[03:45:26] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05qtvcp-2.7 7617108 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/qtscreen/ qtscreen - add Onboard virtual keyboard loader * 14;a=commitdiff;h=7617108
[03:45:26] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05qtvcp-2.7 7e211f5 06linuxcnc 10(10 files in 2 dirs) qtvcp -inprove widget plugin import process * 14;a=commitdiff;h=7e211f5
[03:45:26] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05qtvcp-2.7 4d651a6 06linuxcnc 03lib/python/qtvcp_widgets/ qtvcp -add a lcnc state enable container widget * 14;a=commitdiff;h=4d651a6
[03:45:28] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05qtvcp-2.7 7e99dc4 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/qtvcp/ qtvcp -add a is-estop-reset function to gstat * 14;a=commitdiff;h=7e99dc4
[03:45:32] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05qtvcp-2.7 6407fee 06linuxcnc 10lib/python/qtvcp_widget_plugins/ 10lib/python/qtvcp_widget_plugins/ 10lib/python/qtvcp_widget_plugins/ 10lib/python/qtvcp_widget_plugins/ qtvcp -separate hal only and motion controller widgets * 14;a=commitdiff;h=6407fee
[03:45:38] <KGB-linuxcnc> 03Chris Morley 05qtvcp-2.7 8314411 06linuxcnc 10share/qtscreen/skins/qt_cnc/qt_cnc.ui 10share/qtscreen/skins/qt_cnc/ qtscreen -update test screen * 14;a=commitdiff;h=8314411
[03:47:04] -linuxcnc-github:#linuxcnc-devel- [13linuxcnc] 15fixerslo commented on issue #203: anything new on this issue? 02
[11:59:41] <skunkworks_> pcw_home, if you get a chance.. I need a bit file that has a minimum on p3 - (pin1 pwm, dir pin17).. Then atleast 2 more pwm (pin 2-> whatever)
[11:59:59] <skunkworks_> P2 needs atleast 3 encoder inputs.
[12:00:04] <skunkworks_>
[12:00:25] <skunkworks_> ^ is what is going to be hooked to p3
[12:01:05] <skunkworks_> I didn't seen any close to that in the 5i25 support software
[12:55:26] <pcw_home> skunkworks_: I'll take a look
[12:55:28] <pcw_home> so pwm/dir config for that breakout on P3 and 3 encoders random pinout on P2?
[13:46:24] <Skunk> Pc
[13:47:46] <Skunk> Pcw_home exactly
[17:03:51] <skunkworks_> zlog
[17:17:34] <JT-Shop2> hmm sam don't like my logs lol
[18:35:37] <kwallace2> Hmm, I need to make some space in the shop so I can make one of these:
[18:43:41] <pcw_home> Skunk:
[18:43:43] <pcw_home>
[18:45:04] <skunkworks_> pcw_home, Thank you very much!!
[18:52:40] <pcw_home> thank me when it doesn't brick you card :)
[18:54:15] <skunkworks_> heh