#garfield Logs

Feb 27 2025

#garfield Calendar

12:00 AM rue_mohr: why cant you comply
12:15 AM rue_mohr: doing it right is keeping to 0.95V/turn AND NO MORE!!!
12:15 AM rue_mohr: VanUnamed, there is an old trick and I dont know much about it
12:15 AM rue_mohr: you shunt together the commutators, into sets of 2
12:15 AM rue_mohr: it only works if you have a lot of them, and I dont know the effect on the motor
12:15 AM rue_mohr: an old guy did it to a motor I inherited
01:24 AM rue_shop2: I'm kinda wondering if I should have just 57kHz pwm modulated the output transformer instead of using the variac
01:24 AM rue_shop2: variac should be more bulletproof
01:44 AM rue_shop2: rifraf, did they ask for the other one back?
01:44 AM rifraf: nope
01:44 AM rifraf: they never normally do if the photos make clear its wrong
01:45 AM rifraf: would cost me more to send it back than the parts are worth
01:46 AM rifraf: wow having fun opening parcels here, got the rod ends to connect cylinders to collet release and new springs
01:46 AM rifraf: and new resin printer, feels like xmas
01:47 AM rifraf: am sure its only been a week or so since i found out i had ordered wrong springs and they are here already
01:50 AM rue_shop2: :]
01:51 AM rifraf: springs are weaker though, is no big deal though, have stuff to test with, seems the larger diameter in the same size wire takes less force to compress, and no ground flat ends, but can soon fix that
01:56 AM rifraf: rue have you done resin printing yet?
01:57 AM rifraf: this thing looks so real, my first ever 3D printer that was bought and not diy
01:59 AM rue_shop2: no, resin is a mess, and I dont need the precision
02:01 AM rifraf: really? i need the precision though, my FDM prints for small items  look terrible
02:01 AM rifraf: hopefully not too messy, reviews made it seem pretty plug and play
02:03 AM rifraf: and cannot be more messy than a lathe in lounge room
02:13 AM rue_mohr: do you have bottles of alcohol to clean up resin and the UV chamber and stuff?
02:13 AM rue_mohr: and bottles of the resin
02:16 AM rifraf: many bottles of alchohol rue, you know me
02:17 AM rifraf: even some isopropyl if needed
02:17 AM rifraf: cause tequila may be a bit of a waste
02:17 AM rifraf: i got grey resin with it, and a litre of clear to try make some bits
02:18 AM rifraf: the parts i want to make are not really parts i want to be seen
02:18 AM rue_mohr: mhm
02:18 AM rifraf: have you seen the top spinnle cradle?
02:18 AM rue_mohr: careful of the shelf life of the resin
02:18 AM rifraf: spinning
02:18 AM rue_mohr: no
02:18 AM rifraf: its a bit of a secret
02:19 AM polprog: morning
02:19 AM rifraf: i can make tops spin for over an hour
02:19 AM rue_mohr: polprog, !
02:19 AM polprog: :)
02:19 AM rifraf: morning
02:21 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330924.jpg
02:21 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330925.jpg
02:21 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330927.jpg
02:21 AM rue_mohr: there are things from tonights activities
02:21 AM rue_mohr: I'm building a big bad power supply
02:21 AM rue_mohr: 20V 20A variable
02:22 AM polprog: i see, thats some big transistors
02:22 AM rue_mohr: er, 40A?
02:22 AM rue_mohr: rectifiers
02:22 AM rue_mohr: shottkey
02:22 AM polprog: very neat
02:22 AM polprog: oh yeah, two rectifiers and a dual shottkey
02:22 AM rue_mohr: 3 duals
02:22 AM rue_mohr: but a mess cause I have no common anode
02:22 AM rue_mohr: whatever, get 'er done :]
02:23 AM polprog: hah
02:23 AM rue_mohr: need to find a nice big heatsink for them
02:23 AM rue_mohr: at 40A -> 40w total
02:24 AM polprog: yep
02:24 AM polprog: i gotta finish the firmware for my measurement device
02:24 AM rue_mohr: I wish I'd doodled the rating of the microwave on the transformer
02:24 AM polprog: the prostethic hand controller
02:24 AM polprog: ill be also designing a nitinol wire driver, basically a large heater
02:24 AM rue_mohr: oh whats the input device?
02:25 AM rifraf: wow rue, when you said you were making a PSU i thought 'ah yeah'
02:25 AM rifraf: but this does look serious
02:26 AM rifraf: what happened to the aluminium ring thing you were cutting the other day, have you wound it?
