Back [16:48:22]<skunkworks_> pcw_home, [16:48:34]<skunkworks_> 2khz - uspace
[16:48:42]<skunkworks_> .00007 peak
[16:48:53]<skunkworks_> I don't think that is dpll either
[16:49:02]<skunkworks_> is that even in the bit file you sent me?
[16:50:22]<skunkworks_> 0 to 150ipm to 0
[16:51:14]<skunkworks_> actually it is .0001 peak
[16:51:19]<skunkworks_> still - amazing
[16:51:32]<skunkworks_> splitting hairs now
[17:01:32]<skunkworks_> yah - I don't see any dpll pins
[17:02:32]<JT-Shop2> what is dpll?
[17:04:21]<skunkworks_> digital phase locked loop -
[17:04:55]<skunkworks_> it helps get a better encoder count based on predicting the actual thread time
[17:05:06]<skunkworks_> (well - I might be a little off)
[17:05:23]<JT-Shop2> cool
[17:53:31]-linuxcnc-github:#linuxcnc-devel- [13linuxcnc] 15njh opened issue #225: Transfer simple-gcode-generators to linuxcnc org 02 [17:59:08]<skunkworks_> going from 2.7.6 to 2.7.8 sure fixes some odd issues with position readout.. Thank you! (even if it was self inflicted...) ;)
[18:00:45]<skunkworks_> huh - that is actually .00008 following error
[18:00:49]<skunkworks_> :)