#linuxcnc-devel | Logs for 2015-06-06

[10:58:08] <nojepler> somebody should figure out how to run linuxcnc (uspace particularly) across a leap second.
[10:58:22] <nojepler> .. for testing purposes
[11:45:07] <pcw_home> isn't the kernel clock suppose to slew gently to accommodate the offset?
[11:47:02] <pcw_home> supposed
[11:59:40] <pcw_home> Ahh I see theres a leap second scheduled for June 30 (I have 2 systems running uspace 24/7 so should notice if things break)
[12:13:01] <Gurwinder> cmorley: Hi
[12:13:53] <Gurwinder> I have checked the help button which apperars when we click on it. It show help regarding our current page.
[12:15:18] <Gurwinder> I have cloned linuxcnc but when I run "./pncconf.py" in terminal in pncconf folder it gives me error as File "./pncconf.py", line 51, in <module> from multifilebuilder import MultiFileBuilder
[12:15:35] <Gurwinder> ImportError: No module named multifilebuilder
[12:15:40] <Gurwinder> what does it mean
[12:15:40] <Gurwinder> ?
[12:16:53] <alex4nder> Gurwinder: you didn't do: . scripts/rip-environment
[12:17:57] <Gurwinder> Amm, can you please tell me in detail.
[12:18:25] <alex4nder> you need to go into your linuxcnc source tree, after everything is built, and from your shell run: . scripts/rip-environment
[12:18:42] <alex4nder> then you can run bin/pncconf
[12:22:13] <Gurwinder> alex4nder: when I type . scripts/rip-environment it gaves me:> This script is only useful on run-in-place systems.
[12:23:21] <alex4nder> ah, how did you build your tree?
[12:24:58] <alex4nder> if you specified a prefix when you ran configure, then the build is going to assume you wanted to install it at the prefix
[12:26:19] <Gurwinder> ok, I'm a starter :P. I go to src/ and type ./autogen.sh ( as given in install file )
[12:26:44] <Gurwinder> It gave me autoconf : not found
[12:27:04] <alex4nder> ah, so you don't have your build dependencies completely installed
[12:29:45] <Gurwinder> Yeah, got a large list of dependencies :P
[12:30:57] <alex4nder> Gurwinder: if you want more help with this, maybe we should move to #linuxcnc to keep the noise down here
[12:32:29] <Gurwinder> ok, I am there now