02:26 AM rue_mohr: aluminum ring...
02:27 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330905.jpg
02:27 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330921.jpg
02:27 AM rifraf: you were machineing something round with slots in it
02:27 AM rue_mohr: thats other images of the power supply
02:27 AM rifraf: yes that opne, wow, you have been busy
02:27 AM rue_mohr: oh, those are latches for the paint sprayers I make for the loggers
02:27 AM rue_mohr: I have a lot more work to do on that stuff
02:28 AM rifraf: yep never ends
02:28 AM rue_mohr: it eats my spare time and doesn't really make a lot of money
02:28 AM rue_mohr: so, I'm not super motivated
02:28 AM rifraf: same issues here
02:28 AM rue_mohr: last year was ~$600
02:28 AM rue_mohr: but thats gross
02:29 AM rue_mohr: probably ~$400 paid to me for 10-15 hrs work
02:29 AM rifraf: i made $80 from a years work
02:29 AM rue_mohr: my dayjob makes much better for me
02:30 AM rifraf: i know, same
02:30 AM rue_mohr: I suppose I shouldn't have everything in one basket tho
02:30 AM rifraf: and now i finally think i have a normal job rue
02:30 AM rue_mohr: your a dynamic person
02:30 AM rue_mohr: I know a few
02:31 AM rifraf: rue i spent the day in training today, was so cool
02:31 AM rue_mohr: :]
02:31 AM rue_mohr: how to use a cnc machine ;]
02:31 AM rue_mohr: "I think I'v learned a lot today sir"
02:32 AM rifraf: learning about commodes and wheelchairs,  some of the new mechanisms are so cool, i was thinking about how to use them to make a walking Foxy
02:32 AM rue_mohr: ah
02:32 AM rue_mohr: retirement job ;]
02:32 AM rifraf: hope so
02:33 AM rue_mohr: not sure if I should try to sleep now or wait till I'm super tired
02:33 AM rue_mohr: its 12:30am, I need to wake up at 5am
02:34 AM rifraf: remeber i siad i was gonna get a fet driver board a few days ago, its here already
02:34 AM rue_mohr: good good
02:34 AM rue_mohr: what chip does it use?
02:34 AM rifraf: yep, so many things to do
02:34 AM rue_mohr: oh it wasn't an H birdge
02:34 AM * rifraf cuts open the packet
02:34 AM rue_mohr: just single drivers
02:34 AM rifraf: i got a couple
02:34 AM rifraf: so one at least gets here quick
02:34 AM rue_mohr: without the USA plugging up the shipping routes, everything is probably moving really quick
02:35 AM rifraf: yep no driver on this one, i think the other one will
02:35 AM rifraf: 4 fets and 4 optos + a few extra bits and screw connectors
02:36 AM rifraf: tidier than the breadboard
02:36 AM rifraf: stuff from usa takes ages still
02:36 AM rue_mohr: no I mean to the usa
02:37 AM rifraf: we are importing from canada each week
02:37 AM rifraf: and usa
02:37 AM rue_mohr: they wont be ordering much from any country cause their fuur has put duties on anything imported
02:37 AM rue_mohr: so dont expect sales to the USA
02:37 AM rifraf: did he really though?
02:38 AM rifraf: i think its a lot of bravado
02:38 AM rifraf: he a showman
02:38 AM rue_mohr: only goods from Russia have no tarrifs in the states
02:38 AM rifraf: lol
02:38 AM rue_mohr: he's going to move all their metal sourcing to Russia
02:39 AM rue_mohr: they dont want ours anymore
02:39 AM rifraf: how funny, i knew the tide would turn like it is now
02:39 AM rue_mohr: mm
02:39 AM rifraf: i said this years ago
02:39 AM rue_mohr: everyone in the usa is rolling with it
02:40 AM rue_mohr: hail fuur!
02:40 AM rue_mohr: hehe
02:40 AM rifraf: they rolled with 3452 genders
02:40 AM rifraf: talk about sheep
02:40 AM rifraf: yes sir watever you say sir
02:41 AM rue_mohr: well anyone who isn't a middle aged white male is going to have no rights in a few more months
02:41 AM rifraf: rue this is why you avoid MSM, its poison
02:41 AM rue_mohr: at this rate
02:42 AM rifraf: and your country is one of the worst
02:42 AM rifraf: i think canadian politic are the biggest joke
02:42 AM rue_mohr: we have our isues, but our nitwitts dont mess much with this west end much
02:42 AM rue_mohr: so I dont feel it so hard
02:43 AM rue_mohr: but there are some deep frustrations
02:43 AM rifraf: don't worry ours are just as bad
02:43 AM rue_mohr: we have known our PM was pulling all sorts of scandals for a long time
02:44 AM rifraf: is he still there now? young justin
02:45 AM rifraf: heh would you trust a guy called Albo?
