#garfield Logs
Mar 07 2025
#garfield Calendar
04:43 PM Tom_L: rubbermaid storage boxes
04:44 PM rifraf: i\ll make a cool design with you if you want, need to make some for work as well, but should be easy to collapse
04:44 PM rue_mohr: so, interesting thing, the shipments from aliexpress are suddenly taking a LONG time, right around when rump started his antics. I think the export volumes from china have shifted and there isn't the traffic to get things here as quickly right now
04:44 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, no! no more plastic!!!
04:44 PM rue_mohr: it just breaks on me
04:44 PM rifraf: no issues with Ali here, well apart from the postal service shutting down here on thursday
04:44 PM rue_mohr: I'v completely HAD IT with plastic bins!
04:45 PM rifraf: and the ports and airports
04:45 PM rue_mohr: I should check my box today
04:45 PM rifraf: and the highways, am kinda isolated
04:45 PM rue_mohr: might as well now
04:45 PM rifraf: no shops
04:45 PM rifraf: a bit of an over reaction if you ask me
04:46 PM Tom_L: does it cause an infestation of critters?
04:47 PM rifraf: not here is the city, the brush turkeys are still here aeting them, even the baby one
04:47 PM rifraf: in*
04:47 PM Tom_L: https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=131.27,-25.63,731/loc=-137.508,52.227
04:48 PM rifraf: is actually nice and clean outside, yep thats me in that little green swirl on the east coast
04:48 PM Tom_L: https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=152.17,-29.91,2266/loc=-137.508,52.227
04:48 PM rifraf: the blue dot in the center for now, will pick up again later
04:49 PM Tom_L: click on a spot and it give the wind speed
04:49 PM rifraf: yep has calmed down alot, been over 100km/h for days
04:49 PM rifraf: not here, on the coast, am maybe 20km away for coast here
04:50 PM rue_mohr: nothing but a flyer selling US made metal buildings
04:51 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, house is still standing ok then
04:51 PM rifraf: yeah, all good
04:51 PM rifraf: was a good thing i did all the concreting and fixed the drainage
04:51 PM rue_mohr: Ryan Dutcher: 3x 14" sprayers
04:53 PM rifraf: best thing is the inland is gonna get wet for a change, people out there very happy
04:53 PM rue_mohr: Drew Johnson: 2x 3", 2x 12"
04:53 PM rue_mohr: if I get it done, thats $840
04:53 PM rue_mohr: cmon rue...
04:54 PM rifraf: tome is a cool imag, the bigger picture is amazing how the plate works, the southern system is the thing that kept this cyclone dormant for so many days
04:55 PM rifraf: scuse typos, need to clean glasses i think
04:57 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/20250226_110602_resized-1.jpg
04:57 PM rue_mohr: check out that mess
04:57 PM rifraf: am halfway though LOTR series for the first time, zero motivation at moment to do anything
04:57 PM rue_mohr: that wasn't even one one mine, that poor thing is ancient
04:59 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, ^^ what do you think of that one?
04:59 PM rue_mohr: seeing that motivates me to help more than the idea of making $840
05:00 PM rue_mohr: (which I dont make all of)
05:01 PM rue_mohr: Ryan Dutcher: 3x 14" sprayers
05:01 PM rue_mohr: Drew Johnson: 2x 3", 2x 12"
05:02 PM rue_mohr: if I have 10 heads made, thats 70% of them
05:09 PM rue_shop2: ah I have 3 finished heads already
05:10 PM rue_shop2: ok I have 10 heads pre-bent
05:22 PM rue_mohr: my new power supply is working great so far
05:22 PM rue_mohr: first stress test for it!
