#garfield Logs
Mar 08 2025
#garfield Calendar
12:00 AM rue_shop2: rifraf, there was a lot of media out, I'm not gonna call whats real
12:14 AM rue_shop2: but ukrane is not trying to take over rusia, russia is trying to take over ukrane
12:14 AM rifraf: not at all
12:14 AM rifraf: they just don't want nato on the doorstep, simple as that
12:14 AM rifraf: and if they are gonna do it, russia is making sure there is a decent buffer
12:14 AM rifraf: they don't need or want more land, they have far more than enough
12:14 AM rifraf: we should not get too deep into politics though, will only destroy us as well
12:14 AM rifraf: and thats what they want, no one to trust anything or anyone
12:16 AM rifraf: lol thank fuck the logger was off :)
12:16 AM rifraf: some things i do not want posted on the interwebs forever
12:17 AM rifraf: but not long enough it seems
12:17 AM rue_shop2: pattern
12:17 AM rue_shop2: pattern for a monitor bracket, thats what I wnated to do
12:17 AM rifraf: i want to design a pen holder\
12:17 AM rue_shop2: and russia might be running the usa in 5 years or less
12:18 AM rifraf: that somehow incorporates a top spinning platform
12:18 AM rifraf: nope they won't, they don't have those elitist globalist goals
12:18 AM rifraf: they just want to run their own country and improve it, but hard when the rest of the world keeps wanting to take you over
12:19 AM rifraf: seriously rue, look at what they have been trying to do to russia the last 300 years
12:19 AM rifraf: but they cannot
12:21 AM rifraf: because they have a different mentality, and will stand up for their country and beliefs no matter what
12:56 AM rifraf: rue, what is the monitor bracket doing?
12:56 AM rifraf: holding it to a wall or something
12:57 AM rifraf: every monitor has the same 4 holes in the back for a mounting bracket, design around that
01:05 AM rue_mohr: my buddy here (I am basically down to 1 living buddy) keeps trying to make monitor brackets
01:05 AM rue_mohr: what he wants would be better cast, and his continual "doing it wrong" is pushing me into an interest in making them even tho I dont really need them
01:06 AM rue_mohr: a long time ago I wanted to make a pipe-based monitor arrangement and have never followed up on it
01:09 AM rifraf: k, what not cast it then, but hard to make money, the ones i have on some bigger monitors work so well and are very simple rails, couldn't imagine doing it cheaper with DIY though
01:10 AM rue_mohr: I came up with a base plate for attaching to the monitor
01:10 AM rifraf: the screens weight about 20kg but stay up with a few tiny screws in the wall
01:10 AM rue_mohr: I think the rest can be done in the mold by hand
01:10 AM rue_mohr: I could even cast a 1" pipe coupler right into the plate
01:11 AM rifraf: no more height adjustment but side to side is easy
01:11 AM rifraf: yeap
01:11 AM rue_mohr: well, once you a pipe fitting there are a LOT of adapters and junk to help you out
01:11 AM rifraf: indeed
01:12 AM rifraf: what do you need to do though? swing it around the room each day?
01:12 AM rifraf: rue my bush turkey baby is enjoying the bread and dry rag i put out for it, my new pet
01:13 AM rue_mohr: I wanted to make a discrete desk
01:13 AM rue_mohr: there the only flat surfaces are on swing-away arms
01:14 AM rue_mohr: so, EVERYTHING would come off brackets from a pipe wall frame
01:14 AM rifraf: they are so independant at such a young age, still has only baby feathers, would not even know its a bush turkey unless the yard cleaning dude told me, and never seen mum near it
01:14 AM rue_mohr: (thts not explained well)
01:14 AM rue_mohr: how long before its oven-ready? ;]
01:15 AM rifraf: well that could take some months, would not make a turkey nugget at this point
01:15 AM rifraf: but you cannot eat my pet now
01:16 AM rue_mohr: I dont do bird of fish
01:16 AM rue_mohr: I dont really even do a lot of forms of other things
01:16 AM rifraf: lucky for me i guess
01:16 AM rue_mohr: many years ago I had some steak in australlia
01:16 AM rifraf: and the baby
01:17 AM rifraf: best meat you ever ate
01:33 AM rue_mohr: 2 days left and then back to work
01:33 AM rifraf: was really hoping for a blackout today, yep same, will only 1 full day left
01:33 AM rue_mohr: you know its kinda sad that people are destroying tesla over musks actions
01:33 AM rifraf: but that may change it we get lots more rain
01:33 AM rue_mohr: the general electric movement doesn't need the hit
01:33 AM rue_mohr: its (generally) the right direction
01:33 AM rifraf: you still ok with musk then?
