#garfield Logs

Mar 04 2025

#garfield Calendar

12:18 AM rue_shop2: I'm really interseted in what happens to prices down there
12:31 AM rue_shop2: black rug
09:05 AM polprog: parsing SCPI command :OUT:VOLT1 7777;VOLT2 666
09:05 AM polprog: SCPI result is "OK"
09:05 AM polprog: ****** Voltage1 = 7777
09:05 AM polprog: ****** Voltage2 = 666
09:05 AM polprog: parsing SCPI command :MEAS:VOLT1
09:05 AM polprog: SCPI result is "7777"
09:06 AM polprog: parsing SCPI command :SYS:BAR:SPEED 999,29,222
09:06 AM polprog: cmd_sysbar called with cmd=:SPEED 999,29,222
09:06 AM polprog: my SCPI parser starts to get shape
10:32 AM aandrew: that's awesome. SCPI is such a horrible protocol and for largely the same reasons that Modbus is such a horrible protocol
10:33 AM polprog: thanks
10:33 AM polprog: i just got it working on stm32
10:33 AM polprog: what other protocol would you use?
10:34 AM polprog: this thing has a ton of accelerometers, so i am thinking about using scpi to set up sampling speed and selected channels
10:34 AM polprog: then just implement a nonstandard command like *STREAM
10:34 AM polprog: and then it starts streaming the measurements.
10:39 AM aandrew: oh I don't think that using another protocol is the answer, SCPI is "the standard", it's just a shitty standard
10:39 AM polprog: oh yeah, thats for sure
10:47 AM polprog: :SYS:CHARSET UTF-8
10:48 AM aandrew: heh
10:49 AM aandrew: I bet you can string together a random stream of alphanumerics prefixed with : and with *s in it and it'll be a valid SCPI command to SOMETHING
10:49 AM polprog: we should make an irc-scpi bridge
10:50 AM aandrew: are you a masochist?
10:50 AM polprog: not really
10:51 AM polprog: but imagine being able to
10:51 AM polprog: :control:robot:slap "rue"
10:59 AM polprog: off to eat something, and take a break
12:35 PM rue_mohr: rrrrr
12:37 PM rue_mohr: yep, dollar is crashing hard
01:09 PM polprog: -2% this month
01:09 PM polprog: hm
01:10 PM polprog: ive got a $20 bill on my desk that i wanted to sell at the exchange (not much use in Poland)
01:11 PM polprog: but i noticed it's 1999 issue, so I decided to keep it
01:11 PM rue_mohr: well hurry up, or it'll be worthless
01:11 PM polprog: i was just thinking what currency to buy with my upcoming salary
01:11 PM rue_mohr: euro?
01:12 PM polprog: i got euro too
01:12 PM polprog: looks like everything went down since jan
01:12 PM polprog: chf, usd, eur
01:12 PM rue_mohr: euro seems good right now, value is going way up compared to cad
01:14 PM polprog: yeah i spend 1/3 of it on euro, 1/3 on chf and keep 1/3 for daily spending
01:22 PM rue_mohr: -- 1.58 -- I need to remember that number
01:23 PM polprog: CADUSD?
01:23 PM polprog: or USDCAD
01:25 PM rue_mohr: cad eur
01:25 PM rue_mohr: check out how fast the cad is slipping
01:25 PM rue_mohr: that ratio is out cause they make $$$ from the conversion
01:26 PM polprog: oh fuck
01:26 PM rue_mohr: 0.04
01:26 PM polprog: https://stooq.pl/c/?s=cadeur&c=3m&t=l&a=lg
01:26 PM rue_mohr: :]
01:26 PM rue_mohr: dump USD while its still worth something, or hold it while its not
01:26 PM rue_mohr: (5 or 9 years)
01:27 PM polprog: https://stooq.pl/c/?s=cadeur&d=20250304&c=3d&t=l&a=lg&r=cadusd
01:27 PM polprog: but cadusd is not falling so much
01:27 PM rue_mohr: no
01:27 PM rue_mohr: our currency is tied
01:27 PM polprog: oh that makes sense
01:27 PM polprog: let me check hos many dollaroos i have
01:27 PM polprog: how many*
01:28 PM polprog: right, i dont have any except cash
01:28 PM rue_mohr: good show
01:28 PM polprog: for a moment i thought i had a dollar account
01:28 PM rue_mohr: people in japan are probably losing their shirt
01:29 PM polprog: where the heck is my cash
01:29 PM rue_mohr: wonder if they will start dumping
01:29 PM polprog: oh LOL
01:29 PM polprog: it was in my backpack all the time
01:31 PM polprog: well at least a hundred bucks from that has to go
01:34 PM polprog: ill keep that 20 as a souvenir
01:36 PM rue_mohr: hey it updates!