05:31 PM aandrew: I've standardized on home depot "flip lid" containers for most things and Iris ... 12 quart? containers for smaller things, but it sounds like you need bigger containers
05:31 PM aandrew: but those are plastic, and you hate plastic
05:38 PM rue_shop2: the plastic cracks and shatters
05:38 PM rue_shop2: all of it, even the good stuff
05:39 PM rifraf: good quality black ones are ok, have some 20 years old here
05:39 PM rifraf: all the clear and translucent stuff degrades
05:40 PM aandrew: yeah even the heavy rubbermaid stuff I use for christmas decorations in the uninsulated garage will crack if hit the wrong way and in the wrong temp, but generally I've had good luck with them, and the iris ones and home depot ones are shit but I don't abuse them too much
05:41 PM aandrew: but yeah if you're done with plastic something out of wood with metal rails will probably last a lot longer
05:44 PM rue_shop2: step 2 on the heads is to put a link on, 2/10 done
05:48 PM Tom_L: rue_shop2, is that a different design?
06:09 PM rifraf: rain is here big time now, neighbouring suburbs no power, better start getting ready for some manual tasks
06:13 PM rue_shop2: Tom_L, no, thats a "field repair"
06:24 PM rue_shop2: rue_mohr, buy more bike chain
06:33 PM rifraf: camping gear ready and all batteries on charge, will be able to boil water and have lights
06:36 PM rue_shop2: ok, 10 links done
06:36 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, do you have some good water packed up?
06:37 PM rue_shop2: next is latches
06:40 PM rifraf: i watering can full
06:40 PM rifraf: got buckets and swimming pool
06:40 PM rifraf: collecting rain water not going to be an issue for drinking :)
06:41 PM rifraf: buying water has been impossible for 5 days, same with batteries torches and gas
06:41 PM rifraf: but i have enough for camping to last a few days, solar panel ready and all batteries on charge
06:44 PM rifraf: i am one of the more self sufficient people in this city when it comes to surviving without power
06:45 PM rifraf: i feel for the people that have already reached flood levels now because with break levie banks in Lismore and other places
06:45 PM rifraf: and many Brisbane people live near the river and low lying areas, pretty lucky here at this stage
06:56 PM rue_shop2: :] right
06:56 PM rifraf: now 300k people without power, thats alot for our little population
06:57 PM rue_shop2: ok, 10 latches attached
06:58 PM rue_shop2: show them how to bbq chrimp
06:58 PM rue_shop2: shrimp
06:58 PM rue_shop2: ashjsdfkjashdfksdfhk
06:58 PM rifraf: you are making me feel guilty for not doign anything, or maybe inspiring me to do something
06:58 PM rifraf: but today gonna keep watching movies
07:00 PM rue_shop2: they will need you later
07:00 PM rue_shop2: its not all passed yet
07:00 PM rue_shop2: I have seen the australian people, I know they can bbq their way out of this
07:02 PM rifraf: the next few days will be very wet, is not cyclone now, just a depression, nig east coast low, will be some big flooding
07:03 PM rifraf: heh my brother in law and sister have the bbq fired up already, water coming into downstairs of house and no power, they are 5 minutes way from here
07:04 PM rifraf: if i do do anything i'd be there helping but they have already got stuff off the floors etc
07:04 PM rifraf: i can't stop the rain though
07:05 PM rifraf: kinda weird because are in a flat area, so will all be soggy but should not get too high
07:06 PM aandrew: lol
07:06 PM aandrew: "I know they can bbq their way out of this"
07:23 PM rue_shop2: Never underestimate the power of a hot barbie
07:34 PM Tom_L: a relative had their basement completely full of water once a long time back
07:34 PM Tom_L: they had a garden hose pump to empty it so i took my 1.5" sump over
07:35 PM rue_shop2: :]
07:36 PM rue_shop2: I need to adjust the exit angle on the springs sometime
07:36 PM rue_shop2: I'd try now, but I'm out of wire
07:36 PM rue_shop2: the new power supply is smoking it
07:37 PM rue_shop2: (smoking the motor, its still not big enough)
07:38 PM rue_shop2: the tails on these springs go flying when cut off
07:38 PM rue_shop2: still not sure where they all go
07:39 PM rue_shop2: there could be like 400+ of them everywehre in the shop
07:40 PM Tom_L: need a fixed gcode file?
