#garfield Logs

Feb 28 2025

#garfield Calendar

08:18 PM aandrew: hm
08:32 PM aandrew: what's the pitch of a standard phoenix (green, raising cage screw clamp) kind of connector
08:32 PM aandrew: 5.08mm (0.200")?
08:32 PM aandrew: that sounds right but I'm not sure
09:10 PM aandrew: https://ibb.co/b5pppVwS
09:10 PM aandrew: decided to make it generic. if the two pin jumper is not populated, and the three pin jumper is 1-2, then the relay is completely uncommitted
09:11 PM aandrew: however if the 2 pin jumper is populated and the three pin jumper is 2-3 then the relay closing will connect the valve to 24VAC without any additional wiring
09:12 PM aandrew: and various combinations will allow a common rail
09:13 PM aandrew: decided to just put everything on one board instead of splitting it up
10:12 PM rue_mohr: sorry, sleepin
10:12 PM rue_mohr: most of the connectors are 0.2
10:18 PM VanUnamed: hey hey
10:37 PM rue_shop2: hey
10:37 PM VanUnamed: hows u
10:37 PM VanUnamed: what are you building
10:37 PM VanUnamed: missiles launchers?
10:43 PM rue_mohr: OOoo hey thats a good idea...
10:43 PM VanUnamed: RIGHT?
10:43 PM VanUnamed: so, either america apologizes, or transformer stations may be struck!
10:43 PM VanUnamed: LOL
10:47 PM VanUnamed: after all, whats the cost a heartfelt apology to the world
10:47 PM VanUnamed: in comparison with waiting TWO LONG YEARS for replacement transformers?
10:47 PM VanUnamed: :D
11:15 PM rue_mohr: Trump would never apologize, I think he would just hand over the USA to an attacker tho...
11:16 PM rue_mohr: that is really disturbing
11:16 PM rue_mohr: not as much that he doesn't want to assist Ukrane, but his stance on the war
11:17 PM rue_mohr: Rump totally wants to be buddies with Russia
11:17 PM rue_mohr: I wonder what Russian product the USA will be flooded with first will be
11:18 PM rue_mohr: Steel? Aluminum? Coal?
11:25 PM rifraf: in this case he is alot smarter than joe
11:26 PM rifraf: the press conference today was so funny watching little mr Z dig himself a big hole
11:29 PM rifraf: when is justin goin to go meet with rump and get his ass kicked like the french, uk and ukraine?
11:30 PM rifraf: looking forward to that episode in this shitshow
11:31 PM rifraf: watch a real leader talk about the current shituation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iKrFoKLmCg
11:32 PM rue_mohr: I dont think Ukrane should surrender to russia
11:32 PM rue_mohr: I dont think russia should be trying to take possesion of ukrane
11:32 PM rifraf: they lost 3 years ago rue
11:33 PM rifraf: you don't understand the real situation, i have sen it from the other side
11:33 PM rue_mohr: is russia running ukrane?
11:33 PM rifraf: if they wanted to yes, but thats not what they want
11:33 PM rue_mohr: oh, what do they want?
11:34 PM rue_mohr: my understanding is that they want ukrane to be part of russia again
11:34 PM rifraf: nato to back the fuck up and stay in there territory
11:34 PM rue_mohr: yer sayin russia is attacking ukrane to make a move against nato?
11:34 PM rifraf: russians in ukraine to be able to live freely and speak their own language without harrasment
11:35 PM rifraf: basic stuff really
11:35 PM rifraf: no i am not, if you read up on the background you will learn, not my place to try and say it here
11:35 PM rue_mohr: so your saying russia isn't attacking ukrane, ukrane is having a civil war?
11:35 PM rue_mohr: hmm
11:35 PM rifraf: yes rue, this has been going on for more than 10 years
11:36 PM rue_mohr: so putin is just backing russian civilians in ukrane with the whole russian army?
11:37 PM rifraf: that would be easy, its because the rest of the world sticks their nose in that made it a bigger issue
11:38 PM rue_mohr: so you dont think putin is working on taking ukrane back to russia under force. Its interesting that there are political members that want to surrender ukrane to russia
11:38 PM rifraf: so good to see it all coming undone now
11:39 PM rue_mohr: part of why this is interseting is due to the probability the USA will try to take canada, which is higher than 0%
11:39 PM rue_mohr: if they try to take over canada, should we stand our ground or surrender?
11:39 PM rifraf: yep, russia can come and put nuclear warhears all across the canadian border to save you
11:40 PM rifraf: you would love that eh
11:40 PM rue_mohr: the USA is prettymuch made of tinfoil right now
11:40 PM rue_mohr: a stiff breeze would make them crumble
11:40 PM rifraf: see thats putting their show on your foot., you would not stand for it
11:40 PM rue_mohr: but the outter paint is intact and they look strong
11:41 PM rue_mohr: Their govt is much worse than ours
11:41 PM rifraf: i been painting all day
11:41 PM rue_mohr: ah yes
11:41 PM rue_mohr: the last images were looking awesome
