#garfield Logs
Mar 03 2025
#garfield Calendar
12:24 AM rue_mohr: polprog, polprog
12:38 AM rue_mohr: put the spool of solder on a muffin fan to act as a dispensing bearing!
12:38 AM rue_mohr: my shop is having an unusually high computer power supply failure rate
12:38 AM rue_mohr: maybe I should stick a panel surge arrester in
12:38 AM rue_mohr: everyone in the world kinda stopped talkin
01:57 AM rue_shop2: https://github.com/adafruit/Uncanny_Eyes/blob/master/uncannyEyes/uncannyEyes.ino
01:57 AM rifraf: evenin
01:58 AM polprog: rue_mohr: ooooh so that is what the fan is for
02:00 AM rifraf: they say cyclone gonna hit us in a day or 2
02:00 AM rue_mohr: that will be a nice break from trump for them
02:01 AM rifraf: but who knows, eas meant to hit up the coast last week, but comin to get us now
02:01 AM rue_mohr: I'm sure he will make sure they dont all get paid out that pesky $700 "sorry your home was destroyed, have a nice life with all this money" payout
02:02 AM rue_mohr: you dont get them do you?
02:02 AM rifraf: rarely
02:02 AM rifraf: normally just turns into a big wet
02:02 AM rue_mohr: we had an F0 around here
02:02 AM rue_mohr: it was quite a news thing for us
02:02 AM rifraf: but they are shutting down the ports and ferries already
02:03 AM rifraf: no containers for a few daysd
02:03 AM rue_mohr: :(
02:04 AM rifraf: is ok
02:04 AM rifraf: am really to make my first resin mess rue
02:04 AM rue_mohr: I want ot know how it goes
02:04 AM rifraf: seems almost too easy with these new printers, just slice and prit
02:05 AM rifraf: i need to design parts bit better but think i will just try anyway
02:05 AM rue_mohr: Do you know about SSE?
02:05 AM rifraf: not yet
02:05 AM rifraf: ?
02:06 AM rue_mohr: web stuff
02:06 AM rue_mohr: server streaming
02:06 AM rifraf: nah guess not
02:06 AM rue_mohr: I'm working on how to make javascript pages that an esp8266 serves and then streams data to
02:07 AM rifraf: yep sorry am no help for that
02:11 AM polprog: SSE?
02:13 AM rue_mohr: server streamed events I think
02:13 AM polprog: oh that
02:13 AM polprog: no, i only did AJAX
02:14 AM polprog: and thats old tech
02:14 AM polprog: Websockets is where it's at
02:14 AM rue_mohr: I need to stream data for a remote
02:14 AM rue_mohr: websockets is an alternative to SSE
02:14 AM rue_mohr: but forget that, THAT FAN THING WITH THE SOLDER SPOOL!!!!!
02:21 AM rifraf: Tom_L interesting burnish tool, not enough rigidity on my machines for that, cool video though, would love to be able to do stuff like that
02:22 AM rifraf: my goodness, had to close door first time in 3 months
02:23 AM rifraf: hrm, says its still 27°C, must be the wind chill factor making my feel cold
02:39 AM rue_mohr: its a balmy 15c here
02:39 AM rue_mohr: was out in my pajamas enjoying it
02:44 AM rifraf: heh, will get down to that in a few months
02:59 AM rifraf: rue, i seriously just poured in a cup of resin and pressed print, 0 mess so far, seems pretty slow but is saying an hour or so for this print
04:35 AM rifraf: it worked, not a drop spilled, didn't even need gloves
05:06 AM rifraf: amazed http://desire3d.com/images/public/resin1.jpg
05:06 AM rifraf: http://desire3d.com/images/public/resin2.jpg
05:06 AM rifraf: cured http://desire3d.com/images/public/resin3.jpg
05:08 AM rifraf: nor real clear images, but anyways, this stuff is just translucent, and pretty much better than i had hoped they could turn out, and this is not even calibrated
05:17 AM rifraf: both parts accepted M8 tap without breaking, 1 had pre printed thread, other just minor diameter
11:25 AM rue_mohr: did you wash it before you cured it?