07:40 PM Tom_L: maybe you should clamp some vise grips on the cutoff end
07:41 PM Tom_L: so you'd lose the visegrips too....
07:47 PM rue_shop2: hmm
07:48 PM rue_shop2: waiting for a POP one day when they fly into a power supply somewhere
07:49 PM rifraf: remember your saftey glasses
07:50 PM rue_shop2: YES
07:50 PM rue_shop2: I put some 1/4" lexan lenses in a set of goggles
07:51 PM Tom_L: you should see the blast glass they used for the apollo program
07:51 PM rue_shop2: the ends actually fly hard enough to cause bleeding on a good hit
07:51 PM rue_shop2: blast glass?
07:51 PM Tom_L: laminated probably 5" thick
07:51 PM Tom_L: for some observation building probably
07:52 PM rue_shop2: ah
07:52 PM rue_shop2: ok I have 13 heads
07:53 PM rue_shop2: I need to clean up the cut ends of the springs
07:53 PM Tom_L: you've been inspired!
07:53 PM rue_shop2: but then I can make the sprayers
07:53 PM rue_shop2: no one of these orders has been waiting almost 5 mo
07:53 PM rue_shop2: its really hard without a helper
07:54 PM rue_shop2: I think my inspiration is negative
07:54 PM rue_shop2: and I had to make prettymuch everything
07:54 PM rue_shop2: the stock was basically out
07:54 PM rue_shop2: I should get the cnc working on more heads
07:54 PM rue_shop2: tho I think sales will tank
07:54 PM rue_shop2: will definitly tank if I dont fill any orders
07:55 PM Tom_L: yup
07:56 PM Tom_L: i could help if postage wasn't prohibitive
07:56 PM Tom_L: heads being A9-10
07:59 PM rifraf: aww little baby bush turkey has taken refuge at my back door, is under cover
08:00 PM Tom_L: feed it something
08:01 PM rifraf: nah, yep ok, but i have now grubs in the fridge
08:01 PM rifraf: no*
08:01 PM rifraf: they wont eat people food, but will p[ut out some bread and a dry cloth for it
08:09 PM rifraf: am kinda luck for now, is 350 different outages in the region but not this suburb, just its just a matter of time
08:09 PM rifraf: https://www.energex.com.au/outages/outage-finder/outage-finder-map/
08:10 PM Tom_L: need a gen
08:11 PM * rifraf continues LOTR before its goes out
08:11 PM Tom_L: we were out a couple days ago
08:11 PM Tom_L: fired up the gen to get ready for work
08:11 PM rifraf: got bar battery, 4 charged torches and solar panel, and 8 charge power tool batteries, got lights and usb charger for them too
08:11 PM rifraf: car*
08:12 PM Tom_L: i keep thinking brisbane is South but that's Melbourne
08:12 PM rifraf: only 2 gas canisters though, was impossible to buy, so a cup of coffee and some 2 minute noodles a day
08:12 PM rifraf: yeah we are far east as you can go
08:12 PM Tom_L: so you're not too far from where you were on gold coast?
08:13 PM rifraf: well byron bay is most easterly
08:13 PM rifraf: 1 hours drive north
08:13 PM Tom_L: not that far then
08:13 PM rifraf: brisbane to gold coast is all kinda connected these day
08:14 PM Tom_L: coffs harbour?
08:14 PM rifraf: nope, but no power on the gold coast last 2 days, was just txting kif
08:14 PM rifraf: coffs harbour is 4.5 hours drive south of here
08:14 PM rifraf: they are copping it bad as well
08:14 PM Tom_L: ahh
08:14 PM rifraf: have always lived on the easy coast
08:14 PM rifraf: east*
08:15 PM Tom_L: wasn't bear clear on the other side or moved there toward the end?
08:15 PM rifraf: my ex has no power either but too proud to accept my calls or offers for help
08:15 PM Tom_L: women...