11:41 PM rifraf: got one of them new electric sprays to do pool fence
11:42 PM rue_mohr: remember to do 'overall' shots every so often tho eh?
11:42 PM rifraf: yes the machine is looking quite real now, may do some on it tonight now that i have clevis
11:42 PM rifraf: i should yes
11:42 PM rue_mohr: is all the work so far a head for it? do you have a bed
11:42 PM rue_mohr: ?
11:42 PM rue_mohr: are you going to use the old bed?
11:42 PM rifraf: yes its going on my cnc
11:42 PM rifraf: to replace current headstock
11:42 PM rue_mohr: k
11:43 PM rue_mohr: so, the rest is in place then
11:43 PM rifraf: same mountings, just will be higher
11:43 PM rifraf: which was planned, so need to raise tailstock and gantry
11:43 PM rifraf: then can mill 50mm plate
11:43 PM rue_mohr: oh how wil the tailstock and toolpost adjust go?
11:43 PM rifraf: easy
11:43 PM rue_mohr: k
11:43 PM rifraf: frame is pretty much tacked together
11:44 PM rue_mohr: I should do the left hand threading mod for my lathe sometime
11:44 PM rifraf: tailstock will be an extra 12mm aluminium plate underneath
11:44 PM rue_mohr: your welder is stick and tig?
11:44 PM rifraf: \i did that recently rue
11:44 PM rifraf: did i tell ya?
11:44 PM rue_mohr: I dont think so
11:44 PM rifraf: after 20 year final;ly can do left hand threads
11:44 PM rue_mohr: I know you made a spot welder
11:44 PM rifraf: i needed then for tailstock
11:45 PM rifraf: made lotsa stuff :0
11:45 PM rue_mohr: I missed ya
11:45 PM rifraf: heh
11:45 PM rue_mohr: I been beatin the drum for all those years on my own
11:45 PM rue_mohr: tempo got slower
11:45 PM rifraf: tep so it appears
11:45 PM rifraf: no one makes stuff anymore?
11:45 PM rue_mohr: nope
11:46 PM rue_mohr: all alone
11:47 PM rifraf: so you wanna make a bar feeder yet to increase your production?
11:47 PM rue_mohr: I need to finish selling myself on a cnc lathe
11:47 PM rue_mohr: there are a few times where it would be nice
11:47 PM rue_mohr: but I'm not producing stuff like that
11:47 PM rifraf: or at least think how you would move a bar with a collet release like i am makin
11:48 PM rue_mohr: a cnc machine isn't lots of use for a run of 1 parts
11:48 PM rue_mohr: I think you figured it all out tho
11:48 PM rifraf: yep, need to make those volume knobs, in volume
11:48 PM rue_mohr: :)
11:49 PM rifraf: yeah i did, but thats just my way, more brains make better designs at times
11:49 PM rue_mohr: and I'm not really intersted in trying to make and sell things
11:49 PM rue_mohr: I sort of need to tho, I have too much stuff and it would be bad to just throw it out
11:50 PM rue_mohr: I have like 5 milk crates of stepper motors
11:50 PM rifraf: heh i have a bunch too, trying to sell em on marketplace
11:50 PM rue_mohr: all sizes
11:50 PM rue_mohr: there is nobody here that makes things
11:50 PM rue_mohr: so that dosn't work forme
11:50 PM rifraf: most of mine are the same, nema 17. large ones i was making 3d printers with, got over 30 on a shelf
11:51 PM rue_mohr: 3d printers are a lot cheaper to build when you already have the steppers :]
11:51 PM rifraf: yep
11:51 PM rifraf: still have not turned on resin printer
11:51 PM rifraf: is sitting on table looking pretty
11:52 PM rue_mohr: heh
11:52 PM rue_mohr: 'messy'
11:52 PM rifraf: no mess yet
11:52 PM rifraf: in 3 days, so cannot be that back
11:52 PM rifraf: not even any smell
11:53 PM rifraf: maybe tomorrow, gotta finish painting soon, have to water down paint, is a bit of a pain
11:53 PM rue_mohr: so I have next week off
11:53 PM rifraf: not i
11:53 PM rifraf: am a hard worker again
11:53 PM rue_mohr: I need a todo list, make sure I use my time well
11:53 PM rifraf: maybe you can be awake AU late hours and we can make some stuff
11:54 PM rue_mohr: I run crazy hours here, so yea
11:54 PM rifraf: ok its 4pm, i better go finish this fench, todays coat at least=
11:54 PM rifraf: \fence*
11:55 PM rue_mohr: I should leverage your inspiration and the warmer weather and work on my big cnc
11:55 PM rue_mohr: the 1.2x2.4m one
11:56 PM rifraf: yep, i have a gantry for sale if you need
11:56 PM rifraf: 1.5mm wide
11:56 PM rue_mohr: heh
11:56 PM rifraf: 1500mm
11:56 PM rue_mohr: have you seen the pics?
11:56 PM rifraf: i saw some, but am not sure which of your machines it was
11:57 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc6/p1300800.jpg
11:57 PM rifraf: ah yes
11:57 PM rue_mohr: its upright to save space and make loading/unloading easier
11:57 PM rifraf: my gantry wont work at such an angle
11:58 PM rue_mohr: 1hp axis motors
11:58 PM rue_mohr: DC 120V
11:58 PM rue_mohr: lots of reduction, high rpm motors
11:58 PM rue_mohr: target jog peak is 1/ms
11:59 PM rue_mohr: target jog peak is 1m/s
11:59 PM rue_mohr: hehe
11:59 PM rue_mohr: 60000 mm/min