11:25 AM rue_mohr: looks good
11:38 AM rue_mohr: wow, I'm started to see a lineup of countries that don't like the USA anymore
12:18 PM rue_mohr: FLASH_COMMAND?=$(MINICHLINK)/minichlink -w $< $(WRITE_SECTION) -b
12:18 PM rue_mohr: minichlink -w $< $(WRITE_SECTION) -b
12:19 PM rue_mohr: minichlink -w $< flash -b
01:48 PM rifraf: morning
03:12 PM Tom_L: they like our money
03:28 PM rifraf: rue_mohr only washed for a few minutes in warm water in he washer agitator, igh need something else, is a waer based resin though
03:28 PM rifraf: need new laptop keyboard too it seems
03:30 PM rifraf: so far impressed that the resin does flex enough, takes a tap ok and looks way better than the FDM print version
04:07 PM rue_mohr: nice!
04:07 PM rue_mohr: washed in water?
04:07 PM rue_mohr: dont need to use isopropal anymore? coll
04:07 PM rue_mohr: cool
04:16 PM aandrew: water wash resin is not awesome
04:17 PM aandrew: it's bad for the environment becuase it still has to be disposed of as a hazardous chemical and it hurts aquatic life
04:18 PM aandrew: the iso wash stuff is way better becuase it's trivial to filter out the resin (coffee filter) and reuse the iso many times
05:48 PM rue_mohr: !
05:49 PM rue_mohr: it doesn't disolve in the iso?
06:19 PM aandrew: ugh
06:19 PM aandrew: hard to believe I'm out of room on this GIGANTIC board already
06:19 PM aandrew: https://ibb.co/LfW5C2W
06:20 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: it does dissolve in iso, but you take your jug of contaminated iso, put it in the sun for a few hours and the resin preciptates out. then you filter it and reuse, throwing away the cured resin waste
06:21 PM aandrew: the issue on this PCB is that the cable glands encroach on the PCB by about 15mm from both directions (top entry and bottom entry) so I have a lot of wasted space and have to put the relays and connectors in the middle or I'll never be able to attach the wires
06:21 PM aandrew: and I'm also being stubborn and not getting a bigger box
06:25 PM rue_mohr: oh cool
06:25 PM rue_mohr: the new kicad shows ratsnest on the 3d view?
06:26 PM aandrew: this is altium
06:26 PM rue_mohr: oh
06:26 PM rue_mohr: hahaha maybe thats why your out of room!
06:26 PM rue_mohr: hahah
06:27 PM rue_mohr: ;]
06:27 PM aandrew: heh
06:27 PM rue_mohr: arg, why am I sleeping so much
06:28 PM rue_mohr: oh, that wasn't imugr
06:28 PM rue_mohr: thats why it opened for me
06:28 PM rue_mohr: ok
06:28 PM rue_mohr: so, I got CH32 working again
06:28 PM rue_mohr: for proper this time
06:29 PM rue_mohr: so, I'm pondering the serial 7 segment
06:29 PM rue_mohr: CH32
06:29 PM aandrew: I have pretty much stopped using imgur becuase I want you to be able to see the pics
06:29 PM rue_mohr: yea
06:29 PM rue_mohr: thanks
06:29 PM rue_mohr: I cant just willy-nilly keep chrome open
06:30 PM rue_mohr: it does something and locks the console / video card I have to reboot
06:30 PM rue_mohr: I think it leaks memory on the video card
06:30 PM rue_mohr: but it must clear if I close it
06:33 PM rue_mohr: the L in LQFP is leaded or unleaded?...
06:34 PM rue_mohr: L = with legs
06:34 PM rue_mohr: ok
06:37 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, you have had pcb with assembly haven't you?
06:40 PM aandrew: hm? like have i had jlc do assembly?
06:40 PM rue_mohr: should I do this silly serial display idea with 0402 leds and a QFN microcontroller, and buy assembly?
06:42 PM aandrew: it's pretty cheap, why not
06:42 PM rue_mohr: I'v never had assembly done
06:42 PM rue_mohr: maybe I should cut my teeth on something simpler, just some leds or something
06:43 PM rue_mohr: have you done a vscore board?
06:43 PM aandrew: that's pretty simple though... the roughest part is verifying assembly, you have to check and rotate any weirdly placed components
06:44 PM aandrew: I've done vscore a long long time ago becuase it was cheapest/easiest, but now it seems to no longer be the case
06:44 PM rue_mohr: how do you specify vscore?