01:33 AM rue_mohr: its funny too, cause its just like volkswagon during the nazi reign
01:33 AM rue_mohr: something odd with musk
01:33 AM rifraf: yep, it all goes around and around, same shit, different day
01:33 AM rue_mohr: personally, I think he's been threatened to help trump
01:33 AM rue_mohr: and I think he's trying to be giving hints that this is bad
01:33 AM rifraf: i can't believe he is still so supportive with trumps view on EV
01:42 AM rue_mohr: you know rif
01:42 AM rue_mohr: there are a lot of people building cool costumes these days
01:42 AM rue_mohr: lots of awesome information that you could take to a new attempt on foxy
01:46 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1340014.jpg
01:46 AM rue_mohr: there is a papercraft dragon head I made up from some online templates
01:46 AM rue_mohr: about $12
01:47 AM rue_mohr: good deal for the entertainment of making it up
01:49 AM rifraf: yep you are right, many improvements in many places
01:50 AM rifraf: once i make a few more projects should be able to start on making something that can stand better, still making the tools
01:51 AM rue_mohr: the new way for things like bipeds is to make up an ai and train it on your hardware to do what you want
01:51 AM rue_mohr: no hard coding
01:51 AM rue_mohr: learns to walk
01:51 AM rifraf: the new tilting in space mechanisms for wheelchairs and commodes are encouraging me
01:52 AM rifraf: getting windy outside now, will be a night of howling winds i think
01:57 AM rue_mohr: oh, I need to make motor drivers for 2 wheelchairs
01:57 AM rifraf: osmc, i have many left
01:58 AM rue_mohr: not sure if I have the aluminum block I need, maybe I need to cast that too
01:58 AM rue_mohr: ah!
01:58 AM rue_mohr: good show
01:58 AM rifraf: even blank pcbs
01:58 AM rue_mohr: what current did your motors take? I think mine could be up to 40A ea
01:58 AM rifraf: to use the irf1404 or similar
01:58 AM rifraf: 300A
01:58 AM rue_mohr: heh
01:58 AM rue_mohr: "300A"
01:58 AM rifraf: well the motors never used it
01:58 AM rue_mohr: but no, I mean the motors
01:58 AM rifraf: but thats what it can supply
01:59 AM rue_mohr: it would blow up, it would, those are datasheet numbers
01:59 AM rifraf: they were standard motors, about 6" long and 3" OD
01:59 AM rifraf: yeah i know
01:59 AM rue_mohr: and there is a * there that, when you look it up, says the pins will blow off the package before that
01:59 AM rifraf: indeed
01:59 AM rue_mohr: :]
01:59 AM rifraf: but never had a single driver failure
01:59 AM rue_mohr: I love it when china does that
01:59 AM rue_mohr: mm
01:59 AM rifraf: they are biult tough
02:00 AM rue_mohr: I have some 50A SMD fets from china, rif, smaller than a dime
02:01 AM rue_mohr: https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005007507344747.html
02:01 AM rue_mohr: see?
02:01 AM rue_mohr: turns out, if you use them over 20A with no heatsink they would blow out
02:01 AM rue_mohr: (the "50A" one)
02:02 AM rifraf: 200A 40V https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/power/mosfet/n-channel/irf1404/
02:02 AM rue_mohr: do you beleive that?