02:45 AM rue_mohr: there is something strange going on
02:45 AM rifraf: has been for a long while
02:45 AM rue_mohr: I think our PM is waiting untill he's qualified for full pension before quitting
02:45 AM rifraf: just the shit is about to start hitting the fan soon
02:46 AM rue_mohr: I'm sort of worried about external influence
02:46 AM rifraf: wow over here i think you get the life pension right away if you make it to that position
02:46 AM rue_mohr: tax dollarie-doos at work ;]
02:47 AM rifraf: never thought you would feel so affected by it
02:47 AM rue_mohr: I'm worried casue I do think trump wants to take over canada
02:47 AM rue_mohr: were all boycotting US goods over here
02:47 AM rue_mohr: the gracery stores look crazy
02:47 AM rue_mohr: all the canadian stuff is almost cleaned off the shelves and the US stuff is untouched
02:48 AM rifraf: i have given up years agorue really, of course he may 'want' to, but things like that don't just happen
02:48 AM rue_mohr: and the US stuff is on supersale cause they cant get it to move
02:48 AM rifraf: he would be worse than putin if he did that, lol
02:48 AM rue_mohr: in a few weeks they will start having to throw out expired US goods and they wont be into restocking them
02:49 AM rifraf: these taffifs are not even happening rue
02:49 AM rue_mohr: and those US goods will probably never be seen again in the supermarkets
02:49 AM rue_mohr: well lets see
02:49 AM rifraf: dude stop listening to the news
02:49 AM * rue_mohr hands rifraf some popcorn
02:50 AM rifraf: lol, have a bottle of wine
02:50 AM rue_mohr: even if they do, they probably wont have a lot of effect for a while
02:50 AM rifraf: but is not friday yet, i am not gonna resin print today though, maybe i can rewire pnumatic controller
02:51 AM rue_mohr: :]
02:51 AM rue_mohr: !bookmark rif said tariffs wouldn't happen
02:51 AM rifraf: it'll be ok, he says he will only make tarrifs if you do then
02:51 AM rue_mohr: :P
02:51 AM rifraf: yes indeed, lets see :)
02:52 AM rue_mohr: next up for tonight, some esp8266 programming
02:52 AM rifraf: rue look at mars 5 ultra
02:52 AM rue_mohr: printer
02:52 AM rue_mohr: ?
02:52 AM rifraf: looks so good just sitting on the table
02:52 AM rifraf: yep
02:52 AM rifraf: thing is affordable
02:52 AM rue_mohr: no, I'm NOT interested in a resin printer at this point
02:52 AM rue_mohr: too messy
02:53 AM rifraf: and really good reviews, i think i shall be so impressed
02:53 AM rue_mohr: I want to hear about it!
02:53 AM rifraf: not messy, is just a liquid, like cutting fluid all over the place
02:53 AM rifraf: well this weekend will try use it
02:53 AM rue_mohr: I will wait till you have used it for a while
02:54 AM rifraf: a bit over the limit now i think
02:54 AM rue_mohr: you got lots of gloves, right?
02:54 AM rifraf: lol, it came with gloves and masks, i laughed
02:54 AM rue_mohr: oh yea, my buddy said due to the smell he wasn't using his till he had a dedicated room with vents
02:54 AM rifraf: anyway i use alot of the black gloves now anyway for polishing brass or anything, fingers were getting too black
02:55 AM rifraf: smeel i have heard about yes
02:55 AM rifraf: but i use CA adhesivew from a spray guy all day at work, can it really be worse?
02:55 AM rue_mohr: yea I want to see how it goes for you
02:55 AM rifraf: gun*
02:55 AM rifraf: ok
02:55 AM rue_mohr: CA?
02:55 AM rifraf: results forthcoming
02:56 AM rifraf: contact adhesived, glueing sheets of foam etc to make seats
02:56 AM rue_mohr: oh
02:56 AM rifraf: you spray, wait till tacky and then contact
02:56 AM rifraf: and 15 years of ABS and PLA fumes
02:57 AM rifraf: you really think its worse?