01:36 PM rue_mohr: looks like the market brakes just kicked in
01:37 PM rue_mohr: so it'll float for a bit and crash more tomorrow
01:40 PM * Tom_L gives polprog a susan b anthony dollar
01:41 PM rue_mohr: sweet, the Aisler pcbs arrived
01:45 PM polprog: interesting
01:46 PM polprog: i have some spare coins from my us trip
01:46 PM polprog: but one thing I really want.. in the 90's in poland, crooks were selling fake dollar bills with Donald Duck on them
01:46 PM polprog: people in the communist block had no idea how dollars look like, they knew the cartoons so they thought these were real
01:48 PM rue_mohr: hehe
01:49 PM rue_mohr: in china you can buy trump toilet paper
01:49 PM rue_mohr: ok, I need a shower, breakfast, and I'm gonna program up an 8051 to run a HD44780 lcd
01:50 PM rue_mohr: did you get any of your 8051's assembled?
01:50 PM polprog: yeah, two of them but i think my chips are bad
01:50 PM polprog: i was looking at them today
01:50 PM polprog: i think they ran for a second or two
01:50 PM rue_mohr: so you know, the esp8266 thing isn't a supersceed of the 8051, I'm growing a collection
01:50 PM polprog: One of the PCBs did blink
01:50 PM rue_mohr: ok, its probably fine then
01:51 PM rue_mohr: bad solder joints are easy on the cpld
01:51 PM rue_mohr: er
01:51 PM rue_mohr: qfp
01:51 PM polprog: yeha
01:51 PM polprog: yeah
01:51 PM polprog: if i were to make rev 3
01:51 PM polprog: i would use a tht socket for that
01:51 PM rue_mohr: patiently reflow each pin one at a time
01:51 PM polprog: i think there is something off with the oscillator
01:51 PM rue_mohr: the soic too
01:51 PM rue_mohr: the oscillators are usually pretty robust
01:55 PM polprog: soic are good
02:00 PM rue_mohr: ok
02:00 PM polprog: maybe ill see how that one works
02:00 PM polprog: im sure the eprom is OK
02:00 PM polprog: i gotta rest a little
02:24 PM rue_mohr: oh, there is a earthquake ripple gonna move down the US coast
02:29 PM rifraf: Trump must have signed another executive order :)
02:30 PM rue_mohr: eek, half the day is over, I need to shower and get shopping
04:40 PM rue_mohr: ok
05:25 PM rue_mohr: polprog, from what I can tell, canada is adjusting its dollar to the usd, but they are both sitting lower than usual
05:47 PM rue_mohr: I dont think the jlcpcb understand my vscore...
05:50 PM rue_mohr: ok, I wont try to combine pcb assembly and vscore in the same job
05:50 PM rue_mohr: so I need either a simple pcb for assembly, or a simple pcb for vscore
06:09 PM rue_mohr: heh
06:09 PM rue_mohr: a 7 segment display
06:09 PM rue_mohr: run by a microcontroller
06:10 PM rue_mohr: but just 1 common resistor for all the segments
06:10 PM rue_mohr: BUT, the microcontroller adjusts PWM on the segments to make all digits the same brightness
06:11 PM * rue_mohr needs someone to talk to or gonna go crazy
07:53 PM rue_mohr: nobody is alive anywhere
07:53 PM rue_mohr: I really need to figure out how to handle this better, its going to happen more as time goes on
08:10 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/boards1.JPG
08:10 PM Tom_L: i don't remember what i asked for on those for vscore
08:10 PM Tom_L: is that what you're after?