02:02 AM rifraf: but yes would need heatsinking and bigger legs
02:02 AM rifraf: nope
02:02 AM rue_mohr: good show
02:02 AM rifraf: all i needed was about 40A
02:03 AM rue_mohr: I like the irfZ44 casue their cheap
02:03 AM rue_mohr: I can just parallel 'em up
02:04 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330994.jpg
02:04 AM rue_mohr: these are the latest popular controllers, CH32
02:04 AM rue_mohr: that guy is less than 60c
02:04 AM rue_mohr: $0.6
02:04 AM rue_mohr: 32 bit, 80Mhz I think
02:04 AM rue_mohr: I made up the pcb its on
02:06 AM rifraf: if only i kept going, this was goals over 20 years ago http://www.roboreprap.com/robotics/html/goals.htm
02:07 AM rifraf: AI was on the list
02:07 AM rifraf: and so many years before any siri was thought about
02:08 AM rifraf: i still remember the day i spoke to her and she replied with a voice, and i did not know what the responses would be
02:09 AM Rue_bed: yea
02:09 AM rifraf: i was in awe
02:11 AM rifraf: was really in the uncanny valley, and had made this thing
02:11 AM rifraf: if only someone had backed me so i could financially continue, but thats the past
02:13 AM rifraf: these were the motors i was driving http://www.roboreprap.com/robotics/html/b4-after.htm
02:15 AM rifraf: drivers are in her knees
02:17 AM rifraf: http://www.roboreprap.com/robotics/video/frame.mov
02:17 AM rifraf: pre youtube movie
02:20 AM rifraf: http://www.roboreprap.com/robotics/frame/frame5.htm
02:21 AM rifraf: says i was blowing 20A fuses, so would need at least 40 A for some saftey, 20 years ago, was that when you were here? i took her out to simons
02:21 AM rifraf: am pretty sure that would have been my Ford when you were here
02:23 AM rifraf: sure its just a wheeled robot, but it could talk back to you and many others while driving around
02:23 AM rifraf: ok time for part 3, Return of the king
02:49 AM polprog: < aandrew> I remember being "voluntold" by my grandma to go to the neighbour's house and help garden. Most of that was picking potato bugs off the plants
02:50 AM polprog: aandrew: so you were one of the americans who collected it to drop on poland?
02:50 AM polprog: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_against_the_potato_beetle
03:07 AM rifraf: interesting, and i believe it
03:09 AM polprog: the American pest will be unsuccessful both in Poland and Germany. The warmongers' provocation will crash and burn. Everyone to war against the beetle!
03:09 AM polprog: In response to the allegations issued by the Soviet bloc countries' governments, the US issued tepid denials.[5] In August 1950, at the suggestion of the CIA,
03:09 AM polprog: the West German authorities printed postcard-sized cardboard replicas of the potato beetle and stamped these with political slogans and the letter "F" for "Freiheit" ("Freedom").
03:09 AM polprog: A number of these were sent to all the municipal governments in East Germany and the rest dropped from a balloon over East German territory as a joke.
03:09 AM polprog: lol
12:07 PM aandrew: polprog: lol, I'm Canadian but didn't know about that one
01:32 PM rue_mohr: at the current rate, if I were a cyborg, I might spend most of my time sitting on the corner balbering online
01:33 PM rue_mohr: but most of why I do this is a lack of energy
03:11 PM rue_mohr: aaawe, $330 for a auto reverse tap head
03:19 PM aandrew: ok, just spent the whole morning getting this new (refurb) cisco ap to work in standalone mode even though it already had standalone firmware on it
03:19 PM aandrew: apparently you can't really configure it entirely via CLI, and the web interface shit doesn't work unless it's factory reset. Once that's done I was able to get it configured for my LAN
03:20 PM aandrew: hopefuly this will work better
03:23 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, some of australia says "suck it up, so the storm blew a few leaves into your swimming pool!"
