:04:18] <Tom_itx> and before i covered the patio
[21:04:38] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/patio/patio_index.php
[21:04:42] <Tom_itx> which is there
[21:05:02] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/patio/patio21.jpg
[21:07:00] <Tom_itx> so go ahead and plan your 5k sq ft shop
[21:07:11] <PetefromTn_> oh so its not actually completely under the house
[21:07:19] <Contract_Pilot> Need to scrounge a board for a SS8550 Y2
[21:07:21] <Tom_itx> the basement?
[21:07:24] <Tom_itx> yes
[21:08:11] <Tom_itx> PetefromTn_, if you look close at the foundation you'll see old block on the right and new wall on the left
[21:08:16] <Tom_itx> that's where the dozer entered
[21:08:31] <Tom_itx> in that last pic
[21:08:39] <PetefromTn_> ya know its funny
[21:08:47] <PetefromTn_> my house is not very big
[21:09:02] <PetefromTn_> but the shop is pretty big especially when you consider the size of the house
[21:09:05] <Tom_itx> well neither is mine
[21:09:12] <PetefromTn_> and the funny thing is
[21:09:21] <PetefromTn_> ABOVE my shop is a rather HUGE attick
[21:09:31] <PetefromTn_> the building has a very steep pitch roof
[21:09:41] <PetefromTn_> over the 25.5x25.5 foot shop
[21:09:59] <Tom_itx> my garage is 24 sq
[21:10:13] <PetefromTn_> I could get another several hundred square feet if I were to punch it out and make a living space out of it
[21:10:25] <Tom_itx> yeah
[21:10:31] <Tom_itx> code may not allow that
[21:10:37] <Tom_itx> unless you change some walls etc
[21:10:44] <Tom_itx> fire code
[21:10:56] <PetefromTn_> but it would require me most likely putting in steel columns in the shop to support the overhead
[21:10:57] <Tom_itx> garages can contain combustibles etc
[21:11:04] <PetefromTn_> oh its perfectly fine to do it
[21:11:20] <PetefromTn_> there are TONS of houses here with living spaces over garages
[21:11:40] <PetefromTn_> but I have not tried to do it because I was a bit concerned about redoing the trusses up there
[21:12:36] <PetefromTn_> my wife and I talked about making it a little movie theater/play room up there
[21:12:43] <zeeshan> whats your ceiling height?
[21:13:41] <PetefromTn_> in the attick
[21:13:51] <PetefromTn_> or downstairs?
[21:13:56] <zeeshan> for garage
[21:14:08] <PetefromTn_> the shop ceiling is like 9.5' high
[21:14:13] <zeeshan> bah
[21:14:19] <zeeshan> i think im the only one with a dinky little height
[21:14:24] <zeeshan> of 7' 7"
[21:14:37] <PetefromTn_> the funny thing is that the attick has a REALLY TALL pitch
[21:14:48] <PetefromTn_> I have a 9' folding ladder here
[21:15:20] <PetefromTn_> and I have put it up in the attick to work on the roof one time and I had to stand on the tip top of the ladder to reach the top
[21:16:16] <PetefromTn_> the trusses run from the front of the house to the rear
[21:17:07] <PetefromTn_> so I would need to put a beam down the middle I guess from one side to the other and put steel columns down to the slab to support the roof if I redid the trusses up in the attick
[21:19:28] <jdh> or move
[21:19:58] <PetefromTn_> I would move if I could sell the house LOL
[21:20:12] <jdh> guess where I'll be friday
[21:20:30] <PetefromTn_> timbuktu?
[21:20:56] <jdh> close, north florida
[21:21:33] <Contract_Pilot> Unless it also took out the Op-Amp
[21:21:35] <PetefromTn_> I would be jealous if I was not there just a little while ago LOL
[21:21:57] <Contract_Pilot> Ahhh my solder paste is all dry!
[21:22:03] <PetefromTn_> I'm just saying that I thought redoing the attick would be a PIA but then I saw what tom had to do for a basement ;)
[21:26:24] <Contract_Pilot> I just scavange this PSU for Parts.
[21:26:39] <Contract_Pilot> for 6.00 not worth my time to fix.
[21:26:49] <Tom_itx> Contract_Pilot, you may be able to revive it with some alcohol
[21:26:56] <Tom_itx> i've don that in a pinch
[21:27:13] <Contract_Pilot> No the transistor is burnt.
[21:27:55] <Contract_Pilot> These 3 PSU's are a total POS.
[21:28:07] <Tom_itx> PetefromTn_, and footing under the steel columns
[21:28:32] <Contract_Pilot> SS8550 Y2 is the transistor may do a home brew on it.
[21:28:43] <Tom_itx> they used big boulders under my basement supports
[21:29:14] <PetefromTn_> I have a thick slab here don't need any footing
[21:29:38] <Contract_Pilot> Scanning the PCB..
[21:32:48] <Tom_itx> mkay
[21:32:55] <Tom_itx> they require 2' footing here
[21:33:13] <Tom_itx> 'below frostline'
[21:34:34] <Jymmm> LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibUzDIWhsFg
[21:36:35] <Jymmm> zeeshan: No, I have sort ceiing in the garage too
[21:36:39] <Jymmm> short
[21:37:24] <Contract_Pilot> Taking me longer to scan then it did to desolder the darn thing!
[21:41:14] <malcom2073_> ssi: I emailed the newegg seller, said there was a tracking number screw up, sent me a USPS numer this time
[21:42:12] <Tom_itx> usps tracks twice. once when shipped and once when delivered
[21:42:45] <malcom2073_> Yeah, they tracked it being picked up in washington state (I guess after it came in to the country), that was a week ago
[21:42:53] <malcom2073_> should show up in the next day or two if that's the case
[21:58:19] <Contract_Pilot> Yea, i got all 20 of mine today.
[21:59:10] <Tom_itx> too bad they don't have a similar servo sale
[22:05:09] <Tom_L> http://www.electronicproducts.com/Power_Products/Power_and_Control/Alloy_made_twenty_years_ago_by_US_Navy_could_provide_more_efficient_way_of_producing_electricity_today.aspx
[22:05:15] <Tom_L> imagine trying to machine that
[23:17:37] <Praesmeodymium> Contract_Pilot: finally got around to plugging mine in what were you measuing that 31v for? what was it supposed to be etc, my psu puts out 48v on the terminals (with no load)
[23:19:20] <Wolf_> whats the tag say on the side
[23:19:20] <Praesmeodymium> but it also has the not really spinning fan
[23:20:04] <Praesmeodymium> s-500-48
[23:20:54] <Wolf_> sounds like a 48v lol
[23:21:23] <Praesmeodymium> he opened one up, the 12v fan mostly doesnt move at the 5v supplied
[23:22:00] <Wolf_> mine both have the fan running at full blast at power up
[23:22:24] <Wolf_> annoying cause the other two PSU I got from eBay both have smart fans
[23:22:30] <Praesmeodymium> [17:26:33] <Contract_Pilot> 31V http://www.stevenrhine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Fan-is-12V-PSU-30V-3V-Output-e1445387169440-576x1024.jpg
[23:22:45] <Praesmeodymium> trying to figure out the sigifigance since I have that same psu
[23:23:35] <Wolf_> no idea here, I only got 2 and they are both 48v
[23:57:07] <t12> scored a shoebox of carborundum rubbing blocks from a marble worker