08:12 PM Tom_L: makes it harder for them to fit in a stencil guide
08:12 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/boards/USBTiny_Mkii/Stencils/stencil_form4.jpg
08:16 PM rue_mohr: yea that vscore
08:17 PM rue_mohr: was that jlc or other?
08:25 PM rue_mohr: https://stooq.pl/c/?s=cadeur&d=20250304&c=3d&t=l&a=lg&r=cadusd
09:09 PM Tom_L: the name is on the package
09:10 PM Tom_L: gold phoenix?
09:10 PM rue_mohr: oh
09:19 PM Tom_L: .doc - documentation (outline) layer RS-274X format
09:19 PM Tom_L: .cmp - top copper layer
09:19 PM Tom_L: .sol - bottom copper layer
09:19 PM Tom_L: .plc - top silk layer
09:19 PM Tom_L: .pls - no bottom silk layer
09:19 PM Tom_L: .stc - top solder mask
09:19 PM Tom_L: .sts - bottom solder mask
09:19 PM Tom_L: .drd - drill data
09:19 PM Tom_L: the layers i sent them
09:19 PM rue_mohr: do you think you hand edited anything in the doc?
09:20 PM Tom_L: possibly
09:20 PM Tom_L: the outline maybe?
09:20 PM rue_mohr: there is no edge layer tho
09:20 PM rue_mohr: tahts odd
09:20 PM rue_mohr: oh outline is doc...
09:20 PM rue_mohr: odd
09:20 PM Tom_L: .doc - documentation (outline) layer RS-274X format
09:20 PM Tom_L: .cmp - top copper layer
09:20 PM Tom_L: .sol - bottom copper layer
09:20 PM Tom_L: .plc - top silk layer
09:20 PM Tom_L: .pls - no bottom silk layer
09:20 PM Tom_L: .stc - top solder mask
09:20 PM Tom_L: .sts - bottom solder mask
09:20 PM Tom_L: .drd - drill data
09:20 PM Tom_L: wrong paste
09:21 PM Tom_L: I have these stencils layed out in a way to match my paste jig. Please leave them pannelized like they are.
09:21 PM Tom_L: i sent a readme along with the files
09:21 PM rue_mohr: huh
09:21 PM rue_mohr: you must have board edges within the layer then
09:21 PM Tom_L: probably
09:21 PM Tom_L: it's been too long
09:21 PM rue_mohr: I tried to upload a pcb like that and it didn't seem to come up right
09:22 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/serial7B.png
09:22 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/serial7T.png
09:24 PM Tom_L: layers on the board: 1,16,17,18,19,20,29,30,31,32,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,121,122
09:25 PM Tom_L: i think 20 had the outline
09:25 PM Tom_L: 'dimension' layer
09:25 PM Tom_L: not all of those get sent but are active in the file
09:26 PM Tom_L: i created 121 122 for custom silk layers
09:27 PM Tom_L: there used to be an online simulator to double check your boards
09:27 PM Tom_L: gc-preview
09:27 PM Tom_L: maybe not online but it used to be free
09:27 PM Tom_L: goin to bed
09:28 PM rue_mohr: gnight
09:28 PM Tom_L: i had like 3 templates for board houses i used
09:53 PM rue_mohr: I'm curious if I can get some basic assembly from a place for a good price
09:53 PM rue_mohr: the CH32 processor is as common and generic right now as 0805 leds, so it should be a safe route
09:55 PM rue_mohr: I think that tv used to keep me sane
09:56 PM rue_mohr: I might have had the tv on while I was building robots
09:56 PM rue_mohr: maybe thats the difference