02:57 AM rue_mohr: I dont know
02:57 AM rifraf: maybe i will not keep in bedroom, for now it is on desk till its working
02:58 AM rifraf: its git a camera even
02:58 AM rifraf: got*
02:58 AM rue_mohr: oh good, my eyes are snapping shut
02:59 AM rue_mohr: maybe I can get some rest before work tomorrow
02:59 AM rifraf: can imagine, tomorrow i can stay up late, have a good one rue
02:59 AM rue_mohr: I'm going to push on a bit with the esp8266 thing I'm doing
02:59 AM rifraf: cool, i am gonna keep looking at todays amazing mail delievery
03:00 AM rue_mohr: :] I have some things in transit I'm excited about
03:00 AM rifraf: nice
03:00 AM rue_mohr: meters and output posts for the power supply amongst things
03:01 AM rue_mohr: yay esp8266 blinky works
03:02 AM rifraf: cool, i might install springs and test this collet release, have made it strong enough for drunk testing i think
03:03 AM rifraf: just need to mork out if i can handle overshoot of one  cylinder
03:03 AM rifraf: 8mm extra / 6 is only 1mm at the slipring, but might be a big issue
03:04 AM rifraf: or 1.25mm, maybe i should just do nothing
03:11 AM rifraf: good job on the dremel cut pcb rue :) just noticed it, first time i have seen a pcb made with cutoff disk
03:11 AM rifraf: which reminds me, some diamond 3mm round files arrived the other day, they cleaned up the little radius bits so well
03:11 AM rifraf: that i was doing the brass rings with
03:12 AM rifraf: hopefully bit less sanding on next ones
07:27 AM rue_mohr: https://x.com/TungaloyJapan/status/1894900278928753007
07:27 AM rue_mohr: rif^
09:08 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: I am not rewinding the transformer, that is why I can't comply. If I were rewinding it I would wind it for 0.95V/turn. Since I'm not I have to derate instead
09:10 AM aandrew: rue_mohr> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330921.jpg
09:10 AM aandrew: damn that is a big autotransformer
09:11 AM aandrew: rue_mohr> I think our PM is waiting untill he's qualified for full pension before quitting
09:12 AM aandrew: I'm pretty sure he's already got a full pension, it was Jagmeet who was doing that shit
09:12 AM aandrew: rue_mohr> no, I'm NOT interested in a resin printer at this point
09:12 AM aandrew: no you're not. I have one. it's neat but I dislike the mess and goo. FDM is so much nicer in that regard
09:13 AM aandrew: rifraf> it'll be ok, he says he will only make tarrifs if you do then
09:13 AM aandrew: problem is you can't trust a word that comes out of his mouth
09:13 AM aandrew: https://x.com/TungaloyJapan/status/1894900278928753007
09:14 AM aandrew: I've never seen the stock move like that before
02:15 PM rifraf: i need that machine
02:15 PM rifraf: with the moving stock
06:28 PM rue_mohr: :]
06:29 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, is that your kid being filmed in the movie like right beside my house?
06:29 PM rue_mohr: film crews sure do take up a LOT OF STEET SPACE
06:30 PM rue_mohr: STREET
09:56 PM aandrew: no, he's not in anything at present, and yes... they take up entire streets when they are active
10:15 PM VanUnamed: wanna see some cool fossils?
10:15 PM VanUnamed: https://ibb.co/5xnPyS7D https://ibb.co/7Jx8gRq7
10:42 PM aandrew: I see the wasp nest in the second pic but I must be blind, those look like wood
10:42 PM VanUnamed: i didnt notice the wasps nest
10:42 PM VanUnamed: and it's wood. Just 10 million years old
10:43 PM rue_mohr: cool
10:43 PM rue_mohr: ah, you know what, I figured it out
10:43 PM rue_mohr: everyone is starting to just stay away from social media
10:44 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: yep. I barely post, but I did get some incredible coverage over my opinions on mosquito traps of all things
10:44 PM VanUnamed: why would one stay away from social media?
10:44 PM aandrew: because it's a cesspool
10:45 PM VanUnamed: but it's full of girls.
10:45 PM aandrew: not real girls
10:45 PM VanUnamed: no?
10:46 PM aandrew: it's all AI generated cam girls or e-whores who for all intents and purposes aren't real anyway so pretty much the same thing
10:46 PM aandrew: also, I'm almost 50 and in socal... lots of women around here looking amazing that I don't really need the virtual ones
10:47 PM VanUnamed: no need for real life! real life is boring