06:44 PM rue_mohr: its not a board edge...
06:44 PM Tom_L: i forgot
06:46 PM rue_mohr: hmm, chatgpt (roll the dice) says make it internal lines on the edge-cuts and its technically vscore
06:47 PM rue_mohr: but to add a text note and confirm with manufacturer
06:55 PM rue_mohr: well, it didn't take long trying to burn on the USD I had in paypal
06:59 PM aandrew: oh I have no idea, you'd have to ask JLC what they want to see
07:00 PM aandrew: honestly why bother, routed edges are much nicer anyway and they don't appear to charge more for them
07:00 PM rue_mohr: because my pcb size is WAY under minimum size
07:00 PM rue_mohr: 0.3x0.7
07:01 PM rue_mohr: I can put 5 of those on a vscore and it'll cost the same as 1
07:46 PM aandrew: ah I see, that makes 100% sense
07:47 PM rue_mohr: oops
07:47 PM rue_mohr: I been reading the exchange rates upside down
07:47 PM rue_mohr: thats not good
08:32 PM rue_mohr: interesting
08:32 PM rue_mohr: I'm bugging chatgpt about the global political scene, and a few signs keep coming up that the us could be in for trouble
08:33 PM rue_mohr: This is going to be a ride...
09:34 PM aandrew: if they leave NATO I think that'll likely be the end of american supremacy. harder to project militarily, no real reason to keep USD as the world currency... would be a very bad thing. I would be VERY surprised if it happens
09:38 PM rue_mohr: hasn't rump already proposed leaving?
09:40 PM aandrew: proposed is not succeeded. congress passed a bill that requires a supermajority to actually leave. IIRC this was done last time he was president and floated theh idea
09:47 PM rue_mohr: but he can just do an executive order
09:47 PM rue_mohr: thats all he does now
09:48 PM aandrew: nope
09:48 PM rue_mohr: nothing else is sheltered from his executive orders tho
09:48 PM aandrew: EOs can be challenged by the court/congress - they're not laws. thus far though since the republicans control both, none have challenged any of his EOs
09:49 PM aandrew: this is part of the muddying of the waters that he loves to do so much - keep everyone confused so nobody can actually tell what's really going on
09:49 PM rue_mohr: mmm
09:50 PM rue_mohr: so your saying he's intelligent, not a sloppy wreckless dumbass
09:50 PM aandrew: it's also why every 4y there's a flurry of EOs cancelling previous EOs and new EOs... it's a shit way to run a government but my understanding (Tom_L can maybe help enlighten us) is that they're useful for temporarily removing logjams
09:50 PM aandrew: no
09:50 PM aandrew: what I'm saying is that whoever's telling him what to do (it's certainly not coming from his own brain) has a specific plan in mind
09:51 PM rue_mohr: hmm, I see a certain amount of his own objectives mixed in
09:51 PM rue_mohr: why does he hate mexico so much?
09:51 PM aandrew: yes, for sure, but there's someone with a much more complete plan telling him what to do, I am convinced of that
09:52 PM rue_mohr: I'd hoped elon would be keeping him on a focused path of destruction, but he's all over the place, with elon taking care of what he misses
09:53 PM rue_mohr: and I dont see what the rest of the oligarchy is contributing
09:53 PM aandrew: I have no idea and don't expend much effort in trying to understand him or his actions. I said it in 2015 and I'm still saying it -- he's not the plan. He's the distraction
09:53 PM aandrew: elon is an idiot
09:55 PM rue_mohr: which is odd, cause he didn't seem to be a few years before this fiasco, he even hated trump
09:56 PM rue_mohr: he seemed to have well chosen investments (if not a bit eccentric)
09:56 PM aandrew: he is a figurehead, but I don't feel he has any specific brilliance of his own
09:58 PM aandrew: I'll bet you a donut though that the tariffs will be walked back/changed/pushed ahead before week's end. it'll be made to look like we blinked, but it will be senate/congress who made him change his mind
09:58 PM rue_mohr: I'm watching the CAD, I suspect it will tank tomorrow
09:58 PM rue_mohr: *start tanking*
09:58 PM aandrew: it's frustrating and upsetting that the nation I consider a second home is in the middle of this madness