08:15 PM rifraf: bear was in Sydney, still east side, but i think he went over to the west, like perth
08:16 PM Tom_L: yeah that sounds right
08:17 PM rifraf: damn these movies have a lot of actors, never watch before, must be a cast of thousands, granted alot would be CGI
08:17 PM Tom_L: there was some girl in sydney too... into modding electric scooters or such... forget who that was now
08:18 PM rifraf: hrm
08:18 PM Tom_L: becca?
08:19 PM Tom_L: maybe was in robotics.. i forget now
08:19 PM Tom_L: or avr
08:19 PM rifraf: not ringing bells for me , not sure or cannot remember
08:20 PM Tom_L: my memory fades too but a few still stand out
08:20 PM Tom_L: you ever messed with any of the rpi?
08:20 PM Tom_L: pi4 or 5?
08:20 PM rifraf: yes
08:21 PM Tom_L: thought about getting a 5
08:21 PM rifraf: mainly for octopi and a few other projects, never tried a 5 though, a dude i worked with in last job had the 5's and was doing alot with them, still talkin to him
08:22 PM Tom_L: they're running linuxcnc on them
08:22 PM Tom_L: some are having problems with the rpi5
08:22 PM rifraf: yep he was making a ful blown pc as well
08:22 PM Tom_L: thought about getting one to test that
08:22 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/Rpi4/Rpi4_top.jpg
08:22 PM Tom_L: i like the fanless idea
08:23 PM rifraf: yeah
08:23 PM rifraf: make a nice case for it on your cnc
08:23 PM rifraf: i made a bunch of clear acrylic ones
08:23 PM rifraf: that snapped together nicely
08:24 PM rifraf: but the ports change on every model, am sure there are designs out there for the 5
08:24 PM Tom_L: no doubt by now
08:25 PM Tom_L: https://www.canakit.com/raspberry-pi-5-8gb.html
08:25 PM Tom_L: what do they mean '64GB or 128GB?
08:26 PM Tom_L: not the ram...
08:26 PM rifraf: on board storage?
08:26 PM rue_mohr: yea
08:26 PM Tom_L: eeprom?
08:26 PM Tom_L: sram
08:26 PM Tom_L: ?
08:27 PM Tom_L: to offload the sd card?
08:27 PM rifraf: maybe, would not be hard to have a hdd on the board itseft
08:27 PM rifraf: or sdd
08:28 PM Tom_L: yeah usb bootable sdd would be the way to go
08:28 PM rifraf: where does it say that? can only see the SD card size that comes with it
08:28 PM Tom_L: CanaKit Starter Kit (64GB
08:28 PM Tom_L: CanaKit Starter Kit (128GB
08:29 PM Tom_L: by the prices
08:29 PM rifraf: think its just the micro SD
08:29 PM rifraf: could be wrong
08:29 PM Tom_L: mmm i have plenty of those
08:29 PM rifraf: yep
08:30 PM Tom_L: yeah i dunno either
08:30 PM rifraf: save the one that comes with it for backup and troubleshootin
08:30 PM rifraf: thats what i used to do, and do new install onto one of yours
08:30 PM Tom_L: i wouldn't be using that image anyway
08:30 PM Tom_L: right
08:31 PM Tom_L: yeah those numbers are the sd size
08:32 PM rifraf: yep
08:32 PM rifraf: cannot find me 12V laptop adapter, gonna go have a better look
08:35 PM Tom_L: do you have a 5?
08:36 PM rifraf: nope but i know someone with a few
08:48 PM rifraf: hrm, surely i can run a 19V HP laptop from an 18V power tool battery
08:50 PM Tom_L: someone recently was running a 19v PC mini itx board off 12v
08:50 PM Tom_L: 'just don't stress it'
08:53 PM rifraf: yep, and make sure you don't reverse polarity when testing, will find a plug and try i think
10:27 PM rue_mohr: I think 19V laptops are known to be able to run on 12V batteries
10:27 PM rue_mohr: seems like a stretch tho
10:39 PM rifraf: http://desire3d.com/images/public/powertoollaptop.jpg
10:40 PM rifraf: working just fine, took out laptop battery as well
10:40 PM VanUnamed: so, like my tank?