03:23 PM rue_mohr: :/
03:23 PM rue_mohr: why do people in tropical places on the beach alawys have swimming pools?
03:23 PM rue_mohr: and what made me laugh more, was that they were selling salt for the swimming pools...
03:23 PM aandrew: because swimming in the sea is gross?
03:23 PM rue_mohr: hu?
03:25 PM aandrew: I always felt that seawater felt "slimy"
03:25 PM aandrew: I have no problems with freshwater or even saltwater (which is just a different chlorine salt I think?) pools, but the ocean... yuck
03:31 PM polprog: i have the bad luck that the baltic sea is full of algae
03:31 PM polprog: they are not toxic or anything, but swimming in it is like swimming in a gross soup
03:31 PM polprog: ocean water is also like that, but to a lesser extent
03:34 PM rue_mohr: huh, I guess we have good water here
03:39 PM aandrew: no, I felt the same way when I was in BC. :-) For me at least it's an ocean thing. Lakes I'll swim in all day
03:39 PM aandrew: oceans just feel ... yuck to me. it's definitely a problem between my ears
03:55 PM rifraf: rue_mohr morning, have just spent the last 1/2 hour removing leaves from swimming pool :)
03:56 PM rue_mohr: do you know if anyone from town needs help with the same?
03:56 PM rifraf: its rather wet and windy, there will be alot of sad stories after this rain, imagine the people that had roof damage days ago, this will destroy everything
03:57 PM rue_mohr: :/
03:57 PM rifraf: lol, people are gonna need alot more help than swimming pool, am so lucky i had drainage prepared, is still overflowing but stay 2 meters from the door
03:57 PM rifraf: guess i should check the news, i know it won't be good
03:58 PM rifraf: heh ap[parently we have had a blackout here since midnight
03:59 PM rifraf: i saw that a few hours ago and went back to sleep because computer was on
03:59 PM rue_mohr: the reports that I'm getting from social media say that the places that get flooding are flooding, and there are some leaves in pools
04:00 PM rifraf: yeah, we always downplay it, is many thousands that have no phones so cannot even say wats going on
04:01 PM rue_mohr: I need some mental energy
04:01 PM rifraf: me too
04:01 PM rue_mohr: I need an idea for a linear sensor. outdoor, about 12cm
04:02 PM rue_mohr: 0-5V out
04:03 PM rue_mohr: refunds are starting to pour in from aliexpress becasue they couldn't get my stuff to me on time
04:03 PM rue_mohr: I need to wash down my truck
04:03 PM rifraf: bring it here, will get a good wash
04:03 PM rue_mohr: I want to sleep, but it wont do any good, Im just always tired
04:04 PM rifraf: 13 defence force injured because they cant drive in the rain
04:04 PM rifraf: 36*
04:05 PM rue_mohr: wow, its going up fast
04:05 PM rifraf: i read it wrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uza-J6bWIJE
04:05 PM rue_mohr: ah
04:05 PM rue_mohr: I'm going to get dressed
04:06 PM rue_mohr: I should plant soemthing
04:07 PM rifraf: all the news is still yesterdays for brisbane, guess we will get update later
04:08 PM rifraf: http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR66D.loop.shtml#skip bit if rain
04:18 PM rifraf: the only places with no blackout on the gold coast are the dams and canals https://www.energex.com.au/outages/outage-finder/outage-finder-map/
04:19 PM rifraf: updates every 15minutes it says but has not updated for 7 hours now
04:21 PM rifraf: poor person trying to update must be a bit weary, never seen so many at one time
07:11 PM rue_shop2: I'm playing 'program the PAL' with chatgpt, and its like chasing a chicken around a garbage can
07:51 PM Tom_L: evening
07:58 PM rue_mohr: hey
11:26 PM rue_mohr: "box scraper"