10:40 PM rifraf: all prepped and now the rain stopped, what a lame hyped up cyclone
10:40 PM rifraf: VanUnamed etching tank?
10:40 PM VanUnamed: locomotive tank
10:40 PM VanUnamed: ;'D
10:40 PM rifraf: pic?
10:41 PM VanUnamed: <VanUnamed> https://ibb.co/B21LkCPC
10:41 PM VanUnamed: <VanUnamed> https://ibb.co/F41bx1gN
10:41 PM VanUnamed: <VanUnamed> https://ibb.co/spyW6Sp5
10:41 PM VanUnamed: <VanUnamed> https://ibb.co/6JbGS1yc
10:41 PM VanUnamed: <VanUnamed> https://ibb.co/99XV0GLS
10:47 PM rifraf64: VanUnamed looks good, was it off an old compressor or something?
10:48 PM VanUnamed: transformer
10:48 PM VanUnamed: ;d
10:48 PM rifraf64: how big is this loco gonna be?
10:49 PM rifraf64: like a big oil filled transformer? have not seen such a thing before
10:49 PM rue_mohr: oh locomovie
10:50 PM rue_mohr: making a steam power plant?
10:50 PM rifraf64: where is the rest of the loco or just starting
10:50 PM rifraf64: rue_mohr am running off power tool batteryu
10:50 PM rue_mohr: no I mean the locomotive
10:50 PM rifraf64: gonna put laptop battery back in once i see how long the 2.5A 18V lasts
10:51 PM rifraf64: yes i know what you meant
10:51 PM rifraf64: was just saying, i had to do some prepping to run the laptop when the power goes out
10:55 PM rue_mohr: https://stooq.pl/c/?s=eurcad&c=5d&t=l&a=lg&r=cadusd
10:57 PM rue_mohr: ok, what to work on...
11:19 PM rifraf: rue its not just your CAD that is going down, i have lost about 5% value in the last few weeks in AU stocks
11:20 PM rifraf: but last month was also exceptionally good, i regret not cashing in, i was about to
11:44 PM rue_mohr: against the EUR everything is crashing here
11:45 PM rue_mohr: I'm watching to see if it turns into an outright dpression
11:47 PM rifraf: do not put your trust in euros, they are the first that will fall apart
11:48 PM rifraf: those people are downright fucking their own economies and people for stupid woke reasons
11:50 PM rifraf: our gov are just as stupid following them at the moment
11:52 PM rifraf: all because of a high heel wearing penis piano playing comedian, is so sad to see
11:54 PM rifraf: alot will change in the coming months, i sure hope at least, or else you will be putting on a uniform and dieing for nothing
11:55 PM * rifraf ends rant
11:55 PM rue_shop2: if I get to kill rump is all a plus, even if its all I get to do
11:55 PM rue_shop2: always hated that guy
11:56 PM rue_shop2: long before he was messing up my life in ways I knew about
11:56 PM rifraf: well me too, but he is the smartest of a dumb bunch right now
11:56 PM rue_shop2: no, he's just as stupid as he always was
11:56 PM rue_shop2: everyone is mistaking is moronism for intelligence
11:57 PM rue_shop2: this is a thing that happens
11:57 PM rifraf: and your nazi loving justin is not?
11:58 PM rifraf: trying to avoid WW3 is not a silly thing
11:58 PM rue_shop2: I have a problem with rump, and I sure the HELL would never want to live in that countries policy set
11:58 PM rue_shop2: he's going to cause it!
11:59 PM rue_shop2: he told ukrane that they weren't being reasonable becasue they didn't surrender to putin!
11:59 PM rifraf: the US under Biden really fucked itself, another few years like that and there would not be a USA
11:59 PM rifraf: they started it rue
11:59 PM rue_shop2: in 6mo the usa will implode, I say the odds are 80%
11:59 PM rifraf: they broke the minsk agreements, read up on the real history